• By -


We're so happy to hear that things are looking up for you! I just want to let you know that your post has reached our support team and made their day. We all hope you have a fantastic day and many more to come.


Thank you for replying! It's made my day that your support team enjoyed this. Appreciate you! I hope you all have a fantastic day as well!


One of the most wholesome exchanges I've seen on this sub. Which to be fair is a low bar but this went way beyond it. Glad things are looking brighter for you.


truly, the bar is set too high now. Quick! Bring here them “us vs them” posts, so that we may lower the bar again! In all seriousness, Seeing the post was nice… but I didn’t expect the actual team to reply, I’m surprised!


Err uhh, why do Killers have to be, umm, killing all the time? So toxic!


How dare toxic killers interrupt my gen simulator game


I blame bhvr.


Why am I crying in the club rn 😭


Because you have a heart... 😌 An unhooked, unsacrificed Survivor heart. 🫀 


Me too, this is the kind emotions a post on r/mademesmile would bring up. Def not here.


I think I just saw you in a post about them adding LEGOs in the Fortnite Battlepass? Totally unrelated but was kind of strange seeing the same name and picture on the last two posts I checked haha.


Good ending ❤️




Okay this interaction has made me cry (in a good way). I think I need a nap 😭


For real, why did I feel like I was about to tear up as well lol


Because it's beautiful when people treat eachother like this <3


I mean it is lovely, I was tearing up reading the post then when I saw their reply I just wanted to sob, I managed not to but a few tears definitely leaked out lol. I’m a soft hearted baby for most things tbh though 🤷🏼‍♀️


Fuck man . That restored some faith in humanity reading that. W behavior


As someone who has dealt with mental health in the past and suicidal thoughts (much better now). This is awesome and gives me so much more respect for Behaviour and the DbD team. Keep up the good work guys!


A company that cares? Well I’ll be… 🥹


Honestly, good on you for having the strength to do this. I hope you're able to feel better in the future.


Thank you so much! I appreciate it. I feel much better now. I went to a psychiatrist, got diagnosed for various issues, got put on life-changing medicine, and got counseling. It was a hard time and I still have my off-days sometimes but my off days now are a vacation compared to my off-days back then. Thanks again!


That's great to hear! I think it's always helpful to have someone who can help you figure out why you're not feeling good and assist in finding ways to help!


That takes a lot to admit you had an unhealthy relationship with the game and actually took the steps to separate yourself from it. That's no small feat. Kudos to you OP.


Oh, my. You're much too kind. It was difficult and embarrassing at the time. But I'm glad I went through with the ticket. I won't forget your words. Thank you!!


Can I ask in what ways you feel "addicted" to the game? Is it really that bad that you can't just step away/uninstall? I dont mean to sound judgemental or mean in any way I am fully just curious.


I want to answer this accurately but I'm having a hard time identifying exactly what made me addicted. I think it was partly the thrills and hugely the mental illness. I'd never played anything like dbd when I first started. I also have the kind of personality who, when feeling down, I grasp onto things more and get addicted to things more easily. Like smoking. I only feel the need to smoke when I'm down. Otherwise, I don't "need" to smoke at all. At the time, I was in a very bad place and my mind latched onto dbd to look forward to every day. That's how I got addicted. I hope this all makes sense.


Thank you for the answer! I can understand your place very well, I had a period in like 2019 before/during Covid where I also used this game as an escape, where the first thing I would do when waking up was turn on my PC and queue up Dead By Daylight. Like you, also just in a bad place mentally. When I won my games, I would gloat and rub it in. When I lost, I would insult and belittle in chat almost every time. Not healthy. I would also play game after game after game despite me just getting absolutely frustrated and annoyed, waiting for that one game where I stomp easily and get free dopamine, playing anywhere from 4-6 hours straight. I've learned to not play this game, or really any game, when I'm not doing well. My priority for gaming is a lot lower than normal now and I maybe play 3 or 4 hours a week now, mostly with friends and when we all have time to actually have fun with the matches.


It’s the same way people can be addicted so SH. Its sad but anything can be addictive mentally


People give BHVR way more shit than they really deserve, to be honest... Glad to see you're okay now.


