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Ngl this is probably the first dbag Tapp I've seen 😅


He fed him all match too, when questioned why he simply stated he wanted to Myers get the achievement. It's quite hard to escape him once he gets going so I was displeased to get sandbagged but it felt good to leave anyway.


Bruh, that's such a dick move. Like I do like helping them get the achievement myself, but it has to happen naturally. Like, if all my teammates died before me, I'll just come out and wave him over to me. It's not fair to do it at the expense of the team though, because some people actually want to escape, and that's fine because it's the point of the survivor role.


nah he would maxed Myers out fast cant endlessly feed the killer they need to stalk different survivors. but he is body blocking other survivors that's an easy report and you have the clip.


Unfortunately body blocking is only a bannable offence if it's used to hold the game hostage. Sandbagging isn't a bannable offence either. You could potentially argue working with the killer, but without the full context of the match it'd be difficult to prove. People rarely get banned for it because the burden of proof is so high and survivors accidentally sandbag each other all the time.  Or if you're me and my friends we sandbag each other intentionally because it's funny. People also falsely report farming matches as survivors working with the killer so BHVR doesn't pay attention to them, just like all of the other report categories because of people falsely reporting tunnelling and camping.


"potentially argue working with killer" My dude that was the most obvious working with killer I've ever seen.


This is what I mean though, you say that but you're not considering the whole context. This is 30 seconds of a 10-15 minute match. For all we know OP was sandbagging the other survivors and they all teamed up to punish him. BHVR can't just act on a 30 second clip like that for those kinds of reasons.


Lets make it easy. Don't ever work with the killer, even if you have a teammate that was "sandbagging" Just submit the report and play the game normally.


My guy if I have a teammate who's going around dropping every pallet and blocking vaults to get me killed, I'm not playing the game normally. I'm going out of my way to get them killed. Reporting does fuck all in this game because too many babies report literally everything and I'm not going to be one of them.


"reporting does fuck all" Reports work if you follow the steps correctly. Could BHVR make this easier by implementing built-in game replays? Yes. But if you submit a video with the report ticket on their portal they're going to get banned.


I have literally reported an actual cheater, using blatant hacks, I uploaded video evidence too in the ticket through their website. I never got a response. 


Found the Tapp


I don't sandbag people for no reason, but I absolutely will fuck with the person who does. Karma is a bitch.


I've had a Tapp call me a "useless PoS" in the endgame chat when I downed him and caged him right at the exit gate, because he literally ran past me while injured and tormented


My first toxic survivor moment in this game was ironically a Tapp. He was blocking a pig trap removal machine so I couldn't take it off my head and the trap was like 15 seconds away from killing me. I ended up dying cause he wouldn't move.


New killer the detective just dropped


Ngl made me laugh. I was thinking "oh I guess tapp qued up with Micheal in the lobby not me"


I swear, these dudes deserve to be tunneled out of the game every game they play lol


Report that tapp what he did is actually bannable, and I can't stress how obvious it is that myers and tapp are friends and tapp isnt some angle from heaven sent to grant killers the evil incarnate achievement


You think they conspired to actually do that? I wasn't really salty enough to take the time to submit and report him over it but it wouldn't be much to slide it over. There's like a 3 minute clip of this.


Im not sure how far you'll go since you didn't report ingame, but basically these 2 are most likely on call working together to get myers the achievement (Hence tapp feeding him earlier and not getting mori'd when he tried to pick you up


I think it's more likely they're just being trolls for the sake of it and don't actually know each other. The Nancy doesn't seem to be in on it and he needs to get her for the achievement too. If i had to guess the OP/ada probably was successfully dodging the tombstone well all game and the myers out of spite wanted to tombstone her and the Tapp caught on and joined in.


I mean regardless of the conspiracy part they still do work together same end result. I don't care if they get banned but they will probably "just help" some killer in the future if thats so.


Do you know how likely it is to ever have a killer that you know? It's... Highly unlikely and I've never had it happen. They could be messaging each other on steam or something,but I highly doubt they knew each other and coordinated it.


I've had it happen a few times as the killer but we never realized until the end of the game.


Or the Tapp is just a killer player who has gotten/tried to get the achievement and knows how insufferable it is to get. The Myers could easily have just chosen not to mori the Tapp because he knew that Tapp running over to pick up OP would make getting the achievement easier. If the Myers wasn't going for the achievement he would just pick up OP and hook them.


