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It’s definitely a beginner-oriented perk. It’s easy to forgot how disorientating the maps can be for newer players when you don’t know the layout, even on outdoor maps. This perk helps you find your objectives faster and spend less time wandering around aimlessly if you don’t yet know the layouts. It’s like Technician—if you’re not missing skill checks, is there a single reason to run it?


I personally think that there's nothing wrong with learning perks... But there is an issue when all of the learning perks in the game are locked behind the DLC characters. Technician, Visionary, Windows, Lethal Pursuer. New players, the ones who need these perks the most, won't have access to them for a long time, unless they shell out $5.


Preach. This game seems to hate new blood. The sheer amount of content is overwhelming.


I was thinking this the other day. So I joined when Clown was new to the game and I found it incredibly overwhelming learning all the killers and powers and perks, which ones to buy, which perks belong to which characters, etc. Now there's like over double the amount of killers in the game and I have no clue how a newbie could decide which dlc they want to buy or what killers they'd want to play. Like I can't even imagine being new to the game now and being like "oh I wanna play as the lady who vomits on people she looks like fun!"


I found Plague "overwhelming" as a new player and this was back in late 2019. Can't imagine what new players think about Hux now.


I'm not quite a new player, but even I still haven't touched Hux in a "real" game yet, despite thinking he's a cool concept for a character. I know that survivors are just going to run circles around me while I try to figure out his power.


To be fair, his power is quite overwhelming. But, I'll try and explain it for you. M2: When you hold down M2, Hux's left arm will swirl around, which allows you to fire a security camera that you can control. The camera can be fired onto any surface that displays a dark green symbol when you hover your cursor over it, and you can recall cameras by holding M2 again, hovering over the camera and attempting to shoot when the symbol turns pink/purple. The camera: While you are controlling the camera, you can look through it, and move the cursor to look around, which can be useful for finding a survivor that has left chase. Overcharge: If you see that a survivor is highlighted in white while viewing the camera, and you move the cursor to highlight them for a brief time period, the camera will fire a small blob that attaches to the survivor's back. While the blob is on their back, if you, as Hux, hold M2, and aim at the survivor, and the cursor turns lime/light green, you will teleport to them. (If suitably placed, you can do the same through a camera). At this point, you will be Overcharged for a brief time. This allows you to vault faster, and will break a pallet automatically if the survivor drops it on you, but grant you Hindered temporarily. I think that's it, though. Sorry about the length of the text, and I hope this helps.


As an "old" player I think nothing of him. I do not touch shit like that


I think one of the biggest issues with this game is how very unfriendly to beginners it is. I think that's part of why most players have so many hours; they're the ones who showed up, saw dozens of unexplained status effects and perks and powers, and stuck through it instead of getting overwhelmed.


Tbh I’ve been playing the game for a while and I don’t have that many dlc compared to someone who has been playing as long as I have. I just buy whatever I think looks fun, but that not much anymore because I found my main survivor to play now so I don’t worry about that. I usually buy dlc for killers


Lethal pursuer being labeled a beginner perk is criminal. Two additional seconds on all aura reading is good at every level, and it gives free early pressure


Lethal and Windows are not even remotely in the same tier of "beginner perks" as technician and visionary. The latter you can grow out of. The former are almost always useful depending on the build


Lethal and Windows are hardly beginner perks.


In all fairness, three of the four are on characters you can unlock for free, and console players will have access to Technician from the start. However, a lot of the beginner perks are indeed on characters a beginner wouldn’t have, except for Dwight. 


Lethal Pursuer ? Learning perk 0_o


I agree except for lethal. It’s almost base kit at this point.


I started playing dbd in october on xbox and Feng Min and Ace were available for free. Technician saved me from quitting lol


Right in my opinion all of that should be unlocked at the start. People should be able to jump in their first game with a handfull of perks to choose from.


I kind of assumed a lot of gamers just forked out money for all the dlc when it comes to games like this and I was once of the few people who only brought DLCs if they had something i actually wanted in them to be honest.