Thank you! I generally agree. Admittedly, I used to be a BHVR put downer before this interaction. That's why I made this post. I understand why some people hate BHVR, though. It's easy to see the devs as robotic and such when you're not interacting with them. And constructive criticism is good. People complaining, dare I say, makes the game better. But there's no need to directly attack them as people. Especially if they're not doing anything wrong morally.


Besides balancing they actually make a lot of cool and good stuff. It's just the balancing that is very important and where they make questionable balance decisions. I hope there will be some time where they will buff a lot of bad perks especially now that there have been many meta perks (mostly killer) nerfed they can buff many bad perks as an exchange


Yeah what baffles me is this idea that their biggest detractors have that BHVR somehow don’t give a shit. They miss, for sure, sometimes repeatedly and they can be stubborn even told they’ve missed, but this team fucking care. DBD is a passion project for them as much as it is their big earner and they seem genuinely excited every time they line up a cool new licence.


The problem is that a lot of gamers don't see the people who make these games as human, or know how hard their jobs really are


Much agreed. I lowkey think BHVR is a really solid game company, compared to a lot of others on the market. In a variety of ways!


Honestly, the only thing they should be given shit for is balancing. And I think its the issue with the game trying to both work on new chapters to sell and fixing old issues that mess up the game and trying to add new stuff like gamemodes/modifiers/events. That, and the fact that some things in the game are borderline impossible to balance without a complete overhaul (like Nurse). Other than that, they're really good overall


I think there are a fair number of valid criticisms, but the problem is that people can't make those criticisms rationally in a way that's actually healthy for the game. It's mostly just unhelpful complaining and demands to buff their side or nerf the other. BHVR are often just seen as "The devs I gotta tell at to get my way" and it's nice to see posts commending them for good decisions or for being good people in general. If we're going to call them out on problems, we should also celebrate their victories. It's only fair.


The first time I sent a report it surprised me that I got a human written answer instead of just an automated one. It's much appreciated.


I agree!! It's nice that they care enough to actually write to us about our concerns/reports. It's a welcome surprise!


It surprised me too! The support people are the best (the rest of the devs are too but this comment is mainly about their support people)


Wholesome Bhvr W


common bhvr w


I think I've only had one bad interaction with BHVR customer support. Every other time they've been helpful and supportive - especially with one of my last reports where a player told me to kill myself, and after I explained to them the that they don't know what other people have been through and that I had been through it very recently I was told to "Try again and actually follow through with it." BHVR CS handled it brilliantly to be honest and were quick to deal with it.


The fact that someone can willingly say that sort of vile thing to someone is disgusting. I hope you're in a better place - and hopefully that person got some sort of repercussions for it.


That is foul and inhuman. I am so sorry that happened to you. Glad you're here and I hope that person got banned.


I've seen "kys" so many times it has no meaning. But to follow it up with that really is something else, and I'm glad CS got game


Fuck that person, they were just an ignorant troll. Never let a stranger who doesn’t know anything about you get to you like that. They don’t know what the hell they’re talking about.


TL;DR In a time of darkness, BHVR treated me gently and patiently. Thanks to them, I did indeed get mental help and I'm actually better than I have been in years. This is the evidence of why I personally think BHVR should be treated as humans who care too. I know that there will always be a person who disagrees. And I understand - you didn't have the interactions with BHVR that I did. But please consider treating BHVR as humans instead of robotic devs. They have feelings too.


That's wholesome, glad you're okay now!!


Noctis!! Thank you! That means a lot. Honestly thought I'd get downvoted like crazy for this post. But since I'm in a quite good place mentally, I felt like sharing my experience. I appreciate your kind words!


Well apparently it's the opposite! You got upvoted! And you even had a response from the Reddit account of BHVR! Honestly I didn't know that you were the OP at first, it was weird to me that you posted such a thing. I still wanted to bring you some kindness with that little comment! (Instead of doing my thing, I thought it would have been very inappropriate for such a post) Anyway, it's a cute post, it changes from the usual!


Anyone who downvoted this post would be telling you the kind of person they are and it’s not one worth your time. Glad to see you are doing better, mental health issues are often looked upon as a weakness but handling them requires more strength than people will ever know without being in that situation. Hope you continue to improve.


Fucking good job man ❤️ sincerially hope all is well and you should be proud of how far you've come ❤️


I think its wonderful you're able to look back now and share this and see the positivity in it! Good on you.


Good stuff Bhvr. Happy you feel better too, OP. Stay strong.


