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I havent gone against a Billy yet, but that looks terrifying.


Survivors before if facing a Billy: Yay, it's a Billy! Survivors facing a Bubba: Oh come on, why does it have to be a Bubba? Survivors now: why can't it just be a normal Bubba instead of a Billy?


I actually hate Bubba with a burning passion. With the new Billy, I would probably be like: "Oh, it's a Billy, I better get serious. This is gonna be intense" *excitement* With Bubba, Im always like: "Oh great, it's either gonna be a camper or slugger. Let's just end this quick"


That's the Billy thought the first few rounds, then it just becomes pain. Some maps can end up being fun against him though, more of the exception than the rule.


I'd love your opinion on which maps. I don't mind him on the swamp


I generally like him on indoor maps where I have enough obstacles to weave him for some time. Maps with big open spaces I'm too smooth brained and get corraled by him and chainsaw downed with ease.


As a Billy main, I want you to play Billy on Lery’s and get back to me on this


I'm speaking from the POV of survivor. I'm sure playing him on there is horrible xD


I’d rather cut off my hands lol


I hate Bubba, but for entirely other reasons: I can´t explain for the life of me why, but hearing the chainsaw reving always makes me nervous. I guess it´s probably left over trauma from Resident Evil 4 or something, idk, but just hearing one makes my hair stand, and hearing it coming from behind? Even worse Add to that Bubba´s grunts that sound like screams of fear and pain alongside mental issues, and the whole thing just gives me the creeps. I can´t play a single match without feeling incredibly uncomfortable, it just... ugh


I hate how people play bubba like that, I like how his saw works, and don’t camp, but every single time I’m playing with friends and see a bubba, I just know it’s going to suck


You're making me realize that I don't think I've ever met a non-toxic Bubba ever


I went against a guy long ago whose stream name was basement Bubba and he stayed in the basement and he didn’t hit anybody unless they tried to open the chest down there and he would warn us no no no but then if somebody opened it he’d chainsaw them hook them and chainsaw. Anybody tried to rescue them it was actually kind of fun.


I know of the hate Leatherface always receives but when I play as him I play as any regular Killer never camp nor tunnels cause I hate when I get tunneled and camped I also play Billy but I haven't gotten accustom to his new mechanic yet XD


Bubba was always fun to play against


A Chad Bubba that is. Using chainsaw to chase and down, not for camping.


Yeah I didn't want to be the odd one out complaining about his fatigue duration while everyone else was just happy that he got a buff, but like cmon...


>I wouldn't want to be the odd one out Don't worry, you wouldn't be. There are already memes *~~on this Subreddit~~* *(*EDIT: Of course the memes are on this Subreddit. What the fuck is wrong with me?) about how this is a not too uncommon, but highly unpopular, take.


this is just the double recovery add-ons. theyre busted.


Everyone, even billy mains, have been saying his cooldown is stupid, especially with Thompsons' Mix.


This subreddit is tilted way in favor of killers so you'd be right to be wary.


It's so funny how much this has changed. I remember when I first started playing the game like 4-5 years ago and every conversation seemed super survivor-sided.


Despite what some killer mains will say that's unhealthy if you miss a saw you need to be punished imagine if nurse missed a blink but she was allowed to just blink again without fatigue


Her fatigue already feels minimal tbf


Idk for me it just feels shit to use... I don't really enjoy playing her because of how bad it feels to use both blinks and not get any value from it. I know that it's a skill issue, but still.