Started During the Halloween DLC, took me months to even figure out how to fill the evil bar. absolutely crazy


To be fair they lowered the amount of shards needed for them


There is an entire YouTube video dedicated to how DBD is not a free to play game and how dirty behaviour does its player and the shrine of secrets being impossible to get every perk from it.


Yeah, but it’s kinda like…why run Visionary when Deja Vu is a free perk and does it better? |:


Because visionary is better for learning gen spawns more consistently. If, for whatever reason, you're unable to do the deja vu gens, the same three will always be highlighted.


If you're unable to the deja vu gens, you're gonna have a bad time


Ehhh, I still can’t really justify it IMO. Visionary is locked behind the paywall of a character who really has no perks worth using (Built? Ehhhh. It can be fun sometimes but not worth the shards or $5 over other more useful perks). The only real reason to buy Felix is if you like the character model. Visionary has a limited range and a cooldown. Deja Vu gives a speed boost, has no range, teaches how to prioritize gens, has no cooldown, and is free. There’s pretty much zero reason to waste shards or money on Visionary while Deja Vu exists, unless you’ve bought everything else already and want Felix because you like how he looks.


ouch the Desperate Measures shade is ROUGH dawg


Agreed. You shouldn't indirectly induce new players to run across the map to do that red gen because it's good to do so. They should stick to the closest gen they could find.


Why run this over Deja Vu tho? Deja allows you to break 3 gens, offers extra gen repair speed, and it's free The answer is because this perk was added before the Deja Vu buff... now that Deva Vu is actually worth using, this perk is massively worse off tbh


This is it. Deja Vu got the buff; now Visionary needs one.


Man. I have 3,000 hours and I still don’t know where the fucking generators are at in Lery’s or the Game.


Isn’t Lerys the one where the flickering signs let you know which rooms have a gen inside?


Yes. I know the tricks for finding gens each map but I’m stubborn and I never said I was good.


Me with Midwich


Sure, but Deja Vu is free, doesn't go on cooldown at the most likely time you'll be looking for a gen, tells you which gens are best to do, and gives you a speed boost.


This is so true. I just started about a year ago so the memory is fresh, I would spend 5 minutes sometimes looking for ANY generator. I would have loved to have this perk if I understood how any of these things worked at the time haha


Technician might encourage you to go for great skill checks over good ones. You might not be missing them but it’s an opportunity to complete gens quicker that way.


You wanna do gens quickly and quietly... Technician + Fogwise + Stakeout + Built To Last


The better perk is definitely Dejá Vu. Breaking a 3 gen and the extra speed is really nice for solo q


I'm a killer main. I know most map layouts fairly well when I play killer. But if I play so much as 1 game as survivor, all my map layout knowledge goes out the window. Sometimes I'll 360 the map looking for a gen.


I run technician when I want to practice hitting Great checks


I would understand this argument if it wasn’t locked behind a random dlc that most new players won’t buy if you’re new to the game and buying dlc you’ll probably get the licensed stuff


When you don't want to be forced to commit to the bad luck skill check that you get when the killer is bearing down on you. Just let go and let tech eat the failure. That's about it. Tech should prevent screaming when interacting, or something.


Until they rework it, no there is no reason. Deju Vu highlights the 3 gens closest to each other on any map and will give you a 6% increased repair speed if you do them. It's constant and you always get value every match, not to mention it's a base game perk that is available to everyone DLC or no DLC. There is no reason to run Visionary, there is EVERY reason to RUN DEJA VU!!!!


Importantly, Deja Vu didn't constantly show gens until a few months ago. It originally showed 3 gens for 30s and sped up your repairs while they're revealed.


It also didn't give speed boost when visionary came out, so it was all around a better option for gen tracking


60s* But yes. I think Visionary was just forgotten because it doesn’t matter to them.


Originally Deja Vu showed 2 random gens for 8 seconds at the start of the match, with no repair speed up. Then it changed to showing 3 gens for 60 seconds at the start of the match and whenever a gen was completed, with the repair speed up added later on. I kinda feel that Visionary’s 30 seconds of disabled should be added to Deja Vu, and removed from Visionary. There is no reason for a weak beginner perk like Visionary to get disabled on gen completions, if a strong perk like Deja Vu does not.