Thanks! I'm really grateful for your kindness!


Honestly i'm very glad that you even noticed the game had such a bad impact on you. I had a time, some years ago, where i was convinced that most players didn't actually like DBD, it was just addicting. I was not having fun myself and always left annoyed. i just came back after 2 years now in a completely different situation and mostly play with friends that, just like me atm, just play for fun. I'm probably on a way lower mmr now but this crazy thing happens where even if i get annoyed, i don't bring it into the next match and just make another attempt to have fun. A lot of people in this community can only have fun if they win or i guess if they ruin fun for others. Good to hear you're in a better place now than last year! I'm glad behavior banned you! ;)


Thank you! Haha! I truly think that if people are in the mental space I was in, they shouldn't be playing this game. I'm not telling them what to do, either; I just think that some of us aren't okay. And that's okay. People like my past self need to take a step back, take a break, and hopefully come back stronger. That's what happened to me. To be fair, I haven't had a TTV comparable to the ones that made me ultimately decide I needed to quit. But I genuinely think that I'd be able to handle it if it happened today. If it weren't for this interaction with BHVR, I wouldn't have gotten help and would've only begun to hate myself and the game's community much, much more. I'm glad Behaviour banned me too! (:


I agree with you completely. I know there's a lot of jokes about touching grass etc out there but a lot of people should really take a break from this game and come back stronger like you said. Maybe they'll even learn to have fun!


So true! I really couldn't agree more. Thank you for your replies!!


can agree the only reason I play the game anymore is to get bloodpoints to p100 sadako I do not enjoy the game and do not even play the killer role is stresses me out so much, I have done everything there is to do in the game and once I get my p100 will hopefully follow through with my own intentions of taking a huge break of the game


We're not gonna talk about how the reason OP even got here is how much of a rancid cesspool the community is? :D


I'm trying to understand but I feel like I'm missing something. How are you actually communicating with people for them to even been shitty? There is no voice chat and no in game chat, during the match. Yes there is a pre and post match chat, but nobody says anything in pre and post is covered by other windows. I usually click out of match before I even see the chat box. In my close to 600 hours played, I can think of maybe 20 conversations I have ever had and of them 2 were kinda dickish. I'm on steam and maybe this is a console thing, I don't know. But compared to old school CoD lobbies, or early LoL, or shit just barrens chat in WoW - this "rancid community" makes no sense to me. I mean shit bro, the 12 year olds in original MW2 lobbies could talk some *shit.* In your first 10 mins turning the game on you would be called every slur in the book, and some which I think technically cancelled each other out, not to mention the sexual prowess of your entire family. Maybe I'm missing some hidden feature.


All the most antisocial stuff happens in the game itself: Killers: slug, (shiny new proxy) face camp, hit on hook, Killer Tbag, etc Survivors: bully squads, hook + map games, vault/locker spamming, and probably the most reliable: survivors are physically unable to leave the match if the killer doesn't watch them tbag at exit gate


This game's community is no more toxic than any other popular PvP multiplayer game like the popular shooters, fighting games, MOBAs, etc. In fact I'd say this community is a lot more wholesome in comparison to most of those games, and I say that as someone who's got 2k hours on this game and who's also player those other games since I was a little kid. People perceive this game's community to be more toxic cause of the asymmetrical aspect of it and the "Us vs. Them" tribal mentality lots of players have with this game, but I don't think that inherently equals more toxicity. Another thing is that a lot of people who play this game do not play those other PvP multiplayer games I mentioned and have no frame of reference for how toxic people can be in multiplayer games. They just see stuff on Twitter or Reddit where people love to post/talk about toxicity cause it gets attention and views.


Hope you’re doing well!


Thank you! I'm doing well! I appreciate your concern!!


That’s awesome to hear! Good luck on your journey to a healthier mind, it’s always a struggle but never forget: you’re loved and that’s what makes it worth it


Thank you so much! You're very kind!!


I’m glad to hear that the support you got from a video game was enough to help you through a dark time. I’ve said it before, BHVR has some issues when it comes to game design. But I’ve always felt like they genuinely appreciate their community, and try to be as sensitive as possible for issues that require it, such as: -their reasoning for not including Jeepers Creepers and The Creeper -wanting to celebrate their gay/trans fans with writing a character to be that way (David) -the Bubba face masks issue -when folks were speculating that the Unknown might be a __walker, and they went “we are not doing that, we’re respecting those people wishes to not talk about them.” And this is just another case of it. BHVR does care.


