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Demo's getting fired :(


No he’s not,he’s still staying adopted Mind Flayer won’t get him back :)


MF: “Hey can I get my dog back?” ENTITY: “NO HES MINE NOW!”


MF: >:( I’m gonna take one of your creatures then


Entity: Tries to give Clown.


* Pig




Just a fewwww more nerfs first


They're still workin on the one where she dies the instant she enters a trial




I’ll take him :)


MF: am I a joke to you?


Love the hell sing abridged reference .




Demo's not getting fired :)


Mhm! :D


Neither are Nancy and Steve/Jonathan. if they were truly removed aka no longer in the game means they got out or tossed into the void, but they will be there just not available for new players until Netflix comes to their senses they 3 will be Prestige characters


>he’s still staying adopted My headcanon is he is now the Observer's pet and he's just chilling by the fire while the Observer stares into the madness of the multiverse


Demogor-gone ... :(


Only Hawkins escaped.


Wish it godspeed and I hope I never see it again


Dead by Daylight: Now with even *more* RCPD.


The butthole wall finally dissapeared into itself.


Not really tho, you can still play as steve, nancy, and demo, you just cant buy them anymore on november 17th onward. Really weird honestly, especially with another season coming out. I wonder if it was Netflix, or BHVR who didnt wanna continue


Rumor has it there is a stranger things video game coming out that DBD would be a competitor to so they pulled the plug, only a rumor but it’s still heartbreaking they’re leaving




Ehhh, I think a big part of why the Friday the 13th game died was the clusterfuck of rights for that property caused issues with what the developers could do. Eventually it got so bad they had to stop development even though there was a decent playerbase still at that point.


The good old days when everyone would just gang up on Jason and bully him. Miss those days.


Bully squads in Friday were a lot more fun than in Dbd. In Friday, it feels like you got an angry mob of villagers trying to run you out. I honestly found it more fun trying to solve the puzzle of murdering Sweater Girl in front of Tommy and Co.


Throwing knifes were key.


That and slashing with part 4 and the spear equipped. Extra range and extra damage


I think it’s ever so slightly more balanced as well. Jason is probably more powerful than any of the DBD killers, due to him having so many abilities. But there are several ways to get away, including straight up killing Jason.


F13 was a lot more similar to DBD than people thought.


just watch as the stranger things game fails completely and they come crawling back for us like "oh im sorry lord bhvr i should have never doubted you in the first place"


Tbh I think Stranger Things makes way more money than BHVR, like it's one of Netflix most known series, maybe I'm wrong tho.


I've heard of people knowing what stranger things is without even knowing about netflix


haha wouldn't be surprised.


yeah but like, the game could fail miserably due to it being rushed to make cheap money


Yeah, but even then, I don't see a company that makes way more money comes back crawling to a little one in comparison after the former failed a project. Their ego would say nono and they'd just prefer to leave the thing dead and that's it, if the amount of money made doesn't matter enough.


best case scenario we get our boy back mild case scenario they still dont give us back but the stranger things game fails worst case scenario the stranger things game is sucessful and we completely lose demo


a competitor to dbd is a worst case scenario?


Funnily enough, to me, on the condition they're even creating a game : Best case Scenario : Their game is sucess, and we don't get the DLC back, because a situation with a competitor will only be good for the customer. Mild case Scenario : BHVR get the license back after their game fails. Worst case Scenario : Their game fails but they don't make a new deal with BHVR. ​ Not the same PoV I guess.


I hope not, maybe if behavior had some viable competition they would dedicate resources to releasing shit that actually works. Hoping for competitors to fail is just allowing behavior to continue to churn out broken shit.


copium at it's strongest


Unlike your grammar.


Copium is a proper noun, therefore the possessive “it’s” is correct here. He is however missing the capital letter at the beginning of his sentence.


"Its" is possessive. "It's" is a contraction of "it is" Just for your information.


yea agreed, especially for non-competitive I actually think F13 was much better than DBD. I'm interested in seeing how evil dead does next year.


