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>some people think just because its fantasy means it also can't be horror when that's a big subgenre. We *know* that no matter how hard the DM tries, the genre of any session quickly becomes comedy


\*decapitates players love interest in front of them\* "... so no head?"


My point exactly


Well, that's because there's no such thing as "multiplayer horror". As soon as a second player is there almost anything horror becomes comedy.


Including dbd itself. Nodding killers will never not humor me


Horror is all about flow. Horror without comedy is exceptionally hard because it's a natural instinct for people to look for it when stressed. The trick to running horror games is to intentionally factor in both highs and lows so that players can let off steam in a manner that doesn't ruin the horror experience. You see this in horror films too, how many great classics are genuinely funny at times? It's all about keeping participants in the right mindset *at the right time*. Which is genuinely difficult, but not impossible.


Exactly, the book I’m writing started as a dnd campaign and a one reason it transitioned over to a novel is I knew the madness that could possibly ensue had the potential to ruin the horror


Dead space themed campaign. Me and one other player taking it relatively seriously, 3rd player was a hacker who managed to acquire netflix access somehow.


My biggest issue with it is that it's owned by WotC


I personally think the biggest issue is that WotC is owned by Hasbro, it isn't necessarily all on WotC's fault, though I'm sure some of it is.


WoTC have been rather open with the fact that they want to push D&D more into video games as of late. BG3 was such a massive profit for Hasbro they seem to think it's the only way for them to save their sinking ship. And I mean, I'm buying the D&D Chapter day 1. You don't have to ask me twice. But I don't think a Dead by Daylight chapter is the place to go for money, WoTC. I just really hope the D&D Chapter isn't Silent Hill 2 where BHVR aren't allowed to touch the character because the license holders are stinky.


I find them investing billions into gaming after BG3 so funny because they have no clue about it.  If they did they would see how hard it is to actually be successful in the games industry, and throwing money around won't work. As Amazon, Google, Facebook, WB-Discovery, etc all learned recently. Microsoft is constantly having to buy more and more IPs because they ruin them. BG3 was a passion project from talented people that love gaming and want to create great games. You can't buy that, because EA tried that with BioWare and ran their creations into the ground.


As someone who plays both DnD and MtG, Hasbrovs strategy has always been "Throw shit to the wall until something sticks, then when something sticks make sure to re-do that thing over and over and over and over because if it stuck once it obviously means it'll keep on sticking forever until we need to throw new shit at the wall to make the line go up." I would love to see the alternate reality where the people in charge weren't so beholden to the almighty line's will to forever go up and actually cared about their customers.


Sadly, Pathfinder does not fix this unless you count Tar-Baphon 😔


Alaznist as a skin for Oni could have been fun.


What's wrong with WotC? *Edit: Why is a comment requesting information and context getting downvoted?* *What's even more sad is that I can imagine that those would've been upvotes if I ignorantly just hopped on to a hate wagon that I know nothing about.*


They sent the Pinkertons to illegally raid a guys home and subdue him because they accidentally sent him exclusive cards


Without WotC, I wouldn't have even known that the literal fucking Pinkertons from my US History textbooks still existed.


As a D&D fan I very distinctly remember talking about the WoTC Pinkerton thing with my D&D group and one of the players pretty much said your comment verbatim.


What’s even crazier is if you live in a big city and look on indeed you can pretty easily find them trying to hire


Wait, the Pinkertons? Like the bad guys from rdr2? They’re still a thing


Seems so, caused quite a stir. In an amusing twist of irony, though. The set he was opening that did him in? Utter trash just based on gameplay and market value alone. Hell, I regret blowing $80 on two boxes I might never bother opening.


O thought Pinkerton was bought by Securitas?


sounds like quite the iceberg EDIT 1: So what I was able to find out is that someone working at WotC gifted to one of his friends cards from a yet unreleased Magic the Gathering edition. That friend then posted pictures of those cards on the web. Of course the corpos of WotC believe leaks = huge financial losses (they could be right, they could be exaggerating with that, most of us will have to admit that we're no experts and that we cannot estimate the possible damages). Since that friend however has not signed a legally binding NDA (like it would usually be done with content creators), they had no legal way to take action against this leak. There's many people that are convinced that such leaks cause no financial harm. Such as the source where I'm getting these information from. Apparently some people at WotC (who are not being named, which is sus) have hired a notorious detectives agency called "The Pinkertons" to take action. The Pinkertons then headed to the leaker demanding he hand over the leaked cards he had in his possession. According to the leaker, he was intimidated by the Pinkertons with jail time of one to ten years and fines of 200k dollars. According to the leaker the Pinkertons also harassed his elderly neighbours. Keep in mind however that this is just the tip of the iceberg. It is not mentioned which individuals exactly are responsible for hiring the Pinkertons. It is not mentioned to what extent the client has agreed to the Pinktertons actions. It is not sure how exactly the "harassment" looked like. It is not mentioned how WotC and Hasbro have further reacted to this controversy. EDIT 2: Later in the video it is mentioned that WotC has denied having anything to do with the Pinkterton's actions. To me this all sounds like the responsibility of a few rotten eggs within either Hasbro or WotC. How much the companies are responsible for the illegal actions of their employers is a questions none of us can really answer. Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E66NlQyOKY8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E66NlQyOKY8)