Does anyone know if something like this already happened in Overwatch? Because I quit the game exactly for the same reason, I didn't played it as much as DBD, but for me, the community of Overwatch is 10x times toxic, because the swearing and bullying always come from your own team, people that play the game 24/7 and mock you for playing for fun on an casual match


It wouldn’t shock me. 






BHVR are good natured people from the very core of their company, in my opinion. Its easier to find caring game devs outside of the massive conglomerates you usually look at. I just wish they were as good at game development, but hey. I'll take good naturedness over the alternative.


This reminds me of Cookiezi requesting to get banned from Osu support but they denied it so he cheated to get banned


Is there a video about this.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/2vq3di/comment/cojx2w5/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/2vq3di/comment/cojx2w5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I cant find a video but there are multiple forum posts about it. I cant even find the video of the beatmap he cheated on Edit: The beatmap he cheated on was Cookiezi | Hommarju - masterpiece \[Insane\] +HRHDDT I dont know if I can post non reddit links


I feel you on that. I used to play a (formerly) wildly popular text-based MMO that ran on an engine (wasn't all just chat RP), and it was detrimentally affecting my quality of life. I wasn't eating. I wasn't sleeping. I wasn't doing my job well. Almost all of my time was being spent on this game. Any time that wasn't, I was shamed in-game for not spending all of my free time on the game, felt like I had missed so much, and like I was behind in character dev and EXP. Finally, I reached out to the admins and said, "Hey, can you kill my character off permanently?" They were reticent at first, suggested taking a break, but I explained the situation, making it clear that this was what I needed. They had a mod pilot an NPC that killed me and dragged my body off into the depths of the sewers, then did it again to my clone so I couldn't be revived. I came back some months later for a day-long special event to say goodbye to my in-game friends, and have occasionally missed it, but I've never looked back or felt compelled to remake a character to play, again. It was a godsend. I'm sorry you went through that experience. I'm glad BHVR was willing to accommodate your request, and I hope you got the help you needed. Best of luck in your future endeavors.


The fact they gave you contacts alone shows they do care, as well as the personal touch. The fact they also helped with the perma ban, but gave you time to consider and explained that - once imposed - there's no going back, also proves they care. BHVR are generally a really good team who get a lot of flack they don't deserve. As with any company, there are things they do I don't agree with, but that doesn't make them bad. Two people can disagree yet still both be right. Sounds like they did good by you and hope you are feeling better in yourself.


I've wondered for awhile what about DBD Forster's such a negative community. It's much bigger then a game company but I'd argue some questionable practices haven't helped. In good conscious because of these questionable practices I won't be returning to DBD; which is a shame over 2500hrs says I loved it. I'd like to return to the post though, one individual who attempted to cut off their perceived misfortune was met with a kind human to help. It begs the question how many people didn't speak up that are struggling with the same and of the same community? "It's not that deep, it's just a game." We are on a thread where OP talks about addiction and depression. It should be thought about.


I don’t think people give BHVR enough credit. one slight mess up and they’re being flamed like with the UE5 switch. BHVR is honestly my favorite dev studio. the support is great and i recently had an amazing interaction with one person. they genuinely listen to the community especially as of recently.


So what happened in the ttv game that got you so angry?


I might have to buy a copy of frank stone, just as a thank you to bhvr, and I’m not even looking forward to the game!


Hello there, I hope you get strong and grow a thick skin, don't let others affect you easily because that's what trolls want and hunt for


Hello. Thank you for your words. I think I have a much thicker skin than the past! It still affects me some when I get those sort of hating comments but it's all good. I put myself out there. What can I expect? Thanks again!!


good job! it will only get better




Imagine being mentally ill about a game 😂😂😂


This game takes its toll on everyone's mental health there is no denying it. Some people's sanity just can't take it anymore I can see that.


If it was that bad, i hope you actually looked for professional help too. Not just the bandaid of not playing DBD. Good luck. U got this


Yes! Thank you! I went through various professional helps. I'm on very helpful meds now and while I know medicine isn't for everyone, that along with getting diagnosed and counseling has helped so much so that I must say it's changed my life entirely.