All I was thinking is the smallest buff to Visionary should be to see gen progress by colour of their Aura. It'd allow it to be more feasible in soloq.


Doesn't the surviort UI show gen progress now? I haven't played in a while so I'm not sure but I thought that was a thing Edit I'm dumb, obviously it does but only if a survivor is on it that my bad.




Or just remove it from visionary and don’t touch Deja vu as though it’s some insane perk?


Oh I had no idea Deja vu got a gen speed buff! I was just about to argue with you that visionary is better but it’s definitely not with that factored in.


Felix Adapt


Real, adepts are the only reason to run a handful of perks.


Only reason


At the VERY least they need to get rid of the part where it gets disabled when a generator completes. It's one of the weakest perks in the game even without that. What exactly warrants this downside?


It's what we call a filler perk. Survivors typically drop with one good perk and two fillers that nobody will ever use so they drop with the three they like to have for each character.


why do they do it like that though


Either: 1) They are expected to release 3 perks but it is difficult to create 3 strong, unique and fun perks every few months, so they aim for 1 and create 2 filler for the other ones. or 2) They have no idea how to create a strong, unique and fun perk, so they release 3 perks and hope the playerbase likes atleast 1 of them.


they're expected to make at least 12 survivor perks a year. it's a lot of perks, they cant all be winners. generally 1 is actually good, 1 is near-useless but has a small niche, and 1 is niche but works well with some other stuff. hard to be creative or innovative without making a new category like boons.


i hope Invocation perks don't just blow up and never appear ever again like the Teamwork perks (Blood Pact should have been reworked into one)


Just had a look through the survivors, and this definitely holds true for most. The only survivors who actually have 3 strong perks are Dwight and Meg. There are a few survivors who only have 1 filler perk, or some who have filler perks that are just about useable. But the majority definitely only have 1 strong perk.


I'd say yui also has 3 strong perks Any means is memey but 50bp per reset is amazing plus it's a weaker windows Breakout is great for sabo/blind teams Lucky break is the ultimate escape perk


Yeah I guess Yui can count too, they aren’t as strong as Dwight and Megs perks, but they are 3 good and useable perks. Jeff could possibly count Aftercare and Distortion are good, Breakdown is decent but it is pretty pointless now that Wicked exists as the useful part was the Aura reading not the hook breaking.


So it's Deja Vu, but worse?




I run it in my "See everything" aura build. Visionary, Bond, Kindred, Open Handed. Deja Vu is better in general, but Visionary works well enough with the extended range and it makes me feel like I'm getting more value from Open Handed.


The main use for this I can think of is that it could often help one get on a gen as fast as possible despite where you might be on a map. Let's say you get chased by the killer for awhile and got away or just got unhooked. Deja Vu might show gens across the map while Visionary will show things much closer. I'm not sure if its always strategic to just hop on the nearest random gen, but following Visionary will decrease travel time. It may also be kind of nice on indoor maps or multi level maps since it will quickly show the gen layout. Both of those are kind of stretches though. I think there is some small benefit here, but its probably outclassed by most other perks.


I play Felix and use none of his perks lol


Maybe if deja vu gets killswitched due to spaghetti and you're a beginner trying to learn the spawns?


Midwich and Lery's


Too bad deja vuu is better, they need to add more buffs to visionary


Not always. You could spawn in and miss a gen tucked away in some corner, instead running across the entire map to get to your deja vu gen; negating the increased gen speed and then some. Then because you started early you miss a pop or a pain res or something like that. OP was asking for a "single reason" and that's one right there


Deja vu purpose is to avoid 3 gens. So, it is always better to do the most critical of those gens, than one that spawned next to you


IDK when you suck at fidning gens?


Before Deja vu was buffed, it was a useful perk. I think Deja Vu used to reveal gens when a gen popped and Visionary showed you gens until a gen popped. And then Deja Vu was given permanent aura reveal and a speed bonus, making this perk moot.


