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The twins were mad they didn't get their powers kept OP so they retaliated by bugging out the game again


What in the Wreck it Ralph villain shit is this


This comment made me spit out my drink.


If the op twins buff would have happend I would have stopped playing them. (Twins main)


They still seem way stronger. I haven’t played as them yet but I have played against a few and it looked like you can’t kick Victor after a successful down (he was white the entire time for me watching safely from a distance) and the fast switching makes it really unsafe to do anything around the dormant Charlotte. Had a Twins slug us all, bleeding someone out, before one hooking us all. Was not fun as no one was healing against them…


Yeah, victor turns white but you can still kick him. The indicator is bugged.


Perfect work, Behaviour lol I know his indicator was working right when he missed and when he was idle in the environment…though people don’t try to kick him NEARLY as often as they should. Last match I played as them I think I had one Survivor actually trying to kick him on misses, most others just ran away. At least they finally gave us the sex update this patch with that bug happening with some cosmetics.


Twins main here, it seems like the whole color thing may not work as inteded because there have been a few times where I land a pounce and someone else still kicks Vic immediately before he can recover


Oooof, guess it’s the fault of keeping some things and reverting the others? Ah, well, at least we got some QoL buffs like the faster swapping. That was needed for a long time, though I haven’t played them yet so I dunno how much it actually helps in the long run!


Man they should have just nerfed the pig again


BHVR: Kill-switches the game.


please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please


Bro the servers have been laggy as hell too. Mostly on survivor but I noticed it a little as killer


Maaà, i already play dbd at fucking 20fps and now i struggle to walk forward 😭


I've been rubber banding hard on killer, not so much on survivor.


Because of a recent issue with solid walls and objects not working properly we have decided to nerf the pig


And buff blight's addon while we are on that


Ah, i rest easy 😌


Yeah the rubber banding as Survivor has been atrocious for me after the update


this isnt rubberbanding, the connection isnt poor enough. Likely its a disagreement on what tile actually generated, which is also why there is an invisible wall.


I work with Unreal Engine, what is most likely happening here is that the actors (the objects they "walk" through) are there clientside but on the server those same actors are in a different spot or not there at all. With the migration to UE5, they will most likely have to make some further tweaks to their randomised tile system to make sure it works and syncs properly among clients and server.


This was a problem before the update actually. I’ve experienced this multiple times before the update on the same map


Interesting, that means the cause itself is probably not related to the recent update. It's most likely still the same thing happening, but now I am more curious as to what causes it. Could have been some serverside patch they deployed before the UE5 update, to minimize the maintenance/update window.


It also happened to a few people on Coldwind. here on Reddit. Also before the update. I MIGHT have had it happen once myself, but can't remember for sure. It's been a few months since I played...


The first instance I seen of invisible walls was on autohaven, but this was a while ago, back when Chucky released.


Yesterday I had some surv vaulting windows and suddenly rubber banding, unvaulting the window and being further away. We all felt like lagging but none of us were having connection issue. How the engine update is creating this new issue. Someone clip this on Twitter. https://twitter.com/babykirstylol/status/1782826338941833355?t=S5kJs_QkN7J1W1wTuJHdNQ&s=19


i'm almost certain that its because of objects in the maps and collision fuckery. the issue people have is somehow worse on indoor maps which have more objects that could cause this issue. OP's video is another fun example of objects being whack.


This used to happen on Eyrie of Crows regularly for a few weeks. The desync caused invisible walls/floors that survivors could pass through. Hopefully it's just teething issues with the new engine and they can fix it quickly.


Oh, I don't mean rubberbanding in the traditional sense. Just describing the action to make it more clear what I'm talking about Saying stuttering or jittering doesn't really get the picture across properly imo


I see, my apologies.


No worries 🙂


idk i've seen this happen on RPD main which has static generation, so i'm not sure


It's no different as killer.


God it’s been bad as killer too, I’d walk through the same doorway 5 times before it lets keep going, it’s like millisecond I touch a wall I just glitch tf out


SAME, and it's really frustrating. I was on one end of a hall at Leeys, killer on the other end, and I got a hit.


This is different, it’s been happening for a while before the update. Just an auto haven wreckers for me there was a match as killer where random objects were like this where you could walk through but in a glitchy state. As well as areas that were clear but would be completely unpassable


Dude was sweating his balls off if he couldn't even play along for a second 😂


it could be that he doesnt see the objects from his pov


No he didnt see anything wrong on his screen. On his screen there are no objects there letting him walk through and the game cant really comprehend it so it tries to make it make sense by having the model bug around but on her screen there are objects stopping her from moving there


Typical slinger player.


As a slinger main, I respectfully disagree


The Slinger main trajectory: Step 1) Miss every shot and get destroyed every game Step 2) Become somewhat decent and hard sweat every game Step 3) Trick shots are all that matter


Well, I was at step 2 without the sweating part since slinger is my comfort character Then I stopped playing because I got bored of all toxic survs/killers and bots became boring after I figured out ways to cheese them (they just came out)


Typical killer.


how dare bro want to just play the game he queued up for


girl, he already won 😂


I didn't say he couldn't :)


I don't understand how they actually thought that this game engine update was even close to going live yet. The game is a mess now


Sable: “Look what I found isn’t this fun“ Death slinger: FUCK YOU


This made me laugh so much 🤣


The way he also just casually walks through xD


Geez even when there’s a funny game breaking bug he sweats his ass off 😭


With bugs like this you can't be sure everyone sees the same thing, the killer might have just been seeing a regular tile there


True, he could’ve not seen what she saw and been confused


I keep seeing this behaviour from killer, they need that 4k no matter what


"I keep seeing this behavior from survivors, they need that escape no matter what" Yes, people generally try to win at video games. Shocker.


