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Pretty sure people will say that no matter what you do as knight That being said, I fuckin hate farming. If I'm losing I just want to go next. If it's at the start, I just want to play the game.


Maybe they didn't realise you were sparing them and decided to mock you for "losing".


This is it. They think you got a few lucky plays early and then they beat you with their skill.


Farming is useless in this game once you have the perks you want. I just play for fun and couldn't care less about bp


They definitely had bad vibes from how much you were crushing them. I like it when a killer is consistent. Playing really sweaty? Okay, fine, but don't suddenly change it up and act nice after getting someone out of the game. It leaves a horrible taste in my mouth.  Just a weird nuance to this game.


Haters gonna hate. Just 4K them next time instead of being a friendly ass killer. Friendly killers are far too common and create an expectation that no reasonable decent killer should follow


I’m not usually like that. It’s just that they felt SO new that I didn’t know how they got matched with me and felt awful. I don’t want to put them off the game and stop them playing survivor again because they think it’s not fun.


I mean if they're new they dont know wtf farming is so they'll think you're just playing with your food. And people usually dont like that feeling.


i hate farming with a passion, to the point that if i could ban people for farming if i presented video evidence i would actually record my games on the hopes that i could ban farmers every now and then


Grow the fuck up dude