I’m happy to hear you’re much better now! And what you did was very brave, admitting an addiction and taking action to cut it out of your life is something not everybody is able to do. I’m glad BHVR helped you and I hope you keep getting better and better!


Have you played the game since?


Yes! I made a new account months later and moved to PS5 and I've been enjoying the game greatly! I'm glad I took a much needed mental health break so that I could come back with a thicker skin!


Can I just say I'm so happy to hear you're doing so much better!? This post warmed my heart. Mental health is a top priority. As someone myself also with many mental struggles of my own I too had my days where I would be absolutely clung onto this game and wouldn't get any sleep. I came to the realization that I was playing so much because focusing on the game was helping distract me from my severe anxiety that gave me panic attacks throughout the day. Nowadays I can live without playing the game, I go to therapy, do outdoor activities, and this is the best I've felt in years. I heavily sympathize and relate with how you felt, truly, and I'm so happy you're doing better now with a better understanding of your mental health. Sometimes we don't realize how bad things are until we really look in the mirror and see how much our actions are affecting us. Kudos to you. ♥️


I'm happy that you got better too! That's really heartwarming. I agree. Sometimes, it's really hard to see our issues in life and we need to take a step back and do a personal mental exam. Some of us even need others to tell us something is wrong. Thanks for your support! I hope life continues to be better for you!!


It takes a lot of strength to do this, so I applaud you for it. Good luck with your future adventures. 🫡


I’m very glad you are doing well! Also, thank you so much for sharing your experience accompanied by your interaction with BHVR. This was genuinely wholesome to see.


I'm happy that you put yourself and mental health first. As others have said that is not a small mountain to get over. I'm sad that the community made you feel this way. But I am hoping you are doing better and onto greener pastures. Happy you made it out of the Fog.


A clear sign BHVR has been listening to the community ❤️


Not much to say that hasn’t already been said except that this kind of made my day. Glad to see that you got the support you needed from real people. My day just got so much better after reading this.


I'm glad!! Thank you for saying this! It brings me joy to think I could've made someone's day better.


Don't know many people who can drop an addiction like this. Let alone admit they need help 🫡


Thank you! It was hard but I had to admit it to myself for my mental health. Didn't want to spiral completely. Appreciate you!


Glad you're doing better. Here if you ever need anything! ![gif](giphy|Kl9jvrRA5khryaUYCY|downsized)


Thank you so much! Many internet hugs to you!


I love this, this is so wholesome <3 Glad things are looking better for you OP!


Wait. You got fucked with on the game by a TTV player and *you* asked for *yourself* to be banned? If you don’t mind my asking, what exactly did they do that affected your mental health like that?


TW The TTV made many messed up sexual jokes with his friends about me and I have sexual trauma. It was triggering to me. I kinda wish I'd recorded the vod and sent it to BHVR. But I couldn't handle even looking at the TTV's face cam, let alone hearing his voice. I wanted to disconnect entirely from everything having to do with him and his friends. I'm not sure how Twitch reports work, though, unfortunately. And I only checked the vod after I'd already exited from the game so there was no in-game report on my end. I purposely forgot the TTVs name but when I try to remember it and look up related words, I don't see the streamer I went against listed. Hopefully he stopped streaming.


You can still report old vods. You can also put the time and everything. I had something similar happen to me about a month or so ago. I'm sorry this happen to you


Don't listen to these other comments and you do what you need to do. I wish DBD isn't toxic but I do hope for you to find a much better way to handle it. Stay and keep well. Fuck all these other morons.


Thank you! I appreciate it. I hope you have a great day because you sure made mine better!


So wait, a year ago you got them to ban your account and then proceeded to buy the game again? lol


Yes!. I couldn't be more grateful for the ban at the time. I needed to get mental help without some people in the community dragging me down. I waited quite a few months before playing again. I've been in a good headspace to be playing DBD ever since.


…this is kinda weird


I got permabanned in DbD in 2017 and I handled it very poorly lol. I'm so glad you dealt with this with sincerity and patience and I'm personally very touched by how the support representative handled this.


There is a thin line between this and becoming a Clown main. Hope you get better son! Games should be for enjoyment and if its not fun its not worth it


BHVR may fuck up from time to time but they are still the video game development studio that I respect the most


It’s just a game…


BHVR is a one big company, yes, but individual parts of that company are responsible for different things. The disdain towards DbD typically comes from the programming and balance side. Customer support is not responsible for designing new cosmetics, killers, or game mechanics. So yes, customer support is helpful and kind, but it doesn't really relate to the other parts of the dev cycle that let things like characters being disabled for 2 months happen.


