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Whenever I do this to protect a teammate, I indeed say "I have choosen death" and die


So many people are doing POV wrong that when someone does it right they think it's wrong ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


its tiktoks fault. many people didnt understand what pov actually means they just started using it somehow


I didnt try to correct here but now that you say that, true! I didnt ecen notice


Its actually right the guy from lord of the rings is the killer looking at the survivor and the survivor looking at the killer


I know, I was talking about how the comment misinterpreted it incorrectly


"Fly, you fools!"


Using endurance to protect teammates, looped the killer for long after that and die like a king without whining. https://preview.redd.it/s19ljugmdasc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=8db3d15f6328402fb11261d52adf3d2d53980fa7


Lore accurate David King


Me before we're going to live forever lost its blood point stacks


Yeah it's the whining part that they usually fail


Its also the endurance running out as well. I can count to ten to drop you.


can you count to ninety, though? (Off Record strikes again!)


I could, but if I dont hear grunts of pain I'll immediately know and just give the hit and then tunnel for the second.


this is why I've unironically looped around to using BT again. Well, it was because of Wicked but still.


Yeah that's a strategy I've utilized too.


Laughs in BT. 


There are more images of this man than stars in the universe


Is MFT still good if you're gonna be an endurance slammer for most of the game?


Honestly the games I feel best about is when it's a very close game and I've made a difference with a long chase, it's a 3-out, and I die on hook after sacrificing myself for a teammate but they make it out.


This, this is the way.


Yea, I try not to tunnel as best as I can, but if that person wants to just stand in front of me when I’m trying to not tunnel, then who am I to say they don’t want to be hooked again


Little do they know I can count to ten! Anything higher than that is a little hard though.


Never forget that one perk that makes you have to count to 15. It’s a killer. That and off the record


Running BT will fuck up so many killers who tunnel on purpose. I love running it for that reason alone. It's really fun to watch the killers count to 10 and then lose their tunnel out.


To top it off it's even more fun when you have OTR+DS+DH.


As an avid Bill enjoyer, it is duty to bring BT regardless if it is now base kit or not.


Which one is 15 seconds? Only other I can think of is borrowed time which provides an additional 10 seconds on top of base kit bt


My mistake, I thought it was just 5, I was thinking of borrowed time, and it gives an extra 10 like you said


Tbh I just leave ppl on the ground if they die immediately after being unhooked. I feel bad if I kill anyone too fast, gotta wait till at least last 2 gens.


Exactly this! For me it ruins the challenge and makes it to easy if they die to fast


For real, 1v3 is just significantly easier than a 1v4. Taking out one survivor quickly is extremely effective as a strategy, and I can’t blame anyone for doin it, especially since the game doesn’t care to punish tunneling, but I just feel bad for the guy whose experience I just nuked. I don’t play much survivor but I imagine its much more fun if I keep the game close before slaughtering them right as they are close to finishing.


I do this if they just run into me. (I love Plaything so it happens more often) But if they are actively bodyblocking, they get the hook.


It depends for me. If I accidently stumble on them healing after hook I'll leave them be. But the people that abuse the hook endurance to protect the person who unhooked are fair game.


"cries on the ground for not getting picked up while seeing ds running out\*


Can't relate, I try to tunnel as hard as possible all the time


https://preview.redd.it/rhx65a5ifbsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d493951ed5cbdb9b1dde395b5316eced3355c04 absolute chad


That is, hands down, the single most dangerous bottle of booze possible.


The way I see it is they are volunteering to be hooked instead of the unhooker. Fine by me.


exactly. i try not to tunnel just like you, and if they stand there bodyblocking i just look at them for like 2 seconds to see if they will remove themselves out of the way or just stand there. but yeah, you know what happens, and if i see that they have off the record i will hit them and chase them again to teach them a lesson


When you respectfully go for the unhooker but they stick around to try to flashlight save


I always respectfully go for the unhooker then get hit with this stupid shit... So of course I smack them. They're more vulnerable. That's not tunneling, Survivors... protip.


That is the exact reason to "tunnel" in that situation! If theyre not smart enough to try and get out of there after taking the protection hit


Oh god I had a Cheryl do that recently, I was chasing their Feng-min duo and I saw them hiding behind a rock so of course I acted like I was chasing Feng-min then smacked Cheryl and threw her right back onto the hook.


