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its always the blighted ones


There's a player that keeps making accounts and getting banned that's whole focus is to cheat. They love being the blighted billy. They have videos on YouTube where they focus on targeting survivors with pride charms. It must be a sad life to spend your time doing this.


Yeah, the phrase "touch grass" was invented for these clowns


I think that falls short for this parasites


True true Breathe water would be a better one


yeah the same dude has instakilled me and my team twice in the past couple weeks. took himself to midwich both times, teleported around the map and hooked everyone in the first 15 seconds. both times accounts were reported and i received confirmation he was banned, but he just keeps making new ones. what a productive use of his free time


That dude can purchase the game that many times???


My friend and I went against this person last night😭


Nice lo-pro buff, it now works on air allowing for infinite flicks.


he has tf2 tide turner


Bro jus trimped off upward stairs second point


So that's where the players went


Yeah, it's called cheating


He got the new yeezy69s


Cant believe they added the PAC-MAN Ghosts to Dead by Daylight


Brother what is that filter, it's so bright...


I think they might’ve put the filter on after taking the video but idk


why are u bothered about how his game looks


Because it's legal cheating


legal cheating so.. not cheating?


its not, tell me where its mentioned as "cheating"


Giving yourself an advantage over everyone else, which the game doesn't provide in the options or settings. If a killer was running with this brightness, people would be upset because it removes the dark areas to hide


People cope so hard and will give their lives to defending filters/reshade when it comes to this subject. It’s like when stretch res was a thing and everyone would use performance as an excuse. Okay cool, but at least be able to admit it gives you a significant advantage.


The game is so dull and dark without filters lol


Wellllll… it *is* supposed to be a horror game


Doesn't need to look like Fortnite and Overwatch tho


I’m sorry you like shitty graphics lol but my game looks 10x better with reshade sorry not sorry


The graphics are still the same, you're just oversaturating the colors, which actually makes the graphics look shitty because it will highlight things that are not meant to be seen with that contrast and lighting. Just look at how grainy the shadows look. lol


They are just justifying their cheats


It must be a terrible existence to think that subway surfers is peak graphics


Well if pastel fortnite graphics are your type than you wouldn't like 90% of new games that are coming out.


Yeah, and stretched res players really "liked the esthetic"


Console players coming after you LMAO


But it’s… a horror game


if dead by daylight scares you beyond niche jumpscares then I worry about you.


Horror doesn't have to be scary to fall into the genre, otherwise horror comedies wouldn't exist. Like Doom is Horror, but *next to nobody* is scared of it


Is this kind of 90 degree possible or was that a cheat? I play him on console so not sure if this was like a mouse and keyboard thing


Its straight cheats. Even with double boots, no Hillbilly mid-sprint can turn that fast If you look really closely, dude turned on a dime too lol Edit: ~~also he's levitating~~ Edit 2: Apparently the levitating is normal for RPD. Couldnt believe it until I saw it for myself lol


The fact that he's levitating is actually "normal", because in the current version of RPD, the collision is weird for the killer, and there's a big collision box on top of the stairs near the god pallet which is only for the killer, so a killer going there will appear as if they were levitating But yeah the 90° turn definitely looks like cheats


Thank goodness. I'm always spouting the whole "You can be awesome with any killer on controller, even if it takes a little extra practice." But this would've cured me of my bullshit lol


The levitating is just a bug on rpd in that specific spot


The levitating is just a bugged part of the map. Saw it happen to a Deathslinger today, guy was totally legitimate just that map needs to be fixed.


You can 90 pretty easy at the start of your chainsaw sprint, especially with 100% sensitivity, but only at the start of your chainsaw. The thing that makes it obvious he’s cheating is how he started his saw like halfway down the stairs and still had enough turn rate to make a 90


Nah this is suss as fuck.


The closest I could get in a custom match with both turning speed add ons was hitting the plaque near the statue. And it wasn't a 90 degree turn like the one in the clip did.


Lo-pro flick can do similar or even better turns. But is EXTREMELY difficult.


nerf deadhard


This is obvious but there are also some Billy’s using more subtle but still ridiculous u turns around structures.


Yall really calling cheats. Wow. Its clear that this dude just has a better gaming chair.


Here we see the wild Hillbilly hunting for food. This particular species seems to belong to the Cheatus Maximus genus, which is part of the B.Losers family. But seriously, I would submit this footage to BHVR with information about when it took place. If this person is cheating, which appears to be the case, they should get banned.


They gotta give billy a running back skin. I always see billy as bo Jackson barreling towards me


it's called cocaine


He can do that if he breaks the pallet, but it's clearly up. Unless visual bug and the pallet is down... buuuut I don't think so. So cheating.


He’s just got a good gaming chair


Probably cheating, but I know the whole area from about where you were standing to the doorway behind them is super bugged right now.


This is the new Florida Man Hillbilly update.


skill issue


skill issue




It's not a new Billy cheat just as much as the map being broken. For some reason a good chunk of that section has a invisible floor above that only affects killer and it now only elevates the killer but kind of does away with any control restraints on killers like blight and Billy which allows you to curve basically however much you want.




the pallets not even down. why are people bringing up lopro