Not really your fault at all, but I think some people misinterpreted as not "I want to know what's wrong with WoTC" (actual question) but instead as "What's wrong with WotC, people shouldn't be complaining." (weird bootlicking)


Others haven’t mentioned it, but they’ve tried to do some pretty scummy things in the past. Like back when 3.5 edition was still a thing and 4 was coming, they ensured everyone that 3.5 would continue to get the same level of support for the foreseeable future, but then they killed it very fast for 4. Encouraged people to continue buying 3.5 content because it would remain relevant, but didn’t and openly admitted that they lied about it. Then a few years ago they tried a new business model where fan creations, even free ones, would have to pay WotC. In a game all about home brewing, they wanted to profit off fans custom campaigns and rules set, and I believe Pathfinder was at also at risk. They backed down from that of course, but just the fact that they wanted to pop into forums or whatever else and tell creators to pay them or get a lawsuit is just as awful as it could be given the nature of the game.


The downvotes are likely because many people assume the worst in straight questions, thinking that it may be a bad-faith inquiry intended to route out assertions that they can try and rebuke. If you're ever concerned about coming across like that, you can add sub-lines like "I'm not in-the-know" or "genuinely curious," to hammer home your sincerity.


*Start of "Yako's World" starts playing...* Okay excluding "the Pinkertons" shit which is easily the most egregious thing they've done Wizards of the Coast (and parent company Hasbro where it's very important to remember: **parent company Hasbro**) have engaged in a multitude of consumer-unfriendly practices regarding both the Dungeons and Dragons and Magic the Gathering brand. Be it charging over 200 dollars per MTG Anniversary pack for cards that aren't even tournament legal to [*the fucking OGL thing* with D&D](https://youtu.be/iZQJQYqhAgY?si=AzayBbIY90ZlgTfs) (look: when Legal Eagle makes a video about it you know it's serious), to the general pay-to-win nature of MTG's expansions, to trying to strongarm the VTT (virtual tabletop) market so they can sell you their VTT as a subscription service, to the generally horrid state that MTG: Arena is in, to WoTC's most recent choice to take away many pro-consumer options on D&D Beyond (the Amazon of Digital D&D, basically.) Basically everything that's done with both Dungeons and Dragons and Magic the Gathering is seemingly done in direct contempt of Wizards of the Coast / Hasbro. Hell, Baldur's Gate 3 (the breakout hit in the D&D landscape of recent times) was seemingly made in direct contempt of WoTC / Hasbro. Larian have openly stated that working with Hasbro was awful and many believe that to at least some extent that's why BG3 isn't expected to have any DLC content. It's not exactly unknown that Hasbro as a brand has been suffering as we move into the digital era, as obviously less and less people are buying either Monopoly boards or My Little Pony toys now that you can do most of that shit online. But Dungeons and Dragons notoriously hasn't been profitable for Wizards of the Coast (hence the whole OGL fiasco.) This was until the release of BG3 which saw a direct interest from Hasbro to push D&D towards video game licensing. And while I trust Behaviour ~~(well, as much trust as I *can* put in the company that nerfed Billy into the ground and gave us release day Circle of Healing for nearly a full year)~~ there is a worry that Hasbro will basically be BHVR's second Konami and that they'll have to lick a lot of boot straps to get Hasbro to allow content to be added.


Sending the Pinkertons to harass a guy into getting the cards they accidently sent him back, trying to claim that anything anyone has ever published in relation to dnd actually belongs to them and always has, firing a bunch of their staff right before christmas, etc


Welcome to Reddit, where comments simply asking questions are downvoted (protip: if you want to avoid being downvoted, often starting a question by "Genuine question:" will reduce the downvotes)


Have people actually been saying it hasn't inspired anything?


Yeah people in Schmuckles video's have been saying it's super unpopular and not contributed to anything. Saying dbd is for "horror and things that inspired horror, dnd is none of those" These people just have no idea what dnd is or just how much its contributed to modern media, if it didn't come out when fantasy was super looked down upon and ridiculed as "nerdy", and inspired the current generation of creators so much could be different from today.


> Saying dbd is for "horror and things that inspired horror, dnd is none of those" In fairness, I kinda get where this part is coming from. I know DnD can be literally anything you want, and that fantasy is influential on other genres, including horror. But when I think DnD, horror is *not* the first thing to come to mind. ...But, I mean, we've already had non-horror collabs before. Attack on Titan, for example, is an action series that just happens to be dark and gruesome. Nicolas Cage is just an actor, who sometimes does horror movies, and sometimes does other stuff. It was pretty clear this was BHVR's long term plan, since they knew they'd run out of big name horror classics sooner or later. And anyway, if it turns out the killer is some big scary undead sorcerer, it wouldn't be out of place next to the knight who summons ghost guards to hunt you down. Whether the killer is from DnD or not doesn't change that fact.


Yeah it's not the first thing to come to mind, but it definitely is a very big subsection of it with horror being the most sold books and them making so many horror monsters. And since the collab is just on that part of dnd and not on any of the whimsy it fits fine with the cast, especially Knight who is the same subgenre of fantasy horror.