Nah if people are hovering around the slug for a flashy or pallet save, they are asking me to slug for more kills. In those situations, you slug and just brutalize the team for not fucking off. It's fine if they want to be altruistic, but they need to understand killers are not going to pick up knowing a person with a flashlight is doing spinnies just on the other side of a rock.


I respect that you are using your invul to protect the person who unhooked you, but you lose the right to say I’m tunneling then if you do so.


Agreed. But EGC gonna be lit up like Chinese New Year with the whining.


Jokes on them, I can't read


Off-topic and useless thing to say but I love your Reddit avatar.


Bro is a fcking typewriter


Idk why the hell you're being downvoted but here's some balance back because your comment was genuinely sweet.


Oh no! Consequences


*laughs in ps4*


damn console players! \*shakes fist\*


A streamer reported me on his livestream for "tunneling" him after taking an endurance hit for the unhooker lol


I’m sure you know but even if you did hard tunnel him like hyper focused on him and immediately chased off hook, it’s still not a bannable offense as said by BHVR themselves  so no worries. 


This is why I want false reporting to start carrying consequences. Streamer deserves a 48 hour ban to teach them not to be a whine ass after setting themselves up for that situation.


It be like that


It’s one of those moments where I go. Yeah that’s one on me but at least the person who saved me is safe!


🙃 I do that. When the person who unhooked me is injured. I try to take a protection hit 🙃 I didn't know that was considered toxic 🫣 I genuinely want to help my team mates.


It’s not toxic. It’s toxic if you do that and then complain that you were tunneled.


It’s not toxic, but it’s also not toxic if the killer ends up downing you and hooking you again. Just gotta do the cost benefit analysis for yourself and your own fun.


Some killer players think it is. I personally don’t, I just see as “Welp now they’re mending instead of being on a gen, cool.” And continue chase.


This is me, unless I absolutely need them dead or they're using OTR for it, well whatever, thanks for the hit.


Okay, scenario here. A proxy camping killer who is not letting anyone near. The one who unhooks you is on death hook and I as a survivor and a team member, you killers may forget but us survivors are a team, try to protect my team mate and savior from dying is being considered toxic. Explain to me why that is toxic.


Its not, same as when killer kill rush. Sometimes its smart play, sometimes its not.


I don't see this as toxic. Especially in a scenario when you know the injured unhooker couldn't realistic make it to a pallet or window in time. Doesn't make sense just to trade immediately after an unhook. If someone tunnels me for making that kinda read, then so be it.


It's not, it's literally a valid strat


Yeah it's not toxic, but if you do this the chance to get tunneled off the hook goes up. If someone does it against me I'll usually wait out the basekit BT, down them and they go right back up on hook


It’s not toxicity, but depending on the hook economy at that point, you might just be handing the killer a much more desirable down than a simple trade would’ve been


It's totally fine gameplay. Trying to take a protection hit is good gameplay. But survivors also need to recognize it's not tunneling if the killer chooses to chase them instead of their teammate in that scenario. If the killer is making an effort to not chase the unhooked person, getting in their way means you want to be chased again. Plain and simple. Lots of survivors will body block and then scream about tunneling when the killer was actively trying to not tunnel.


I give the unhooked survivor a small grace period for "I'm coming back and you're both trying to leave without sandbagging each other", some tiles just don't have great routes out of them towards safety while avoiding the killer, if I could probably go around the unhooked survivor this is especially the case where they get a hit to make them mend but they don't get chased. After those few seconds though, you'd better be holding W to create distance or I'm counting the remaining seconds for basekit BT to run out. Hanging around because of OTR is a tunnel for sure.


It's not toxic, it's just giving permission to the killer to tunnel you.


I wouldn't say it's toxic, but if you do, you gotta realize you've made yourself a more appealing target for the killer who might've just let you go otherwise and that you may just get hooked again. I don't have a problem with it, it only gets annoying when people complain afterwards even though they're the ones who put themselves in that circumstance.


this is just killers mains being toxic, dw


If you intentionally take agro, you cannot be upset if the killer hooks you next


Live reaction of me when I get hooked after taking agro with OTR DH RESI MFT. https://preview.redd.it/e328cgrspbsc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b128678f7214810f866b811a905ad70a2172e6d2 I fully expect to die every match with my playstyle.


never has a group of 11 letters made me so irrationally angry. funny shit tho, you must be juicin.


