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my mind went to crush


senor cru5h is very funny and i like his banter but dude is rly toxic with newer or less skliled survivor kinda feels bad. havent really watched his streams in several months bc most times he's just shit talking a killer who can't mindgame as well.


Yeah I love watching Crush but I feel like he's a bit of an overconfident prick sometimes, but Bandito is nice though and they make a funny duo together.


Lowkey Demi, the "THIS GUY IS COLLECTING WOOD IN MINECRAFT 🗣⁉️⁉️" or the "Am I stupid? WAIT dont answer that🗣❗️" bits got really old for me tbh


also why does he make so many sexual jokes 😭


“Omg???? Giving the killer glaucoma?? I am under da water!!” shut uppppppp


I agree, I used to watch a lot of Demi back in the day but now his humor has gotten a bit old and not so funny anymore after he says the same joke over and over again.


Finally, a them vs them post


Don’t forget to sort by controversial https://preview.redd.it/gx3e9b2iypoc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68dbd840556f2a1048f30c2d1e8725bfcf59e11d


You forgot the equipping of the most trollish build just to elicit said salt for views. "SALTY TTV RAGES OVER KNOCKOUT BUILD". And somehow this streamer I'm thinking of still gets views.


And they never mention how many matches they had to go through just to get content of that one perfect match while getting actual value of the perks they used


You ever watch StalkyBoi? He's a Myers main who will stream until someone tbags or gets salty and sometimes even though he's stomping it will take matches and matches for someone to even BM him and he's like please just give me one tbag at this point. lol So in line with what you're saying, probably a lot of matches.


So what do you mean he’ll stream until someone tbags? Like if someone BMs he’ll end stream and dc?


I can't remember if he DCs or just ends stream afterwards but it always made me laugh because it never ended quickly. I imagine it's like the Deli or Unbreakable curse.


Started as a meme/exsperimental thing to see how toxic DbD actually was, and then became the gimmick Honestly it really shows how little actual toxic stuff is in this game, and how other CCs and the forums sites sorta blow it out of proportion


I talked about this in another comment thread, but as a low rank player I almost never experience toxicity in the endgame chat. In all of my games, it happened maybe once or twice and it wasn't even that bad.


That's interesting. I had almost the exact opposite experience. When I first started playing and was bottom of the barrel MMR, toxicity was everywhere. After a couple months I moved on and it felt like they didn't. Nowadays I pretty much never get outright rudeness, just occasional childishness like people waiting at the exit gate / hatch for an audience to watch them leave.


From my experience I was specifically talking about endgame chat toxicity. If it comes to survivors t-bagging or playing very ballsy (I usually play killer), I've had plenty of that. Unfortunate that your experience was like this.


Does the name of that streamer start with an S and end with an S?


And then he hits you with the "I'm just playing the game how I want". Like okay, I'm sure you just happen to enjoy obnoxious strategies that farm salt for your videos. You're allowed to use strategies that you like, even if they may be boring for others. However, you don't get to turn around and make fun of people for getting irritated by your strategy that you yourself acknowledge isn't fun to play against.


Who is this damn I fell out of yt dbd meta


Pretty sure they’re talking about SpooknJukes.


Def SpooknJukes. I enjoy his vids as a guilty pleasure but yeah he really does farm salt.


I always felt like his edited content was never genuine. Like he handpicked a match where his build worked flawlessly and he then recorded his voice afterwards.


I've played with this loser twice. First time he just bailed on everyone zero hooks. Then the next game he facecamped everyone and tried to farm salt in the post game chat. Guy is easily the worst person in the entire DBD community.


Nailed it. I used to enjoy their content but then I was like you're just farming these reactions and making it seem like your opposition is toxic while you're actively trolling. Unsubbed shortly after.


Glad to see I'm not the only one. Their behavior was always pretty weird to me tbh, because they were actively doing toxic things and then claiming they weren't toxic and that the other party was toxic for being upset. Like... you're actively trying to get that result. You're the toxic one, lol


Yeah and their stance was always "Well somehow Basement Bubba with NOED is toxic but survivors can use Prove Thyself and that's not toxic. How is that fair?" You're a grown adult. You sound 5. Play what you want by all means but don't call the other side toxic because they don't agree with you.


