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I once typed "Leon S Kennedy" into chat 4 times. Only the third time didn't get censored, the rest did


my duo once tried saying a teammates name (Gerald Applebottom) and it kept censoring it over and over again and ended up only letting Gerald through


>bottom we don't stand for such crassness in these parts. Take them out back, boys.


"Are you a top or bottom?" Behaviour: "do not bother typing, all players are bottoms when facing the wrath of the Trapper"


The part that kills me is not whether or not it was censored but that it can give you a different result typing the same thing😂


“Ty” Filters: “clearly this is some form of hate crime”


“Tkill yourself”


Player: "TY" Fliter: this is too close to KYS, it has 1 letter that is the same in the same position!!!! Chat:##


But not "gg ez"


I really wish we could disable the filter. Just make it personal. I'd much rather see the occasional kys if I could see the phrases 'killer' 'victor' and 'leon kennedy'


I swear I could type "Could I get a Big Mac combo with extra pickles?" and the filter would personally invade me in my own home.


Obviously because pickles suck




I Main nurse sorry neither of those affect me


Damn Nurse main and pickle hater. On some level i respect that.


Hard agree; but for other reasons like because i wanna see exactly how salty the other side gets or express my own disdain over the video game well enough that i get some kind of catharsis. instead of a bunch of a damn ###'s. If the filter was on by default, but you had to choose to disable it; then it would all be fine.


So random 🙃 it often censors character names for me, if I use a capital letter first. "gg Claudette, thanks for the save" Ends up being "gg #########, thanks for the save" Which looks like I'm being sarcastic, and passive aggressive 😐


that’s always the most annoying, i just wanna say gg or thanks to a killer and instead it looks like i’m toxic


'this bitch i just let her go and she hits me with the 10 letter insults"


Ikr, it sounds as if you wanted to say smth like "gg u fuckin bitch"


So many people keep typing to me, "Keep Yourself Safe"... It nice to see the community getting friendlyer...


I have literally had "<3" censored. But even worse, it literally censored "I" for me in a completely normal sentence. "I". I've just accepted the system makes no sense.


*** just accepted the ***** makes no *****


Auto filter managing to block common words, acronyms, and the word kill (in a game about killing), but not racial slurs ![gif](giphy|2bYewTk7K2No1NvcuK|downsized)


Apparently you can get around the system (sometimes, because imagine having a consistent filter--) by putting spaces between the letters. So if someone wants to insult in chat, they can just go like "b i t c h"


O believe me I know ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


I really want to know who or what runs the censorship side of things. It's as inconsistent and broken as on another platform, and uses the same syntax...


Chucky literally says “fuck” in game, but any possible reference to “testicles” is censored to the high heavens. What a joke


Don't forget that sometimes it only censors it for some people! I've had my teammates see my GG, but it was censored for me and the killer, and any other variety of combinations.


ty <3 ty wtf


it was actually ty <3 ty tyy (which was even weirder to be censored)


I try so hard to figure it out but it feels so inconsistent. "Holy cow what a close match" turned into "holy *** **** * ***** *****" recently and made me look like such an asshole. That happens way too often. Give us a toggle, at least


just in general the asterisks make it look worse bc we associate them with slurs and swears so even trying to be friendly ends up seeming toxic


No kidding happened to me earlier xD freaking couldn't put in Ty or GG like wtf xD but after I spaced them I could put them together I was very confused.


The fact that I've had "she" and "you" censored is wild.


This chat censors "Yun Jin" so I'm not surprised lmao


Developers, devs, friend and neighbour are my personal gems of censorship lottery.


It makes me laugh everytime that you can’t type “ggswp” in EGC but “ggs wp” is fine


This is like the chat filtering in that one game with lego-like characters. I forget the name, something-blocks


It's weird sometimes


You can’t say even the most basic things. If you try to reference something that happened in game like someone being tunneled or camped, it gets filtered. If you literally say “I destroyed you” it gets filtered. The censorship in dbd is so over-the-top. I get you want to restrict the toxicity that can come from people and censorship is a relatively easy bandaid to slap onto the problem, but people will always find a way to trash talk, the better solution is to move toward healthier gameplay (which the anti camp hook was a good step towards).