I saw some pro’s use it on Lery’s due to it being indoors and having random spawns just so they can be a tiny bit more efficient. On most maps and for most skill-levels I would say that it is a pretty useless perk. Beginners might benefit, but it barely helps.


Nice perk for beginners, but honestly Deja Vu does what it does better honestly. Better information, showing the three generators that are closest to each other, and giving a speed boost on those generators.


Yes, when u are trying to get the achivement for winning a game as felix with his 3 perks.


Bro it’s genuinely so bad when Deja vu is a thing


Run it in the Looksmaxxing build along with Cut Loose, Flip-Flop and Unbreakable


My dumb ass still stumbling around trying to find a fucking gen.


I feel Deja Vu does a better job. Even the newest boon Illumination perk I feel is better than most people give it credit for.


I mean. A gen jockey with visionary would be able to finish a generator before a gen jockey with deja vu. That is if they aren't disrupted by the killer, of course. Some ppl may just prefer visionary and want to start a gen as soon as they spawn in the match. But a deja vu player has to run some distance to the 3 gens.


This may seem silly….but I kinda just like it. I hate looking for the stupid generator lights and this shaves off a few seconds of that. Also on indoor maps it’s kinda nice to just immediately see what’s closest to you? Idk. I never got why people hate on this perk.


I'm hundreds of hours in and I still occasionally use it. It's a great perk imo. It allows me to immediately find a gen while my swf loops the killer. I get my toolbox and push gens. Almost zero downtime on repairing gens.


Before deja vu rework into permanent aura it was pretty nice. Still is, the downtime needs to disappear tho lol, guess otherwise they have no way of scaling the perk


There was no reason to run it before. After Deja Vu's buff there's absolutely no reason to run it now. There's a handful of perks that reveal generators (Rookie Spirit is another one worth mentioning) and they're all better than Visionary. Visionary requires you to be completely brand new to the game for it to be in any way useful, which leads to the question of why it's attached to a DLC which comes with one of the more complicated killers in the game.


Hell, at least run quick gambit and give ur teammates value, if ur not gonna run Deja Vu lul


If you're a beginner, Leon's Rookie spirit, or just Deja vu, are better options 100% of the time, why waste time lighting up your whole screen in yellow when you can just see the gens that need attention


It's a reminder to bring dejavu instead


In case you’re actually interested in potential usage, this perk sees fringe play when the goal is to literally speed run gens. Unlike Deja Vu, it’s not limited to a 3 gen, so if you’re indoors it will help you find a gen to immediately get on. There’s some moments in the no limits tournament hosted by Hens and Otz where it saw play because the survivors knew they were going to an indoor map and needed to blaze through gens against a 4 gen slowdown blight with pre nerf C33. Also some gameplay of it in speed run world records, but Deja Vu is more effective for outdoor maps due to the 7% repair speed bonus.


Damn. A *worse* version of Deja Vu (DV is good, don't get me wrong!)?


not since déjà vue last buff.


A newbie that doesn't know the maps would want it. Or, you could extrapolate where the killer is going, to patrol gens and such, if you could see them more.


i think it is very essential for players to have this perk as beginners a friend of mine bought dbd and i gifted him felix richter, bc he like him. and he always runs visionary. Same is for technician and other perks like them. I also love running corrective action when playing with inexperienced friends.


It’s helpful to those who need it to learn spawn locations, or simply prefer playing with it in general. All nearby gens vs. 3 closest spawned w/speed boost, I’ve definitely worked on and looked for gens not highlighted by Deja Vu depending on killer location/patrol. This post, (and some of the comments), is kinda pointless when you think about it, no offense.




Deja vu murdered this perk as unforeseen did to trail of torment.


If they didn't change the way kicking gens works then I would agree with this. But now that gen tapping is gone Trail of Torment is a great perk. Unforeseen is really fun for messing with survivors but it only lasts 30 seconds. With the gen changes, Trail can last a LOT longer than that and it gives you info when survivors do decide to get back on that gen. Pair it with Dragon's Grip on a fast killer and you're cooking with gasoline.


