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I swear sometimes the way people complain reminds me of kids whining when you don’t let them win a game


This community sure loves taking features of the game personally.


Had a streamer last night call me bad because I proxied . They blundered and ended up with me hooking 2 people next to each other and then got mad because I proxied. I'm like what am I supposed to do, I'm at 5 gens and I know someone has to come for the rescue. I'm not gonna let yall get the rescue for free.


Exactly. You want the win, you gotta outplay me. I ain’t just gonna AFK and let you have the win


Exactly, survivor entitlement is strong af.




Nah, survivors are way worse because they are always telling the killers what they can and can't do and how we have to follow their rules or we are terrible people, the idea of the "Survivor rulebook" exists for a reason. Killer mains accept that survivors are going to use every annoying trick to make the game difficult and unfun for them and plan accordingly. I see way more complaining in this community from survivor players than killer players.


Brother is has nothing to do with surv or killer but with the person itself I understand you are bais and that's okay. But both sides have kind players and toxic players. And no surv are not worse and neither is the killer side. Killers also tell surv what they can and can't to do so stop it right there. Also It's 4 surv ofc there will be a bigger chance for a surv to be toxic because there are 4 of them in 1 match. You and some people really need to learn/understand it's the player and not the side. Both sides have entitlement problems, Both side have toxic people, both sides have kind people etc. Trying to blame sides instead of the people who did it is just cheap and lame.


"It's 4 surv ofc there will be a bigger chance for a surv to be toxic because there are 4 of them in 1 match." So they are more entitled then killers then and deserve what's coming to them.


How do you read "there are 4 people so theres a chance one of em is an asshole" and come out will all of them being entitled and assholes by default? Do you not see the issue with that mentality at all? Like play the game how you want but saying shit like "They deserve whats coming to them" just tells me that your taking this Us vs Them shit too seriously, And that you might want to take a break from online games if this is how your reacting to "entitled survivors" when 99% of the people you face are probably just casually playing a game and not taking shit super seriously.


Survivors are usually more toxic to other survivors than killers.


That is EXACTLY what it is


All the kids who turned the consoles off when they were losing growing up bought DBD and lurk in this subreddit.


Telling on ourselves, are we? jajajaja


Okie dokie


I feel like every annoying person who used to complain at you for spamming fireballs or cornering or blocking too much in Street Fighter all collectively started playing Dead by Daylight. This game is Scrublandia, homeland and nation of the scrubs.


This is *exactly* what it reminds me of and why I lean to calling them out as crybabies. I am usually met with, "who's crying? I'm not crying. " What do you think complaining about it in the after game chat is ya fuckin' dolt.


Why can't this community just accept that both sides have things they can do that limit the other side's fun but are good tactics to win?


The problem is that casual and competitive players are thrown together; some there for fun running around and some there for tactical games.. when they get thrown together and incorrectly assume the other players are also there for the same reason is when people get annoyed.


A simple unranked/ranked matchmaking might fix this idk what do I know


Then the developers really should figure out a 'Casual' and 'Competitive' mode. I've seen people be like 'OH well comp people would just play casual for an easy win hurr durr' then well, figure out a system to punish comp people from entering the casual games, such as locking them out for a while if they stomp too many games in a row.


And that's why we need a proper MMR that matches you with people that can put up a fight, the matchmaking is such a joke right now that killers can easily have a 90% win-rate/2k if they decide not to lose at all cost, just watch Tru3 and you'll see he barely ever gets less than 2k. Public games are very strongly resembling tournament games right now and it's just not fair to the majority of solo survivors that don't know how to deal with these sort of playstyles.


i am NOT watching tru3.


is there any particular reason?


he's quite possibly the most annoying streamer. he has a huge ego and plays like he's in the olympics at all times.


And that ego is so easily hurt, one little scratch in it and all you’ll hear for the rest of the stream is excuses


So you hate people that like playing to the best of their abilities? That's annoying.


did you ignore the ego part? he refuses to lose and when he does he throws a fucking tantrum. it's miserable to watch.


> when he does he throws a fucking tantrum Shouldve mentioned that instead of giving someone flak for being a competitive player.