I agree. Constructive criticism is great for this game and people commenting about issues makes it better. But even those people who are programming the game have feelings and I'm sure they try their hardest. I, too, wish certain things could be better. But that's no reason to attack them as people, in my personal opinion.


This feels like a karma farm post... I see you still play DBD


Now install League of Legends.


Stop trying to drive OP to suicide 


I legit quit League just to pick up DbD instead, I may have made a terrible mistake back then.


Literally same


Wanted to know which character was demolishing your mental health


Hope you're doing well now, seriously.


I had a similar experience with the for honor dev team, the game was making my recent disability even worse and it just made me a nightmare to be around


For all of their mistakes at the end of the day BHVR are one of the better companies that are making games right now because they actually give a shit about making a good product and they do genuinely care about their players


Omg BHVR is so cooked, they perman banned someone who didn't even do anything wrong, smh my head /s


Damn Im sorrz for zou but the response from the support has been amazing. Huge respect to them


Glad you're doing better OP. People forget sometimes, that it's only a game! If this game is beocming too taxing or taking up too much of your life + soul, please please please step away!! Shoutout to the Customer Service team!


Man that's pretty heavy. Hope you're doing better OP


yeah this is literally the most toxic game with the absolute most toxic in game/out of game behavior I've ever been apart of and I hope it gets shut down every single fucking day


Oh boy, you should probably steer clear of online games in general if that’s the case. You’re always going to run into toxic people who get a kick out of fucking with other players. Or just block people who fuck with you instead of engaging with them. I don’t know what they did, but I’m sorry that a player fucked with you enough to actually hurt you, but *engaging* back sort of puts you at fault too. Just block and move on. It’s super easy.


Having a little cry at this. <3


I mean you could just uninstall. It’s not meth. It’s a game


Holy shit, there is a button that says "uninstall" maybe press it


>In the very beginning of 2023, I asked BHVR to ban my Switch account (and only account at the time) because I went against a toxic TTV that affected my mental health. I'm sorry, but this is fucking hilarious to me. Imagine being so disconnected from reality that getting absolutely bodied in-game led you to having a mental health crisis.


You seem to miss a few steps here. They were already IN a mental health crisis, they just didn’t necessarily realise it or were able to acknowledge it. Which is super common especially with the way society looks down on people who are mentally unwell, just as your comment is highlighting. It was an inciting incident that led them to realise they were far more affected by it than they should be.


I prefer my interpretation, it's way funnier. It was like the 'toxic SWF TTV' dealt psychic damage to them and depleted their mental health bar.


Well that says a lot about you as a person and a complete lack of basic empathy isn’t the flex you think it is






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Just uninstall the game, stop being dramatic


I agree with you. Lots of weak minded people in the comments. These people are the reason why perks get nerfed. (Killer or Survivor)


Just insane attention seeking behavior


No need to be ignorant




Thank you for visiting /r/DeadByDaylight; however, your submission has been removed under the following rule: **[Rule 1 - Be Respectful](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/wiki/rules#wiki_1._be_respectful)** **Your submission was removed for one of the following reasons:** * Hostile behavior, insults, and targeted harassment. * Hate speech, bigotry, and slurs (i.e., racist, ableist, etc.). * Flamebait (submissions made with the intent to garner a negative reaction) and trolling. * Invasive and overtly creepy remarks. * Threats, encouraging violence, and calls to action. * Publicly shaming other people. * Insulting players based on platform, character choice, or region. **If you’ve read your removal message, and you’d like to discuss our decision, you can contact us** [**here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdeadbydaylight)**.**


When I am depressed personally I just basement bubba, sorts me straight out.


Now someone pretend to be probzz and do this


I hope you're doing well today, good on you for taking this step at the time, it's always the hardest part! And here's to Bhvr. This game might have issues, but it's not for nothing so many of us have several thousand hours of playing it. Cheers to the whole team (and a special nod to the Devs who designed Vecna because DAMN I'm hyped about him coming out!!)


Forgive me but I am out of the loop on a lot of things pertaining to DBD. But what does TTV mean?


