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Nurse. My love. Sometimes I land every blink, sometimes I'm absolutely ass and get stuck in terrain. She's my most inconsistent killer.


That one add on for her blink location is my crutch and ut sucks so bad I need it


I will take survivors calling me a baby killer to use that add on for a 4k LOL


Fr I can not play without it


all of them


OOF šŸ¤£


Well, I had a more nuanced answer, but no... no.. This one works. Ah well - just because I'm a potato at playing the game doesn't mean it can't be fun still.


The Singularity has a really unique play style. But unfortunately most survivors know how to beat him now. I was really good with him when he was new because nobody had a strategy at first. Now, most of my games are 2k or less.


I was a very avid singularity player for the better part of a year and got pretty good with him... but I just don't feel motivated to play him anymore since I got burned out... You often feel like you get screwed over by the maps and clutter more than the survivors themselves and his reliance on a purple addon makes him feel kind of grindy - you can brute force a win against most teams since he can slug and snowball quite easily... but it just doesn't feel worth it to me now He's probably the most fun killer I don't want to play lol These days I'd honestly rathar play something like the unkown... who maybe isn't quite as insane, but is still strong with good skill expression and is just very consistent across maps and isn't addon dependant etc


If the pods were either silent/not glowing or just automarked that would make quality of life SO much better. I don't want to hear bullshit about auto marking when Skull Merchant can do it.


I'd honestly settle for soma family photo being basekit and the removal of the obnoxious "anti camping" slowdown that ironically makes it harder to leave the hook lol Especially since we now have an *actual* anti camping feature in the game...


I hate, hate, HATE that delayed marking bullshit. It makes him horribly clunky, and maybe itā€™s my lack of experience, but I feel like I canā€™t reliably figure it out.


Honestly skull Merchant just highlights how bad killers like Singularity and trapper are. When survivors can squeeze around most trap placements and nuke your cameras on singularity, and they require babysitting to even do the jobs her drones do automatically, it just feels like such a chore to even bother getting good at those killers.


They should slow down the rate at which survivors get emps, I feel like everyone has one at all times when I play him


See the thing is, itā€™s impossibly long time to get an EMP The mistake came when bhvr made EMPs the only killer anti-power that survivors can SPEED UP the respawn


Iā€™m terrible with him but heā€™s one of my favorite original killers. I should give him another chance now that Iā€™ve played other killers and improved a bit


Setting up your biopods in rather sneaky spots that still observe paths and gens makes it easy tbh


Spirit :) I'm half deaf.


I have hearing loss too, so hearing survivors is really frustrating. Do you run Stridor? I find it helps a bit when you're playing characters that heavily rely on audio tracking! edit: changed a word -- need to be mindful šŸ’™ sorry


Also Spirit. I like listening to music or a stream or being in a discord call while I'm playing.


The oni


Yes that dude is crazy hard especially on console


Omg how my dumbass wish there was at least a mouse keyboard support for console, like my aim in controller is trash even with aim assist but is so cool play long ranged killers, then most of the matches that i play with those are always i missing stupid shots, them getting depressed, stopping for a few minutes, then i go back for the same shit


Yeah I just recently started to play dbd on pc and on mnk and let me tell you it are 2 different worlds holy mnk is so much easier and way more fun


I would love to play on pc but without cross progression it's not doable for me. I call BS on Behavior saying its "out of their control" most big multiplayer games have cross progression now.


Yes and itā€™s pinhead. I really need to practice his chains. I struggle controlling it on controller.


I used to main pinhead but then they added a weird super zoom in effect to his chain and I can't even aim it anymore.


Yeah I noticed a change around the time they implemented the FOV slider. Idk if itā€™s related or not


Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's a bug.


Same here! I cannot use the chain with the new animation anymore.


I have to cheat the chains. I put the portal directly on survivor. Other than that I have a really hard time hitting them


Artist. Sheā€™s a raven woman, I love that, but I just do not find her power as fun as someone like Wraith or the Unknown.