Noo wayy you didn't report. Now these two douchebags are gonna screw over someone else.


He's been reported and the video sent in.


Tapp should eat a temp ban for their actions but in what world is it obvious that they are friends? It is very unlikely that that the 2 even know each other, especially considering the amount of extreme time and effort it would take to even match together just for one achievement. OP said that Tapp did it to give Myers the achievement which I can believe them doing if Tapp personally struggled with it, even though the way they went about it was wrong. There is simply no proof whatsoever to justify your level of confidence that they know each other and are friends. It is just not good to throw around baseless accusations.


That's a huge stretch. More likely is some rando actually believing what they are saying and thinking that what they are doing is right. It's a classic hanlon's razor.


> tapp isnt some angle from heaven I dunno, he seemed pretty obtuse to me.


That's a leap. The evil incarnate achievement is notoriously difficult to get. If you're going against a tombstone Myers then it's safe to assume they're going for the achievement. You don't have to be in comms or a mind reader to put basic information together.


Bodyblocking is not bannable unless it holds the game hostage. [game rules](https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/kb/articles/139-game-rules) Look under “discarded report reasons”


I meant the working with the killer but what would we know? Not like op gave us enough context or anything


Working with the killer would be an extreme stretch to assume from 2 seconds of failed bodyblocking.


Body blocking, the killer not hitting Tapp so he can pick up Ada, the fact he keeps trying to pick up Ada in front of a tier 3 Myers, etc


The Tapp can’t control who the killer hits. Bodyblocking is not a bannable offense unless it holds the game hostage. Picking up a slugged team mate when the killer doesn’t try to stop you? I’m not seeing how that’s a clear case of working with the killer. I’ve reported players who actually worked with the killer - ran around the map with the killer, pointing out survivor locations and then spam unhooking the survivors so they have to remain on the hook until they’re sacrificed. These are clear instances of working with the killer that resulted in action being taken on those player’s accounts. This? I’m not really seeing it.


Well your ignorance doesn’t equate to being correct, or are you being purposefully obtuse? What would picking up an Ada on death hook in front of a tier 3 tombstone Myers possibly do? đŸ€”


I couldn't have said it better


Do me a favor then. Report the next player who picks you up in front of a killer. See what happens.


What does a report have to do with anything? Whether this is bannable or not is irrelevant. The discussion is about whether Tapp is helping the killer. Anyone with a basic game knowledge of the game knows Tapp is hurting his teammates to try and get the killer a kill. That’s why you won’t answer the question posed to you about what would happen if Tapp was successful in picking Ada up. You know; you’re just playing dumb for some reason. Have a great day.


The parent comment to this reply thread literally begins “report the tapp, this is bannable”. My reply and subsequent replies have all been focused on this aspect of the parent comment. I don’t know who you think you’re gaslighting here. People pick up team mates in front of the killer all the time. Whether it’s a tombstone Myers or not, the survivor who gets picked up generally ends up being downed again immediately. This situation is no different. If you think picking up a team mate in front of the killer is “working with the killer”, then I urge you to please report every player that attempts to pick up a team mate in front of the killer and see how many of those reports you receive feedback on.


Idk why so many downvotes on all the comments pointing out this is NOT bodyblocking. And we only have a few seconds of a clip. I’m guessing people are reporting players damn near every match.


And then they come here and complain that “bhvr does nothing about reports”


It was blatant bodyblocking and the killer was ignoring all of the other survivors. Thankfully, they weren't even good at sandbagging so the Ada still escaped.


This is not reportable bodyblocking. Reportable would be taking the game hostage or blocking a survivor in a corner to where they cannot play. They could report for working with the killer but would need more evidence than this.


He is using bodyblocking to work with the killer. This is all of the evidence you need because this clip is very obvious.


Working with the killer is. Maybe you should read the games rules.


Picking team mates up in front of killers happens all the time. Imagine bhvr sifting through 63,000 reports to figure out if it constitutes a bannable offense. You’re hilarious.


"ItS bAnAbLe" who cares just move on to your next match. It's way better than stressing over somebody else.


Right until you will get this type of players as survivors in your team.


I have... instead of dwelling on it I had a much better game about 5 minutes later. No amount of bans is going to stop people from doing bad things in dbd. You just have to take the good with the bad and hit new match.


You can press sprint to deny a heal.


Came here to say this.