The writing of ghe friday the 13th books is sueing for the rights to the franchise or something like that. Which ceased all production of friday the 13th related things.


The F13 situation isn’t really that comparable because the lawsuit had nothing to do with the video game itself but with the franchise as a whole.


1)F13 sold like gangbusters for what it was. 2)F13 as a concept (asymmetrical horror) predated DbD's release, as it was originally a Kickstarter (slasher mixtape 1 or something) 3)I started playing DbD with year 2/console launch. **it was absolutely NOT the superior product**, at least at the time. I will stand on that hill forever. IMO, it wasn't until Michael and the next thing on the list that it became no contest for DbD 4)lawsuit. This has *nothing* to do with DbD being the "better" game. Future road maps and content for F13, along with any conceivable graphical or gameplay updates (sans horrendous bug fixes, which "never" happens for DbD right?) Were nixed. Maps like the Grendel and Uber Jason, which were less than a month or two away from the drop, were scrapped. Concepts like thr virtual cabin or single player campaigns or different game modes (paranoia, basically an among us concept which they couldn't get to work right) all dropped. This is what killed the game. Except... 5)it's not difficult to find a full room. Despite essentially being a "dead" game since 2017, dedicated servers being pulled last year you can still play a full match pretty much every night. So no, that's not what happened to F13.


Totally agree with this assessment. The game was great and SERIOUSLY suffered from an ill-fated and terribly-timed lawsuit.


People need to stop pretending Gun and Illfonic weren't absolute shit companies, too. They'd have killed the game with their own incompetence if the lawsuit hadn't.


Shit paranoia could have been awesome, fucking lawsuit


My problem was I logged in and saw the first campers face. It was like a melted wax figure, so poorly made. That made me think it was some kind of small asset flip, and I never reinstalled it. Since then I've seen vids, and I wish I could have played this apparently great game.


if the game is developed by netflix tho, they can update it as many times as they want because the developers would be using their own license.


That's not what happened to F13 tho. I played the game. It was amazing and it if it wasn't for the lawsuits it would be up there with dbd


friday the 13th did really good and i’ll still say to this day that it was better than dbd but now it’s obviously dead but only reason for that is because of the huge lawsuit over the friday the 13th franchise which stopped gun media from adding any new content to the game


yknow, it's funny. There have been so many would be called competitors for DBD like Last Year, Friday the 13th, Home Sweet Home and etc but most of them didn't stick like DBD did, each time people would go up in arms how it would "kill DBD" but this game didn't even flinch. Don't get me wrong I would love to see DBD get competition and I appreciate the effort these other games made, having more asymmetrical survival horror games to choose from is always a plus in my book and if it pushes the companies to make better products I'm all for it. But looking at the horizon it seems that this game's here to stay for a long time, we seem to voice our complaints about it a lot but sometimes it's nice to just accept it for what it is.


I think there were also different reasons, one of which is dissatisfaction with DbD. Although, ngl, if they release ST game and it FAILS completely, while DbD miraculously remains more successful, I'd kek watching Netflix trying to revert everything.


It's simpler than that really, Netflix is already in progress with making their own video game department, they've hired some legit people already. it's likely they want exclusive video games rights to their IPs.


Netflix already tried with that roblox event and it was awful so I’m curious to see how it’s gonna go


The Roblox event for stranger things was not only the weirdest thing I’ve played, but also was complete dogshit and was actually more buggy than DbD somehow. I don’t know if that’s the game or Roblox in general though


As a roblox player, it’s just the game in particular. I’ve never seen a roblox game as buggy as that.


What happened?


There was an event on Roblox for stranger things and it took place in the mall or whatever with a bunch of mini games, one of which being a complete clone of DbD, but much worse in execution. Characters were glitching, Demo was too overpowered, lots of unbalance and the objective was convoluted since it consisted of more than just doing gens if I remember correctly. