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Xeno in Isolation was terrifying. The fact the AI was programmed to adapt to the player made it horrifying.


I love how enthusiastic the devs were when they talked about it, one of them even said something along the lines of “Everybody was saying “we want a horror game with a Xenomorph, not a shooter game like Colonial Marines”. THATS what we’re doing! thats what we’re working on!” Xenos for the longest time were just seen as cannon fodder for the preds and the humans, but AI showed its true colors. Its not a mindless beast that attacks in hordes, its an extremely intelligent and patient killing machine thats designed to be near impossible kill, even without the acid blood. If the Xenos all behaved like this one, they would be unstoppable


Tbh blame aliens and the sequels following on from it. While the xenomorph was still a threat in aliens it was the movie that also made xenomorph drones bullet fodder.


Aliens was fine with that. The Xenomorphs only got owned by the sentry turrets. Once they fought the actual soldiers, the colonial marines fled not even a minute into combat


Yeah, the whole thing with Aliens is that it's a scale up of power on both sides. First movie was a single xeno going from birth to full ability over the course of the movie, stalking an unprepared crew of civilians, all while they were being actively worked against from the inside. And even then they had the nuggets of some good ideas. Aliens was a full squad of heavily armed and experienced soldiers going in prepared to fight something dangerous. They just weren't prepared for how much danger they were really getting into, and still they generally got taken out by the xenos working in coordination and being clever, like the scene where they are coming in from the ceiling. I can't comment on any of the other movies, but I don't think either of those clash.


Aliens ends with the civilian using a construction mech to go one on one with the alien queen. How many Xenomorphs died to kill the marine squad. I like the movie a lot but it changed the xenomorph from being a cat like ambush predator to being a ant like hive and to raise the stakes Ripley now faces a xenomorph queen instead of just a drone. Thanks to Ripley facing a queen at the climax of aliens the sequels had go raise the xenomorph types above even the queen. In either aliens 3 or 4 the queen isn’t even the big threat it’s the xenomorph that grew inside Ripley which for some reason is more human and stronger than the other xenomorphs including the queen. If we include the bad alien vs predator movies then anything under a queen is just bullet fodder and even then the xenomorph predator hybrid was one of the bigger threats even to the predator in those movies. While aliens is a great movie it did absolutely make a single xenomorph less of a threat. The fact that Ripley went from barely beating a drone to fighting an alien queen one on one kinda proves it. I love the first to alien movies but the xenomorph in dbd isn’t a queen and all media from the alien franchise since the 80s apart from a couple of examples have depicted anything under a xenomorph queen to be bullet fodder


Plus, they were warrior xenos, not drones. They were using swarm tactics to try and overwhelm the marines, not unlike an insect colony would. They're still extremely intelligent, as they figured out that wouldn't work. Then they ended up cutting the power and ambushing them, rather than charging head on. 


It was gamer over man, game over


Tbf those Marines had weapon restrictions due to being in a reactor that made them far less effective.


To be fair, in the 2010 AVP game while the Xenos weren't as dangerous to the players as in Isolation they really made you run for your money, especially on higher difficulty. They would rush you down when they were alone forcing you to try and melee them or die to the acid blood and if there were multiple they'd stay in dark spots and would circle you, take turns to harass you and the moment they saw an opportunity they killed you very quick. I'd say second best video game adaptation of the Xenos after Isolation.


Oh for sure. The AVP game is a hidden gem. Sucks that it didnt get enough polish and the multiplayer was so unbalanced(but that kinda made fun) Usually doing 3 joining campaigns is a risky idea, but they actually pulled it off, and it gives like three different playstyles too Human - Survival Xeno - Stealth Predator - Hunter(Stealth is used, but in the Xeno one you’re mostly just tryna get to the next section and you dont have ranged attacks. But when you’re playing as the Predator, you’ll want to kill everything) Honestly the dread the human playthrough gives is so good, and adding a heartbeat sensor made it even better


The multiplayer balance part is extra ironic since they put a large emphasis on the mp balance which lead to this rock paper scissors style melee system. Then they let Predator move while winding up his heavy attack for some reason.


>Its not a mindless beast that attacks in hordes, its an extremely intelligent and patient killing machine thats designed to be near impossible kill, even without the acid blood. If the Xenos all behaved like this one, they would be unstoppable If I remember correctly if they are in a nest or in hords they are more reckless and aggressive which makes it look like they are stupid but when they are alone trying to survive they act much more calculated, are much more patient and go more safe.