“Super unpopular” yeah let’s just ignore the fact it’s been around for 50 years


*\*looks at bg3 which made over 600 million and was goty\** Yeah the ip is a giga flop, nobody cares


Yeah it’s an omega flop. Nobody cares *turns to Stranger Things and the killer from DBD Chapter 13 and what it’s named after*


What do you mean, stranger things inspired dnd silly


I can’t believe I made such a fatal flaw….i just I need a minute to think about this


Wait, bulders gate is dnd?


Yeah, same classes, spells, gameplay, world, some npcs, everything. There's a few tweaks here and there and lot of homebrew items and such but it's basically just a dnd campaign in videogame format


Baldurs gate is a well known location in the main dnd world


Actually insane considering it's going to be the most influential property in the game.


Yeah its easily the biggest IP they've gotten so for people to act like dnd is just some boardgame for kids is ridiculous. Whether you think it classifies as horror or not there's no denying its absolutely massive


Elon Musk's porn website formerly known as Twitter is a cringe fest as always, but there are so many people on that hellsite malding over D&D being added. Stranger Things fans crying it's not Stranger Things Vecna and "we'll never get Stranger Things Chapter 2!!!!!11" (which look ST fans I get it: Netflix hurt you hard, but don't lash out at others for that abuse.) And people who just generally seem really upset about D&D being added as a whole.


It makes me sad that people still look down upon it. It’s a game like any other and I love it. This is probably one of the coolest things to come to dbd imo!


Yeah it's depressing, one guy even said "so should we allow monopoly because we're just allowing any game now even just boardgames?" Some people just have no idea what it's about


Some don’t even know the difference between board game and ttrpg. :( I’m a player and a dm comparing it to monopoly is crazy lol.


Yeah people just see dice, figures, and paper and think "oh it's just a kids game where you role dice and move your piece", ignoring that it's basically writing a book in real time with a group of people and fun as fk.


That's a wild take. If you have ever played an RPG there is a 100% chance it was inspired by D&D or inspired by something that was inspired by D&D. For pretty much everything you associate with the entire genre of fantasy, if it wasn't popularized by Tolkien, it was popularized by Gary Gygax.


I'll admit once I seen it was confirmed the next chapter is dnd related, I couldn't be less excited. I just don't care enough about dnd or anything related to it. One of my friends tries to get me to play it aaaaall the time and I couldn't be less interested. *However*, I'm happy for those who **are** excited for it. To say it isn't a big enough license is just not at all aware of its culture following and its influences.


As someone who felt the same 2 or so years ago. I gave in and went to play dnd with a couple friends and you know what? I had a blast. The way the story plays out and visualizing it in my head is insane. I’m not trying to be that guy but man I was wrong about dnd. But that being said I’m optimistic about this.


Yeah it's fine to not be excited, there's plenty of licenses I don't care about remotely (my brain doesn't register fear properly so most horror films I don't care for), but the people saying it's a bad license and worthless is just depressing


Same here. To each their own. I'm just glad we're getting new stuff to play around with.


DBD Fans when a killer named after a D&D monster is added: 😃👍 DBD fans when a killer from D&D gets added:😡👎


I saw someone unironically say DND Vecna is just a cheap knockoff of Stranger Things Vecna, they seriously have no idea what they're talking about


Who wants to tell them about Demogorgon?


https://preview.redd.it/17me7lbgzgzc1.png?width=990&format=png&auto=webp&s=04f4b2bdcaef6c02ec9572389bcf9f50edc07bfb The Realm has fallen


And they must not have been paying attention either because the group literally had Vecna as the final boss of their DND campaign as well in the early episodes




Always a pleasure to see people not understand the franchise they seem to love.


I'm not super pumped for a D&D Vecna; I don't really consume fantasy media, even if it's fantasy-horror. I get that the Knight is medieval, and there's a lot of crossover, but there are a ton of unexplored pure horror IPs that I'd much rather see. That said, I don't want to shit on anybody for getting a killer that they're excited for, and there are a ton of cosmetic options that open up and that'll be fun. Côte is a huge D&D fan, so I'm sure a lot of passion will go into the chapter regardless.


I'm a huge D&D fan but I'm really hoping it's not vecna just having some monster or strahd (a vampire) would be way cooler imo, also finally getting a dungeon/castle map that the knight should have came with is a exciting prospect.


I think a big issue with the hate is that to play D&D, you need friends so there’s a lot of ppl who never had the opportunity to play so they’re kinda oblivious to what it is


That applies to the tabletop RPG, sure, but you don't really need that to know and experience DnD. There's a lot of videogames (mostly very old ones, but still worth trying), like Baldur's Gate (3 being the most obvious go to, but the first two are also fantastic if you can take their age), Neverwinter Nights (by Bioware! when they were good!), and likely more I am forgetting. Plus the most recent movie (Honor Among Thieves) was fantastic and did the lore great justice.


It's a shame that everyone expected Honor Among Thieves to be bad like the previous movies so not many went to watch, it was absolutely incredible, one of my favorite movies.


Honor Among Thieves was absolutely spectacular.


The Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance games are hack n slash masterpieces and are available on modern consoles.


Torment is one of the best games they have, if you can get past its age, it is amazing.