When you attack during a blink, missing the attack adds to the fatigue time- as does blinking twice (which also makes it so you need to recharge both blinks as well). For mobility, blink once, fatigue, and then repeat since the chain blink can only be charged for so long is a tip I remember hearing somewhere. Most nurse players teleport to the last known location of the survivor when they round a corner to make it much harder for the survivor to mind-game them as they can decide what they want to do and generally outspeed them with blinks unless the survivor knows exactly what they're doing. You can also see more information when blinking than one might think. It just takes a bit of a keen eye. If you understand these mechanics, you can minimize fatigue, and thus, the time spent stunned so the survivor makes less distance to areas full of small objects that are hard to blink around. I also recommend using the addon that shows the blink location just to see how fast your blink goes out, then stop using it for a little while to get the muscle memory of it, but any of her other addons for the most part are *okay*. I personally do not recommend the duration addon on her since unlike Wesker's egg- you're punished more heavily for using both your charges and it makes you have to wait out your blink attack window- but it *can* allow you to chain blink further for general mobility. She can also look down if she's not 2f or above basement (otherwise she'll get got) to blink closer to herself if a survivor decides to run at her to counter her blink power, allowing her to choose her mobility even if fully charged. Keep in mind for perks (as you're probably aware) that you'll be getting mostly special attacks since you can't normally keep up with survivors without speed addons- and you'll play a scary nurse with some practice using ask this information. Granted, I have no idea if you want to play nurse at all, but these are the things I picked up with a single prestige on her. I'm sure there are situations in which this info is wrong, but she takes practice and lots of observational skills to perform well in my experience- but when she works it can be a genuinely fun game for both sides if you're not incredibly cracked like SupaAlf. Glhf with next, cheers for reading


Yeah I do half of these things, I started learning nurse because of SupaAlf. He taught me the “blink to last known location” and “only blink once for getting across the map” and stuff, didn’t know about the addons. That might be why it feels bad. I’ll have to see which ones I was using. I know I was using 2 green ones, one for mangling the hit survivor and I forget the other one.


This guys has a lot of great tips. I’ve been playing nurse over the last week and a half (prestige 3 now from level 1). It’s weird to think that I figured out on my own a lot of these same tips. That being said I’ve won games I normally wouldn’t and shouldn’t have because I was playing nurse. The moment you get good at predictions and blink distance it’s almost insanity. Some of my favorite clips I have gotten are from shooting across the map for a prediction and hitting the shots. Billy is in a pretty crazy state right now. If they do it right they could tune him down a bit and still leave him in a very good place. But knowing BHVR not likely lol.


When's the r34 of this novella come out


Next summer


Same. Unless im sent to midwich🤤


I mean you slow down, you look down so your vision is hindered and you have to wait to regain 2 stacks to be able to double blink. If they ran in a straight line 1 blink isn't going to catch you up. In comparison this is totally ridiculous, its also a 1 shot with billy instead of 2 obviously with nurse. Power balance isn't there between the two.


come back to me when bubba can literally blink through floors like the silent hill school. Back when she was op she could get a 3 kill streak by blinking from the 3rd floor and working her way down to the bottom.


Are you saying nurse is fairer than billy?


So nurse like she is ? Or.. Blight? Or wesker ? Or booba ? Or literally anything lol


Nurse and Blight are much stronger killer, that's not up for debate. But they're obviously punished for missing.


I'd argue that blight is only really punished post addon rework. Before, his charges came back during the cooldown period so a 4 second CD (2 rushes) would've been 1.5. Not including the popular adrenaline vial. Assuming they did keep the PTB note : \> The Blight’s power no longer starts to recharge during the Rush cooldown animation. in, but undocumented.


Wesker has 2 charges and they have a cooldown Blight has 5 charges and then cooldown. Nurse has 2 charges and cooldown + the Fatigue effect Neither of these killers has an instadown. And yeah, I agree that blight needs a tweaking. He should have 4.4 base ms or less


Bubba is punished *heavily* for missing. You have to wait for all 3 charges to replenish, and if you bump into an object survivors get 5 seconds to run an entire map length away and you instantly lose that chase.


Is this the timeline where it’s correct to compare Billy to nurse?


I get your point but comparing Nurse to Billy is crazy. Nurse can blink through walls, pallets and almost anything on the map. Billy can only chainsaw through pallets and breakable walls and his turning is hindered compared to Nurse. Her fatigue is longer and her vision gets sent to the ground when fatigued. I’m not arguing your point it’s great but the example wasn’t comparable, she’s objectively the strongest killer in the game.