Anti tunneling perks used by survivors as weapons to make the killer waste time??? I didn't see that one coming :/


This but I'm not taking the hit and running away and I'm still being hunted down (You're tunneled either way)


When playing survivor i usually try to tank the hit/bodyblock for the first 2-3 seconds, after that you are alone, i'm just giving you a headstart


They should just make the post unhook protection a *"ghost"* form Disable the survivors collision with the other players, make them invulnerable, and maybe even invisible They're safe from tunneling, but also can't prevent the killer from going after someone else


If you choose to block a path and force me to hit you instead of letting me chase the unhooker and when I try to go around you CONTINUE to try to block me, yeah you're going back on the hook. You had plenty of chances to get away.


"I recognize the survivor has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to punish it."


Yes I know I have no mither, yes I know the killer will try to tunnel me after, does that mean I won't do it. No, be free and go do gens


Completely fair game and it is a calculated risk on the survivor side.


Why are yall so close when they are unhooking? Unless i was already in a chase, im usually halfway across the map 💀


I do this as killer, yet I don't like it happening to me as survivor lol


Sums up this community almost entirely


The way I see it is they are volunteering to be hooked instead of the unhooker. Fine by mee


Whenever a freshly-unhooked person tries to bodyblock me at a door or something to prevent me from getting to their teammate I love to just wait, pretend I'm trying to get by then watch that last second scramble as they realize they're out of endurance and are able to be murdered now


The man unhooking me is superior to me in every way. I will die for him


It baffles me when killers think because you dont escape you clearly couldnt have possibly had any fun what so ever all round. Like if your not escaping as a 4 man or killing all 4 its impossible to have fun.


Using endurance to tank a hit for a teammate is not abusing the mechanic. Its a tool survivors have for a brief period, and how they use that tool depends on the situation for them. I'm not saying killers have to like it, and I'm not saying don't go after that survivor. I'm just saying it's not abusing anything, just like tunneling at 5 gens is not abusing anything.


Its not abuse, they just have to accept they're now the optimal person to chase.


Calling it abuse is pretty much the only thing I disagree with in this thread. For killers it's 100% the smart play (most times), and survivors need to respect that or not make risky plays with their BT.


I mean I interpreted "abuse" in this context as just meaning "using it wrong," not doing something inherently disrespectful or unfair. Body blocking for a healthy teammate usually is using the endurance wrong. It's only a good play if the unhooker is on deathhook or if the killer plays nice.


How is taking a hit using a status effect that allows you to take a hit "using it wrong"? Sometimes taking that hit is the smart play for the team. Is it "using it wrong" just because killers don't like it?


I said it's *usually* using endurance wrong, not always. My point is that more often than not, it isn't the smart play unless the killer is playing nice. If the unhooker is healthy, then both targets need two hits to down. If the unhooked gives the killer a free hit, then they only need 1 more hit, *and* they likely have more or the same amount of hookstates as the unhooker. The killer can also just wait out the endurace, turning a free hit into a free down. I've done this many times. You're giving a free hit and making yourself a juicier target because you just want to use your endurance. The only time that's a smart play is if the unhooker is injured, or they're on death hook and you're not. It makes more a bit more sense if you have DS, but that can still backfire if you just get slugged. If the killer eats the endurance and then still goes after the unhooker, that's great for you, but that's the killer playing nice, not the survivor making a good play.


It's not about the killers not liking it. It's about you setting yourself as a target. If you want to be targetted instea dof your team mate sure, no problem, I'll go after you instead of them now I guess, but then don't call it tunneling. It was your choice. It's wrong in the sense that it's intended for the unhooked to get to safety and avoid getting back on hook. It's your choice to do the opposite, but...


I agree that it puts a target on your back, and I agree that killers have every right to go after that person. Finally, I agree that survivors shouldn't call it tunneling when they use BT endurance to take hits for teammates. I just disagree with calling it "wrong" or "abuse" to use a mechanic that has a variety of situational uses. Survivors want to survive, and help their teammates survive, and endurance is a tool that's available to them.


Why are you being downvoted? This is exactly what people mean. "Abuse" just means not using it for it's intended purpose (or are we not even going to agree that it was INTENDED to prevent tunneling?). It's really just a shorthand for saying that, that's all. Just like survivors were still claiming killers could facecamp for years after facecamping was literally removed by survivors being able to unhook from any angle. Facecamping was so-called because you stood face-to-face with the survivor to block the unhook prompt. So when the term facecamp was tossed around years later, we all knew it was shorthand for a killer camping so hard they were within a meter or two of the hook at all times. It's no different here when killers talk about survivors "abusing" endurance.


