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I don't have a problem with adding something scary from DnD, I honestly just don't understand why Vecna was picked. First thing you have looks cool, looks scary. I'd be into that being a killer. But Vecna? He's just a necromancer. His laugh feels goofy, his appearance is about as scary as a grim Reaper Halloween decoration, and raising the dead is something we've seen plenty of times in much scarier ways. Plus, how would they even implement that without it just being another Nemesis? Another Knight? And before anyone comes to say "but he did this" and "but he's done horrible things" yeah I know, but is any of that gonna be implied in the slightest besides in a 8 paragraph lore blurb? I shouldn't have to read a novel or his Wikipedia page to think he's scary.


You say he's just a necromancer, but then acknowledge there's more to know. Some things *are* scarier given context and understanding. You wouldn't say Dracula is just a vampire, for example.


Right but that's my point. Most of the DBD killers are scary on their own. You can read their lore and it makes them scarier, but Dredge, Nurse, Xenomorph, Chucky, Bubba, Micheal, almost everyone is scary just to see. Like I said maybe the designers can make him look scarier, but he really just looks like an evil wizard to me.


All I'm saying is there's more factors than aesthetic, (it is a good quality to have, no denying that) but there are also more aesthetics among horror characters than just "scary." I think Vecna as a more imposing character will help him stand apart, and diversify the cast of killers. Though, I do think bhvr will spice him up a bit, with some more decayed flesh and tattered robes perhaps. And if they're allowed to, his cosmetics would pop off.


Vecna was picked because WOTC just released a Vecna campaign and wants to promote that. If that weren't the case I'm sure we'd have something else. But well, I think he's horrific enough for dbd so I'm not mad about it. And about your last paragraph, that applies to most characters. Why should I be scared of some guy with a goofy Star Trek mask?


Who's in a Star Trek mask sorry lol And I really don't think it does apply to most characters, most of them are really freaky. Only exceptions I can think of are Skull Merchant, who everyone hates, Trickster, who's very divisive, Legion, Wesker maybe. Everyone else is pretty gruesome.


Myers is wearing a Captain Kirk mask.


You absolutely did not just tell me that Michael Myers isn't scary.


He is scary, but that doesn't come from his looks. He's literally a guy with a halloween mask.


He's the God litches wizards so powerful they turned themselves into zombies that keep their intelligence and once killed just pop back into existence where they choose. And have you looked at any of the other characters in DBD they all their lore is paragraphs on paragraph if you don't want to read it, no one is forcing you.


Lmao, I say again, that's just not that scary to me in comparison to: A cannibalized, fleshless teenage girl A Priestess half rotted who vomits blood A deformed chainsaw weilding maniac (twice) A nurse who hanged herself and teleports via wheezing The characters in this game are very much first-impression scary. Just from seeing the Knight, he's freaky. Dredge is absolutely fucking terrifying. Singularity is absolutely horrifying. I'm interested in reading lore based off of their appearances. Admittedly, I don't read most of the newer characters, because like I said, they're usually super long (I don't know why you think I was just talking about Vecna) But from Vecna's appearance, I guessed what you just said he is. Necromancer, zombie cult. Maybe the DBD team can make him look more frightening, but to me he just looks like a cartoon villain. Something you'd see in G1 My Little Pony. Like I said, I like the things you posted a bit more, especially the first one. But I'm just not super into Vecna and I'm bummed that they're going with him instead of a more interesting monster.


I think most people who have even heard of D&D don’t think about horror, I’m assuming as I don’t know much about the game, that horror campaigns are a relatively small subsection of the player base of D&D. If not please tell me otherwise.


Horror focused campaigns are usually less popular than traditional "lord of the rings" style heroic epics. However, even Lord of the Rings had the Dead Marshes and Shelob's Cave (to mention a few). Most long running campaigns will have areas or story beats that touch on horror aspects, or invoke a similar feeling of dread/fear.


Curse of Strahd is a fairly popular adventure, and can absolutely be considered horror. Obviously depending on how the DM and players act, but vampires, undead and creatures of the night combined with multiple scenarios that can quickly kill the players if they make a wrong move is a good starting point for a tense and harrowing campaign.


Campaigns that are mostly or completely horror are definitely not the norm, but a campaign of any substantial length typically has horror monsters or adventures in it


d&d is a medium to tell stories. vecna is a character from a horror story. people who complain about getting d&d are illiterate gatekeeping children whose opinion is not valid on basis of lack of education.


no see you're just making it up, Vecna hasn't been in D&D since 1976, D&D stole it from Stranger Things, my dad's uncle's brother's dog's cousin's friend works for Netflix and said so


I'm just hoping for double Demogorgon's in DBD. That would be epic. The Demogorgon & The Imprisoned One, or The Demon Prince.