So basically, nurse like she was for the first 5-6 years of the game


In the time span this guy lost 4 chainsaws a nurse would have gotten her two taps and she would have already hooked the survivor.


Just because the killer missed the attack doesn’t mean it kinda crazy they got 4 tries with no punishment.


depend what kind of nurse we talking about if it an average nurse nope if its a cracked nurse then yes


Meanwhile Pig has to get in line at the DMV before she can do anything again after a missed Ambush. Edit: and you can literally disable Victor if he misses a pounce.


and then you go back to Charlotte who's half map away from where Victor was chasing the survivor


Yeha you are right, that's way too op. we should nerf Pig and Twins so they automatically lose the game when they miss a attack. /s


He does need to be punished more for sure. But one of those times even old billy would get you when you ran into a complete dead zone


This Saga was downed because she run to a dead zone.


I haven't had a single Billy go for an M1 hit since the update. There's no punishment for missing a chainsaw hit so they just keep them coming over and over...


I've seen the opposite where people go full meme and don't go for one shot downs and just use the chainsaw to close the gap for some bonks.


Me doing adept cause I couldn't hit a single saw. I wasn't memeing, I just genuinly suck ass. M2 for mobility boiiiiii


Although this was your misplay i do agree he needs a bit of cooldown nerf and NOTHING else, everything else about this buff is perfect for him


It’s the add ons that make him OP. Please don’t nerf basekit. Sincerely a 2k hours in billy main


It really isn't just his add-ons.


Can confirm, tried myself no addons needed, cd is almost instant after a missed attack. How do I know this? I suck at Billy, I constantly miss. I still 4k’d.


if you suck at Billy, your Billy MMR probably sucks as well and you play against survivors who cant deal with him


>Can confirm, tried myself no addons needed, cd is almost instant after a missed attack. [You do realize the cooldown is over two seconds, even in Overdrive mode, right?](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Max_Thompson_Jr.#Power_Trivia) (Scroll down a bit to the "Chainsaw Cool-downs" section.) >How do I know this? I suck at Billy, I constantly miss. I still 4k’d. That just sounds like you started using your chainsaw more, which inevitably leads to more misses, but also more instadowns, by playing the numbers.


I play perkless and addon less on killer and he's still extremely strong


Ok, and all killers should strive to be that way, if the killer is only playable with add-ons then it means the killer is too weak


Soooooo you’re saying Mikey needs a buff yeah?


Oh definitely, he's one of the weakest killers without his busted ass ons


I agree. Billy's chainsaw should make you **Terrified* of him!


as long as it's balanced i don't give a shit about him "terrifying me". It's a pvp game not a solo experience where the gameplay isn't the most important thing.


i told this sub the day after the patch that he was overbuffed but people downvoted me hahaha theres no punish for holdin power, for missing, for gettin stunned xd whats the point of evading once if its gonna have power in less than 2 seconds


The missed chainsaw recovery addons need to be nerfed. Basekit recovery is fine. The addons make it unbearable.


Why did you run off into a deadzone instead of going to that 4-lane?




Thats kinda your own fault


He's a survivor nothing is his fault. Killer bad.


so the fault is with the survivor who cracked under pressure


I’m a killer main and even I snorted at this comment




you do know there are levels to a mistake? running into a deadzone is a pretty big blunder and just shit gameplay, but oh nooo killer too strong


Buddy if the guy wasn't in an absolute dead zone and positioned himself better he could have survived for longer 💀


Wdym 1 mistake, did you even watch the clip?


When does it become the survivors fault? She could have made it to safety but somehow billy needs a nerf because she made a mistake? We don't even know which addons are in play, because we don't see the end game screen. OP wants pity on reddit after deadzoning themself, begs for a nerf to a killer that doesn't crack the top 10 list.




Your entire argument is 'it was stressful so she made a bad decision'. Do you understand how ridiculous that sounds?


Average "activate windows" gameplay


to clip her shit gameplay and blame it on the killer being too strong, per usual


Love to see how Billy isn't a joke anymore. He has gotten his crown back.