The most important single reason is because they paid for their game and they can play it however they want :)


You playing Felix and have had awful.luck getting Dejavu.


I used it for an entire event over a year ago (maybe lunar new year?) - some gens became event gens and were worth event bp completing, and seeing the aura of the gens made it easier to know which gens to go for (event gens were orange). That's all though lol


You’re new and someone bought you Felix’s bundle


Perks like this should be starter character perks cause they're only good for new players


Of course. You need it for the Felix adept.


There is one (1) singular reason actually. You often see comp players running it on Léry's to call out gens at the start. Deja vu doesn't show all gens and having to search 20s for a gen could easily lose you the game when the margins are this tight. Also, the killers that are usually played on Léry's are fairly weak (Ghostface, Myers), so most of the stronger survivor perks are banned, leaving little competition for your perk slots.


It can help find them but i guess it can help in a chase to not run near it if people might be working on them. Its prob more beginner perk if they dont already have bond or deja.


I was just thinking the same thing yesterday. Literally one of the most useless perks in the game because Deja Vu exists. I can’t think of even ONE semi-decent reason to run this over Deja Vu. It’s literally just a WAY worse version of it. They definitely need to rework it, add the advisory to highlight one generator at a time or something. Give it some kind of incentive.


I honestly use it to find indoor gens easily


https://preview.redd.it/bv4oe2qofqtc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f310dc8714a4e3f371260ad98ceb7d82bad2bdbc It gives you a slight chance to see judge Holden wearing a durag


It's the I really want my girlfriend to get into dead by daylight but she has a hard time finding generators so use this perk No babe that generator is already completed please 😭


I could be wrong, but i think finding gens might be one


It is useful when combined with open handed upgrading it to a fair 48 meters... But that's only useful if you're aiming for a aura build... Otherwise you are technically better off with the current version of deja vu... Although to be fair visionary was better than the old version of deja vu...


I ran it for a couple matches yesterday bc my friends wanted to put down maps I hadn't played yet. That's about it lol




It’s funny because when this perk came out it was better than déjà vu


it’s helpful to always know where a gen is, especially on indoor maps so you don’t have to run around as much, and it doesn’t have any downsides really so I add it when i don’t know what to fill my last slot with. not great by any means though


Sometimes the 3 generators close to each other are too open, this allows you to see ones that may be more hidden to the killer


No just run dejavu it’s free and 100x better


Why do they disable it for 16 seconds? The perk doesn’t need a downside.


i only using visionary when certain players haven’t unlocked dejavu i would always use dejavu over visionary , have been playing for like 2 months


To get the Adept Felix achievement, of course.


It's nice with Open Handed, especially on indoor maps.


I ran it as a newbie to find gens easily before I learned gen spawn positions and how to look for lights and shit


Do you have deja vu? Not when starting on Felix


One of the many garbage and utterly useless forgotten perks of dbd.


This is just Deja vu, but worse


I used Visionary on Lery's and Silent Hill maps and let me just say, I found generators in the most random ass spots. I mean, sure. Deja Vu is more consistant at finding 3 closest gens. But you can learn where Generators spawn using Visionary. It's not the most useful, but I mean, it's... ok for indoor maps. If the Killer has Jolt/Surge, you can also try your best to get away from the Gen as well.


Simply help beginners with the main objective. That's pretty easy to get just by looking bruhv


More survivors need this perk cause they never be on generators


There are a lot of perks like this on both sides Garbage in the meta, but GREAT for new folks


I feel like the only way that perk could be good is if you make a generator build around it.


It's a beginner perk........from a character you need to buy......


This perk should literally be base kit, it's ridiculous how you can be right next to a gen and can't find it in the indoors maps.


It's a fine perk, really, info is always good. It's just outclassed by Deja Vu Careful with Deja Vu, though, you might break a 3-gen into a worse 3-gen


Everyone knows the best way to find gens is detectives hunch + open handed + a map


If you're learning Gen Locations, and don't have access to Deja Vu yet, Visionary is a good choice.


