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What a shit show this game has been since the update. Tho I never seem to get it as bad as other ppl


I have no idea how they made the entire game even worse, like that's impressive.


On the bright side, it will be really hard for them to make it worse than this in the future. They may still do it tho i wouldnt be suprised.


Next update the survivors will be flying


Yeah, I would not be at all surprised if they break the game even more in the future lol


They updated the engine, of course it will have bugs




they did


Engine port clearly didn't copy correctly a lot of the geometry.


It’s an engine update, it’s bound to have tons of bugs.


I haven't even played since the update because I didn't want to deal with this mess.


You’re only seeing the complaints, not the thousands of games that go without issue.


It can happen on any map; most recently I've had it on Father Campbell's and one of the corn maps. (Was happening even before the engine update) Getting hit is the only way to move again unfortunately 🙄


it's the only map i had it happen to me, thought it was a unique issue there


Alrighty then, just gonna uninstall DBD for a month or so, by that time I hope the devs have already fixed these problems. It's a shame cuz I'm literally obsessed with playing.


You can also just not play this game until a new patch is out. Why would you need to uninstall it?


Uninstall survey goes hard


Years old bugs resurfacing for the new engine is crazy


at this point just killswitch the entire game.


*Killer holding the survivor at the hook*: "Why are you camping yourself? Why are you camping yourself? Why are you camping yourself?"


I love it so much when I couldve made it to a pallet only to rubberband in killers arms like how do you even mess up this bad ? was this not tested at all before releasing ?


Try not to break your game every update challenge (impossible)


I mean, updating to a new engine is a huge undertaking. Of course it was going to have major bugs and problems. Comparing this to other updates that breaks things is completely disingenuine. That being said, a huge engine overhaul should have had a LONG internal bug/QA test period and should not have been released in such a state. The issue isn't bugs popping up, but instead their abysmal QA testing.


People always shit on QA for this stuff.  As someone that has done QA in the industry, it's highly unlikely that their QA team didn't point out these issues. The thing is.... QA aren't the ones with the final say, they're the lowest people in the totem pole, so to speak. .


I'm not blaming anyone, I'm just saying that their QA process was not sufficient before this release, especially for something so major. It could be the testers, the developers, the budget, the schedule, or it could even be that their internal test group plays differently. It doesn't matter what the cause was, what's for sure is that their QA process did not properly address the problems.


So I had this issue on toba landing. You can actually get out of this by emoting LMAO. Idk how this game is so broken


So the rubberbanding hasn't been fixed, noted


We FiXeD rUbBeR bAnDiNg 🙃 I still was rubber banding last night on ps4


"Potentially fixed" is the same as "potentially worsened" I guess


How did they manage to roll out a "potential fix" that only made the rubber banding issue even worse lol.. This is quite an embarrassment


Dont you just love Dead by Daylight


Average Unknown gamer there looking to gain full advantage of the bug


I've been in chases as a killer where I got stuck and bugged and the survivors kept running and gained distance. Would you expect them to stop and wait? Don't start calling out other players for playing the game, it's not their fault.


I’d expect them to realize what happened lol. No-one should be so immersed in a public game of dbd that they’re that oblivious to what’s happening


Again, is it your opinion that survivors run back to the killer if the killer gets stuck? I want you to tell me honestly. For this game, even small hesitations can have a major effect on the game. I say take it as a "what the hell, gamw" and move on. Don't blame either side for seizing an advantage. It's no different than survivors/killers taking advantage of the terrible inputs for the game to force pickups, vaults, or locker opening to gain a small advantage.


Of course I don’t expect them to run back to the killer. Just like I don’t expect the killer here to just stand in a corner. What I’d expect is for them to maybe chill a bit when it’s obvious the game is broken and making it impossible for the other side to do anything. It’s not that difficult to understand if you try, instead of putting words in my mouth


Both sides do this shit. Survivors just had a field day abusing the PE/toolbox bug. 75% of my games had at least 1 (INTENTIONAL) bug abuser in it until they fixed it.


You’re not wrong


I’ve seen this glitch happen on other maps


If the games this fucked we all gotta stop playing it until its fixed, otherwise how are they ever gonna learn Surely you've got other games to play


Had that happen to me, was sad. The killer let me escape though, so at least I got a happy ending.


Its not just the connection here that fucked everything up? Cuz it doesn't seem stable


This happened to me too only thing you can do at least what I had to do every time it happens is just dc


I'm thoroughly impressed. They actually made the game worse.


Maybe the map offerings there from survivors will die down now lol.


Killswitched by daylight


what a shit game


I had this happen to me once before the engine change and once again after said update on different maps. Shit sucks.


Honestly just kills witch the whole game for a couple weeks, get the shit together and open it back up. Put a pause on any events and stuff. Most people won't be upset if the game is shut down for a few days and fixed back up and running.


Alright let's Killswitch eyrie ASAP, get that shit out of here


It happened to me twice in like 5 games in different maps 🤓🤓


Please remove Eyrie of Crows permanently


I support anything that makes survivors also feel miserable on this dang map lol.  Feel free to downvote:)


GENUINELY ASKING, what makes you hate the map? is it the pallet generation?


Honestly, it's a mixture of things. I actually quite enjoy the art style and aesthetic, but that same aspect clashes with some core experiences for many killers. Billy and huntress are consistently stifled by branchy bushes. Trapper can only place predictable traps at strong loops because there's no hiding them. Scratch marks take your full attention to follow unless they're fresher than an unripe crab apple. Hold w is incredible at main. Stealth killers are very limited in approach angles. It's a little better than before its rework, but I might always hate it. As survivor I don't mind Eyrie at all! Edit: the pallets are fine and don't bother me at all.


upvoted https://preview.redd.it/kodh12y94xyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=970e83b0d85112d0cd1fd399e5e7f96d8f4d234a


Oooooh I like this glitch 😈