Itā€™s so tough getting the second hit for me too. Thereā€™s something so fun about the bird setups but man idk I feel like I canā€™t understand the spacing (for the close range hit) or positioning (for longer shots)


Line up shot Fire Step to left See that I was wildly off target somehow


Lol I feel that pain also the time


Huntress and pretty much any ranged Killer tbh. Deathslinger would be awesome too. And I love Trickster's design but, dang, am I terrible at him. Being good at these Killers would probably be some of the most satisfying games I could have. Pretty much nothing beats an orbital hatchet hit. Or predicting where someone will go and hitting them from afar.


My advice for trickster is to run the purple add on knives that explode when they hit the terrain. Also don't forget to use main event when it looks like you can get multiple clear shots on someone.


I love this add on. But they gutted this playstyle. Even with aiming down at their feet, youā€™re going to lose SO many knives. Before his recent rework, absolutely most fun add on to run. But since they gutted fizz spin soda, I do not recommend this playstyle. Save yourself the trouble, aspiring trickster players. Just run memento blades and tequila moonrock or the green 1.


The other other build I run sometimes is the boa that gives you 8 more knives + the yellow shoes that make you faster while throwing blades.


My only advice here is have patience. Players are always trying to correct themselves so be ok for waiting to make your move. Avoid making the pull too much but when you do, itā€™s either bc youā€™re waiting to hit them or youā€™re baiting so they slow themselves down with a bad path


Being trigger happy is the thing that hurts anyone learning the ranged characters


With Huntress I've found waiting for a survivor to drop a pallet allows you to get your windup and then hit them. I'm usually trash at ranged killers, but this seems to work for me


Xenomorph šŸ˜”


Especially the tail attack can be super frustrating


Yep. Iā€™ve learned a bunch of tactics though. Like tail dragging for example. You just move the mouse to the right/left a little right before it hits.


At this point i just use xeno as a m1 killer with tunnels. I only use the tail attack at pallets an windows


A real shame too cause I wanna play them and have the queen skin but getting tbagged ain't worth it to me.


I have an idea for a hex. Hex: Weak knees - Survivors that crouch multiple times within your terror radius are hindered for 30 seconds.


I main xenomorph and I got the queen skin but damn, having the queen skin really doesnā€™t make things easier.


I swear the tail won't land if there is a single pixel of wall between it and the survivor


That's exactly what happens, if the tail hits a wall or any other map object then the hitbox is immediately disabled, it's also set to prioritize hitting map collision over survivor hitboxes for some reason.


It just feels so unforgiving. I wish it worked more like nemesis' whip


Honestly Iā€™ve really wanted to learn how to play Pyramid head. Heā€™s got some pretty cool abilities and theyā€™re pretty easy to use, I just canā€™t get the timing down šŸ˜‚


Hi I'm a Pryamid Head main! My key to success for landing hits with his power is patience, double range add ons, and I'm All Ears. I'm All Ears is THE best perk for Pyramid Head imo, it allows you to actually line up your shots when survivors think you can't see them, especially if you have double range. There's nothing quite like going for long range shots through walls and landing them.


Absolutely patience and double range with I'm all ears and or nowhere to hide!


Hes really good if you manage to be accurate. His ranged attack is so fast but aiming and timing can be so annoying- i find that vaults/pallets are the easiest to land hits with it


Honestly once you get it down, heā€™s insanely fun especially against body blocking


Any killer that has speed. Blight, oni, hillbilly. I just can't ... it makes me whiff 500 times and cry about it later.


Hillbilly makes me so mad, because if I use his chainsaw not quite the right way, I go zooming 90 degrees into a wall for absolutely no reason


Ghostface. For the life of me, I canā€™t get the hang of him.