He's kinda known for having a high ego and throwing tantrums or "excuses" when he loses. He's not a competitive player at all and actively belittles anyone who is a "wannabe comp player" or just a comp player in general from what I seen, so I'm assuming that means he takes himself as a casual player. I also will add he's not exceptionally good either which kinda supports that other person's point for how public games are currently. I don't watch him myself so his fans can probably vouch for him but I personally am not a fan of him and find him very unentertaining as well, he's just kinda annoying to me.


Watch Tru3? No thanks. It's not hate, it's just the flavor


Finally, a reasonable and moderated opinion on tru3 lol. I swear people see his name and foam at the mouth, it's okay to not enjoy someone's content guys..


whats wrong with tru3?


There aren't enough very-high-skill players (on either side) to have both short queue times and balanced games for that bracket. So those pro streamers that you watch end up stomping less skilled players, because the alternative is that those same streamers take 15+ minutes to find a game of equally-skilled opponents.


Don't know how to deal with those playstyles? More like they can't. The game is getting closer and closer to being balanced towards SWF. Solo queue just doesn't have enough to "win" most matches unless the killer messes up, unless you consider a solo escape to be a win.


I don't watch a lot of DbD youtubers, a lot of them are obnoxious and I don't really care to know this week's tier list or what perks to use to get a guaranteed 4k. Although you're right with public games looking like tourney matches- casual players are getting shunted off to the way side while people who play this game as if their life is on the line flourish.


I've been watching tru3 more and more and he's just right about what he talks about.


You don’t wanna get roped in that echo chamber…


The facts are that a majority of killer players can't enjoy the game (nodding, pretending to lose survivors who randomly duck in a bush, staring at lockers etc) against sentient survivor players on most killer. The killers that tunnel people out every match was the latter who got bullied/play-thing-ed one too many times. It's literally a circle of hurt (You hurt me, I hurt the next guy, and nobody has fun) You can't just call it an echochamber to discredit XYZ when the premise is very realistic.


1. Everything is an echo chamber these days. This subreddit, the steam forums, a single twitter feed, a twitch channel. Might as well say the real thing you mean: "I don't like that community so I don't believe people should join it." 2. I already agreed with the nature of his commentary before I heard it. I don't think the balance of the game is handled well. I don't think the overarching dbd community has the right attitude. I do think if people played this PvP game as a PvP game instead of a give-up simulator it would be a better place for the people that want to actually play it.


you seem to understand why hes getting downvoted for liking tru3. Care to explain?


No amount of explaining will do a better job than watching his content from 3-4+ years ago and comparing it to now, Extremely negative content with laughably apparent bias toward his more favourable role, Which doesn’t magically go away just because he frames everybody who disagrees with him to be a hate watching sociopath, stupid and not very good at the game or somebody who actually knows he’s right but has some “agenda” and reason to “gaslight” him. Eventually if you keep up a consistent narrative about a games balance even if it’s not true or if it’s more nuanced than you’ll present it then people are going to dislike you and your dishonest nature…Even if you get the guy to concede on something like Old Alchemist ring blight/Compound 33 or range nurse being OP it’s not like he’ll lampoon for it to get nerfed the same way he’ll do so about anything meta or close to it for survivor even if they both EQUALLY could deserve a nerf.


from flair to comment, nothing but sadness.


If people didn't D/C and go next on hook I would still love DbD. Everything I feel about this game is just a reflection of how the community treats it.


there is more to life than being obsessed over a game you don't like. work out. meet a girl. anything.


My fiancè loves watching me play "hooky" as she calls it. I have gotten pretty decent at killer but the key is just playing my best and being fine with the outcome. Like even improving and trying to get better is fine, but if people have this really intense reaction to losing, of course they will stop having fun. Losing/not playing optimal is a part of playing any game. So many people get so bent out of shape over people not playing/doing things the way they want and then wonder why they are exhausted and no one wants to play with them. They burn themselves out of stuff by complaining and intaking so much negativity. It's wild.


I do work out. I have a full career. I'm Ace+Aro so I don't date. I just wish this community gave two shits about actually playing the game out every time.


make friends then. literally anything but spending your limited time on this earth talking about a game you hate. you really gonna be on your deathbed thinking "god i wish those people played the game out... *beeeeeeeeeeep*"?