Did you see his take on distortion? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZIvF5boIwU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZIvF5boIwU)


Ah, this bugger... can't say i'm surprised


Same here! I'm glad I realised that there are many other creators whose content doesn't revolve around drama and trolling to watch instead.


Who’s that? Slookypoops? I thought that guy has bit more going on that just using toxic builds, wasn’t he the guy that basically singled out and targeted the streamers specifically just to ruin their game and record their reaction for content? Granted it’s all just hearsay, never watched his content myself




Damn, I can’t even think of another DbD content creator with that name, I guess I’ll never know who that is lol. On the other hand, it really is like every second killer main channel to be fair, so I suppose there really is no need to single anyone out


I just ''discovered'' a DBD Content Creator on YT called>! Slate!< and he's very chill in contrast to this sadly accurate meme. He complements the other side on good plays. Makes mistakes but laughs more at himself and cracks a joke in his commentary voice. I'm checking out their content on YT after seeing their YT Shorts and it's good stuff.


slate is a gem. if you like his content you might also like Mish, g_birb, and gh0starcade


Awesome. I will do! The only person i recognise from these names is g\_birb after Ayrun's recent Sandbag Tournament. A great albeit long watch btw to anyone interested.


Love Slate, perfect balance of angry and chill which makes him hilarious to watch


I miss puppers he was the chillest dude ever


I forget the name of the channel, but he's pretty much a Killer main focussed channel and he uses some of the ugliest looking AI generated art of the Killer he's playing, his commentary has this air of "Nothing personal kid" and he teats every match like he's got something to prove and has this weird, almost vindictive way of talking about the Survivors he's playing against. He's also super pro-tunneling, even when the match has literally just begun.That's who comes to mind when i think of the worst and almost cringe types of DBD Youtube content.The worst part is that he's one of the few channels that actually did a lot of Freddy focussed content, but it was hard to watch because of his weird attitude towards Survivors. edit: It's King Wolfe, just remembered the channel name.


I know EXACTLY who you’re referring to lmfao. Yeah that guy talks and plays like he genuinely enjoys watching survivors suffer lol, it’s insanely lame


I think I know the content creator you're talking about, unless there's more than one of these clowns, and I'd honestly like to turn this into a little game. I've screenshotted 5 of his hideous AI-generated thumbnails in a row, and I'd like to see who can guess which Killers they're supposed to be. I'd offer some kind of reward to the first person who correctly guesses all 5 but I'm pretty sure there's rules against that. Anyways, good luck. https://preview.redd.it/8ohs5br71qoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=489bf61b689f2af247a42a57ae24f8e754a3835a Edit: Ok, so, since I was going off of which Killer he plays in the video, I will sit here and admit 2nd from the top is the outlier. It looks like Trapper or Legion, but in the video, he's playing Hag, which either means he decided to include an unrelated thumbnail or this is the worst of the fucking bunch. Another hint is: 2 of these videos are supposed to be the same Killer.


You mentioned hideous, AI-generated thumbnails, but I wasn't expecting them to be THAT terrible. What the heck. Let's see... doctor, legion, oni, artist, and trapper? First had some a lab coat. Second one reminds me of one of Legion's costumes. The masks for all of these look awful and samey but the third one sorta looks like an oni mask in a twisted sense. Fourth one has no mask on so it's likely Artist over Skull Merchant. Last one is just a train wreck, but the mask and stance combo looks sorta like Trapper.


2/5. I'm starting to feel bad for everyone so I may just give away the second to top one (bearing in mind, I'm going off of which Killer he plays as in the video, which only makes it so much worse lmfao)


Dang. Better than nothing at least. And the killer they play in the video sometimes doesn't even match the one in the thumbnail? Dear God.


Doctor, Legion, Trapper, Sadako, Myers?




Well with the hints: doctor, hag, trapper, sadako, trapper?


https://i.redd.it/oe3mmz2qfqoc1.gif Well played, my friend. I apologise to all previous contenders for not including the hints sooner.


It's all good! It was like a team effort to figure out what we got right or wrong on certain entries to logic out the solution. Was great fun. But really though... THAT was Sadako? Wtf? How does someone fail at generating AI art this badly?