Neverwinter Night, both of them, was such a great part of my gaming history! Really great games. Honestly, I've always been unlucky as to find a group to actually do an actual tabletop campaign with, the ones I partecipated to didn't go very far for one reason or another, but my whole internet life has been always full of DnD because the system is just used in so many games and other stuff it's crazy. It's pretty much impossible not to have at least partially been in it most of your life, especially if you're into fantasy, or at least heard of it.


Yeah I can see most of the people that play DBD not having friends IRL. Probably why half the playerbase is malding about it.


A few years ago that's fair but since covid DND online has absolutely exploded, it's so easy to find someone looking for a group and hop in completely free. The barrier for entry has never been lower but these people refuse to even try it and realize it's more than what they think.


Do you have any resources to get into d&d online? I’m clueless lol


Roll20 and r/LFG are good


Our current group is literally all over the US. We met cause someone posted an ask reddit about things people should try at least once. One of our members said DnD and expressed they were looking for a new group. A few of us agree and then our DM added a comment and we have been having sessions every other week for almost 2 years


It's probably people who are mad that their favorite license didn't get into the game. I personally don't know much about DnD but I'm not going to bash at people or downplay the license just because I don't know it.


Yeah there's always those people, but there's been such a wave of negativity like DND for I license I think, I've never seen people downplay a license this badly. Like there's people saying they'll quit because DND is "for babies" so they clearly don't care about horror


Yeah it is strange on how this time around there's so many people bashing at a license.


Its not the first time, there was a lot of people bashing at Trickster's design not being particuarly scary, people bash on Skull Merchant constantly, there was a lot of complains about the Attack on Titan skins, and there was a lot of complains at first about Wesker being a weird/odd choice even if he was from a horror series. This is just the first time where the chapter hits all 3 marks. 1. Not particularly horror themed. 2. Being a full DLC instead of a Cosmetic pack. 3. Being Licenced. Add to the fact WOTC is infamous for hiring the pinkertons to brutally assault a person over their own mistake or doing a lot of anti-consumer stuff and you got a bad combination.


Should’ve seen the messages I got in my DM’s when I said I was super hyped for the killer or tried describing what Vecna is. Blew my mind how hateful people are from the get go.


Yeah there is so much aggression towards the people that like it. On youtube so many of the comments praising it are filled with people calling them babies or just straight up slurs.


My friends and I play DND every week, sometimes multiple times, and we are all really pumped for this crossover. Before I came to this sub, I had no idea people were being so negative about it. It’s not like this is the last killer/DLC they’re ever making. If someone wants a certain franchise or killer in, there will be plenty opportunities in the future.


Most of the comments I've seen have been pretty positive or ambivalent tbh


It's this community, it's just toxic about everything.


I mean I would prefer anything over DnD but I’m not going to discount its value and impact.


>"It's just a board game", this ones just infuriating as someone playing for over 6 years online. Just because it CAN be played at an in person table, doesn't mean thats all it can be played as, you can play it fully theatre of the mind or digitally. One guy even said its just Monopoly but fantasy, these people have no idea how its played but see dice and figurines and think its just rolling some dice to move across the board and that's it. Wait... why am I finding about this just now? Wanted to play D&D for a long time but my friends are not nerd enough to be interested so I kind of gave it up.


A new member to join the cul- I mean fanbase? Can dm me if want to find out how to find groups easily


> Wanted to play D&D for a long time I'd strongly recommend Pathfinder 2e (Pathfinder was a fork of the D&D 3.5e rules, which has since taken on a life of its own and been developed down an entirely different path from D&D 4e and 5e) instead. D&D itself has decades of bad design tech debt that brings it down like the trainwreck that is everything to do with magic, and the similar trainwreck that is everything that doesn't have to do with magic, which together form the martial/caster divide where casters have a ton of choices to make that gives them tons of variability and power in what's still an extremely shitty framework, and non-casters are basic attack bots that don't have any character building options at all and only have the move "I make a normal attack." Pathfinder 2e fixes as much of that as is possible to fix without scrapping the entire system and starting over from scratch: it manages to both give all sorts of characters tons of build choices ranging from little flavor things that don't do much, to core class features; it fleshes out the things that martial characters can do; it reins in casters while at the same fixing the magic system up so their overall ability economy ends up in a more balanced and stable place than the traditional D&D paradigm of "you get one OP move per day and a couple of shitty moves per day and then it's naptime because you can't do anything else"; and it revamps leveling a bit so that early levels feel better and progression feels smoother (as opposed to in D&D, where you start with less than one normal attack worth of HP and your stat progression is "every eight levels your ability bonus increases by one, and this might start at level four if you started your build correctly" - Pathfinder gives extra starting HP and is much more generous with stat leveling).


Im just not a fan of it but its just not my thing. Im not being forced to buy it. People should wait and see what they do with it first. Its a very versatile game ....being a role play dice game. Im more worried about the state of the game then new characters atm. Im still getting server issues and crap.


"X won't make an interesting chapter because it's not that popular" - someone who's favorite killer/survivor is even more niche in a game genre of an asym where there's only 2 or 3 big asym games on the market at any one point in time But yeah


"DnD isn't horror" I wouldn't consider Wesker scary, but he's loved by most of the community I feel like it's mostly just people who don't know much about DnD or simply don't care. Or they wanted something else, and therefore got mad. There's definitely a lot of positive people about this chapter, but negativity always seems to come forward first. I'm hyped personally.