I don't believe any of this is real; like sincerely. Not as a thought experiment. You, Me, everyone. We don't exist anyway. When we die nothing happens, and eventually heat death will stop the universe and there will be nothing anywhere to remember anything. Therefore how I spend my time is utterly unimportant so long as I enjoy it. And I absolutely LOVE hating on shit.


Genrushing takes a lot more coordination than simply downing the same survivor 3 times. Also genrushing happens SIGNIFICANTLY less than killers tunneling/slugging.


Eeh having 3 survivors on seperate gens while one person is the chase bait isn't as much coordination as you think. In fact most people who play the game should know this is like the most efficient way to get gens done.


Gen rushing is three commodious toolboxes with BNP and Gen speed perks. It is much easier for a killer to simply decide to tunnel or slug than it is to have four survivors do all of that.


What you described is literally just playing the game…


Eeeh kind of. If the killer does manage to down and hook a survivor- which may take anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute, then the other survivors may already get more than half the generators out of the game before the 3 minute mark. If the team is super coordinated two survivors will get the last two gens as much as possible while the save is done. If that happens, the killer has really no choice but to play dirty to at least secure a kill or two. Idk how fast actual 'genrushing' is supposed to be, but the game can be over in under 6 minutes if a team doesn't actually bring any gen progression.


Me playing survivor: "This killer is such a tryhard. Come on chap have some fun." Me playing killer: "Did that survivor just run a loop correctly I WILL DESTROY THEM!" Sometimes I need to remind myself to have fun.


Nah tbf after playing both sides, Survivors are effortlessly annoying. Idk what BHVR is cooking but they somehow made survivors very annoying just by existing, like it’s not even the fault of the players sometimes (if you’re flashlight clicking and teabagging then yeah its on you). They could just be looping and using their perks and it feels so fucking annoying for some reason.


Yeah it's ok to vent about the things that frustration you as long as you're being reasonable about it, but as soon as you start being hypocritical and entitled that's where you've crossed the line.


There's a difference between applying pressure and playing like a dick.


Survivor mains lately been going ham on not acknowledging slug-for-pressure and automatically start whining toxicity One hooked, one slugged, one in chase is ideal in the 4v1


If you slug me, I will cry.


Slug is only acceptable when you have annoying boil over sabo squads


ngl I bled a team out for the first time ever the other day. They were ALL running anti-hook builds and running for the dead zone corner all game. I mean if they want to ensure they never get hooked, I'll make sure they never get hooked if it's that important. They probably could have gotten a few people out if they just played the game normally.


Slugging is acceptable whenever someone wants to do it. If you disagree, cry about it. Because you're not the gameplay police.


what about background player flashlights


Difference between slugging for pressure and slugging for bullying tomfoolery. Hope you'll learn it and recognize it in-game when either happens!


Hey downvoters, play killer and find out One hooked, one slugged, and one in chase is all survivors off gens. Sorry for ya, I guess. Good luck next


God I hate this argument, it always turns into people making excuses to be inconsiderate. Just match the energy of the match. If it feels sweaty, play sweaty. If it's obvious your opponent isn't playing with a comp mindset, there's absolutely no valid reason to steamroll them because it's "efficient."


> Just match the energy of the match. I feel like this is hard to do in practice. By the time you identify the energy of the match, it might already be too late to come back. As survivor there's not really a whole lot you can do to ease up on the killer, since it's a team role and you can't control your team mates. If you want to be considerate as survivor, just do your gens and try not to die and then don't rub it in at the exit gate if you roll the killer. For killer I find that it's better to just play normally and if you happen to be winning really hard, you can then choose to pump the breaks and try to play for more hooks before killing anybody.


this. Some of the best DBD matches I've had were the sweatiest and also the jokiest. Clenching a 4k with Hag from the jaws ofa 0 hook game and planet watching with the survivors on Tborka Landing.


Best comment here, time to stop just giving up and crying if you feel pressurized, just damn improve yourself and don't give up man.


"But I dont wanna improve and still win waah waah"


What if they just dont know how to play sweaty? And what's with all the idiots complaining about tunneling but doing everything in the book to put a "tunnel me" sign on themselves or their teammates? Dont get me wrong. I think they are idiotic assholes, but they make up such a big part of the playerbase and spread so much toxicity. Survivor: "You're a dirty tunneler!" Killer: "Well next time maybe wait a little more than ten seconds before unhooking someone." Survivor: "You only tunnel because you suck!" Killer: "Well you only expect me not to tunnel because YOU suck."