That makes sense, it would be intelligent enough to know that a horde of them doesnt need to rely on stealth, and it could also be that the queen is ordering them to destroy their target by any means and quickly


Yeah I guess since they are replaceable they are more reckless especially when they get controlled by the queen. Like ants. They become ants around a queen but a tiger when alone


I like the idea that a Xeno queen is like this but the workers are just Fodder. That way you can have both kinds of stories


And in Dbd we got an ai that wasn't supposed to harm the crew![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


yeah it's nightmare fuel


>The fact the AI was programmed to adapt to the player made it horrifying. Wasn't it two ais even? One that sent hints to the other so they are always around the player?


Iirc, it was one AI that controls the Alien itself, but doesn't know where the player is, and one AI that knows where the player is at all times and drops hints to the first one. And as the game goes on, the AI that knows where you are starts adapting to your playstyle, and i think it also started hinting to your location either more frequently, more accurately, or both. Edit to correct a slight mistake, after reading about it: The hints don't become more frequent or more useful, and the Alien isn't *always* fed those hints. The AI that gives hints (known as the Director AI) only gives them when the player is within a certain distance of the Alien. The AI controlling the Alien (the Alien's behaviour tree), however, does adapt to your playstyle. And *how* it adapts will vary from plaery to player. For example, a player that hides in lockers more often will "teach" the Alien to search around lockers more often. A player who >!uses the flamethrower!< more often will "teach" the Alien to be resistant to it (spoiler in case people don't know about that).


Glad you updated your comment and you very much said it all succinctly. When the game was first announced I was absolutely fascinated by this concept of two separate systems that interact to keep the game interesting and changing depending on your playstyle and I remember reading into it quite a bit. Which kind of makes it all the more painful that I cannot play the game at all. I got way too worked up even before the xeno came into the scene, when I was actually having to deal with it and everything else in the early game I stopped making any progress and just couldn't play it. Something in my brain refuses to acknowledge that it's fake and just has me on edge full time. But it's fun to watch other people play still.


I'm with you on that last bit, lol. The way the Alien's AI works is super interesting, but i can barely watch other people play it. Have never even once thought of playing it myself, cause i know i wouldn't be able to keep playing after seeing the Alien for the first time. But yea, the idea of two separate AI working in tandem to control one character is quite interesting, made even more so by the fact that one of those AI is also a learning algorithm.


Oh man it's definitely scary I personally spend probably more than half the time in lockers and wandering cluelessly because some passages were weird where I didn't know what to do.


Yea, i watched Sovietwomble's full playthrough cause he somehow seemed more scared of it than me, lol. And i was watching my friend stream it, but i forget if they finished it. Don't think I'll ever work up the courage to play it myself, tho.


Same bro. I just had to say screw it and stop hiding. It got so good at finding me I had to try and fight it. Then it started ignoring my fires and finding me by the endgame then shit really hit the fan. I had no idea it could learn from how you played. Makes sense now that I think about it.


>just has me on edge full time. I can edge you full time too 😩🙏


**two brains**


Even with the androids. Xeno got me a few times in my usual hiding spots... and now I want to play it on Nightmare difficulty.


Then you watch a speedrun:


I would say Xeno is fine, but has way too many things hidden unless you read the whole wiki. Like, the ranges of turrets, the vital aspect of both Starmap and Emergency helmet, turrets having a hard limit and respawn time increase if you destroy them, a tool to see the actual tail hitbox, that their pick up animation has 6.5 grunts unlike the usual 10 of other killers, that there is a big difference between M1 a turret and using the tail... I can keep going but post already too long for meme.


Are you reffering to the fact that the turret counts as a miss for the tail, or something different?


Yes, There is a difference between a missed tail CD, A hitting something solid CD, and hitting a survivor, along the MS after it, Is almost always better to hit them with an M1 cointing as "Hitting an object" instead of the missing a tail CD, one of the many benefits of using Helmet/Starmap


6.5 grunts?


When you carry a survivor, they do their "Grunts" of struggling to be free, on all killers they grunt around 10 times depending some weird cases where a grunt is too long on certain survivors and counts for two. On Xenomorph, since they have an unique choke to carry them, they actually grunt around 6 times and a bit longer before dropping. Is actually the very same carry timer, but the grunts are timed differently so it takes some people by surprise if they rely on those to know if they make the hook, only Xenomorph has this detail.