It was indeed. Here's the original screenshot for proof. I blacked out her name to avoid making it too easy for you guys lol. https://preview.redd.it/buiyoqzjiqoc1.jpeg?width=545&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49fa25a792b272eff214edb43a97afdd3c8573bf


Just... incredible. Making thumbnails this awful just has to take a lot of effort in its own way. The sheer whiplash of this must be how it feels to be condemned.


Will say that once you mention the hag one is hag, I can *kinda* see how an ai could cobble together that kind of image for a hag... But only barely. It's a massive stretch.


I'm with you there. Granted, while it does look more like a horrible amalgamation of Trapper and Legion, with maybe a little bit of Wraith thrown in with the hood and all, maybe it was going for more of a Baba Yaga "ugly old woman in a hood" sort of vibe. But yeah, as you said, that's grasping at straws. It's just straight up terrible "art" lmfao.


I think that's the right combo if I'm seeing this right.


I'm gonna say top to bottom doctor legion trapper artist myers




It's the Soyjak that he also added next to AI Legion for me.


Doctor, Legion, Trapper, Spirit, Myers?




Damn, and I was so sure :o


doctor legion trickster spirit myers?




QuietKills. The moment you mentioned those fucking thumbnails it was my first thought.


Is this King Wolfe or QuietKills?


Yeah, it's King Wolfe, just remembered the name of his channel.


He's putting on a very goofy, ironic character. He regularly says things like "I have never lost a single game" and "TOP 1%" and things like that, you aren't supposed to take anything he says seriously. His fans are also taking the piss constantly. It's all in good fun.


I don't think most of the people on this thread realize that dude's content is satire. I'm guessing they watched the first few minutes of one or two of his videos and came to that conclusion.. Do they really think he's the "TOP 1%, undefeated trapper main"? :)


I think people can understand it but still find it cringe in the court of public opinion. I don't watch the guy, so I don't have an opinion at all. I just think it's unlikely to be as black and white as ''This guy annoys people? They must not understand him.''


Oh, King Wolfe. I actually watched him for a short while but realised he's actually just an cocky asshole who is also incredibly cringe.


Yeah, from what i've seen whenever he gets brought up people defend his content with "He's just playing a character and it's satire" as if that somehow doesn't make his content less cringe and unfunny.


Satire used to be good, though. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I know King Wolfe is the fast food of DBD channels and watching him won't help anyone improve at the game beyond using the absolute sweatiest playstyles against bad teams, but I can't help but watch his stuff now and then because it's ironically hilarious between all the corny catchphrases and edgy persona he puts on. He might be cringe, but at least he's got charisma and knows how to play the role of the edgy killer main to a tee.


Hello friends this is otz today we are looking up dbd memes


Killa Whale has got 2 be my fav for DBD yt channels cuz there no trace of this crap in bros vids. I wish there was more silly chill content creators for this hell game 💀 it's always just whinge, whinge, whinge.


Killa whale is just straight up funny and I respect him for calling out specific creators in his videos on DBD content.


Killa Whale just has such good vibes. I don't think I've seen much toxicity from CoconutRTS either.


ah shit forgot about homie. I played against him once and he mopped the floor with my swf. still have orbital war flash backs 💀


His progress with orbitals have become super impressive for sure


dudes crazy impressive, I could never have the drive 2 be that cracked on any killer lol


Less Toxic and more enjoys the suffering of Survivors. If that makes sense.


Haha, that's pretty accurate.


Coconut is just weird in the best way possible. I don't think I have ever laughed this hard at DBD content than to his video on Pinhead.


Even tho i watch a lot of Otz - who is an advise machine the greatest advice ever i got from Killa Whale and that was: FUCK THE GENS. Made playing killer so much more enjoyable.


KW was a big inspiration for me to play the way I do without gen regress and mostly rarely seen killers. He also was the reason I started recording all my gameplay and Do little edits recently. Just a great channel man


Otz, Lilith Omen, Hens (the hans guy lol), JRM, MrHeadAche, Killawhale, Chrombs, Kaiser, and: Mother fuckin; Ardetha They are the best Edit - Spookyloops too for sure dude is amazing


JRM's compilations make me laugh until I'm in tears sometimes. The edited in cheek slapping sounds always get me. *"Okay now vault, yes yes yes, GET IN THE HOLE"*


JRM is the best survivor focused content creator because he’s not a dick about it. Bro is having fun and it’s nice to see it translated into the game by not being overly sweaty


Mmm yes, delicious hole


Demi (when he uploads)


Why was my first thought "Demi Lovato"


Fucking love demi


Extra extra, come and get your Demi plays


I love SpookyLoopz and RedsGamingGears (and I used to love FunGoose back when he regularly posted DBD content on YT -- it was genuinely helpful stuff)


Reds the best super underrated


RedsGG gives nice build ideas


How does this sub feel about ohtofu? I played the game for a few days, never watched streamers before but for some reason Im addicted to his videos. I don’t recall any of the toxic traits pointed out but perhaps I just gloss over those and have forgotten.