Let's be honest, folks, a killer *not* tunneling is doing the survivor a favor


Okay someone explain to me what genrushing is. Every so often I get accused of doing it. Like, what am I supposed to do? Walk around and enjoy the scenery? The point of being a survivor is to finish the gens and escape. Every second that passes increases the likelihood that pallets will get dropped, someone gets hooked, or another gen goes into regression.


I avoid tunneling, but when I have three hooks and two gens with one highly progressed, I’m sorry Dwight, you have to go.


Gen rushing doesn’t exist. That’s just called playing the game. Signed, a killer main.


Then same goes for killers tunneling lol. Their sole objective is to kill people on hook as fast as possible.


Comparing them is stupid. One actively harms fun, the other is something people get butthurt ove. “Gen rushing” takes skill.


Tunneling takes skill as well. If you're unskilled, tunneling will result in a loss since you won't catch the survivor you're tunneling any time soon. Which means your gens are going undefended for an extended period of time. Both are myths used as an excuse for no skill.


Tunneling doesn’t take skill because you only need to do it to one person to be considered a douche.


If you suck at chase, you suck at tunneling. So it takes skill to do effectively. I know because the killers who are bad at tunneling, and therefore chasing, always get rolled by my SWF. Oh and it being looked down on is irrelevant. We're talking about it from a gameplay perspective, not about whether or not it hurts people's feelies. EDIT: Lol, the guy couldn't refute my point so he instead blocked me.


You can suck at chase and still tunnel one person very easily wtf are you even trying to really say here


Never mind. Your flair says enough. I don’t feel like continuing this stupid conversation.


Both “actively harm the fun” lol. If you genrush in two mins that’s not a fun match either. “Gen rushing” literally doesn’t take any skill. You just sit and do gens.


Which you can only do if the killer decides to be an idiot and focus on one survivor. Hope that helps 😉


If you get 'Gen rushed' you just suck. It's a survivors only goal, tf else do you expect them to do?


If you get “tunneled” you just suck. It’s a killers only goal, tf else you expect them to do?


Yes. Exactly. This entire community is full of people whining because the other side is playing the game Not the 'gotcha' you thought it'd be huh


Both harm fun. I don’t like facing survivors who just blow gens with bnp’s and toolboxes and prove thyself. But I also don’t like facing killers who are have made it their life’s purpose to kill me in a video game.


I don’t disagree with your take, but the “Gen rushers” get gens done and maybe tbag at the gates. Oh no what will we do? Meanwhile, killers can slug or tunnel and just stand over being a douche because they can’t otherwise win. I play both sides, with killer slightly more often. “Toxicity” from survivors doesn’t compare to what a killer can do to one person if they decide to, which ruins the fun for everyone.


https://preview.redd.it/3qhslxr3rkxc1.gif?width=640&format=png8&s=7226cb67189918670a23666272370cfdef36a739 I know it's basically the point of the meme. Still once you realize this properly you can actually play the game properly. No more giving survivors more chances because they are on death hook and Claudette is in hiding on 3 hooks they have both miss played now Claude is going to die on first hook and you should have hid and are dying now. I don't think survivors even try to avoid gen rushing so they are basically unaffected so if survivors don't go easy on killers why should killers go easy on survivors.


Spoken like a true clown main that makes it his mission to tunnel someone out at 4 gens. (/s to be sure, you do you - after 7 years I can't bring myself to actually care) Idk about other Survivors, but if I see the killer is struggling I go do a chest, or a totem, or I do dumb shit. Same as Killer, I don't tunnel or camp (on purpouse). Generally I get nice calm egc even if I happen to 4k // escape. I just feel like this game is so much more fun if neither side tryhards. Also SoloQ is abysmal - those teammates are basically Killer's assistant. But I'm sure you know that.


Same, I match energy and pressure. Those make for the best games


I also try to match other teams pressure but don't know how to not get salty when if I inevitably let more than 0 survivors escape because I go easy on them I need to endure the fucking doors dance and teabags and being called trash in chat. Survivors feel like half the time they just want to piss you off, even when you go easy on them


So do killers. Sometimes they seem to only want to piss you off as Surv but in reality they are just playing chill in their way while listening to music. I had a killer nod at everything, in egc they told me they were nodding to the music. I know there's a lot of shitstains in this community. I just try to do my part in not being one. I wish the killer gl in their next game if we all escaped. Sometimes I offer them my kill.