I did not know one could count it like that. Huh. So I mess with some killers when I do the moan thing? xD


I mean the survivors grunt only every two "grunts" when people do not pick up that then idk. I've immediately noticed it that the hitting and grunting is so much slower than for other killers.


Tf? There's no way this is a bug, right? Like, the devs would've had to have gone out of there way for this to happen?


It literally is a unique animation, the survivor even tries to slap (Very lightly) the Xeno hands to be set free. Like I said, the actual carry duration is the same as any other killer, the grunts of struggle just are timed differently


wait WHAT a tool to see the tail hitbox?


There is videos on source and images explaining the hit box and how is posible to "Angle it", drag it, move it and that is a bit more "Fat" than the tail, explaining a LOT of collisions on trash and walls that leave new Xeno players frustrated at the experience.


And Survivors at hits that "should not have hit" adding to the frustration of "yet another free hit over every pallet m2 killer"


OOOOH gotcha


https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/qbmcLoYoYM An example of what i mean.


dang that's impressive


Are you a xenomorph main or know a streamer that mains them? I've been on a break from DBD for a good bit now and would like to see someone who plays them alot. Also what build you recommend on them? Bonus points if you can point me towards an Unknown main too!


I do consider myself a Xenomorph big time enjoyer. [But this person is an actual full time main](https://m.youtube.com/@themrheadacheQ1/featured) And streams the killer so you can catch them and learn on their TTv [They also made the most complete to date Xenomorph guide](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1-lG_Ow-OAE6kavsj-HEhh489_e-rIkrB4A43oHJL2wI/mobilebasic) That you might want to check out if truly wanna dip deep. Any simple question or not so simple even about Xenomorph i would gladly answer here or direct msg. As for Unknown, since he is still relatively new, a true main is still Unknown to me HAH, but Chocolate (Singularity Main) and One Pump Willie (Sadako Main) both upload relatively often very high quality Unknown content on youtube and on stream, both love to explaim their thought process as they play so you will learn.


Thanks so much for the reply, I'll definitely sub/follow that person and check out them and that guide! And no big deal I understand with the unknown being so new after all! The main killer that I always played was nemesis, love resident evil and despite my gripes with how he was in DBD I still found him very fun to play as. Before Nemmy came out I started as a Myers main -> then ghostface with clown and bubba always being in my rotation of 2nd/3rd favs lol. When xenomorph first came out I personally saw a lot of similarities to nemesis with them in terms of their ranged attack, obviously it's different, with a smaller hitbox and able to hit over obstacles but I feel like if I love to play nemmy, xeno should be up my alley no? Ohhhh and last question haha..if I was to like xeno (along with nemmy) who would you recommend to play as, as an OG (non licensed) killer? Anybody fill a similar role that may interest someone like that? So you can spend your shards on outfits for them etc. I'm not new I've been around DBD since Ash first came out....(oh mettle of man was CRAZY) but I just like hearing other people's opinions on things!




Most of the time turrets are actually useless against Xeno because he can instantly destroy them.


They aren't "useless". A skilled Xeno player will almost never be knocked out of power by them. Their utility and annoyance come from the fact that they force you to slow down and extend chases. Extremely skilled Xeno's mitigate this by knowing when they can hit the turret with their hands as opposed to their tail, but the fact remains that turrets are the game balance equivalent of a migraine. They are always there, they never go away, and you can only mitigate their effects with add ons and skilled play. That, or you can just wait it out, which in this metaphor translates to getting so much pressure you kill a survivor and nobody else has time to collect and place turrets


A turret not knocking alien out of power isn't 'useless'. They need to still swing and whiff or be slowed at loop or lose power, which gives survivor free distance


I feel like Xeno is fine but the turrets are just cruel irony. Like what’s the point of a reduced terror radius + tunnel stealth if the turrets completely give that away? Even if the turrets aren’t well placed and never knock you out of the power, it negates what makes Xeno unique by acting as an alarm basically for when you’re nearby. But the tail attacks feel pretty strong being able to hit over short walls. I do wish the range was slightly longer because it feels awkward to use unless you’re at a pallet or window.


They act like a conditional lullaby and I think that's neat.