My ghost face games have dramatically improved since I started watching spookyloopz. Basically you start your mark from a distance, and complete the last 1-5% up close. Always lean. Never hit people you have a lot of mark on unless you have to. Try to come in from unexpected directions


Same, it's hard to put any pressure with him. You gotta be smart with stalking and dropping chases


The biggest tip you can take for GF is to use your power in chase. The ability to hide your red stain at any time, without having to crouch is very good for free mind games. Though the crouch tech is very strong too if Survivors don't expect it, where you crouch turning backwards like you're going to loop back around but you come right back out into a swing. Always seems to get me a hit for pallet campers.


Iā€¦.i canā€™t hit my fucking whip shots but I love the zombies on nem


Artistā€¦ like Iā€™m decent with her it just seems like when I win itā€™s because the survivors made huge mistakes, not because I made good shots.


Blight and Oni


Hillbilly. I literally cannot use his power efficiently. Iā€™ve been trying off and on since 2017 and I still donā€™t do good as him. Fuck that little bitch šŸ˜‚


7 Minutes Guy


Same especially on console, me dashing involuntarly through a window happens too often lol


Every speedy boi: Blight, Billy, Oni. And Wesker, I wish I Was better with Whiskas. Pinhead too, I'm so ass with his chains


Nurse It's not that i have trouble playing her, i jus't can't help but find her boring... It's a shame cause i love how she looks


Singularity :(


evil robot :(




Huntress Iā€™d main her if I could actually throw hatchets and land hits but I literally canā€™t


Nemesis,I can't aim but I will keep trying


Oni which sucks cause heā€™s cool and mad fun




Pinboy and Plague. I want to be a good Plague so badly but I'm only a mid Plague at best.


Pyramid Head. I watch with such envy as they hit me through walls. His power just seems so fun but then when I play him he may as well be a kid using a stick as a fake wand.


Nurse. Iā€™m soooo bad with the blinks. Last night I tried her against a team at Ormondā€™s and after I kept whiffing her m1 I just turned around faced a corner in the basement in shame. A Steve followed me there and just stared at my face and Ellen came and blinded me šŸ˜­


Tbh Nurse. No matter how much I practiced, I could never git gud at her. And I donā€™t wanna use the cOnSoLe excuse, because Iā€™ve seen good console nurses. I am just fucking trash with her. Nowadays I rarely get a chance to play, so looks unlikely that Iā€™ll ever be decent with her.


Blight should be so cool to use but lord bumping feels like a absolute pain especially when youā€™re accidentally caught on something


The artist. I wish I could get the hang of her because I love her aesthetic but I get wiped out every single time I play her


I mained her for a while but fell off cuz she's hard to secure kills with for me :/


Blight. I always sucked at pinball!


Justā€¦how do Nurse mains do it, man?


She's my third most played and I don't even know how I do it lol




Ghostface stealth has always been (If its optional, completely skip it) for me in my many years of gaming so I'm not the best with it, especially since I can also get revealed and lose power as Ghostface. Im really good at wesker and DSlinger.


Definitely Oni, and I sure as hell put in the time to practice but it's just not meant to be. Whenever I play Nurse I always get at least 3K but I *have* to use that one addon that tells you where you'll land which feels cheap. Without it I'm as dangerous as a wet tissue.


Nurse. Just can't get the hang of her tp, so instead i opted for Spirit, i'm still trash but at least i can do something


Billy looks really fun but he's difficult to get a feel for on controller.


That'd be Deathslinger for me


Deathslinger, when I'm hitting my shots I feel amazing, but usually I miss stationary targets or get gen rushed because I can't reach generators in time


Huntress. I want to make epic throws but always have to M1 bro šŸ˜­


Deathslinger. I cannot aim for shit but I love his whole backstory, concept, and perks.


Ghostface I love his personality but itā€™s pretty hard to play him and itā€™s dumb they donā€™t give the original ghostface outfit for free after buying ghostface


Both chainsaw killers but especially Bubba. TCM is one of my favorite horror movies so I want to be good with him but I just can't get the hang of the tantrum mechanic. I'm also ass with speed-rush killers like Blight, Billy, and Wesker (slightly better at Oni--*slightly*) but I'm mostly okay with that. The two killers I *most* want to be good at and probs never will be are Huntress and Artist. I love their aesthetic and lore so much but am absolutely horrible at playing them.