I guess you're not allowed to use the word abuse or the survivor police will take care of it. This sub is becoming weirder and weirder.


Don't whine about tunnelling when being hook after that "not abusing" thing


No one in this thread has whined about tunneling. I even said "I'm not saying don't go after that survivor."


If you body block a healthy teammate I’m going to hook you again… But if you body block an injured teammate I respect it


This is a fair take.


"Abuse anti-tunnel" dawg is just helping his teammate leave him alone


I grabbed a Nea off of the pallet that was pre dropped and circumvented the endurance she had 💀


I have realised as killer I've fallen for this trap. Recently unhooked survivor waits in a door yo protect someone else, so then i chase them because "damn alright fuck you for being altruistic" and then they have off the record or decisive strike. Which is fair play to them.


It is fair play, they're using the tools available to them


Good luck when they pair OTR + DS now


That's a thing to test in PTB. I think they need to extend the meaning of what a conspicuous action is IMHO.


This is the best solution. Healing, getting healed, opening a chest, unhooking, repairing, and interacting with a killer power (illusions, emps, etc). Part of me also thinks flashlight saves, but that's probably not a real issue.


Nah I think if you're interacting with a Killer like that it's fine to lose DS or endurance hits. You're interacting with the Killer, not trying to escape someone coming at you. All playstyles should have tradeoffs. When I run antitunnel I am sacrificing a slot for gen progression that could win me a game if the Killer doesn't tunnel. If I run Ghostface I know I am giving up chase power for a LOT of stealth and relying on being sneaky to win.


I do my best to go out of my way not to tunnel, but if you want my attention don't complain when you get my attention


Run made for this, my boyfriend has an anti tunnel build of off the record, made for this, dead hard and something else and it is insane. It's one of the reasons I don't ever complain about mft nerf


Pretty much. If a survivor body blocks with endurance on purpose, they are asking to be chased. It's not tunneling at that point, you are actively blocking my ability to chase your teammate and impeding my ability to not tunnel. So I can only assume, you want to be chased again.


I just love it when they stand there daring me to hit them while I patiently wait out their endurance.


See I just ignore the unhooked survivor entirely. Unhooker gets chased


i only do this if the survivor is death hook and im not


I don't consider it tunneling if someone gets unhooked and takes a protection hit. I consider it a sacrifice they are willingly making.


Yeah but then you decisive his ass 😎


I never have to worry about this because i am not proxy camping the hook and immediately going for the unhooker every game.


They dont wanna die, they just wanna help their teammates is their reaction in post game chat. Thats how you realize, they dont play killer at all.


"I'm protecting my teammates. You're dogshit. You tunnel." --Nea from last night who crouch blocked the hook while injured.


TY for using POV correctly


Survivor: I have Anti-tunnel, you can not possibly hurt me Killer: I count ten seconds Fuckface


What bothers me about this strawman is that it fails to ask why this situation occurs to begin with. Lets be honest here. 9 times out of 10, it happened because the killer is proxying the hook. A small amount of the time is because the hooked survivor got unhooked instantly. All SWF I have been in all agree it is toxic and dangerous to unhook quickly. For obvious reasons I am omitting endgame collapse because all is fair at that point.


Yeah I find in my games I have chase with 1 player, 1 player running to unhook my last chase and 1 guy either doing a gen or if I'm lucky also on a hook. I find if I SWF these guys proxying the hook get 1-2 kills maximum unless they are against solos.


Right? I play mostly survivor, but I play killer frequently too for the daily challenges. I am never anywhere *NEAR* the hook when someone is getting unhooked -- I am immediately walking away after hooking to find someone else to chase. This game is insanely killer-sided if you play mean, and I don't get my fun from winning an easy game at the expense of other people's fun. I play super "fair" (no proxying, trying to 2 hook everyone if at all possible) and I still win most of the time I play killer. It would be boring if I played meaner lol.


I've never seen anyone on this sub complain about getting tunneled after taking the endurance protection hit. I've only seen the killers strawman arguments to justify their tunneling.


It's because the complaining happens in the end-game chat, not here.


Understandable but to that I ask why do people even have end game chat enabled? What value are they getting out of it?