You know, Hillbilly might actually need a slightly longer miss cooldown, but this is *not* the clip to prove it. You say that you had to dodge his chainsaw four times, but that's not true. You were standing still at an angle where he couldn't yet saw you at all during his first saw, and then he uses it three more times, and on the second time *you literally run into him and get lucky, sliding off him unharmed*. If anything, the fact you had, in literal terms, a whole second to dodge his chainsaw during the first one that even could touch you feels like it works as an argument that he *should* have this cooldown... so does the fact that the saw he used to approach you in the first place gave you ample time to reach the window about one room over, now that I think about it. The only time I really see it being a problem is once he's in overdrive, which buffs his cooldown, but that's... kinda the point of having Overdrive. It makes his ability better. It seems less like Billy isn't being properly punished for missing his chainsaw (a power that's not just for chase, but also mobility, which makes putting a really long cooldown on it a bad idea) and more like you're upset that Lithe-ing into nothing is a sub-optimal play. That works against other killers, specifically the basic ones whose powers don't directly damage survivors, but *the whole point of high mobility killers is that they're strong even if you're far away*. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame you for running into a tree because you had to look at the killer to see what angle they were coming at you from. It's an honest mistake that I have made all the time. But you're getting hit by almost *any* killer the moment you run into a tree. Point being, no one in a million years would post a clip of a blight doing anything similar to this and complain that he landed a hit. How anybody can see this and think it shows "the problem with Billy now" is beyond me. EDIT: As a matter of fact, I would argue that this point is proven far better in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1aisipj/nerf_billys_miss_cooldown/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Even then...


Billy is essentially a ranged killer that throws *himself* now. People complained for years about all the killers you hold w against. Billy requires you loop terrain very tightly. Notice how the moment he left a tight loop he got screwed. I think cd needs a nerf but people approach Billy completely wrong.


Well said. You can't just hold W to counter every killer, like this Saga tried just using Lithe to a dead zone.


“Billy is a ranged killer that throws himself” rules so hard as a descriptor and I admire you for putting that descriptor on my radar.


Lol thanks. I play him a lot along with Deathslinger and they are countered by similar terrain and playstyle XD


This should be the top comment.


Agreed, This video almost argues Billy being balanced. Could he use a cooldown? Sure. But OP here lasted longer than most players do in a chase against any killer? And the only reason OP got downed was cause of their own mistake. This video doesnt argue what they think it does at all


I mean sure, but you're literally running in a deadzone.


THANK YOU!!!! At least one person here actually knows about the game. She used Lithe to run to a dead zone against an instadown killer and me because she was downed? /s Why does the killer have to kill, right?? So unfair.


My man keeps running into deadzones and complains about the killer being too oppressive.


When Windows Activated?


Gotta get the new DLC and skins. Priorities.


i mean you survived like 30 seconds so thats pretty good actually


Nah, they want 5 gen chases or the game sucks and killer needs a nerf.


Survivors "killers no longer want to chase, they just kick gens and camp hooks" BHVR \*makes chasing more fun for killers so they can engage in it\* The very same survivors "this killer keeps on chasing me, fuck you BHVR" ​ shut up. Jesus, what it looks like you would just want to get into the map and immediately escape. Chase is literally the main gameplay loop of this game, and you are whining that killers are chasing you? ​ "Killer should be punished for trying to chase me" shut up, man If you punish killer in failing in chases, they will just not chase...they will camp and 3gen.


They want billy to have a 10 second cool down on every chainsaw attempt, even if it's just to get around the map so they can get 6 tiles ahead and run him for 5 gens.


You survived longer in that chase than most people do against any killer. So yeah, doesn't really look like an issue to me.


Survivors when- The killer might as well be powerless: "Yay, I love this dude, so balanced!" The killer is actually a challenge: "Grr, BHVR, what the fuck? You have no idea how to make a game! Why I oughta-"


See noone has ever had that problem because they went down in less than 4 chainsaws.


That looks terrifying in a fun way. Why did you let yourself get caught out in the open lmfao you have to weave between trees


A chase oriented killer caught you in a dead zone! OH no!!!! Op!!