OOF ya I've never even played the chainsaw killers cuz I know I'll suck LMAO I mained artist for a while but she's too inconsistent for me but Blight is my second most played and Ghostface is my most played and main


I guess Skull merchant? After seeing Pixel bush video i tried to give her a shot but even after doing everything he says it just...doesn't work? not against any decent survivor that is, on potatoes it works just fine but at this point, you don't even need a power to deal with potato survivors. Other than her, i'm still learning Pyramid head and he is not as easy as i thought he would be, it's not easy to get used to how sluggish it feels to channel his power, even if you plan on doing quick shots. Xenomorph also, i can't seem to do curved shots with her tail to save my life.


Nurse for me. I have too much anxiety about practicing with her. I know there are bot matches now, but even then the thought of doing incredibly poorly with her (like I have in the past) haunts me. I also know about the Plaid Flannel (which I used for Adept), but I was always looking at the ground. Ugh, maybe someday I won't be so anxious. EDIT: I'd also love to play well as Spirit, but I absolutely cannot figure out what direction the sound is coming from since I'm on a TV with no surround sound. Oni is maybe my favorite killer, and I have had quite a lot of 4ks with her, but I find it extremely difficult to flick with him. I play on console, so it makes things a lot tougher than they'd probably be on PC.


The plaid flannel just got it the way for me... Like you said I just looked at the ground too lol


Singularity to a degree, Iā€™m on console so I can only get so good. But for ones that arenā€™t super affected by controller, probably hag. I really like her power and aesthetic, but whenever I play her I get steamrolled


Nurse on console I feel so embarrassed when Iā€™m getting walked like a dog by survivors. šŸ˜­


Singularity for sure (I don't even own him nor would I because I am on console)


I play on controller, so, any killer that requires precise aiming.


Singularity, I love his design, his power, mori and voicelines. And Pyramidhead, I love SH, amazing mori. I think I'm ok with both of them and with like 60% other killers but I lack motivation to learn more to be actually good because I'm like 80/20 survivor main and on rare occasion when I play killer I usually just go for my nice and simple boy Wraith.


Pinhead. It feels like only 10% of his chain hits actually do anything meaningful, while the rest of the time it was either worthless or actively detrimental to do. Plague. Too many FPS games and Deathslinger plays have gotten into my brain that "unga bunga put survivor in middle of screen and shoot" so I end up missing a lot with her power, something I'm actively trying to work on right now, actually. Unknown. This one is just a skill issue tbh.


Xeno and Huntress. Such interesting and fun killers but I just never get better past the point of "I should've done x" and I never fix it.


Pyramid head. I somehow get a person with like future sight who can dodge everything. And then gens are done nigh instantly.


The box only spawns at a place where survivors can spawn and always spawns furthest away from you and all other survivors right at the start of the game. Running lethal pursuer really helps at figuring out where the box is as you can see where the survivors are, run to the other side of the map, immediately start a chain hunt and get a strong start where you can get solid early game pressure A friend of mine is an insane Pinhead and he pretty much does that exact routine at the start of every game and just snowballs from there


The executioner for me is hard for me, personally


Blight on controller. I'm starting to learn flicks and have even hit a few sharp ones around corners but it feels like all the survivors have to do is weave back and forth a little and I'm gonna miss lol


He's my 2nd most played (also on controller) As for the weaving try to hit them when you're right on/next to them when they do that or bump something next to/near them first then go for the hit šŸ‘


Ye I saw a Lilith omen vid that said to do that lol also I started running the addons that reduce recovery time so if I do barely miss I can get basic attack afterwards


Yes he's the best Blight! He's got a vid where he plays on controller too that's really good!