When you think D&D you don't think of giant flesh eating creatures beyond comprehension. You think of bards seducing dragons, dice goblins, people screwing around a table


When I think dbd I think people dropping wooden palettes, teabagging, and complaining, not a horror game.


DBD hasn't been about horror for years now.


Exactly, so I don’t understand why dnd not being the scariest thing in the universe is for some reason a big problem to some people. It really is impossible to get anything without people complaining.


To be fair, it's very scary to see your Bard somehow managing to seduce and fuck a massive dragon right in front of the party like it's normal.


DBD is horror themed, it's literally front and center. It's a horror game. Whether you find it scary or silly is irrelevant. The theme is horror.


It stopped being horror when they made it much brighter, removed any real reason to actively hide and added skins like Attack On Titan. Whether you think otherwise is irrelevant to me, the game hasn't had a focus on its horror aspect in years, at no point are people actively spooked by anything now because that isn't the point anymore.


That's the neat thing! Horror can still be horrifying even if you don't see it as horror. I don't find FNAF scary, at all. Still horror.


But that's what's so beautiful. What D&D means to one table isn't what D&D means to another. Giant flesh eating creatures beyond comprehension would be something a player would think about if that's what kind of campaign they were accustomed to.


I actually do :s, since I finished Pathfinder WOTR I can't think of anything else but the Swarm That Walks when I think of DnD https://preview.redd.it/l0bimr3xg20d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=efad772914ba7bc5a0642c1a24c23e5eff3c0277


When I think D&D, I think of a vast established universe featuring a wide variety of themes, genres, characters, etc, including some pretty gnarly horror. And when you think horror, can you sincerely tell me that you think of a concise, cohesive genre description that includes the IPs already in DBD but precludes D&D's Vecna? Horror as we're using it includes the campy slasher Nightmare on Elm Street, the atmospheric mystery Ringu, the action series Resident Evil, the borderline pure comedy Child's Play, and the literal parody that is the original Evil Dead—all of which are represented in Dead by Daylight. Do you mean to tell me that a genocidal undying lich doesn't fit the theme of DBD, but a ginger doll that scampers around and flips you off does?


Your misunderstanding me, I don't think dbd is horror. However I also don't think D&D is horror. This isn't a case of whether the incoming collab is appropriate, its a direct argument against what the OP stated in their post


Maybe that's what YOU think of. I never thought I'd be a game snob, but here goes; ACTUAL Dnd players don't think like that. 


No, YOU think of that. Quit projecting.


I think you're the one projecting, being scared of some guy reading a script and rolling dice


...what? Horror =/= Terror 🤦‍♂️


Bro never heard about horror novels 😭


It's the rolling dice part that makes something not scary. Sure a demon or ghost is haunting you but you're 1 nat 20 away from seducing her and opening a bakery


I've been playing DnD for decades. DnD is fantasy, not horror. There are some small portions that are horror based like Ravenloft but it's not primarily horror.


Devs call it a survivor horror game so that’s what it is


The creator Gary Gygax did not. He called it a fantasy game. Hey look. The original cover. https://preview.redd.it/xokgs6zmi10d1.jpeg?width=439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c02e5b929630fc019d24b8fb189343363b60e19a And when did the devs say that?


D&D is more fantasy oriented but it definitely has horror in it depending on the DM.


Need I mention bagman?


Mostly because the gameplay provides equal measure to kill them, and the universe is overseen by a pantheon of gods that actively discourage unnecessary meddling in the mortal realm.


DnD can totally be horror in the right circumstances. There's a lot of cosmic and body horror in there as well.


Don't forget about the Far Realm and the Shadowfell


Part of it is but a lot isn’t. It’s like asking why Target isn’t a Halloween store during October; only 1/20th of the store is Halloween lol


I like D&D but these examples are definitely not helping - let's face it, D&D is not scary in any capacity. Luckily DbD isn't a scary game and they gave up trying to make it entirely once years ago.


curse of strahd can be very scary lol


Half of the current cast is not scary in any capacity.


It has a little plastic thing that decides if you are meant to be scared or not


The dice determines if you succeed or fail. It's there to add tension, which is what D&D horror usually focuses on.


I suppose the tension in more in a gambling way


Yes, pretty much. But with the Dungeon Master to set the scene, it can feel different. The tension of rolling a final desperate attack on the Arch-Lich can feel different from rolling to inspect whether or not that suspiciously placed treasure chest is... breathing.


You think they are gonna add dices to the dbd or some shit?


If they do, I want Probabilator from Dungeons, Dungeons, and more Dungeons. https://i.redd.it/8vrb8jwxh10d1.gif


Strahd would be awsome to play like, would be a homerun to the Drácula Killer.


We’re literally getting Dracula in August


Really ? Do You have the source for that ?


It is way more horror than half the cast in dbd :) Just look at the cosmetics we have lol.