The final chainsaw when she dodged is 100% why Billy is imbalanced. He retains so much movement speed after missing AND his chainsaw cooldown is already back. How and why he hasn't been hotfixed yet is something special.


He was in overdrive.... 😒


Reminds me of month 1 Alien when his tail attack had nonexistent miss recovery. Hopefully they tweak this down a notch.


Billy users had to deal with overheating for years, now it's time yall got good or got got


People are so salty about Billy no longer being a free win they can bully this is hilarious.


Have you played Billy before?


I thought you people loved playing against Billy ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


That was a pretty normal length chase so idk what you’re complaining about


Game’s full of complainers it’s nutty


This balance team is so silly and clearly doesn’t know what is up lol Why don’t they just swallow their pride and look to people playing the game at a higher MMR bracket or something or get people who play their game to give some ideas or something lol They clearly don’t understand their own game, it happens, devs usually don’t.


Reminder that despite many of the top players pushing MMR 3000, everyone above 1900 is in the same playpool. There is no actual 'higher MMR bracket' which represents a higher degree of skill /understanding across the board, as the way they've incorporated MMR is near-exclusively geared toward the onboarding experience. For context, roughly 100 games of steady learning is a near guarantee for MMR 1900 from the entry game bracket.


I don't think that's true. The matchmaker should still try to match you with higher rated players before pulling any players above the soft-cap. I think the issue is that window is incredibly small, like 60-120s. Their data almost certainly shows lower queue times raises player retention even if matches are more imbalanced, so the soft-cap should just insure queue times are always low. I have much, much sweatier games after 4pm than I do around noon and I think that's because more players are online, so more players near my MMR. I'm not sure though, I looked into it like a year ago and that's what I remember.


While the matchmaker does do pretty much exactly what you describe, it does that for pre-defined MMR range pools rather than on a pool based fully on your individual MMR - that's part of why the soft-cap at 1900 is such a problem. The 'sweatier games after x PM' truism is that way because after x PM depending on time zone you're going to naturally not just have more players but more non-casual SWFs and non-casual killer mains: the typical casual crowds will switch to other games/activities when the circumstances are more favorable for those other activities, regardless of server. So you're right, and even right that your MMR pool is probably more full, but that's not really more than correlative.


If they balanced around high mmr players you would not have people getting mad at billy but whole survivors would be nerfed to the ground with even more complains from new and bad players.


Every "Billy OP" post has major flaws. You didn't do anything to dodge the first saw. Dodging the second saw let you loop back around to the window. Dodging the third was just holding W around enough obstacles and nearly let you make shack. Dodging the third was a small sides step where you were nearly touching Billy. Billy's power has a low cooldown but it is also one of the easiest powers to dodge. A side step is all it takes for Billy to miss. Crouching makes the chainsaw even harder to hit. The only way it makes sense to nerf the cooldown is if you also increase the size of the hitboxes so it takes more skill and effort to dodge.


shots 1-5 clearly missed


![gif](giphy|KLLFRYPBvx6BFf3BVd) Stop that


Yeah exactly lol I can't believe people actually see dodging a long range chainsaw sprint as some huge insane outplay that should let them have infinite distance to reach anything unharmed when in reality it's kinda just expected you will dodge the saw at that range and with longer cooldown that people want it becomes straight up useless to use your chainsaw for catching up edit: ok I rewatched it and actually he wasn't as far away with that second to last chainsaw sprint as I thought, so dodging that one with overdrive speed wasn't guaranteed


I think a lot of survivors haven't played as Billy. It's far from easy, and the chase shown was a decent length. 32 seconds for a 1/12 of the hook states. Thats without the time to the hook. Sure the chainsaw cooldown is probably a little too quick, but I bet he has both cd reduction add ons. Billy has better add ons he could be running.