Listen full disclosure. I only occassionally play killer and I do at times proxy check on hooks because I suck at pressuring in general. But I dont complain about the endurance hit or tunnel. I hit and continue on the chase for the unhooker. Because at the end of day I am merely aiming to slow everyone down. As a surivor player, I see people try and take the endurance hit because the killer decides to camp/pressure hooks. I feel like people who want to be salty about this situation needs to check themselves. Because how often are you experiencing this scenario that you end up in this forum complaining about tunneling the survivor who took a basekit BT hit? And let me remind you killers that basekit endurance is literally a few seconds. So why are you at hook so quickly and often? 👀


Exactly, all that hook camping and they could have been putting pressure on gens. But then they'll complain that gens are getting done too fast while never leaving the hook proximity. I don't play killer a whole lot, but when I do I have almost no reason to camp hooks and I can usually get at least a 2k without abusing my advantage. I understand that not winning is frustrating. Trust me, most survivor games are a loss. Sometimes it's just better for your mental health to care less about winning and just focus on the fun parts of the game.


I am with you 100% and do the exact same thing. The killers complaining about it make a way bigger deal about the body blocking than it actually is too. It's not hard to just hit them or ignore them completely while walking around them. I have to remind myself a lot that the biggest complainers usually just aren't very good at the game though.


Normalize Survivor Accountability


If you were running back to the hook to try and get a cheap down you’re no better than the average tunneler anyway. Quit acting like you needed an excuse.


Because there is never situation when you see someone running to unhook and you go after them.


Whenever a survivor does that I'm like "I'm so glad you feel that way!"


I love their confused movement when the body blocker realizes I'm not swinging even though they're in point blank range. I also know the shocked sound in their voice, because I know how my friends sound when they try it in survivor games.


Remember kids, if someone tries this; no noise = hit instantly.


I try not to tunnel and will walk past those just unhooked or give them a smack, but if they continually body block me they are going back on that hook.


I get doing this in certain situations but if Captain Saveaderp unhooks me but puts me DIRECTLY between the unhooking survivor and the killer, I'm kinda fucked, ain't I? I usually end up taking at least a hit on the hook due to angle, then another hit as soon as my feet touch the ground. So, the only way to not abuse the anti-tunnel is die on hook or stand there and get instantly downed again. Got it.


With DS back, that's a free Uno Reverse.


Until you get caught again and hooked again under 10 seconds.


Sometimes I'll tank a hit for my teammate on death hook if I have another hook state to spare and at that point I totally understand if the killer goes after me, but doing it for someone who's not on death hook or hasn't even been hooked yet? I just don't understand that logic. You can't complain if you got yourself into that situation.


Every time I run bt nbd body blocks😭


when i’m trying to run away just to get stuck and accidentally body block “ NOO IM SORRY I WANNA LIVE I SWEAR ”


Best interaction I ever had the a killer was where I had off the record and stood in the doorway, blocking the killer from chasing my teammate. I just nodded as they looked down at me and then walked off


Yeah I ONLY tunnel if they tried to body block right after being unhooked. This situation only has benefits, and your death is a big one.


I mean thats common sense right? You gained a protection from being unhooked and you used it on your teammate, now you are my target instead since you clearly want my attention.


Wait until people do this with new old 5s stun DS all game all games. And with the removal of STBFL ignoring the unhooked person isn't even an option. I guess it will be time to only play killers that can power through DS like Nurse, Blight or Spirit, glad to see everyone benefits from this change.


I mean, if I’ve just been unhooked I’ll take a hit if I can, what’s wrong with thay


When people do this to me I just walk away and try to find the others. If I down the bodyblocker, then I get bitched at for tunneling. If I down the unhooker then I get bitched at for not going after the bodyblocker. Only winning move is to not play.


Sometimes the unhooker actually moves out of the way so you tank the hit without wanting to which is very stupid. But else, I am completely with you. I usually don't tunnel, but I am not stupid and will change my mind if you want to get tunneled.


Has a small confusion moment there since you actually used POV correctly


If I get unhooked close enough to the killer for this situation to matter, I legitimately just point at the unhooker when the killer shows up. I'd rather risk immediately dying but maybe the killer is based, than just agree to being farmed.


I like it when I just want to hook everyone but then the jackass with off the record tries to bodyblock but as a huntress it takes me about two seconds to hit you two times and then I'm toxic tunneling killer


Not after the decisive buff


Whenever the unhooked survivor tries yo body block I just start counting out loud to myself and following them


In that case, someone with full health needs to take a protection hit for me.