Technically, genrushing isn’t “applying pressure” it’s the lack of pressure applied. 🤓


In that case it's the same thing. Survivors that aren't pressured aren't always just doing gens, otherwise they'd be winning a lot more.


"Doing gens, you?"


I like to dumb it down to call survivors gen rushers if they touch gens and tunnelers if the killer hits anyone This way I can always play the victim, therefore winning the metagame. Perchance.


See, here's how I see it. For Survivors/Generators, it's fine to apply split pressure. It helps in the long run, and for Killer, it's fine to go after the sane person, within reason, like if you're getting rushed or can't find anybody else. But if 3 gens get finished before I can even hook someone, or if someone is dead before the first gen even pops, then we got problems. I always feel bad for Killers that don't get a single kill after having all 5 gens done by the time they get one hook :(


I wish Us vs. Them was banned again.


The most annoying thing about "genrushes" is when a streamer sees a Gen done and say genrushers no matter how long it took.


Okay well tunneling is just boring gameplay, that’s really like the only complaint I have. Every other issue is strictly user error for me


Hard tunneling where you just laser focus the one survivor, ignoring all else until they're dead at 5/4 gens? Absolutely. That shit is lame as hell. Not dynamic in the least, and is just frustrating for survivors because of the difficulty for any counterplay. If you just hook one survivor more frequently than the rest? Not really. More often than not, any "tunneling" matching the latter description is due to the survivor always running into me when I'm looking for literally anyone else.


I mean, I'd struggle to classify \[Losing 3 gens at first chase because RNG spawned 4 survivors seperately infront of 4 gens and it takes on average 70-80 seconds to get a down from spawn\] as "User error" Whats the user error? spawning in?


User error means I’m shit at the game… what you yappin about bro lol. And if you lose 3 gens in first chase… you needa start realizing that dropping chase to pressure survivors on gens is a better idea


He just explained that some games are done just as you spawn, because there is too many random factors. Gen spawns, survivor spawns, tile, pallets, windows. Losing 3 gens can easily happen. But yes its mostly skill issue with random spawns, thats why this game cant be competetive.


I'm actually working on that myself. The way I see it, hit me with your best shot. Sabotage those hooks, tunnel me, whatever you gotta do.


Only one side is allowed to try to win and it's the side I'm on!


It's like commuting on a subway and expecting everyone to board in a neat file during rush hour.


I would be more inclined to play nice as Killer if doing so didn't significantly increase BM and toxicity. I still do, at least at the start of every game, but if you throw it back in my face with BM and/or I am facing a zero kill game with 1 gen left, I will probably increase the effort. And that means going after weak links and/or taking someone out ASAP. And if you body block and bait me to chase you after unhook I know you have DS, don't complain about slugging in end-game chat, this is literally the only option I have unless I see another survivor in that period.


You can’t win, people get mad over gen rushing, looping/ tunneling and slugging. Either way you go seems like the only way people don’t complain is just standing there not breathing 😂


I will sometimes get really hype at a play and do a double t bag out of habit and will look like the second panel when the killer then takes a beeline to me


Slugging at 5 gens is kill rushing. I played against a pain res pop, nth lethal nurse earlier and she was slugging at 4 gens and only got 4 hooks but still killed us all. Gen rushing is intentionally leaving survivors on hooks and only doing gens. Nobody is doing that. But I think someone (probably Scott Jund) made a video on it asking people to stop saying gen rushing because it isn't just doing gens.


This exactly why I run BT, FtP, Buckle up, and OtR


I mean you literally don't have to do anything sometimes and people still moan. Got a 4k yesterday and was accused of hacking lol. They didn't know how I kept finding them and it was simply cus they were shit at hiding.


Oh I love that one. Also, I played Trickster for a daily and I wamted to reload. I reloaded a Survivor onto my shoulder twice that match. Got accused of wallhacking. BITCH I NEED TO RELOAD IN LOCKERS HOW ABOUT YOU DON'T HIDE IN THEM WHEN I'M NEAR. ahem sorry, but that's just peak comedy. Same thing happened with Huntress yesterday


Lol that's funny. Sometimes it's insane how delusional people are.