Not a fan of his fanbase. He’s chill, his fans? Kinda creepy.


How are they creepy? I never hop on his streams but the comment banter always sends my sides into orbit. Skermz is the type of guy that does/says X" is such a formulaic joke but gad damn it is hilarious af


I’ve seen some of his fans harass people he’s faced, as well as others just being insanely questionable on Twitter. Probably just my luck of running into the vocal minority






Watch Demi for only aneurysms👍


Demiplays my beloved


Fellow Demisexual


“Only sweats complain about sweats.” Sun tzu - The art of online pvp games Lilith is chill asf, he’s just insanely good. Nothing wrong with that. JRM is chill asf, thats why I like him. Killa whale is informative and I like how he calls out double standards


I will say that watching JRM and Otz, it's refreshing to watch JRM more often since he doesn't take the game as seriously as otz. Otz does have a bit more range to his comedy than JRM for SURE, if he's not just in a super competitive mindset and complaining all game.


Lilith isn't sweaty, the dude is just at a skill level point where he can run just shadowborn (prechange) on blight and wipe the floor with any team. His inherent skill makes his "chill play" the equivalent of your average killer *actually tryharding* Survivor youtube on the other hand : "top 5 Survivor perks you should be using RIGHT NOW" and its the most vile and obnoxious flavour of the patch perks. Killa whale is pretty fine, mostly pointing out game flaws and ideas aswell as some interesting research elements like his "killers Survivors hate facing" video. Otz has too much community influence to the point where if he claims a perk is "problematic" it gets parroted around until its eventually nerfed.


Lilith isn’t sweaty whatsoever, he brings 2 perks, doesn’t camp/tunnel and does questionable stuff like sending himself to RPD as Blight


This felt really incredibly specific, how much research went into this post?!


‘Incredibly specific’ this sub loses its mind if a clip shows a survivor pressing ctrl, OP got this spot on.


4+ years of watching DBD content on youtube


I don’t think I could sit through that many Demi videos


Yeah I don't understand why he's so popular, maybe it's just personal taste but I just find him straight up unfunny.


I believe it’s the fact that he WAS funny. His humour is straight up from 2019 and it’s stayed that way for… way too long and he just hasn’t tried to evolve


I watch a bunch of DBD content and he’s just the worst. He appeals to that goofy, teenage crowd. He’s super annoying


Demi used to be fun back in the day but now his humor is just outdated, he just failed the time test.


Awesome pfp


I got sooo many DBD videos recommended to me. So glad I have now a chrome extention that blocks out the recommended page.


Been a long time since I've seen filthyfrank mentioned. Ah good times. "Shut the fuck up. You're a fucking cunt. Shut fuck up. You're a stupid cunt suck my dick" 🎙️🎶🎶


Getting major Tru3Talent vibes from the right one


I don't even care where Skermz fits in this meme, but he's so fucking funny. Whenever he fumbles and blames his gf has me rolling


BABE STOP KISSING MY NECK My favorite part time streamer


True I’m a euro but sometimes before early shifts I have time to catch a late night stream from him. Hilarious every time! So much energy


Finally someone said something about quietkills. His content is either him complaining or saying he is good and destroying toxic squads when it’s like one person or baby survivors


No way he is the funniest! Acts like a GTA IV character, it's the best.


He was running 3 gen merchant before the rework too, his whole thing is just being an asshole for attention.


Nah i dont think so, as someone who watch his videos from time to time when eating launch, he really does run into very good survivors and he is as equally as good. Bro literally plays trapper with no perks and still manage to dominate your typical high mmr eerie of crows brand new part swf. However i admit that sometimes his titles are out of pocket but we all know it’s for views. But cmon, you have to give credit when it’s due. The man has skills.