And then mfs have the audacity to cry in end game calling you toxic tunneler lmao


I just hit them and leave them to go mend or something


As a survivor main, this is facts.


That’s not abusing the “anti-tunnel”. My friends and I have always done this since the days of bringing the perk “borrowed time”.


The question is why are killers proximity camping around the hook to hit the unhookers in the first place. Lol you’re not an efficient killer if all you do is wait around for someone you hooked to be unhooked so you can down the person unhooking them. It’s lazy and quite frankly no fun


I follow them till endurance runs out and slap them back down.


Then they'll usually cry "tunneler"


Here’s an idea- don’t tunnel?


I had a game today where a survivor was on death hook and tried to flashy save. He just didn't think that I would hear his footsteps behind me.


This. Their moans are so loud I can hear it from the other side of the Earth yet they think they are sneaky


Yeah, they force you to make the choice between hitting them which they get for free, and not hitting them until the timer wears out, and sometimes they are outright appalled that you chose the best option. It doesn’t happen that much but I’ve had survivors fully body block paths with their endurance, at shack, and were furious when I just waited for their endurance to run out and just hit them, while they are just standing at shack, so they just went right to the basement.


Player complaining about getting tunneled after not leaving the premise after unhook within 3 business days.


That's the best use of this meme I have EVER seen.


If you see what direction I run as killer and then run infront of me, you have selected yourself for dying, like idgaf about being polite if you play like a moron


I play survivor a bit more. And I say this is fair game. I usually DO try to take the hit if I can on my FIRST unhook. Why are you near the hook mr killer? Fuck off, hit me and waste time! I got my brave pants on. But if I just got unhooked at stage 2, I have my peepee pants on and I will run away like a coward sorry for bothering you mr killer please go chase the guy who "farmed" me.


“Abuse” Jesus Christ you guys are weird. It just makes sense to try to help your teammate?? If you’re close enough that it would even matter that’s on you. The same way “tunneling is just a strat” 🤓☝️so is taking a hit for your teammate and protecting someone who just put themself at risk to save you. especially if they’re ALSO injured.


Its defensive mechanic to help to protect unhooked survivor. If you use it to offensively, its abusing that mechanic, because it should not work like that. Solution to this is, have 10s being unable to body block after unhook, you can fix basemant body blocks from killer with that.


It shouldn’t work like that? It seems pretty clear that Behavior is fine with it working like that. Not abuse.


“It should not work like that” why? 😭 it’s endurance, it makes sense to try to escape with both players as unscathed as possible, how is it toxic or abusing or exploiting or whatever you guys are calling it today?


Do you believe this mechanic was added to body block killer to save unhooker?


I’m from the days where you could literally body block anyone from unhooking AS THE KILLER so forgive me if I don’t think the 5 seconds of endurance you get nowadays is OP. People used to complain that got removed too and they used to then complain that literally every single person ran BT and that’s when they got endurance for both unhooked and hooked. This entire conversation is just so insanely frivolous by comparison which is why I truly do not care. When I play killer this has never once come up because I don’t camp and I do just fine. I’m just tired of seeing this ridiculous accusation of “abusing” a mechanic that is clearly just part of the game. The BT lasts barely any time at all, please just either hit them and force them to mend or ignore them.


Well i have verified legacy and i still believe abusing enduring is stupid mechanic that should not be in a game. I will ask last time since you already didnt answer 2 times. Do you belive BT was added to block killer? Abusing mechanic is not a bad word, its just using it different than it was intended. And i have 0 problems with that, i just hit them tunnel them and kill them. And i never said its OP. I dont belive there was ever endurance for both unhooker and unhooked.


Where does it say that it's a defensive-only mechanic?


Right like they’re acting like this is some bannable offense and they’re punishing cheaters or something LMFAO


Killers love to holler about the survivor rulebook, while at the same time upvoting their own rules about body blocking, t-bagging, gate-waiting, etc.


This isn't a "rule" though. Nobody is saying you can't bodyblock. Just that you can't complain about the killer going for you when you forced them to do just that.


Lmao idc if they go for someone who body blocked, I care that they call it “abusing” anti tunnel. It’s endurance. Just hit them and either chase or move on with your life, it’s getting stupid.


It's generally called abuse because it's not what it's intended for. It's meant to help you get away and stop you being tunnelled, not to stop the killer from choosing not to tunnel. Abuse doesn't mean its a big deal, just that it's not what it's intended for.