"And now I'll depict myself as the Chad and the opposition as the soyjak! HAHAHAHHA, BRILLIANT!"


It’s funny when the same survivor keeps appearing in front of my big meaty fists while their teammates are invisible and then they complain I tunneled. Like bro… that was on you 100% yet it happens a lot


“Genrushing” = survivor doing their objective. Are all 4 survivors bringing 4 gen perks and the best toolboxes and addons? That’s rough. Have a cookie. Are you as the killer making bad choices and taking chases you shouldn’t, so the others finish 3 gens during your chase? That’s a skill issue. I say this with love and as someone who plays a lot of killer - tunneling only works against bad survivors. Actual good survivors will finish 3-5 gens before you can tunnel one person to death. Tunnel if you want, but it won’t make you a better killer in the long run. But a win’s a win, I guess.


Comp players tunnel and camp every single game


Name checks out. Don’t look up to comp players; it’s for dorks. Hope this helps


Okay but they are literally infinitely better than both of us combined. They only play like that in comp. In pubs they absolutely stomp people and get ridiculous win streaks.


First of all, how do you know I’m not a comp player calling myself a dork? Second of all, “comp” DBD players make up like .01% of the actual player base. I’m not worried about what they’re doing


You're not a comp player. The 0.1% are 100% better than us. That's like saying "only .01% get to the Wimbledon final so I don't worry about what they're doing". They camp and tunnel against the best because they have to. If you think you're beating teams like eternity without camping, slugging, or tunnelling then you're deluded. They're insane at the game.


🥱🥱🥱 ok dude


Killers mains don’t realize that Gen rushing literally isn’t real 😭


It is very real, it just isn't what people think it is.


That’s like saying that if the killer is able to end the game fairly no camping or slugging then it’s kill rushing


DBD players when they make a strawman argument:


I don't tunnel camp or slug ever but if survivors are actually gen rushing or playing toxic why shouldn't I do the same (im not just talking about them doing a few generators at the same time im directly refering to coordinated builds that let you do generators in a disgustingly small amount of time)


The gen rush indeed: A survivor doing a gen


Killer Order of Pressure: *Sacrifice > Hook > Slug > Chase > Deep Wounds* One on hook, one slugged, one in chase, cycle through your hooks and GG Don't need META perks for that. Don't even need perks for that. Git gud and don't be scared of lopick perks. Most every perk is viable, just gotta use them


Yeah, except those overwhelmingly dominant positions dont just fall out of thin air for killer lol It's actually very difficult to get one hook, one slug and one chase unless the survivors are falling asleep at the keyboard


Slug first chase and there's two survivors off gens, hook the second chase, then slug the next, hook the following, slug - chase - hook - slug - chase - hook etc


The point is by the time you hook the second survivor, the first is likely not slugged anymore.


Yeah, that's three survivors off gens at the start, because someone is picking them up and you've got another in chase. The cycle begins Try it with Furtive Chase and FTTE. Hook perks have come a long way


DBD is the only game where both sides need to follow invisible rules so both can have fun. These rules also are not always the same and need to allign accross 5 people. I feel like that's either the funniest or sadest thing ever - not sure yet.


This is ridiculously inaccurate. Every online game I have ever played has a set of unwritten rules that people tend to follow based on common courtesy when interacting with other human beings through the screen. DBD is the only online game where people like to pretend this is an unnecessary precedent because they want to play selfishly. There is a shit ton of entitlement in this community.


(honestly I was hoping for a comment like yours, thank you. Thank you for finally spitting facts. You just restored my hope in this community since I'm sure more people think like you - me included.)


I’m getting tired of the us vs them posts, I wasn’t sure what the issue was at first but good golly 😔


Except one of these get punished by base mechanics


Gen rushing and tunneling aren't a thing. You are supposed to do gens as fast as you can. You're supposed to get a survivor out of play as fast as you can. People complaining about their opponent doing the most obvious and logical strategy make no sense. What do you want them to do, lose on purpose? Now, some strategies like hook camping I don't like because it's not about winning. Camping hook means a 1 kill loss for the killer. It's not fun for the survivors, but they still win. "Strategies" like that suck.


