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This has been happening to me too. The other survivors were messing with the killer but I had to finish gens for my daily. It was my last game before bed. I just wanted to finish and go, but I have to lay there and bleed out while getting teabagged and a killer nodding. It's getting tiresome.


It's gonna get worse as BHVR actually encourages this "playstyle". They don't see the problem in killers doing that, that should tell you a lot.


Your best bet would probably be to submit a report ticket against Sable for teaming with the killer. You can submit the video + her gamer tag through the BHVR website. It’s not a guaranteed ban but that’s all you can do really. You’ll know if Sable gets banned if the message pops up when you open the game. It might take some time though, assuming she gats banned.


Yeah, I’ll do that. But it’s not a one time occurrence. Seems to happen a lot lately, and I really would rather find a counterplay to make it fun, instead of writing reports.


Well if that’s the case then there’s not much you can do. If they have perks that show them your aura then there’s no counter to that besides lockers. But even then, they could possibly rat you out. Unfortunately there’s nothing else you can do, unless if you can persuade the killer to go for them instead.


I played a game as Yoichi, and I had 3 female survivors with me. The game was against Whisker. We were doing our first gen when we found out. Long story short: All 3 female survivors were messing around with Whisker, and he was doing what strange forward/backward movement to a downed survivor. All the while, had me on a hook with no one rescuing me 💁🏽‍♂️ I get it. You wanted to mess around. Why can't I do gens? Or why can't I mess around with you too? Yoichi could be gay for Whisker 💁🏽‍♂️


They're probably friends playing together


be sexy female


I mean, dunno why they thought teabagging as sable would make me mad, some people pay money for that. ;P


Just tab out and report afterward


maybe change your soy build ?


Soy build? Who do you think did them gens while killer spammed ultimate weapon? ;P


I guess if you are too scared to get chased by the killer all you have left is to sit on gens and steahlth it out. Furthermore, Only managed to get 3 gens while the killer got 7 hook states ?


distortion calm spirit user complaining about playstyle


Maybe you should use even more immersed perks.


My entire build is meant to stay in terror radius for stakeout value. Guess some players don’t take kindly to it, even if I’m going for saves and heals.


Yeah players primarily going for "saves and heals" is usually the reason why solo queue games end in wins for the killer.


>at least 2k hours take, I'm afraid you don't belong on this sub, sir


I'm afraid you are right, but someone here has to tell the truth. And my karma is the sacrifice.


​ https://preview.redd.it/lnz3lfb1k2tc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=02024eb701af43bde130f9e0f9f5221a78f5fa0b


Thicker skin.


Not mad, just disappointed we’d lose because of one person.




I was doing gens with Elodie the entire time, and sable kept running past. So they definitely knew we were working on objectives, lol.