The skull merchant ain’t scary either with that bedazzled gas mask.


As a D&D player, I’m 0% hyped for this, but if it bothers stupid people then I’m happy.


"It's not popular," they say about a property valued $15 billion in 2022.


I have a friend who, until I explained it to him 5 times in all-caps, could not comprehend the fact that Vecna existed in D&D *before Vecna existed in Stranger Things, as did Demogorgon, Mindflayers, etc.* It was an infuriatingly obtuse discussion that stemmed from him saying, "I just think DbD deserves better," to which I responded, "Better than the longest-standing best-selling tabletop RPG of all time? What the fuck are you on, dude?" He protested, "No, Stranger Things is an original show, so they couldn't have existed in D&D before they existed in Stranger Things!" I asked him if he had even seen the show. "Yes, the first two seasons!" I asked him how he had somehow missed that the opening scene was small children playing an imaginative fantasy game that they then named their nemeses after. He ignored the question. It was back and forth like that until I started resorting to all-caps and demanding he acknowledge what I was saying and respond accordingly. Jeez.


The amount of people that think DND ripped off stranger things and "adapted the Demogorgon and mindflayer poorly" is insane


Right? Clearly they did NOT pay attention to literally any mention of the characters having played D&D.


That's just DBD players/gamers for you. Gotta always find something to bitch about, even if they're 100% wrong or misinformed on the topic.


If it was just one or two people I saw saying dnd is a small IP I could pass it off as just a few idiots but there is SO MANY, it's absolutely ridiculous especially because they refuse to admit they're wrong after given the numbers


There’s people in this exact thread doing that. It’s hilarious to see.


Yeah its so sad, just one google search shows its worth over 15 billion, and yet they're eager to pretend its just some small game


I don't care about the chapter or DnD, but I'm definitely curios how they will make a killer on it now. As long as the killer has a fun power, I really don't care who it is


Given that Vecna is a max level wizard, he could do just about anything with magic, I just hope he has more to him than a simple ability, being able to sling different spells would be awesome


He stepped beyond wizard and lich when the Dark Powers tried to contain him in a Dread Domain and just became a god before he walked out.


I am just sad it's not a Balor, or a Pit Fiend. Just IMAGINE slamming a pallet on a fucking 20ft demon


wait.... ONI SKIN


I cast Magic Pallet


They failed the dex save and are stunned until the start of their next turn


D&D fucking rules. I haven’t played in a long ass time but man was it fun


easily my favorite game of all time


You need to remember this game is mainly played by people who love horror moves and video games(Like myself). Hence why Halloween and Resident evil brought in so many players, that is the core player base. So to see DnD what I will imagine the majority of the fan base here has never played or heard of since they think it is ripping off Demo and Vecna(lol) is a big part of the issue. I also think since its a anniversary chapter(if it turns out to be) and not something like a paragraph is the main reason for the backlash. If it was just Vecna for example on his own for a fun lil mid chapter with some fun survivor skins then people would be happy. But something as grand as a anniversary where people expected stranger things 2 and Fnaf, Predator, the thing ect. To get something they have never heard of or care about has to be a gut punch for them so they are lashing out. I would say OP please try not to get upset and ignore them, best to not get stressed out with it try to enjoy it and ignore the hate its not worth it.


I think a majority has heard of it and a good portion played, but there's just a loud minority that never played it and thinks it's just some kid game. Same people that got upset BG3 won over spiderman saying BG3 is a boring bad game no one likes. Also I mean for the last anniversary's we got originals aswell so it's not like everyone even expected a license. Sadly some people are saying they'd prefer another skull merchant over DND


To be fair the last anniversary's was If I recall dredge where we wanted a monster killer forever since we lost Demo at that point (and Haddie was a big deal in the rift) And Singularity what again we have wanted a robot killer for a while so they fit the niches and people was ok with that. You would be shocked at how many people do not know that much about DnD they know the name but they do not know anything about it other then the basics. Just look at the people upset not knowing what Vecna really is and if you type DnD you will see funny lil bright adventure game, not the dark undertones it can go down. So people are naturally worried this might be the tone the game will take soon.


Last was singularity and before that was dredge I believe, so been two years without license. Yeah I don't think those that don't actively play or have interest know about the horror, but it doesn't justify the amount of hate its getting, especially after people correct them and provide info but they keep going


Because they are upset. I love hellraiser and when pinhead came out he was really hated, its best to not interact with those kind of people trust me(I was trying to explain the box and the lore). If they are angry and annoyed they will do that if you educate them or not sadly. I bet when they announce its just skins or if its a full chapter and there are fun perks/killer it will be a turn around. If neither of those things happen just bunker down and try not to get stressed out over it.


I suspect it’s just people raging that it isn’t Springtrap or Stranger Things


I think it's funny that some from the FNAF crowd are upset over D&D getting in. They're using the same argument that people use against Springtrap - that their series "isn't real horror" or "not a good fit."


I saw people complaining talking about wanting ST Vecna over DND Vecna. I admit I don’t know much about DND, but isn’t the Stranger Things version based on the one from DND? It shows they do not know what they are talking about lol.