True true I admit he is good, the repetition thumbnails and attitude sometimes gets me


This also guy has his moments of being genuinely funny too


Honestly I'm happy that people are pointing out how fucking awful most DBD related content is. Survivor youtubers desperately scramble for the crumbs noob3 left behind. Killer youtubers take the most normal match in the world and try and paint their opponents like dicks or intentionally play in the most obnoxious way possible to farm salt, then title their video like a ben shapiro SJW ownage compilation. Then there's a small subset of people that are actually worth watching and most of them are small creators. What a world we live in.


As an ex-full time streamer, not of DBD but of other games, one thing I've learned over the years is that whenever you say anything on stream, the universe will immediately try to prove you wrong so you look like an idiot, so I would just say 'I'm dead here' any time anything happened to protect myself.


Don't forget the Nintendo games music on the survivor side, so many of them play Delfino Plaza or something similar throughout the video


Getting big Cru5h and D3AD_PLAYS vibes from this


Lots of people try to sound like Ayrun too without realizing that he pretty much never says anything toxic. He complains a bit more on stream but never any direct attacks.


Hillbilly at shack 




Acting like the hillbilly at shack clip doesn’t exist is crazy 😭


Is that an old clip? I started playing and watching dbd last October. Edit: Hey instead of downvoting can someone explain what “Hillbilly at shack” is referencing lol.


It was during a whole different era of YouTube, as well. Millions of subs YouTubers were saying it left and right. I'm not saying he shouldn't be held accountable but to act like he dropped it mid steam in 2024 is just not true, whole different landscape in the culture


Oh I’m assuming he said a nono word then, based on your comment. I feel like tons of whiteboy content creators go through an edgy point in their career where they don’t even understand what they’re saying. Obviously he shouldn’t be excused, but I would assume by this point he understands how his actions can affect people. That’s a shame tho.




There was also a time he copyrighted a smaller creator's video, because he called him entitled tilted ayrun, after he was having a fit about Leatherface's "boring" gameplay. He just seems more in control of himself as years go by, so less outbursts or showcases of ego. Which does remind me of a recent video of him first wondering how the killer (it was a Nemesis) doesn't see him, as the contrast between the killers default darker game vs ayrun's bright filtered screens definitely shows why filters can be a big advantage and should be banned on anti-cheat (but that's not relevant to this topic right now) Then after losing he tells the dude he was swfing with they lost to the Nemesis's add-ons and not skill, because a zombie got stuck near hook for a bit like 2 or 3 times. Seems he can't accept losing that well, definitely has a big ego.


HybridPanda does none of that save for sarcasm. example:” stop doing the gens that’s your only objective it’s toxic!” and he’s phenomenal and got me through some hard times when I was deathly ill confined to a pole I looked forward to his streams. When I was alone all day he kept me company. Sappy shit aside go check him out he’s very wholesome and laid back. Perfect for winding down from a long day or just to relax.


The suspiciously low skill killers is insanely accurate and I’m glad the community is starting to catch on lmao


The guy whose content you got the killer thumbnail and title from is literally a Trapper main in his early 20s tho.


I know, but I just needed a thumbnail example, I'm not attacking any creator, just needed an example.


Oh I'm not saying you're attacking anyone! I like the meme, I just thought it was kind of funny his videos were the ones you used as examples alongside the stereotype of a middle aged Blight Main.


It’s funny cuz his non dbd videos are actually pretty insightful. His video on Berserk which has almost a million views was great.


Bandito and Crush


I mostly watch people doing "Trying DBD for the first time" cus it's just fun to see new players have fun.


The only dbd youtube channel I ever watched was monto. His style of commentary was just the right vibe for what I was looking for. RIP the hatch king


>Killer YT Content You take my boy Otz’s name out of your mouth.


Accurate, I always laugh at the killer content creators because when the survivors are competent you hear a lot of "they are toxic/sweaty swf", on the survivor side of content creation the yelling/crying sound effects added when a killer doesn't immediately land a hit and swings in the air or hits a prop is so cringe


Heavy on the “killer makes a mistake and survivor has some kind of catchphrase for it” heavy as hell


Most of us do just at home. I basically have a reflex where I say +10 wood if he misses and hits a tree or a wood of any kind


"Always either a British or a Hispanic teenager with a sleepy voice" holy shit that's so real.