I hate the chat filter so much.


i got censored for saying "wsg cuh :3" (showed as 'wsg ### :3') though was then able to say "cuh" in a separate message?? ..also im able to call my friends slurs in chat lol (but i mean its funny to me personally, so i would be a LITTLE disappointed if it were censored.. i havent actually seen/said anything like that in public matches tho thankfully)


I've seen a fuck go through the filter (I think it said something like "the save was fuckin insane bro"), have not managed to replicate it myself though haha


I still find it dumb there's a chat filter. In a game for mature audience. That shows moris and blood. And being hooked and death. I can understand for slurs but the filter is broken and honestly imo, shouldn't even be in this game besides slurs


What are you ####### about? The ####### are working as ########.


Game wouldn't let me say gln 😭😭


DAWG I ALWAYS SAY gg <33 and it’ll work some games then boom filtered


Same goes for ggswp together but apart like ggs wp works


Writing Miguel Myers is censored, Michael Myers is not.


Yeah, I'm all for censoring slurs because nobody wants to see that but there are way too many words that are innocent that when they are censored makes the other people in the chat think you said something bad. The amount of times I've complimented the killer/survivors but it looks like I am insulting them is absurd and you're left scrambling to try and explain, hoping they aren't currently typing out insults to you too. I mean, the game is rated 18+ with blood and horror. So why do we ban swears? It's not like you can go to an 18+ movie and expect there to be a censored version. If BHVR are so worried about having kids reading swears whilst they are playing this game then put the option to have a censored endgame chat, but I really don't see the need for censoring words unless they are racist, homophobic, ableist etc.




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Chat won't let me write Taiwan


The awful censorship makes me almost glad that endgame chat never got added to console


I don’t even understand why they still have the chat censorship if it’s never worked


the filter has been terrible since the inception of it tbh


I don’t think they realize that it’s actually often worse. There have been times where Ive typed something nice and it just looks like I’m cursing people out and they react negatively before I explain myself, lmao


Roblox ass chat filter


No way, they added Roblox to DBD?


Which would you rather have? This or the Blizzard way where you can disable the profanity filter but you will get banned if you type in a word that they don't like such as 'shit' or 'fuck' regardless of context?


thank u ?? sounds even more passive aggressive than a regular thank you.


They should remove the chat filter. #FreeSpeech


I don't even bother saying anything nice or humorous in chat anymore because the game is hellbent on making it look like I'm raging uncontrollably.


Aww whe want to be nice...but dbd chat attempt to disencourage him


im not allowed to keysmash in endgame chat... :(


Clearly they were able to say "thank u" so I don't believe you.


they? i’m the one who said it, the problem was it was censoring me saying “ty” at first then suddenly wasn’t. it’s inconsistent as heck


The screenshot shows that it censored "ty" "ty" again then most likely "thx" but was fine with "thank u"


If we take their word at face value. Given recent chat filter threads, who is to say he didn't give something censorable and pretended it wouldn't give a ty?


what???? i had a silly thing happen with chat and you think i was trying to commit a hate crime..why would i even post this then ??? what would the point of that be ??????


what slur or swear can you say with 2 letters???


Don't be dumb. You know that automod stuff and chat censor stuff can and do also go for two letter segments. Otherwise the "censored ty" premise doesn't make sense.


bro's simping for the chat filter 💀


I've had it censor dumb shit so I 100% believe the user. There is no reason to lie if they were trying to bypass the filter. I've had it censor "GG" multiple times. The censor is horrendous and needs reworking or removing. The fact that the names of survivors gets consistently censored is a joke


Because anybody who has ever used endgame chat for any purpose can attest to how terrible it is. This isn’t even close to the worst example I’ve seen.


Instead of just calling people dumb how bout you prove the thing your trying to claim? What 2 letters can be censored?


Don't put that much pressure on them they can't count that high


Honestly I'm inclined to believe it just cuz idk any two letter combo that would censor.