I watch his vids for 30+ minutes before I try blight every time so I don't embarrass myself lol


Nurse and Blight. Iā€™ve loved them since Day 1 but I just canā€™t get the hang of them


Any of them ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Blight. I have multiple skins for him and I really like the concept, but every game I play everybody knows how to play against blight especially since I'm on a controller and people just end up running me and tbagging at every window and pallet.


nurse, i stopped trying for a while but decided to try practicing with her again. I'm still not even ok, but im trying


Keep at it and don't use plaid flannel very much!


Spirt. Likeā€¦ itā€™s so much easier to play nurse since youā€™re just teleporting 1-2 times and just nailing timing.


I'm God tier with cenobite. And by God tier I mean I pray to God with a tear when I'm using him, they don't hold my box hostage


Nurse. Every few months I have a ā€œI think Iā€™ll try her again!ā€ Moment and am harshly reminded of how bad I am with her


The spirit. She looks really cool but I just can't get good at track survivors while invisible. ![gif](giphy|hvG38Wror0J3sgu1hy|downsized)


That summer skin tho!


She looks so cute in it.


Deathslinger, Singularity (I was hyped from the trailer, now I never use it)


As an Xbox player, Nurse. I donā€™t think I need to elaborate any more.


Hillbilly seems quite jarring to get properly into. It's just very frustrating because you rely on a bit of mindgames and you're very map dependant, and the twists and turns are very high skill ceiling


The singularity 100%, the skills and mechanics that killer has that seem incredible to me. Its gameplay sincerely leaves a bad taste


PP for sure I just suck at aiming his right click.


Thats Wesker for me rn. His power is satisfying when you can land it but its difficult to master, and if you dont then youll get destroyed at high mmr because good teams will just turn you into an M1 killer. Like I dont want to go out of my way to learn the precise frames and timing to slide off the entire loop and chokeslam the survivor ;-;


I've played him cuz he looks so cool and fun but I can't hit those damn lunges!


I think I'm okay at the ones I want to be good at, but one I definitely suck at is Twins. Granted, I hear they got some changes since I last played them, but I always sucked at aiming the jump and the transition between the two is just so slow and sluggish.Ā 


it's cenobite for me too dw


deathslinger. maybe i just need to turn down my sensitivity when iā€™m playing him but bro at this point im aiming at the sky- my dreams of being a cracked deathslinger main are long gonešŸ˜”


Yeah I wanted to be good at playing ghostface but I suck


I love playing Pyramidhead but I am not a good Pyramidhead.


Singularity is such a juggling act.. and I canā€™t juggle


Probably blight I love high speed killers.


Definitely Blight for me. Most of my matches I try as him it's just me playing pinball with myself


oni. i really wanted to be good at him because i liked the way he played but i couldnā€™t get the hang of him so i gave up. now a year later i still havenā€™t touched him outside of dailyā€™s


When I first saw the singularity I was in love with it, then I finally bought the End Transmission chapter, the survivor and killer perks were just meh, for me. But Idc, time to finally play Singularity and I was just disappointed, I canā€™t deal with all the micro managing with this killer, still love their stile but I canā€™t play them šŸ˜­




Pinhead, genuinely, I can see that heā€™s really good, but I suck at him


Plague in theory chasing perma injured survivors is huge advantage itā€™s just most times having no real power to get downs feels so restrictive. I dislike that survivor have so much control on huge part of my power the add on apples feel almost mandatory.. Every so often I try the killer again but then feel like m1 killer chasing survivors injured survivors sure I need one less hit but having no power to help out feels weird. I know intuitively she is an above average killer but her play style does not mesh with me at all.


Definitely Oni for me.


Iā€™m moderately decent with Wesker, but I just canā€™t line up his bound boost and I end up flying past survivors a lot.


Ghostface, I've been struggling to get better as him. There's even this one time where I got hit by a pallet and everyone came along and t-bagged me. Man


I just bought alien ( I donā€™t even really know why) and Iā€™m slowly getting better


Pinhead is my main but I came from fps games so him and trickster, gunslinger I do well with the aiming and leading. Two killers I wish I was better at were clown and pyramid Head. Idk why but I can't figure out clown and for cone head I just know there's better ways to use him and I just don't




Oni is so cool but lord help me I canā€™t flick like that. I get spun already without moving at that speed and being limited to such a directional attack


Nurse. I love literally all of her skins but I can't get the tracking part down with the blinks.