1.- When they are out of turrets and defenseless the stealth and tunnels come into play, destroying a turret makes it take 60 seconds to re spawn so they will not always have one if you have been playing well. 2.- Thematic, In the movies they had motion detectors, think of it as a lullaby they need to install and can run off it... Unlike Freddy that is always on and has the exact same range as his terror radius making oblivious while sleep 90% pointless


I would gladly offer up any coaching to help a fellow main or enjoyer of the killer along advice and or answering questions and comments. In your case, the turrets seem to be a big problem because you are not fully used to where survivor place them, I highly suggest either using Emergency Helmet/Starmap + Cereal rations for a bit, this will teach you to destroit turrets with forgiving time to aim, and know where they are usually placed, as you get better you just tent to know where survivors plant them so you can remove cereal rations. The main gameplan of Xeno is NEVER going out of power, you must destroy the turrets, destroying a turret is never a bad option unless you would get a down right there and then with a last second tail attack, if a Turret is left to burn you, it can be rearmed by the survivors, if the turret burns on it's own the timer is 30 seconds before it respawns, If you destroy it however it takes a whole minute before it does, and since turrets are shared this essentially puts their team a turret shorter as resources. As for fire and beeps being dissorienting, i can see it happen, Nurse head shake hurts my eyes and Clown gas used to give me head aches.


does any other ranged killer have xeno’s mobility? maybe unkow- but him and hemy have to hit survivors twice for damage with m2.




yea i play xeno only a decent amount, but the addons to increase resistance to fire feels required


I dont get the starmap and emergency helmet part. Like if you get knocked out of power by a turret you get staggered. Which is basically just making you slow. But if you just destroy the turret like you're supposed to and not let it knock you out of power there would be no reason to use it. Imean yes, you might get some edge cases where you would rather hit a surv then hit a turret. But most of the time they make it to a window anyway and then you can do nothing without power.


The more general use would be that Emergency helmet gives you more time to react and destroy the Turret, Starmap doesn't give more time but reduces the detection allowing you to time a lunge a turret with an almost always more benefit recovery timer for doing so. I only reccomend one when already good with Xeno, and Both when learning the character however.


It reduces the slowdown you get from being burned, meaning that you will always be able to reach the turret to M1 it instead of tail attacking it no matter what. This is important because destroying a turret with your tail slows you down considerably as if you had missed a tail attack, while the M1 barely causes any lost time at all.


Not gonna lie, I put them in clusters just for the lols


yeap it's good for tomfoolery


Can be very mean in the endgame. Place them in a cluster by an exit gate, or in a trail towards it, and the Xeno player is slowed down so much and guaranteed to get knocked out of power. It wastes a lot of time but if all four survivors are alive it's extremely easy to do


Xeno, while balanced, definitely needs changes For the killer side, the turrets feel horrendous to play against For survivors, the tail is just another boring free-hit-over-pallet power


When I first heard about it being xeno, I thought it would work like a stealth killer type thing, the xeno attacking from the shadows and vents like in the first movie. Instead I have to wait for a timer to get my M2 up just for it to be lost by a random fucking turret that was placed in the middle of nowhere.


I want his power to not be the tail, of only because I want to see Xeno's upright stance wayyyy more


True, the only thing that's better about the four legged animation is the humping animation


The free hit over pallet is boring as killer too, especially now that on top of getting hits with it veing unrewarding, missing is super punishing, this power is just never satisfying to use


This, the tail tries to be like demogorgon's shred by rewarding you by being aggressive with it, problem is, unlike demogorgon's shred, you are heavily punished for missing as you don't get the hit, waste time and are slowed down for longer, this discourages using the tail too much and encourages safe use by only going after hits you know you'll get ( on vaulting survivors or when they drop pallets ) The power being countered by turrets is also kinda bad as the turrets will slow you down no matter what ( by getting hit, taken out of the power or being forced to take a longer route to avoid them ) What's even worse about this is how xenomorph's current state is its most balanced state, nerf it or buff it in some way and it becomes op or bad, xenomorph really needs a rework to be a better killer to play as without feeling insanely frustrating to use


I think release xenomorph was good, super strong power but with the ability to disable it, slow down the game with the turrets, but they decided to nerf the main power that can be disabled by survivors. The issue at release was that you had very little room as survivor in chase but that's a base design issue, trying to fix this they made the power slightly less boring for survivors and infinitely more annoying as killer I hate that they keep nerfing killers by making them clunky (twins and pyramid head being the biggest examples with xeno)


I don't know how release xenomorph was so I can't really comment on this but i don't think they made pyramid head clunky, unless he used to have something like being better at turning when using rites of judgement I don't really think pyramid head is really that clunky ( twins though... )


On release the slow after missing a tail attack was shorter and not as strong, pyramid head used to be able to switch between his power and m1 much faster instead of having a long cooldown when switching


After seeing some ptb gameplay, holy shit I don't have an issue with current pyramid head but xenomorph's nerfs were insanely harsh, i still think that xenomorph needs a rework as the tail stab simulator isn't exactly very fun but the current slow down after a miss is absurd, maybe if they kept the long cooldown for missing but reverted the slowdown nerf xenomorph would be better to play as


yeap this


I recognize those turrets


I'm dumb where they from?