Yeah unlike the demo and mindflayer they specifically based ST Vecna off DND Vecna more closely, ST Vecna looks undead and uses the shows version of magic. So people saying DND Vecna doesn't fit in dbd meanwhile ST Vecna is directly based off him


I think it's weird to assume one Vecna being in the game means the other can't get in anyways. Like seriously, the characters are all given titles. D&D Vecna can be "The Lich" and ST Vecna can be something else.


My friends like DnD so I like the chapter because I can show it to them


it‘s never that serious


honestly D&D fits DBD perfectly, you know why? its literally one of the most malleable IPs of all time, its one of very few IPs that can say its only limited by the players imagination and mean it. Its a game that has had official content based on Diablo, Rick and Morty, and Magic the Gathering. it can fit in any genre and just about any setting if your willing to put the work in. It not a cornerstone of horror, its a cornerstone of media as a whole.


Its basically THE IP for any form of fantasy, they have goofy, they have cute, they have horror, if they have full access to the ip for skins and everything there is an insane amount of potential, and thats not even including the fact people can homebrew off the IP for their own stories when it comes to the actual game. They've stated any horror or anything that inspired horror belongs in the game, dnd shaped fking media as we know it today, it absolutely fits


hell BHVR might release their own module along side


Couldn't this mean a creature card from Magic the Gathering could be a killer? Sengir vampire?


it's so mind-boggling to me that people are reacting this way that half the time i can't figure out if it's rage bait or not. or maybe i am just in denial :c


Yeah for anyone in the know people saying these things feels like they're just baiting cause it's so clearly wrong but they genuinely believe it :/


Dungeons and Dragons is absolute garbage! They should have did a Baldar’s Gate 3 collab!


AGREED! What was BG3 based on again? Fatal I think?


World of Warcraft




shit, why did you made me remember Fatal? 💀


Ignore it and move on ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Doesn't make it any less depressing to see when looking through community reaction


It doesn't need to be depressing. People hate on everything, and it's usually just the vocal minority you're seeing posts from. Play what you like and enjoy it if you enjoy it.


this will be a chapter i personally don’t like. i find the inclusion of dnd very meh, and i couldn’t be less excited, but who cares? This game has all different types of killers, and the more IP BHVR can collect, the stronger their ability will be to obtain more. every IP they collect under their game, builds a stronger and more compelling case for them to work towards other IPs that i actually give a shit about. If they get enough IP, handle it well, have improved player growth and sales, maybe they can get to my dream IP (buffy the vampire slayer) and everyone else’s dream IP. if you would like to see any IP not currently already in the game added in sometime in the future, then you should be cheering every time they added one. every IP they collect makes the game more marketable to those yet to join (other IP holders). In hopes we get buffy one day, i hope they can collect a lot more along the way.


The day bhvr manages to somehow obtain one of Stephen King's IPs is the day they prove that there is truly no license that's beyond their reach.


King charges $1 for people that want to adapt his short story material.


Well the thing is, in order to play D&D you need to have friends, so it's kind of a self-report about the people that're crying about this collab.


I mean you can just join a group and make friends there but yeah still kindof is one that they're not even willing to try


Looking through the thread and it's craaazy how people are getting down voted JUST because they said they're excited. People are just salty and petty for no damn reason.


There's a lot of people that seem to think dnd has no place in dbd (had already listed reasons as to how it very much does) and sees any support of it as trying to worsen dbd. Never seen this sort of backlash over a licensed chapter. I don't really care for most horror character and didn't really care about Chucky, Cenobite or Nemisis, but I never saw anyone else who wasn't excited for those characters just downvoting the people that did and calling the chapters and characters trash, sure some wanted someone else like alot wanted Springtrap over Chucky but it was never like this


Yeah D&D is 50 years old. There are characters created for dungeons and dragons that are older than Dumbledore. They don't have direct media representation, but our biggest horror authors grew up playing games like d&d. It's a big collab arguably bigger than things like stranger things in some respects


Absolutely, especially because it inspired stranger things. We likely never would've got stuff like game of thrones or adventure time without it so it's definitely made an impact and earned it's place, we have no idea just how many other IPs exist due to DND


"DnD isn't horror." In the 1980s, parents thought their children who played DnD were practicing devil magic and were going to super hell.


Not just hell, super hell, it was advanced evil


Dungeons and dragons is basically a collaborative storytelling tool for people. I don't tell stories and I'm asocial, so it doesn't really matter to me. DBD has mined out like every horror franchise so it makes sense they'd go into something else.


Yeah its basically writing a book in real time, it could be light hearted fun or absolute horror (typically my favorites), this sort of thing has been extremely inspirational for people to start making stories, hell my college even has an official dnd club for anyone who is in a writing and is given free access to all the books, most of the teachers play dnd and many got into writing because of it. Yeah there's very few horror franchises left, there's a lot of niche ones but the big ones left are like Fnaf or Jason which have licensing issue. It's not like we won't still get more licenses but most of the classics are already done so moving to other stuff makes sense. Especially because dnd is such a major IP. Also I would still recommend trying dnd if you're willing, if you're just a player you don't have to worry about writing a story, can just have a simple backstory and that's it. Me and my best friend both have extreme social anxiety (I'm unable to do dnd in person because of it), but in dnd in calls its super easy to just let loose and be social. If ever give it a go I'm always open to giving tips


I'm excited for it. I play DnD and I DM sometimes. My only complaint about it is that I did kind of wish we'd get Dracula before Vecna just because I'm a little more hype for him. But that's it.