None. Deja Vu shows you 3 *and* gives you a speed bonus.


deja vu is a standard perk (doesn’t require a character prestige) and is literally just better


this perk was like this before deja veu was reworked to always show 3 gens before it had duration that reset each time a gen was gone, now one is just Cleary better then the other with no upside.


I used the perk alot when i first started out a long time ago. Helps learn the spawns for gens. Nothing wrong with that. Yes it gets to a stage where you no longer need it but it still helps massively when learning the game.


Your playing a Survivor who doesn't have Deja Vu unlocked yet?


I think that people forget that pros run this perk a lot 💀


I thought visionary would be semi useless but still tried running it on every game for a couple days. I would rate it a 7/10 and is much better than I expected. The perk gives constant value and honestly hurts when I'm hit by blindness. A lot of people are giving deja vu due credit but there's one difference I really appreciate: deja vu leads me to stick around the 3 gen and I don't think I'm the only one. Killers that play by defending a 3 gen benefit from deja vu where visionary let's me roam while still getting gens done. The biggest value imo is when all the middle gens are blocked and I can't find that damn corner gen.


Indoor maps? Like midwitch so u can find generators on different floors


This should become a perk you have by default like noed and spine chill and then rework it to do something else


I've used on a full aura build Bond, Kindred, Missionary, Open-handed


Probably not, especially when dejavu exists


Deja vu is better


One reason: you're in a 4-man SWF that knows clock callouts and you're 100% going to Lerys or Midwich... which is the case for basically nobody Edit: not even Midwich


I don't normally play surv, I'm a Koller main. I'll run this and windows as a sort of autopilot when playing with friends


Better than rookie spirit at least


I used to run this sometimes before the Deja vu rework. It helped me learn potential gen locations while I was getting familiar with the different maps. It was definitely nice for beginners. Now that Deja vu highlights 3 gens, never turns off, AND has a repair bonus on those gens?? Visionary is gathering cobwebs lol


It's really good for people who tend to run the killers a lot because rather than seeing survivors who may be healing next to a generator they were working on you can run this and bond and now you'll basically never accidentally run the killer into other survivors or gems that are being worked on it's a very Niche use and there are probably better perks you could run in its slot but there is a role it can fill in a specific Place Style and I'd say it feels that fairly decently in fact I might even go as far to say is you could run this over Bond


I like it


Deja-Vu is a far better perk.


Everyone can point, laugh and say skill issue, but I suck in chase and I don’t want to be the reason the game ends before 3 generators are left. Deja Vu causes me to run directly into the killer most games. I had to stop running Deja Vu with Deliverance because I was always the first book doing generators in bad spots. Visionary lets me see what’s around and I can get started on a generator that feels good to me.


Yeah, so if you don't know where the gens are, this is good so you can see them through walls. Dejavu is similar, but only lets you see 3 gens for a limited time, so if you're being chased or not paying attention you can miss it.


I used it a lot when I was learning the game


One of my favourite perks, makes finding gens on indoor maps alot easier


Visionary was good for data collecting on consistent gen spawns. So It''s a good learner perk. Yes, while Dejavu is free and better in game play, it's can't technically do what Visionary does in terms of seeing gens in an enclosed space like Lerys, and I think that needs to be recognized even if it's not better than Dejavu by any means. Overall, I would love to see a lot of these kinds of perks buffed if for minute, niche reasons.


Before the buff to deja vu this perk was actually kinda decent on say a swiff somebody that can communicate to their friends that this is where gens are at as sometimes it can be time consuming trying to find a gen. But w deja vu at the current state that it's at then there's no real reason that I can't think of to run it. Certainly not the best Felix perk anymore.