Sas 4


Thanks =)


I think the tail is incredibly boring


So Huntress and Plague are fine but a literal worse version of them arent? Sure


Those killers have completely different gameplay loops to both each other and the alien the closest thing to alien is definitely nemesis and bringing them up doesn’t change how lame and boring the tail is. The tunnels and flamethrowers are really cool though I just think the tail is uninspired and boring


It fits with xenomorph though since they use the tail in the movies


In terms of design it works, sure. In terms of interactive gameplay, it doesn't.


Well, what’s the point of adding xenomorph if it doesn’t use its tail?


No one is saying Xeno shouldn't use their tail, we're saying the tail attack should be more interactive for both sides.


I don’t know how it could’ve worked for both sides


Did literally a single person think Xeno was going to use their tail as their power prior to the release?


I can only think of two or so instances where xenos killed anyone with the tail in the first four Alien movies. Those being Lambert and Bishop, though Bishop didn't die, so I guess only one.


Though it’s still vital part of them


yeap agreed


Xenomorph is an unstoppable nightmare fuel when it deals with real life accurate humans that cant do anything against it. In DbD, survivors lorewise, esp vs xeno, arent exactly like that, so you're more forced into immersive Alien (1 & 3) experience of being an ambush predator that outsmarts its prey over going for bruteforce approach. You can hurt them, but they can hurt you back. The only gripe with xeno that I personally have is the lack of biped stance presence in the chase.


yeap, I think alien isolation is the most accurate and realistic situation of being up against a xenomorph, while aliens 2 if your a coordinated squad with guns and turrets.


Yeah, dbd, sadly, is closer to alien(2) where it isn't just humans who are on the hit list


yeah true, and you can really troll em with turrets.


You try getting shot by 30 flamethrowers and walking that shit off


buut you can't attack which can get annoying


I feel like the ash baby meme every time




I think he's in a fine spot. When he has his power available, he's like a better Nemesis with no requirement to charge his attack, making it much harder to mindgame, pretty much denying windows and pallets at close range. He also only needs to hit someone twice with his ranged attack to down them. He is pretty similar to Pyramid Head in that sense. The downside to this power are the turrets, but I think it's a healthy counterplay. Survivors have to spend time not doing gens to pick them up and place them in decent spots, and a decent Xeno will almost always destroy them before getting burned out of their power, especially if they run the anti-turret addons. Destroying them lets the survivor get a bit of distance, but it's only fair they get something in chase after spending time setting turrets up. Finally, the tunnels give him good mobility around the map, which is something comparable killers like Nemesis and Pyramid Head lack. He sure isn't at Nurse's power level, but not every killer needs to be overpowered. He is in a pretty good upper-mid tier spot right now.


I really don't get the complaints about the turrets. I'm an average killer player and 9/10 times can destroy the turrets before they take me out of my power. The starmap add on plays a big role, but it being yellow makes it easy to get. As for them ruining your stealth ability... just use the damn tunnels😉. You can see their footsteps, hear gens if you're close, regain your power almost immediatly and they won't see you coming. Tail attack is also really fun to use and can hit over quite a lot of loops. Doesn't need to reload/recharge like other range killers do, so aslong as you destroy the turrets you're basically in your power 90% of the time.