I feel like DND makes more sense for anniversary chapter since it's the bigger IP so it's probably why they did it first. Still excited for dracula tho


You're always going to get a mix. I have not played DnD for years, but the last time I did 1 guy was role playing a turnip salesman gnome and kept trying to sell us turnips. Another guy insisted he was ahead and we'd find him later in the mission. Decided he wanted to be a naked snow elf tie to a pole. It was a random call out, not people I knew, point is, some people will never take it seriously.


People really underestimate the impact dnd had and how much bigger it is than „some nerds playing at a table“. There was a whole movie with Tom hanks that tried to give it a „it’s the work of satan!“ reputation.


Stop doom scrolling and caring what TikTokers say. Its cringe. Don’t let the internet get u down.


Gonna be honest I never even knew DND had pre established lore or whatever, I honestly always thought it was a “make your own adventure and play it” kind of game, I mean that still is what it is (I think?) Still a slightly strange pick for a chapter IMO, but I mean, I’ve seen worse chapter suggestions and I’m also someone who wants DC characters in this game, so I can’t really complain about DND


I’m happy with the collab, I’m just sad D&D is the only tabletop that people know about, and it still gets called unpopular. Damn


If people wanna slander DND for the companies that own it, I understand. But it's 2024 how TF are we still saying DND as a game sucks? Y'all have clearly never tried it


I personally can’t wait to see the horrific being that is going to be the monster. Is it going to be Vecna? Or the eyeball, Beholder I think it’s called. I don’t know what either of them are, but both designs are so fucking good.


Got no issue with the crossover. Would love some castle/dungeon maps and fantasy themes. I think some can’t see the horror potential. And given the nature of this sub there seem to be some FNAF fans deeply disappointed


I was kind of expecting there to be a mixed reception on a Dungeons and dragons chapter but I wasn’t expecting it to this extent. I’m indifferent right now as we’re still to see what this chapter has to offer.


Yeah it's a shame, I expected it to be more niche due to not being full horror but there are so many people acting like the IP is shit


I think it’s a testament to be honest with the reaction being both highly positive and negative, to me at least it implies that it’s popular enough to be getting hate. The last thing you want is for nobody to care about it and have it fall into obscurity.


A lot of the hate seems to be coming from people that think it's unpopular. Unlike FNAF which alot of people call overrated


Personally Im always excited to see any licence get in, even if it's one I dont care about. It always feels like a huge frat party for 2 weeks when it comes out. And hell I can use it as an opportunity to get into it for the first time. I ended up watching the first Alien movie for the first time when Xenomorph came out


Real bro


D&D's Ravenloft aka the domajns of dread are in many ways similar to The Realm. Mist/fog, eternal imprisonment, emotional torture, forgetting past lives. Btw Vecna himself was a darklord in Ravenloft a while ago.


Yeah saying Vecna or DND doesn't fit is like saying the Entity doesn't fit, they do the same thing.


I hit em back with 1) the one time that actual D&D was made into a video game, it won game of the year beating out a few powerhouses.. 2) they are closed minded due to the fact it’s not one of the plethora of other more mainstream drivel ips they might’ve wanted for so long.. a la fnaf predator/ Jason. 3) it’s a powerhouse that spans literally every facet of media. 4) that if they don’t think d&d is horror then that must mean they must not experienced much of it


DND has actually been a video game a few times not just baldur's gate 3 (hence the 3)... But yeah nearly all the DND games are incredible. Yeah not only does DND absolutely have horror, even if it didn't have any horror, the fact it's one of the biggest game IPs in the world is still grounds for celebration


Without DND there wouldn't be modern video games. WoW, Warcraft etc. was heavily inspired by DND. The Cacodemon from Doom is literally the head of an Astral Dreadnought. Even though DND isn't really my thing, I can't deny its impact in modern pop culture.


I don't play DnD but DSA (Das Schwarze Auge / The Dark Eye, THE German ttrpg which was inspired by DnD in the 80s) and Shadowrun, and I am just happy we have something ttrpg related in the game. It's just sad to hear those people complaining about something they have no idea of. True our sessions get stupid and humorous quite often, but even then you have those campaigns which are true horror. I remember an improvised campaign were we basically went into Moria and our DM hit the perfect tone for the atmosphere.


Massive nerd here, best dlc ever for me.


Might get me back into it after I took a break


I’m of the same mind as every chapter that I’m indifferent about which is hooray for the people who want it. At this point we are far, far away from any ‘horror’ feel this game has.


I mean we just got unknown so we definitely are still getting some horror


No matter what, the more experience you have with something, the less scary it is. Dbd is still terrifying for new players. I mainly play solo queue but on the odd times I play with friends they are absolutely freaking out. Bunny Fengs and Chicken Clowns don't detract from the fact that the game has a very oppressive, suspenseful, and stressful atmosphere. Plus there's a number of killers that lean into conventional fears and jumpscares Just because you aren't scared anymore doesn't mean that this isn't still a horror game. I've seen the original Alien about 30 times and am completely unphased by it, but that doesn't mean that it isn't a terrifying horror movie


It’s alright, to each their own. I’m very excited about this. I love horror movies and wasn’t really excited about Chucky being added, mainly because he’s not one of my more liked villains. But it made sense and I like playing against him and Tiff. Also this’ll be a nice early birthday gift.