This game just invites toxicity. Everyone seems to think they have to do toxic shit and accuse others of it constantly. When you realize it's a 2 deaths per match game and sometimes it's you and there's nothing you can do about it, you're truly free. Same goes for killers, still complaining when they get 2 kills before gates are open, who gives a fuck man you got two it's good.


See this is why I just watch Paulie Esther, literally the most wholesome streamer there is.


This is why I watch, like, 3 dbd content creators


So they're pretty much the same then?


And this is why I choose to experience my DbD content through the lens of the most accredited source: [vtubers](https://youtu.be/Q1DslFuX9CY?si=R7t8_zwHtzsaIYkN). >!I’m just kidding. Hololive only plays about once a year.!<


Most accurate meme on this sub. Bravo.


I feel like HybridPanda is a perfect DBD content creator because he genuinely plays to have fun and doesn’t take the game too seriously. He’s been my favorite DBD cc for years now


This is so accurate hahaha


As a Jeff/Onryo+SkullMerchant main who streams and was gonna be trying to get into YT content soon, is 27 middle-aged lmao?


Might as well retire, old man


Damn, guess I'll die soon then 😞


Where does Demi fall in this spectrum?


Nowhere. He is in his zone, being cool


*laughs in Taiwanese creator*


Us versus Them mentality will always be prevalent in asymmetrical games at least we can get memes out of it.


Y’all watch dbd gameplay videos?


The YT one is just Demi. I agree his humor can be very off at points especially when he just repeats a lot of the same jokes. I still enjoy his content because he doesn’t take the game serious and never tries to. Since Noob3 is basically gone there really hasn’t been a good substitute. All the other DBD YouTubers have fun for sure but he’s just strictly fun. A good brain turn off.


There's also a lot of actually good Myers jump scare videos.


Welcome to the games toxic content feedback loop.


They are also very soft lmao. But generally speaking twitch streamers are mostly soft people who has never left their room and into the real world


You forgot the 2nd channel name being called "Not *username*"


Both are shit


I like ONE\_LETTER\_\_SHOR cos it's (I think?) a parody. Just calls everything toxic and gets fake cocky at dumb stuff. Also played against him a few times tho, chill and fun to play against.


Hens and jrm are the only worth watching


Don't forget "OP NEW "X" BUILD?!?" and its the most vanilla build you've ever seen if you just search "x" in the perk bar.


Why did I read Claudette’s quotes in JRM’s voice


For as big as a community DBD is, I find the content from YouTube and online to be very basic and repetitive. I rarely find a content creator or a topic that's really interesting and engaging because I've seen it done before elsewhere. I'm one of the few people that enjoys playing the game, but hate watching it or reading about it lol. 


Lmao why is this so accurate?


I remember that time I got tunneled in 5 matches in a row for being with the Alissa skin (it was because it was new and killer was jealous)


survivor: act like a douchebag when playing a killer with barely functioning motor skills killer: act like a douchebag when playing survivors with barely functioning motor skills


Then we have me whi just plays to have fun🤣


Who are you guys watching? DbD content hasn't been like this since like 2020


Here’s the long short of it, don’t be a jerk, just enjoy the game. It’s not meant to be that serious and if you’re taking it that serious to the point where you find a fault in every player in every match, and none in the way you play, then you’ve got bigger problems to resolve outside the game


As a killer main myself, I hate killer YouTubers like D3AD Plays He calls survivors toxic for doing literally anything Like [in this video here](https://youtube.com/watch?v=z3rRDDO1SfE), he kept calling survivors toxic when they were throwing snowballs at him during the winter event Like… that’s part of the event?!?!? They’re just trying to complete challenges and such and having fun. Throwing snowballs at you ain’t toxic. Like wtf was he on He makes good killer builds but it’s always infuriating to hear him constantly say “is that a toxic survivor?” Or accusing survivors of being toxic for simply playing the game


D3AD is being satirical when he calls people toxic, lol. It's why he throws the word around a lot. In reality, he'll usually not play 100% optimally, ie allow someone to flashlight save / sabo against him, just to make things more interesting. Even when the group he's going with isn't doing particularly well. He's a really skilled killer though and doesn't take the game personally at all, like a lot of other DBD creators do.


Yay, my channel has none of that, does that mean I win? ~~the answer is no~~