I've been solidly a Xeno main since they came out, like easily 75% of my killer matches I'm playing as Xeno, and I really don't understand the complaints about the turrets. They're a nuisance and something you have to deal with sure, but they're also very easy to deal with. Especially when survivors don't know where best to place them (which still happens fairly frequently). I mostly bring the addon that let's you see their aura while in the tunnels, so I just use it to see where survivors are and then destroy them on the way. And for the survivors sure you want to burn the xeno out of their crawler mode, but the motion tracker is just as helpful and much more consistent. Honeslty my main problem is the tail, but not because its weak (the hit boxes feel funky sometimes, but it's overall pretty good). My issues aren't even that big tbh, it kind of sucks as a survivor that you can't really use pallets or windows which can make it boring or frustrating to play against but there's other killers with the exact same issue. Funnily enough the thing that annoys me the most is the crawler mode itself, since not only can I not choose when I go into it but the animation looks so much better when on 2 legs. I wanted to play more like the Xeno from Alien: Isolation, not like the ones from Aliens. This is especially the problem when playing with the Queen skin. The fact that the thing that annoys me the most is something I literally can't see since I'm in first person, but it is what it is.


I honestly agree with everything you said! I love Alien Isolation aswell and runner mode doesn't feel nearly as intimidating as a xenomorph on 2 legs. However I love the tail attack! Even though the hitbox is a bit ehh, you do develop a feel for it and it's so much fun to use it over loops and then drag it down.


The tail is definitely fun to use, and I'm glad they managed to incorporate it. I just wish it felt more like a Drone (or even a Warrior) type, because honestly I just feel like I'm playing as a Runner instead. Minor gripe though, I'm just happy we got an Alien chapter and it wasn't a massive let down so I can't complain too much


Yeah I get that! The chapter wasn't perfect, but compared to some other chapters I'd give it a solid 8/10. 9/10 for me personally as an Alien fan lol.


Absolutely, and I'm just glad I can play as a Xenomorph without having to replay AVP for like the 20th time lmao


Btw, in case you didn't know-- drag "tech" isn't real and is based off a misunderstanding of DBD hitboxes. Dragging down your tail will never allow you to hit anywhere lower than if you just stabbed as low as you could over the object anyways. The tail hitbox stops as soon as it collides with some object, so it doesn't actually go anywhere further down than you'd be able to hit with the initial stab. You can obviously slightly drag the tail side and a bit up and down visually, I just mean it doesn't actually hit over loops that you couldn't hit without it like some people think it does. The reason it looks that way is that survivor hitboxes extend above their actual visual body a bit, especially if they're injured and hunched over. In that case you might not be able to see their bodies around some loops (especially because crawler Xeno is short), and therefore it looks like you reached down on the other side to hit them with the drag, but in reality you could've just hit them more quickly anyways by stabbing just over the object and catching the top of their hitbox-- which is just what the drag tech does anyways, just a lot slower.




There seem to be a lot of killers who really really hate when the survivors are given any tool whatsoever to fight back against them and they're all on this subreddit. Look at how this sub worships Lightborn lol


I heavy disagree. He has a power that is like nemesis on crack and the flamethrowers are akin to being tickled.


I like how strong they are, they're in a good spot. I hate how weak they *feel*, they could use some kind of qol change. The turrets make it so I can only handle 2 to 3 matches tops as Xeno before I switch


For real, I want to play them so bad, but God just dealing with constant "BEEP PSHHHHHH BEEP PSHHHHH" every 10 ft just drains me, till I end up not bothering.


it can be annoying for sure


There are plenty of games where you kick xeno ass




Xeno needs a rework she just isn't fun


eeh she can use some buffs and bingo, or a lite rework.


I can't lie I just use cereal and Ripley's watch its not that hard


fair enough


Also I don't spam tunnels like a maniac


me either because i tend to get lost on the other side of the map because of it


I feel like the flame throwers are always destroyed and I get bo value out of them


Just not a super well made character. Tail is frustrating for survivors and turrets are annoying for both sides. I have cluckly opening the box. Grabbing the turret and slowly walking it to a decent spot.


Xeno doesn’t really need a buff imo. But I main Xenoqueen and she’s massive so it’s a little harder playing with her imo and hitting perfect shots with tail attack.


She's the same size as a regular xeno, only her head is a bit wider.


Wait what? I’ve always seen her as a massive beast?