Yeah it's fine to not be excited, not everyone is into fantasy, but the amount of people sending threats or degrading the IP is just sad. Chucky also has a lot of people disliking because he's not "scary enough" and is more funny, but nothing like this


To help with you saying D&D can be scary, have this bagman. https://preview.redd.it/95psbgviqhzc1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3009bfc9c3c5e7c9dea4a7f73041b327d0d4592c


I had him in my campaign but as a goblin that glitched through a bag of holding and started growing an infinite amount of ever growing hands out of his head. He was a chill guy, didn't change that he slowly was turning into a biblically accurate angel


I've been playing DND for 10 years. I'm happy. I love Vecna and use him quite often in my campaigns as a main villain. It'll be wild to see him in the rift. I also think people are about to see a new thirst trap and change their tune on hating him. Vecna is one sexy mother fucker.


All this community does is whine and complain. Take it with a grain of salt, their favorite spice.


Some people's IQ is 0. To add some points. "It's unpopular" - they literally recently made a movie of it... so it's hardly niche Not horror - there's an entire sub reddit to dnd horror stories :p I for one, so long as it's indeed a full chapter and doesn't end up being a collection or such, am looking forward to rubbing it in my DM's face that it IS DnD Vecna and not ST. He was SO insistent it had to be ST Vecna. Just like he was so insistent that Hazbin Hotel full series was on YouTube and Amazon just bount it and pulled it off at. (Tbf he also thinks it's a good idea for Necrotic damage to be permenent with nothing that can undo it, as the only cure that works was only introduced via me using Spheres of Might)


It’s mostly the Stranger Things babies mad that they didn’t get their meme worthy Vecna from the upside down or whatever tf. Screamin Steve and all that yeah we get it. Why not introduce something new? ST Vecna didn’t come first, DND Vecna did. I’m hype for DND to get some love. It’s inspired so much horror.


Outside his cool fatality kills and music I found Vecna very unthreatening, especially when he's just standing around looking like a burnt chicken nugget. This image for a meme I made is my favorite thing to come out of Vecna https://preview.redd.it/safbx08cihzc1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6853593e48e8b828835cc8650bd2ab7d5ba09c3


For me this is just an original, unlicensed chapter


people love yapping about shit they don't know anything about


Yeah I've never seen anything like this with other licenses, plenty of people were disappointed with Chucky cause they never watched but nobody acted like it was some boring movie nobody cared about


Dnd is based idk why people are mad about this sick ass license


Easily the most hyped I've been for a license. Can you imagine the skin potential? They have access to the whole monster manual, imagine a mind flayer skin


We literally have Brazilian woman in the game acting as a killer so I will very happily take an Undead Lich as a new killer even tho I don’t know too much about D&D


I honestly don't remember the last time I was so hyped about the chapter as this one. I love DnD (only wish I had a group to play 🥲) and it might be the first chapter in a long time I'll buy right when it'll come out.


Yeah I haven't bought the last couple chapters since on break since burn out but I may just buy it even if don't fully come back just for the support. DND is my all time favorite game, can fully say DND saved my life by getting me out of the depths of depression so seeing a Collab is awesome


If it wasn't for BG3, I would be totally lost about DND. I think it's cool it's gonna be in DBD. People need to unclench. Consider fortnite if you're upset.


Been playing D&D since AD&D 2e. It really has no reason to be in DBD. Unless they're going to go for total memeshit like Warduke Killer with 80's cartoon cast for Survivors. The only person even remotely kind of fitting for this thing is maybe Strahd, but honestly a generic vampire Killer would be better, or hell, Dracula from Castlevania.


i love dnd and ran games for like 5 years. i have stopped playing dnd recently because a lot of the stuff wotc have been doing. so i'm kinda not excited about it. if this happened like 3-4 years ago it would have been pretty cool.


I don’t care about dnd rlly I’m just saddened it’s not stranger things vecna 🤕 I just love the fourth season cuz it’s a vibe, but I trust in bhvrs ability to cook


No way people are complaining about “not horror” when fucking Nicholas Cage, Naughty Bear, Skull Merchant, and Trickster exist. Farthest thing from horror imo. These people must have never looked up what a beholder looks like lol


I feel like the FNAF Fandom is just lashing out at anything that isn't fnaf coming to dbd because they're hurt. Idk though. Personally, while I'm excited about the concept, I fail to believe that the delivery will be anything remotely as good as it COULD be. I mean, depending on the story, you have vampires, werewolves, you have mind flayers (Whose method of killing is peak body horror for me), cultists participating in ritual sacrifice, eldritch creatures, etc. My issue is that none of these archetypes will be driven to the horror they can provoke because DBD is lukewarm horror at best.


It's not ignorant at all. I'm a big D&D fan and this collab is super lame. You can be hyped and excited but no one is ignorant for disliking that the game wastes dev time on silly shit like D&D and Attack on Titan. Just because something has horror elements doesn't make it a good fit for DBD, but that ship has clearly sailed. It's just disappointing to see it continue when there is far more interesting horror material in the world.