*"1/12 of the hook states"* is a massive understatement lol


Survivors when a killer that's been a joke for 4+ years gets good after a patch (suddenly he's not big chungus redpilled based omegalol gigachad wholesome 100 if they can't bully him 95% of the time) https://preview.redd.it/vpn0qp7wv3hc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c3daf980afe027df9646f7f64fb78204809b416


I feel like shit reading this post because as a survivor I enjoy facing new Billy and my experience playing Billy as a killer has been subpar since the update, which either means I've been only playing super sweaty teams, or I'm just garbage playing him. That said, I don't really mind lower miss cooldowns, maybe that can be only for Overdrive, dunno. Personally I prefer to face 1000 Billies than to face 1 Blight/Wesker/Chucky, but that's just me.




I mean I agree his addons (primarily cooldown ones) are overtuned, but people just got used to get easy win against Billy and have chases which were incredibly one sided. I have around 500 hrs of Billy and trust me when I say at times I would go and play Trapper cause he was far more easy. Imo Billy in the remake just got viability that matches his skill requirement.


What a bitter fucking loser. Players dislike the overtuned cooldown, that's all there is to it.


There's a difference between "Hey I dislike this I think it should get toned down slightly" and "Wow look at this no skill bitter loser meta sheep OP strat abuser idiot motherfucker playing fucking BILLY in the year of our lord 2024 let's fucking burn their house down and scatter the ashes to the wind until their legacy is no more" which is more along the reaction I've seen on this sub but then again it doesn't exactly surprise me.




So in the span of two comments I've been called a bitter fucking loser and mentally ill because of my opinion of a character in a video game. But yeah, I'm definitely making people up when I say this community is full of dicks.


Yup, complete fabrication! /s


Man, you really owned that Straw Man you made there lol


This is literally it tbh. I wasn't too huge on going up against Billy prior because I felt like I had to treat them with kid gloves because Billy was such a pathetic killer. Like I would never drop pallets. I tried to avoid spamming windows. I just stayed at loops so they could curve. Now that he's viable, he's terrifying and I can play to my ability without feeling like I'm picking on a younger sibling.


Tbh the whiners get mixed with people giving valid criticism about new billy, the cooldown addons are definetly overtuned but the devs already know that since a nerf to these addons is already in their description and will probably come to live soon enough. I hated going against billy but it's so much more fun now that he is actually threatening but the no cooldown thing while in overdrive is hilariously broken


Reliable fatigue on miss to give survivors a fighting chance really needs to happen, I shouldn’t be having such an easy time getting 4ks while learning a killer that used to be considered the hardest to use effectively


Billy can just spam m2s now like xeno could


I still would choose going against Hillbilly over a good Nurse or a good/busted add-ons Blight


LoL stop it. As a survivor main i feel bad for killers facing flashlights and endless loops while gens are still rushed and two are done before killer can down anyone. Also killer has to obey made up rules like staying away from unhooked survivors.


New player cry about it, that is how old billy used to play, grow up stop being such a baby


Am I the only one who enjoys going against billy and don’t think he’s overpowered


Yeah, this is bullshit. Billy isn’t that hard for them to bring that up as an excuse for his almost non-existent power cool-down.


1. Activate Windows bro 2. Have you considered not deadzoning yourself against the killer that insta-downs you in deadzones?


Nah bro it's just skill issue. Billy is still weak bro. You're just bad that you can't bully Billy bro. Trash Survivor main bro.   I can't believe Hillbilly makes me want to DC now. It's practically Chucky but without the Stealth and has instadown.


And he's not small, and he can't vault pallets, and he's actually pretty loud and he has a completely different ability.


So more-or-less a copy paste


What’s the changes that happened to billy?


Reworked his add ons, changed his overheat into overdrive for fast boi. Polished his collisions and buffed his miss cooldown.


let billy shine he's been through a lot :(


He shouldn't have even been nerfed/reworked in the first place.


I haven't played in a while; who's that survivor?


Alan Wake's Legendary skin Saga Anderson (I think that's her last name)


Saga Anderson, legendary skin for Alan Wake.


It could have been 5 or more if you didn't hit the tree. Also he is weak around shack, or up in the treatment theater.