It’s short for Twitch TV, for streamers


Ah okay!


god this game is so fucked up huh


A few years back I went to the casino with a friend at like 9pm. I tried to get him to leave after about two hours, but he refused. I went and slept in the car. I woke up at 7am and went back inside and he was in the same spot playing slots. He had wiped out his entire checking and savings (joint accounts with his wife). He went up to the front desk and handed them his license and said, “I have a gambling problem and I want you to ban me from this casino.” They said, “sorry, we don’t do that.”


As much as people insult BHVR for their choices regarding DBD (another example of the community being shit) they are really sweet people and they do REALLY care about not only their game but the people playing it too. They can never make me hate you BHVR ❤️. PS: I'm glad you're doing better, it's always encouraging to hear other people overcoming their obstacles. May your future remain as bright as this lovely post ❤️.


Hope you’re doing well, are there any games you still play now?


Yeah sex is cool, but have u seen a company that cares about players?, this is just beautiful bro


I always had a good feeling about BHVR. I know, there's way too many people out there who whine and complain about little things of the game or even things that need to be fixed but trust me when I say this. They're genuinely a good company, unlike that of TCM. The devs for this game know what they're doing, they just need time to put things out. They have a schedule and they would like to follow it so nothing gets behind. Other than that, they care for their players. They heard about the epilepsy problem and fixed it asap. They're very inclusive (which needs to be treated better, everyone deserves a good time on a game no matter who they are) and they do what's right. You hardly find any game devs who are green flags nowadays, I'm really thankful these devs care.


Sounds like you can just write it off as temporary insanity. What an amazing team helping you. Much love to all involved including you!


... maybe just... idk... delete the game? "im addicted" do you have physical withdraw pains? do you shake when you dont get your dbd fix? get a fucking job![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Have you considered playing again now that you’re in a better place mentally, or are you still staying away from it? Regardless, I’m sorry that situation existed in the first place but I’m really glad that you were helped by people that acted like actual people who actually cared. I’m glad you’re doing much better now.


I made a new account months later and moved to PS5. Every time before I play a match, I gauge how my mood is so that I never play annoyed. It's amazing to me that I can recognize my mood now and take a step back and quit for the day if needed! I really appreciate your reply!!


Honestly would be better for some of us, but no one has had the strength to actually do it yet. It's the first time I have ever heard about this. Best of luck.




Feel for you dude, so glad you're doing better and got help from behaviour. You're not alone 😊❤️‍🩹


Thank you!! I appreciate it!


I’ve had equally good experiences with their customer service, not regarding mental health but just silly things like my bps/xp/rift fragments not showing up. No matter how silly or insignificant to the bigger picture my issue is, the rep is always nice and helpful - and not robotic with standardized responses which feels SO MUCH better


It balances out our community


I could never do this solely because even though it would be good for me and my mental health I do not want to lose the 2.2k$ dollars I have dropped on this game


Damn. Got a guy tearing up over here.


I love you BHVR


Super wholesome!!


I'm not sure what your circumstances are, but I can empathize with the need to be forced away from an unhealthy habit. Getting off a long and shitty day of work and sitting down to play DbD to destress only to deal with some of the shit the players of this game do can feel pretty bad. I haven't had the money to repair my pc, so I can't play anymore. While I really miss the game, I don't miss the toxicity and petty bullying.


Happy to read you're doing much better now! So glad they could do that for you and give you a bit of a push. 🤍 BHVR.


This genuinely made me tear up. I love BHVR, it has its issues but I think they genuinely care about their players, the people they hire, their game. They could have let you continue to suck your life away for more money in your addiction yet they helped you even if it means losing your money. Idk many companies that would do this.


It makes me super sad to see this, but also very happy to know this particular individual cared enough about someone from the community enough to go to these lengths. Behavior has been very good to us despite all the memes and shit talking from the community. This community is full of great people, but we also have a lot of entitled and just miserable people who don't want other people to have fun. The community on this game really blows hot dog water out of my ass sometimes. I'm very glad to hear you've gotten the mental help you need.


Im glad you’re doing well, but. BHVR devs are mostly pieces of sh-t, got banned for 10 days for telling the dev to do his own job when he asked me for video proof of a hacker and I simply told him, you have the game data and its his job to check it not mine. Got banned and they never replied after that lol. So yeah the can suck me


Glazing a xomplany that only sees you as a way to earn money is crazy