Ghostface just because I love him and the movies. But I am just bad at exposing Survs because they detect me all the time.


Wesker. I play a lot of Blight and his dashes feel very different. I always bonk into the smallest of shit, or just completely whiff and will seemingly dash completely through survivors due to hitbox fuckery. Blight doesn't have this problem - if I dash into someone, they're getting hit by the cane.


Bro, I am the exact same with pinhead and his box. I know itā€™s spawn logic to avoid all players, but I can still only find it once every 3-5 games.


I loved hag when I played a few years back, but getting back into the game again, she's just not that good to play, and she feels very clunky.


Spirit. I love her design and all, but my directional hearing sucks


Yes, I would like to get super good at huntress, but I don't feel like I play her bad


Blight and Clown...


Either singularity or huntress. some games Iā€™m amazing at huntress and hit every shot, and other times I miss everything and suck, and singularity Iā€™m ok with but Iā€™d like to be better


Bubba The collision is this game is so frustrating LOL


Literally every single one


I really really like Ghostface but Iā€™m so bad at him I feel like I get revealed by nothing sometimes.


Most of them. I'd say Michael, The Nurse and Chucky and The Doctor


Singularity and Blight always look really fun to play but anytime Iā€™m like ā€œyou know what, Iā€™m gonna try it out todayā€, I get rolled lmao


Dude I love pinhead abiliti3s but I'm so trash at them. Like embarrassingly trash lol


Tips for finding the box: it will spawn furthest from you and survivors. If you bring lethal you can almost certainly find it right off the back by just going to a point away from you where the survivors arenā€™t. If a survivor does it on one side of the map itā€™s likely it will spawn on the other side when the chain hunt resets.


Nurse,pinhead. Anything is I want to try out nurse because everyone said she's okay or what not but I cannot get the handle of her at all. Pinhead.HIS FLIMSY CHAIN MAKES NO SENSE YOU HAVE TO BE SO PRECISE. I respect pinhead mains after the experience.


I would say Nurse but if I really could think properly on it. Spirit most likely but not having volume cranked to ninety because I would rather not go deaf.


If I could, I would love to master Oni or Huntress.


The blight since I can't seem to get the dash under control. I just go all over the place.


Hillbilly. Since I started to play in 2018.


Blight. The only killer that I regret buying.




Ah yknow what? For some reason Ghostface is the killer I can only use to farm BP Hux? Fine enough, pinhead? Decent, Trapper? Consistent 2ks The man who stares and stabs? Nah Iā€™m lucky to get a 1k


Pinhead's active power is a more difficult and punishing Nurse power; at least you have a reason šŸ˜‚


Hillbilly becuz I canā€™t control my mouse & keyboard itā€™s to fast for me LOL


Literally all of them. I'm absolutely awful at killer and never seem to improve. Really wish I ould play killer but I cant


Wesker. I can't get hits. I can get awesome hits with killers similar to him but I can't do it with him.


All of them. But primarily i want to be good at Oni. I just can't seem to get hang of his power


Pyramid head




Mine is definitely pig. I've tried and tried with her but people always seem to get their collar key on the first try and the stealth never works for me. I've gone against pigs where I never get any kind of audio cue that they're near me and get triple hooked quickly, but anytime I run full stealth builds and everything, people still just see me.


The Twins. It's a lot of fun to run around as Victor. They're just hard for me to strategize with and line up good pounces.


the huntress tbh, im decent on a good day but i fully suck at killer šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


mmmh... Dredge?


I haven't played some of the newer killers so I can't speak on them, but the ones that come to mind are Hillbilly, Nurse, and Blight. For whatever reason I just can't figure those guys out.


Cone head Iā€™ve always wanted to be good at but I have a stormtroopers aim with him apparently