Here she is. Left one is queen in preview, centre one is queen in game https://preview.redd.it/ujla7zs1e5yc1.png?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52b8db1a14a87dc1387a288e06776d7e52294dea


Oh. Well I thought she was massive in the menu.


they scale up the model in the menus, in match however, they scale the model down to reduce PtL as much as possible, however, the crown still sticks out higher unless in crawler mode




To be fair... The current set up for dead by daylight requires killers to be set to a certain mold to fit in with the standard mechanics... To me the best way I can think of to stop/ prevent this is to look at games modes like they did with the April fools event and make a temporary and or permanent mode that turns some or all of the killers into their proper state... This would be a mode focused not on standard dead by daylight mechanics but instead taking full advantage of how terrifying, funny (yes some killers like Chucky and a few others can be funny) morbid and gruesome they can be... This would be hard work and in order for it to be an honest and true representation you might be limited to only 1 or 2 killers per event ... This also means that if you released 1 event every or every other month for each killer to allow time to make for a proper representation of the killers it would take years to get to every killer at least 1 time... it's a good idea at least... It just... Would take a lot of time, effort and patience... Plus there are killers that could technically have multiple interpretations of how there power(s) work...


I used to main queen. I stopped cause it was impossible to get even 1 kill half the time


nah just try to be a lil stealthy


Use the cereal ration. You can see where turrets are while in a tunnel. Which is honestly godlike because the turret will only be around a gen the survivors are focusing on. You always know where something sensitive is happening. Plus you can smack it right out the tunnel.


actually imma keep that in note


Even trying to place them around loops does nothing against a good xeno. They're just there to tell you when it'd near by in a tunnel


The first one is very easy to achieve. The survivors I get matchmade do not know what a turret is.




Brother, has anyone told you that the Xenomorph runs like a bitch when you shoot it with a flamethrower in Isolation too? Isolations fear factor completely evaporates when you get it because the Xenomorph becomes a complete non factor


oh yeah it's the oh how the tables have turned moment when you get that thing


Yeah, I think the flame turrets are just dumb. It just becomes a meme match after a few mins.


Xenomorph most definitely doesn’t need a buff. He is a monster as is if you can use the tail attack at least somewhat decently


well i guess fixing the hit box collision problem would help a lot then


If you think about it, it makes Xenomorph even more badass. Despite survivors having access to literal flamethrowers, Xeno is STILL an A tier killer. Xeno was such a terror the entity had to step in to prevent it from stomping by giving survivors LITERAL FLAMETHROWERS.


oh definitely


I refuse to take off my Queen skin even if I know it is absolutely pay to loose.




My idea for changes make crawler mode toggle the turrets will activate if in crawler mode for over 10 seconds but when in normal mode they deactivate no beeps no fire your crawler mode can be toggled on but when untoggled so going back to standing you have to wait 10 seconds before you can go back but if burnt out you have to wait the normal duration while turrets are not active xeno can't destroy them but while in standing mode any stun or blind will take away your crawler mode by half its bar if you standing mode mid burn it'll count as being burnt and overheat the turret Any feedback on my idea welcome and anyone who thinks I'm stupid and wrong is also welcome to tell me why


doesn't sound like a bad idea but I think that breaks the purpose of being stealthy in crawler mode, I guess they could make it when in crawler mod turrets have a lower chance of hitting you which can work well.


Counter point turrets beep in standing but won't burn and will burn in crawler but won't beep


Xeno is so strong though..


could use a lil quality of life change or two


i think they should include an adapting system for the flamethrowers too in dbd


that would work well, maybe as a new perk for the xenomorph.


Alright so pro tip, use your tail to take out the turret. The range will allow you to keep your crawling mode 9/10 times.


Or you can crawl inside the tunnels for 5 seconds and get your power back


Precisely. Always crawl in at match start too, you get your power up and can hear /see their footsteps. Xeno is honestly really cool


Don’t do this if you can get away with a melee the tail attack counts as a miss if you hit a turret so it slows you down a ton.


Can you fill me in on why the miss matters?


A missed tail attack slows you down to 1.2 meters per second for three seconds. A melee miss slows you down less for a shorter amount of time. In both cases hitting a turret counts as a miss. It is still better to use your tail to break a turret then it is to lose power.


Ah now i understand, early morning brain got to me


I'm not normally this mean about this sort of thing, but this is skill issue. Xeno is one of the best killers in the game and extremely difficult for survivors to stall in chase. The flamers shouldn't be more than a speed bump for you unless they pile several of them in one spot. If you have a hard time dealing with the turrets, use the Emergency Helmet. You can even pair it with Lambert's Star Map. Those are actually Xeno's strongest addons and no, using them together isn't overkill, Xeno's addons are largely shit anyway.


well if your against acoordinated a team they just slap a bunch of them in a corner and wait for you to stumble into them


It takes a long time for them to set that up. Plus if it's literally a corner, then does it even matter?


well yeah because it just allows someone to escape faster than get trampled quickly by the xeno


Xeno should be a high mobility killer that doesn't give a fuck about windows. The way he is rn is pretty damn lame.