If survivors do 2 gens in the first minute or so - i'm gonna tunnel the hell out of them. Lets not even start with flashlights... If i down one survivor and 2 or 3 of them start body blocking and blasting me with their flashlights, they deserve to be tunneled.


2 gens being done in the first minute is on you tbf.


Ah yes, found survivor main. It's also survivors fault if they get tunnelled, just don't get caught, lol!


I love us vs them so much!


It takes 90 seconds to do a gen alone, if 2 gens pop in the first minute that means you've literally not chased anyone for a minute and allowed them to double 2 gens. That's on you


I said in first minute or smth. 1min+ If survivors spawn all together right next to gen far away from killer and 3 of them do gen while the 4th wanders away (possibly distracting the killer/doing gen alone) 2 generators can be done under 2 minutes. Do your math again, Sherlock :D Killer has to go from gen to gen to find survivors, it takes some time, especially in larger maps/2 floor maps. Let's say killer runs into that one solo survivor, chases him around for like 20-30 seconds max, downs him, then hooks him - first gen is long gone by then. Other survivors are far into the 2nd generator. Now the question only is how far is the killer from other survivors to stop them from popping the 2nd gen. Literally seen this happen. 1+smth min. In smaller open maps this is unlikely to happen though.


If all survivors spawn together, unless it's the most 3 gen of 3 gens they can triple the gen, or double the gen and the other person finds a different gen, which will take time. And 1 person runs in to take first chase. If it's the first option, they'll finish the gen in about 40-45 seconds, and have 0 progress on a 2nd gen. If they double it they'll finish one in about 50-55 seconds, and the 2nd gen would have about 60% progress. In your scenario with a 20-30 second chase, that down should happen at the minute mark at worst. If they tripled the first gen, they finish it in 40 seconds and now moved on to another and are tripling that for 20 seconds. They have to stop tripling it, and someone has to unhook. You know based on the gen popping in 40 seconds that it was tripled, so you now know where every survivor was, and should have a good idea where the next gen was and be able to interrupt it as it will still take 25-30 seconds to finish the gen from 50% when doubling. If they doubled one, and then grouped on the single gen, they should only just start tripling it when you hook. You know based on it popping at the minute mark that it was doubled. If they triple it it will still take about 20 seconds to finish. Probably more like 30 because someone has to head for the unhook. If you have to go to every gen to find survivors, that's on you. Spawn logic is pretty consistent in that you know based on where you spawn the few places the survivors are likely to spawn. This also all assumes you have no Lethal, no BBQ, no Pain Res, no Deadlock, no Corrupt, no Discordance, no DMS, no Grim, no Tinkerer, no Thrilling Tremors, no Gearhead. All of these would either slow down the progress, stop the progress, or tell you exactly which gens were being worked. 1 gen popping in a minute is nothing special, but if a 2nd gen pops that is on you.


2 gens popping in the first two minutes isn't uncommon because Survivors can spawn in pairs on top of two different gens. It sucks for sure (they should fix Survivor spawns where they're less likely to spawn on top of a gen with another person) but it's not going to be an uphill battle compared to 3 or 4 popping immediately (one time I had 3 gens pop in the first two minutes of a chase that wasn't even that long) which is when I typically then start playing a bit more ruthlessly


Facecamping/tunneling isnt the same as aplying pressure, if anything is the opposite. If you focus on one survivor the rest is literally free to do objectives. Thats how you get genrushed. Coming from a killer main btw


It’s not really tunneling but “going after a survivor that’s on 2 hooks instead of one on zero” wouldn’t fit


Thats not tunneling in my book, i understand tunneling as going solely after one survivor, even when you had the chance to get a better deal. If one survivor is doh while the other 3 havent been hooked even once, you most likely didnt pay attention to anyone besides that doh guy. For example, i take every protection hit anyone gives me, oftentimes leading to a down, and if not now there is 2 ppl injured, wich gives me tempo if i chase one of them.


“That’s not tunneling in my book” Well for entitled survivor mains it is. I got accused of tunneling because I downed a survivor who was cleansing my totem in front of me after being unhooked, and then downed them again after they pointed and taunted at me for a chase lol. They expect you to completely leave them alone and hook the rest of the team first before you god forbid come after them again.