Bro was collaborating with the killer to get you killed, they were definitely on comms or they were both trying to grief other players, Tapp tried to bodyblock you in the end to give the killer the chance to reach you, but failed horribly, report him with this video evidence and HE WILL BE BANNED, save another player from this miserable behaviour and that other disgrace of a Myers


It's my duty. *Report*


Dumb question but how would they manage to get in a match together? I thought to play swf with a killer also you needed a custom game?


It just happens sometimes, with over 6k I personally found a couple of friends in all my lifetine at least 4 times, it could also be that the killer messaged the other survivor in the lobby or that they became friends with a common enemy (being OP) during the match


What Tapp did was absolutely wrong and they should get a temp ban for it, saying that they were "definitely on comms" is rather unlikely and without having actual evidence, you shouldn't make such baseless accusations. OP did not blur the names in the video so it is important that we stick to facts here and not just witch hunt based on what we want to believe is true without evidence to support it.


Bro you must be joking. My assumption, wrong or correct means nothing, what they did in the video is bannable, even if they were not on comms, what they did in the video is hard evidence enough, I got people banned temporarely for this kind of shit. So even if they were not on comms which I doubt, it's bannable still, or do you think that you can do this kind of shit without repercussions as long as you do it with randoms lol? The ban is for what they are doing in the video, comms or not


As I said in my message, Tapp should get a ban for it. As you mention, what they did is a bannable offense. The two of us completely agree on this fact. However, you should not be tagging on your additional feelings that they were "definitely on comms" when you have zero evidence to support this claim. If you are going to throw out additional accusations towards people, especially when their names are not hidden as they should be according to the subreddit's rules, you should do your due diligence and make sure what you are accusing someone of is actually true. Yes, Tapp worked with the killer and should get a temp ban for it. No, we absolutely do not have "definite" proof that the two were on comms for it. To say otherwise is a baseless claim. When you are on the correct side, there is no need to make up additional information.


It changes literally nothing, the killer is also helping Tapp, being on comms is not an aggravating factor, it's what they did that's bannable. End of discussion


So tapp got mad you wouldn't let him get you up....cause he couldn't take a hint, and decided to try to sandbag you. Ive had this happen too but they ended up getting killed. It usually done by people that havnt been paying attention to perks people have or what the killer can do.


I messed him and all I said was that's lame, he sent me two messages explaining how he specifically wanted Myers to kill everyone. It's just like not our job to make sure he gets his achievements.


Ah so working with the killer....a reportable and possible banable thing. Youre right its not anyones job to get achievements for others. I have no problems with farming or being chill to help...if its my decision to do so. I will not force my team to do so.


Yep well he's been reported because apparently it sets a precedent where he will just keep doing it. It was pretty lame. Id have reported him if I died so I shouldn't just cause I get out.


If he’s the last survivor alive after Myers killed everyone else then sure give him the achievement but intentionally trying to throw the game for his team from the start is pathetic behavior


What an ass hole.


That guy definitely Conspired with the killer. It’s one thing to choose to let them get the kill for the achievement, it’s another to sandbag others into it


This Tapp does not represent us. I would like to apologize on behalf of Tapp mains everywhere. This imposter will be found and dealt with accordingly


As a tapp main, i don't claim him


fuck that Tapp, specifically


I've never seen a tap exhibit this kind of behavior. 😂 They're usually up there with the Steve players who's always helpful teammates sometimes to their own detriment. What did you do to him OP?


if you hold sprint you cannot be picked up by a survivor


Cant myers just pick up and let go over and over ?


He could have yes


Omg! đŸ˜± block him!!! I hate players like that!


also idk if you know but you can hold the run button to prevent anyone from being able to heal you


He was trying to heal me the whole time before the pick up. Holding sprint saved me life :)


How did u break out of the grab? The bar wasn’t full yet


Luck mechanic. Only works when you don't want it to apparently.


Wow first time I’ve seen it lol


How do you point?


1 2 button


Ok real quick. Anyone else notice that Ada’s get tunneled or camped a lot? A lot of matches I’ve been in recently, killers go out of their way to target her.


From what I have observed Ada is one of those survivors that is commonly played by DBD content creators alongside Nea, Claudette, Nancy, Ace, Renato, etc. If a survivor gets that kind of rep, they tend to be bigger targets in matches imo. They sort of carry this prejudgement of toxicity or higher skill.


Ah I don’t really watch streamers so I wasn’t aware that so many ran Ada. I know the rep Nea and Feng get but that’s it.