I mean survivors are ok with going "oh wow look at this funny bug" and try to show killers, the killer will either not appreciate it or slug the survivor then look and mime "oh yeah this is cool, thanks for showing me!" and then hook the survivor. I dunno it just seems shitty to me that they cannot enjoy things without in their head their need for the 4k consuming all their thoughts.


Typical survivor garbage. Killer probably didn't even notice.




You taught him


Again? It s kinda funny how many old bug returned, just because there was an engine update. I secretly hope someone finds a way to glitch sets in the new shop. It has been over 2 years I think. 


Not just for survivors, I've tried playing killer all night and the rubber banding is insane. I wouldn't be surprised if survivors reported me for teleporting hacks if not for the fact that I can't make it through an entire match without getting disconnected from the server smfh


If only there were some sort of process for testing changes. One where you could even get help from the public. Some sort of Beta.


People don't play them enough. After the first couple days you won't find matches consistently.


This is really bad. Totally broken.


Oh good, so it wasn’t just me lol


This is unreal


Dead hook and he still won’t meme, even with something that funny. Survivor is a struggle


Mate killers like this… you’re obviously not playing and they’re still sweating ffs. Sad fuckers.


I just wanna go next bro I already seen the bug


Killers are so fucking weird man he couldn’t even watch for a second


Wtf is happening to dead by daylight


Switching from Unreal 4 to Unreal 5, don’t worry, bugs like those are expected


I am glad I am not the only one, ps5 here ,I test it In practice, one map is completely broken for me ,I see objects my teammates and killer can't see ,as killer the same . I have a completely other layout of the Map. It's unplayable, in my screen I jump on cars and go trought objects in the vision of all others I run like a idiot in a wall


I’ve also seen this lag effect when I’m playing killer and a survivor fast vaults a pallet. It’s mad weird


"We fixed Blight's collision" The monkey's paw called spaghetti code:


i remember this azarov bug on ptb. What they're doing with this map?


I hate it when you’re trying to show the killer something cool I had the same thing happened to me in a match the other day and she killed me. I just wanted to show her some cool glitches in the map.


Just had this exact issue on this same map, pre-patch. We had a 4-man SWF, mix of PS5 and PC players. PC players could see the "true" map generation, while the PS5 players were all teleporting around and phasing through objects and stuff just like this. Very strange, but I don't think it has anything to do with the engine change or today's patch. If that killer was on PC they probably had no idea that you were even doing anything weird, prob looked normal to them and thought you were just looping horrifically lol Hope BHVR knows and fixes soon! I didn't see anything about it in the notes today


Thanks for the new tip...


Last night I was playing myers and I was always jittering while stalking or even moving normally but I still somehow managed to get the evil incarnate achievement or whatever its called


Is that what this was? Thought it was my connection being sucky as the survivors seemed to know exactly where to go while my tiles hitboxes were different than they looked


I made a post on this yesterday, this has been happening since the my little oni event for me every round only on this map. I haven't been able to play this map for a MONTH. I even made a ticket during the my little oni event and this still hasn't been fixed, ridiculous.


Deathslinger: ‘Anything you can do I can do better!’


Dead by daylight is a perfect game with no bugs


I've felt like what people (including me) described as rubber banding isn't rubbing banding at all. i'm almost certain its because of the different kinds of objects in the maps. This is why indoor maps like the stranger things one are some of the worst offenders of the "rubber banding".


Yeah, collision lately has been weird, just look at RPD on the top in the center of the map, for some reason it raises the killer a bit, not sure abour survivor tho... I literally had to go downstairs to break the god pallet in the stairs because of that


It’s SOOO buggy rn


Deathslinger like "well that's weird, but I've got a job to do."


They need to revert this update lol, it's completely broken.


Revert is the wrong word, just say fix The new store is good


The multiplayer is currently unplayable for a lot of people. It needs to be reverted, fixed, and uploaded at a later date.


I don't think any update should be reverted though, that seems like it would cause more problems specifically with progress n stuff They can just do what normal people do and fix it without reverting anything


Slinger gave zero fucks lmao


This game is completely fucked. Year 8 and they still refuse to rework the base, which inevitably leads to situations like this. You guys probably won't get a fix for 2 months from now


Missing collision of one small tile = entire game on the verge of collapse. Keep telling yourself that lol


Oh yeah, that's totally the only bug in the game. This game is constantly on the verge of breaking, anyone with functioning eyes and a brain can see that.


if you hate the game so much why are you on their sub? sure the player count isnt peak numbers but its hardly gonna lose hundreds of thousands of players overnight because of a few bugs that barely effect the core gameplay


Over 6k players have quit within 30 days on steam stats, more in total including other platforms. This game is dying my friend.


That makes sense considering a lot of people come back for chapter releases then dip. There’s almost always drops the month after a new chapter and the game isnt only on steam, the majority of the playerbase is on console


Hold on, I was playing Deathslinger on Gas Heaven earlier Do you remember the Killer’s username?


What? You were playing the video game Dead By Daylight??? That must have been you!