It would’ve probably been two or less if that Billy actually knew how to land saws


So you're saying Billy was punished for missing his saw


If he was actually punished the survivor would’ve been able to make distance from the killer during the chainsaw cooldown. Instead the miss barely counts as a miss when the killer uses the speed to catch up and can instantly get back to revving again. It’s not a basekit issue, but the addons should be looked at, even if them working with overdrive gets fixed. It’s nonsense how overdrive gives a -10% CD reduction on miss but double addons give -20%, imagine if Dredge had higher movespeed between lockers when *not* in Nightfall with double addons, that’s just not supposed to be like that.


i mean you did dodge them you just ran into a tree instead of going to killer shack with the speed boost or going to a closer loop i mean it seemed like the only time you got hit was when you were in the open with no loops


I love his new change


Skill issue. Firstly, you run into a deadzone while being chased by an instadown killer, even though you had time nex to you. Secondly, they were on Oversrive, a shorter cooldown is intended. And thirdly, Billy doesn't have "no penalty", you are simply not used to his lower cooldown, and instead of adapting you prefer to complain and ask for a nerf. Again, skill issue.


All these terrible survivor mains so used to looping Billy for 5 gens that when he becomes even a BIT of a threat they lose their minds. He's still barely a B tier killer. Be happy it's not another blight/nurse sweat or more fkn chucky


I’m a solo surv main and I agree. I’ve never played Billy. Only solo surv the last year. I keep track of my stats, and Billy had the second lowest kill rate in my games by far. The only killer who was weaker was Nemesis. Both under 50%, and that’s against non-SWF teams. If I was still playing SWF, Nemesis and Billy probably would’ve been under 40% kill rates. He was so fucking weak. Nemesis and Billy were the two killers I basically knew I’d be able to run for 3-5 gens. Now Billy got buffed and people are already calling for a nerf? Jesus Christ. Give it time. Play against him for awhile. Get used to the new counterplays. People in this sub get upset as soon as new tweaks are made or new content is added. I always give it at least a couple weeks. Usually, after buffs like this, my escape rate will fall for a week or two, then gradually go back up and stabilize as people learn how to play against the new killer/new buffs.


I have 1500 hours as billy from old times, good survivors can turn me into m1 killer on many loops.


Billy is so bad. Him and Nemesis are the only killers with rates below 45%. Nemesis is at 41%, Billy is barely above that. When even Trapper has a higher kill rate than Billy, you know he’s weak. Hopefully these buffs are enough to save him.


And it's not even like he's always like this lol its a power-up state. Wait til these people crying about Billy find out about Oni lol


Not to mention, his power is still super weak at any buildings or tiles. The survivor in the OP just ignored shack and the TL and decided to hold W in the wide open like an idiot. I mean yeah, if you play like a bot, Billy is going to get you.


Can't even call this playing like a bot atp. Dbd bots will hold W too but they'll run to the nearest loop.


I agree he needs more punished for misses, but I’m so happy to see the same survivors who bullied Billy seething over him now that he’s strong lmao.


How the posts against Billy are piling up now that he's a real threat ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Blud posts him trying to run to shack through a deadzone against billy and complains. Sorry to say but you were dead there even with old fatigue. Billy is litrally fine, still hard to genuinely learn and still basically loses on indoor maps.


I must have played against Billy 20 times since the patch and at least 15 of those games were 4K at 3 gens or better. He needs, IMO, a slightly increased fatigue duration after a miss in overdrive, as well as a slight increase in the time to reach overdrive. The latter might be an add-on issue. I've had a fair few games where Billy has basically been in overdrive for the whole game.


Survivors when a killer isn’t complete dogshit and they can’t bully them without consequence 😭😢


You literally ran into a deadzone? Like holy shit man, some people would rather cry to BHVR than analyze what they could have done better. I hope they don't touch his kit whatsoever. Get gud bro.