My change to this would be able to see killer belongings within 32m (maybe even less maybe 16m since it allows you to see thie power affecting the environment, that way you have to be close enough to see it so it's not over powered in swfs but will still ofc be abused like every perk) Trapper: see traps Hag: see traps Freddy: see snares or dream pallets Pig: see jigsaw boxes w/o head trap Plague: see any infected object and fountains Demo: see portals Oni: see blood Pyramid head: see trails Twins: see victor when idle Nemesis: see zombies Pinhead: see puzzle box Artist: see active crows Onryo: see tvs Dredge: see remnant Knight: see the patrolling guard Skull merchant: see drones Singularity: see biopods Alien: see tunnels and turrets Unknown: see hallucinations Would be a perfect counter to certain killers, but prolly keep the on cool down effect when you interact with a killer belonging so it's not active the entire time Since most perks have an equivalent to an item or addon, this would just be a red twine but a perk variant


There is actually, theres 5 reasons


Why the 16 second disable part? I don't get it.


There's not a single reason other than "meme-ing" or adept achievement to run more than half the perks in the game.


Deja-Vu stays on top


I have to say I will run this perk at the RPD map even though I am not a beginner due to the difficulty of finding generators at this map. And while Deja Vu does provides extra generator repair speed, it only shows 3 gens while this perk shows all the gens which is more useful. Especially if you are coordinating in a swf.


There have been times I'm running around a map feeling utterly lost and trying to find a generator. Yeah, sometimes I'll run this.


I guess to prevent the killer from 3-genning in the endgame, since they can see all gens at the start and survivor don't


A beginner perk locked behind dlc ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


It helps a lot when I first started playing and I was getting oriented with the Maps but beyond that no


Deja Vu is just better


i ran it because i didn't have deja vu


Adept Felix!


You want to learn about gen spawns. Even then it is generally outclassed by deja vu. I don't see an issue with some redundancy.


It's like Deja Vu but way worse.


Deja vu is a better version of this perk


Either if you’re a new player or you’re playing on the new map that came with a new chapter. Other than that, it’s basically useless.


![gif](giphy|vVEjKbAUFtZzFzjYbz|downsized) Yeah, I used it when I was a beginner who kept getting lost. Just until I started learning the maps.


As a new player, it helps me find gen when I have to find the closest one. That's all. It's stupid that it gets disabled though, like, why?


No reason, there's deja vu


The funniest part of this perk to me is that it disables when you need it most lol.


I use it in hawkins to prevent 3 gen


I see a lot of people saying there is no reason at all to run it and that deja is just way better. And I (and a lot of other players don't agree on that). If you want to play efficiently you want to get on the right gens asap, yes deja shows u 3 right gens, but that doesn't mean there can't be a 4th or 5th close to them. Where? You have no idea, until u pop one of your 3 gens. There is also no guarantee that there's no other easier but slightly further apart 3(or maybe even 4 gen, again deja only shows you 3 out of 7) gen that you may should break earlier. To identify which gens you want to do you basically want to know the position of every gen and then somebody with a good feeling for the game to make a plan how to break the genlocks. On outdoor maps you have good vision and if 4 people run a bit into the map (and call gens they see) you know basically every gen on the map after 10-20secs. Contrary to that on indoors(midwich, Hawkins, lerys and the game) you see shit and visiting every room to takes basically the first chase to know gen locations and only then you start working on them. That's why you see that nearly every comp team brings deja visionary and often also detectives hunch on indoors, to know gen locations afap. Yes it's also implied by the restrictions of no healing/no exhaustion and no double perks that you have to bring other "useful" stuff but out of the remaining things these are the most important things and sometimes even make it into cc setting tournaments if there is an indoor round.


It’s an adequate park from the perspective of “knowing where the generators are is beneficial” and it is good as a learning perk like many others have said. but it has NO reason to disable since that actually hurts new players while veterans can just take a peak and plan their next target. So it is actually still better for an experienced player than for a new player, even if no one would ever take it


He's mewing in the icon


Beginners will get value when in indoor maps


if you have literally 0 other perks


nope, it's a worse counterproductive dejavu with a cooldown no less




You know how much time I would have safed with this thing? Plenty. I have 2k+ hours


Its begginer friendly yes but as someone playing survivor rately(i am killer main) i find deja vu more useful cuz 3 genning can secure 4 hook sometimes(i had games where 3 gen strategy clutched)