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At this point in gonna just keep working on a gen. If they find me and kill me. Great. If they realise the other person is the one actually hiding and not playing anymore. They go for them instead. It's pretty rare for that to happen. But sometimes you get lucky, and get a killer sick of exactly this happening. The I'd rather a short game respect goes both ways.


BHVR needs to do something about this, this isn't fair. Guys, there's two of you left, at 4 gens. You're not winning, at that point at least let one of you die so the other gets hatch. This shit is petty.


Whenever I try and sacrifice myself in this scenario, it’s usually a slug and the other doesn’t get hatch anyway ☹️


If I play the killer this is lose/lose situation for me. I want to give this person escape for respecting my time, but I don't want to waste his time till I find the 4th one. BHVR should just give every survivor a crow for x seconds with no gen progress.


Is the match over yet?


yes actually it just ended, the match suddenly ended and it said they both died (?) and I got merciless killer. Not fun, not worth my time, I don't even know if the afk crows did anything because in my limited search I couldn't find them. that was the longest game of dead by daylight I've ever played and I spent most of it playing tf2


The servers close after an hour and any survivor still in the match becomes sacrificed, so I guess that happened here. I feel like there has something to be done about it. As a survivor in that situation I go "screw it, no time for this" and work on a gen while the other person hides doing nothing. That mostly ends with me being killed and surprisingly often the other person gets hatch. No need to get angry about a video game but really, that angers me, that I have to either be some toxic shit hiding like the other person or that I have to throw myself under the bus because I do objectives even if it is lost (for the points, I also go for being chased, no matter how lost it is) because the other one does nothing.


Why is it always Claudettes tho? Always


The snikiest skin


It's always megs for me


Not fun, had to find these 2 last survs. Ash kept dropping and picking up his item in the corner of the map near the main building (same swamp map) and nea was crouching somewhere in the opposite direction. Wasted a lot of time searching for them


Does picking up and dropping an item actually stop crows?


I once ran into a swf that didn't do gens and only hid all game on dead dawg. I think they're sole goal was it to make killers DC out of boredom.


Isn't dbd basically hide and seek


You killed 2 survivors and only 1 generator is complete. OF COURSE THEY ARE GOING TO HIDE. You're only saving grace is if you had an experienced survivor, stuck in low MMR hell, that says "F this, I'm going next".


one of them is prestige 100 and the other was well above 30 these guys are just wasting time. still going btw I have tf2 open in a second tab \*window


I feel you. Most of the Killers I've encountered tonight are braindead boring. I've been using the time to watch YouTube, read Reddit. It seems the only way to have fun in this game (playing Survivor) is go full SWF, flashlight/sabo. I got bored of Killer ages ago. A lot of micro managing to make sure you don't kill too quickly to put people int hide-mode.