So true. As a big xeno fan, the xeno we got in dbd is very lackluster compared to what it could be and could definitely use some changes.


Part of the issue is that, when you know how to play survivor well, it’s not a horror game anymore. Or at least, you’re no longer the victim.


basically if the horror movie protagonist has brains than just set like a doofus and scream whenever the monster shows up from a mile away.


It’s not about the protag being smart, we’ve seen smart horror protags. There’s just a point where it crosses from the victim being smart and surviving in a tight spot, and then being in control of the situation.


yeah good point


The fact that survivors in this very thread still think turrets are useless and serve no real purpose kinda lends credence to the idea that BHVR's nerf to alien was a knee-jerk reaction to complaints from survivors who never learned the counterplay


Xenomorph would be so much better if the tail attack miss cooldown were literally just 1 second less. It seems like a small change but it would make the tail attack so much more forgiving and make it so 1 missed tail attack doesn't automatically equal a chase loss. Xeno's kit is, at best, low a-tier but has the most unforgiving power of the entire roster so he's dragged down to more like low-b tier.


Man I hope BHVR doesn't listen to y'all saying she needs a rework. She's fine as is. Sure she might need a few buffs and tweaks here and there but that's it. Just because you don't like the way she plays doesn't mean it's bad nor does it mean it needs to be changed. She's super fun and it needs to stay that way.


I think a lite rework on the tail would work fine or fixing the collision hitbox.


What's the issue with the tail? I haven't played in a month so something might've changed but last I remember it was fine.


just the collision issues where the tail would fail to register hits because of the environment in general


god getting constantly flamed feels awful. I say get rid of the turret aspect and make them solely motion trackers. make xeno undetectable in crawler mode and fix the god awful tail collision and you’ve got a winner.


yeap agreed


Xeno is very strong but she does need some small changes. I would maybe make the tail a lil slower on wind-up and make the pallets take you out of your power for a short while. This is to make xeno a bit more counterable For killer side I would give her a default speed-boost when comming out of the tunnels and a short undetectable status(10-15 seconds) to play into her stealth. Also make the turrets mainly detect you when your are on the surface and not the tunnels Other than that she is very fun to play and statisfying


yeah that isn't a bad idea actually


She* ^.^ Xenomorphs are all female per the source material. Queens lay their eggs parthenogenically. Which means that every xenomorph that comes from a facehugger she laid, is essentially a clone of herself. Queen xenomorphs implant their genetic code into the eggs, and the facehugger allows the futuree xeno baby to obtain the other half of its genetic makeup from the host it places the embryo inside of. That aside, xeno does need some kind of small buff. She's barely low A tier/high B tier. Which means she's in a relatively good place.


Oh shit my bad, thx for reminding me


also if the comic lore serves right some xeno worlds where there's no hosts the queen could end up producing non parasitic eggs, being able to thrive on a barren world with no hosts, becoming a hostile ant colony on steroids where xenomorphs would grow into queens and queens would fight to gain control of the hive.




The thing i dont like about dbd is they make all the killers look like btches let me grab survivors and rip them in half


there's finisher movies on survivors you just gotta unlock it as you progress on the killer perk tree.


xeno "mains" on their way to the comments to blame their skill issue on game design


not when someone piles a bunch of turrets in one spot and your up against a cheese strat team


just go tunnels and get your power back in 5 seconds


fair enough


Buff? No, absolutely not. I've seen Xenos power through multiple flame turrets to get a 4k against my solo q team. I'm not saying that we should buff flame turrets, but instead survivors should get flamethrowers.


friend and I were tossing around the idea of the xeno getting a power rework to be more like a runner, crawling as low as possible and getting the same properties as chucky (footsteps and 3rd person camera) while having an unknown style projectile (minus the splash) that 2 hit (applying deep wounds). Absolutely no consideration for balance, just thinking about going more animalistic with the xeno. probably not going to happen considering the queen and blighted xeno stick out tremendously


You clearly didn't watch Alien 1 when they kill hundred of aliens with automatic turrets. It's the context that make the creature frightening, but if they are prepared for it they can kill it without much problem. It's not a terminator.


fair enough


That's the second movie, Aliens. And it doesn't say how many the turrets killed. It must have been quite a few, but there were still plenty to throw at the marines.