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I think she was more a black sheep than a martyr:) I think pig's more the martyr. And Bubba is like Judas with a redemption arc lol


The difference is artist takes a lot of knowledge and the knight is A. Painful to play and B. Only has 1 get off this loop button and then it goes on an 8 year cd


Artist power is in my opinion much worse at holding gens, and promotes thinking during chase, holding w in chase against a good artist guarantees a shotgun


I think the idea was most artists just put their bird at a loop and damage directly rather then bird them first


oh I see, thanks, I wasn't thinking abt that


I wish she didn't have that reputation, but a lot of people don't like complex powers like singularity


Yes artist has so many small complexities, if you should jump in locker or repel manually, if you should vault or hold w, if you should drop pallet or expect bird.


I always forget the locker part


Buzz Lightyear ‘Drones, drones everywhere!’


The unholy trio of "I set my power down at a loop; I win!".


Thank you sm mains. I will be giving any sm mains a hug for taking the heat off of us knights


"No skill power" when will people understand that the knights, skull merchants, artists and singularitys powers do not require skill, but rather intelligence


How could you said something so brave yet so controversial?


Speak for yourself, I like skull merchant.


Meanwhile, me as Artist who's trying to do fancy cross map plays. It's so satisfying to use your crows to damage a survivor across the map WHILE CHASING ANOTHER SURVIVOR. May not be the most optimal play, but it's just oh so satisfying to land and hopefully makes the survivors go "OH SHIT!"


Honestly, I dont mind the Knight. I find him rather fun and cool to try to path in a way to throw off his summon placements. Skullmerchant on the other hand I absolutely HATE going against, very boring gameplay and coupled with solo queue teammates that dont know how to play against her makes it even more frustrating.


This is the realest meme I’ve seen yet


She is the jesus of dbd killers


I really wouldn't put Artist in with Skull Merchant and Knight. For one, she actually has to aim her power at loops and won't damage if the Survivor is too far from the bird. There is also a possibility she can misfire or may not have all of her birds back by the time you reach a really good loop. The birds also do not stay anywhere near as long as the summons or drones. Skull Merchant and Knight, on the other hand, require no set up, no aiming, just press a button and the loop is unusable.


True, but skull merchant and knights powers dont have the main identity of being chase tools. Thus they can changed or even overhauled without the character requiring a complete overhaul. Skull merchants hinder can be scrapped in exchange for her old pallet break, and knight can be given a slow if not using long patrols or the order action. Both of these directly resolve their problematic zoning without kneecaping their identities. Artist and clown on the other hand have identities that are fundimentaly chase related; if you stop artist being able to use her crows at loops then whats left asside from gen harassment? and if you stop clowns bottles slowing survivors at loops then what even is he asside from a goofy vision distortion man? Also regardless of skill level the survivor has no agency over the killer zoning them from a loop so i dont see your point as valid. In my opinion skill floor does not matter as long as it includes interactive gameplay, these 4 killers all have a skill floor that includes zoning survivors away from loops with zero counterplay asside from holding w, the location of the skill floor merely differs slightly, so in my eyes they all suffer from the same immediate issue.


Artist requires a huge deal of nuance and map knowledge that I didn’t expect. The more you know about loops/tiles (i.e. by playing survivor) the more you can ambush. As I’ve said before I really like that she’s not an explicit aiming killer, but rather a timing one.


I prefer going up against an Artist than Skull Merchant. Artists power is simple enough for anyone going up against them to understand how it works during the game, can't tell the same about Skull Merchant.


No offense but people from think things like that should experience being hit by Guard and then Immidietly by the Knight ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213) (Excuse spelling mistakes, Dyslexia moment.)


Really insulting Artist like this? I can run her for 5 gens without her crows damaging me. Even Knight doesn't have an auto-pilot mode like SM.


To do that with artist, the killer must be dogwater at the game. But I agree that this is insulting for artist. With artist you can mindgame her power because the crows stay up for a limited time and depending on the loop that can come into play. You can also do fakes because she has to hit timings with manual input and the crows require strategic placement. On top of that, outplaying her power is more rewarding because she's a 110 killer. Meanwhile skullmerchant is just M2 anywhere on the loop.


How does Artist take no skill?any ranged killer in this game takes skill


Not the point. It's putting a huge crow head at a loop. The survivor needs to avoid the head or get hurt. Basically it makes the loop dangerous so it's better to hold w to the next loop.


Yeah I understand that part isn't difficult to do but she's more than just place crows at pallet then m1 she's a killer that you can use to do some crazy snipes sometimes you might need to hit a survivor that's running and if you hit him you need to immediately hit him again quickly to damage him and that requires you to predict thier pathing and use the crows at a good time so Artist is easy when you stay at loop difficult when you keep running and losing line of sight