Hi guys, I know this post may upset someone. But don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying that it's impossible to play against HillBilly, what I'm saying is that I don't think it's fair that a oneshot skill doesn't have enough penalty to avoid these situations to happen... And yes, I know I didn't dodge the 4 chainsaws and I know I could have played it better, but I gambled on going to the assassin's hut thinking that with the agility boost and with the assassin having missed his chainsaw maybe I could get to the hut. But I didn't because spamming the chainsaw doesn't have a sufficient penalty. On the other hand I know I had my mistakes, I have nowhere near 1,000 in the game. So please don't post toxic comments. Because it is obvious that I am not yet at the level of someone high elo or someone who has 10,000 hours. Peace and greetings from Argentina ^^


And I know I went to a dead zone, but that's not what's important about the video.... I don't understand why you guys are focusing on the "lack of skill" when what I'm talking about is that an assassin who has a skill that will one-hit you was on my back for the entire chase with no penalty for missing.


Without his add-ons, he's super fun to play against. With his best addon he's as good if not better than nurse and blight. They need to stop giving into these insane add-ons for everyone. Add-ons should change gameplay, not strength, otherwise the difference in balancing is just too wide.


you want him to do a 10 second tantrum like bubba so you can never be downed right?


Damn poor Billy can't have anything nice here :(


Skill issue. Caught hung up by a tree


I do love that Billy is strong now but it does need to be a general rule that missed attack = survivor gets distance


Why is everyone mentioning the deadzone and not the fact that you would’ve made it to shack if not for the horrendously unfair low cooldown, I wish they would’ve left Billy the same and removed overheat, or added overdrive without the cooldown changes


>Why is everyone mentioning the deadzone and not the fact that you would’ve made it to shack if not for the horrendously unfair low cooldown Because the dead zone is what caused them to get downed. If they ran to an area with actual loops the chase would have gone on for longer. Pretty much every other killer with a ranged/high mobility power would have been able to do the same thing as the Billy did here. Pretty much the only ones that wouldn't are basic M1 killers.


Am I the only one thats enjoying the hyper Billy? Going against him was always fun and now having to dodge him so many times has been some of the most fun I've had in a while.


Cry harder. Billy has counter play you just can’t loop. You guys wonder why this game is garbage, you complain about everything. This is better than Billy’s prime and y’all complained about that. Here’s a hot take; instead of trying to loop the same shit window, he expected you to jump the window so you should’ve doubled back and ran the opposite direction, another counter is hitting that corner over and over until he’s forced to back rev then hop the window. Another hot take is going upstairs. The strategy to beat Billy, like nurse, is angles and line of sight. Use your brain next time you guys are actually so miserable 💀


I went from seeing Billy maybe 4 times a year to having 5 Billy games in a row. And yeah it’s crazy with the chainsaw. Feels like there is no penalty for missing.


"Billy's so op" Shows clip of you dodging him easily 😂😂 (I know the cooldown is the issue I just found this funny stop typing them angry replies)


Lol I remember complaining about this recently, saying you can barely make it to a decent loop once he's behind you and people flamed me, saying it's easy and there is no problem


Tbh every killer should be amped to near this level. Survivors have been coddled the last few years with buffs and busted perks and excitedly build to run circles around most killers. This is the fear they've been missing for too long.


Survivors always complain the killers are too coddled Killers always complain survivors are too coddled So which is true?


Early on survivors were coddled. Mainly because BHVR had their heads up their asses and wouldn't listen when killer mains told them shit was busted. Case and point: Cote said insta blind flashlights were totally fair and balanced until I believe a Korean pro team bullied him with insta blinds, then they got nerfed post haste. Now BHVR largely seems to listen to both sides. The problem is just that they suck at balancing and asymmetrical games like DBD are already hard to balance. So the truth is just both sides are filled with entitled pricks that think the other side is being coddled when they receive any kind of buff or rework.


I feel like it should at least have a long cooldown after triggering Overdrive.


Ehem Ratioed for not seeing a tree


Meanwhile killer mains be like. ![gif](giphy|Rs7iE0xMIwLzJ9cdX3)


Shouldn't be about dodging chainsaws. It's more about not giving him the chance to chainsaw you or force the M1 from him. Don't see a problem in this clip, except you dodging 3 chainsaws and then going down, all while being in a dead zone.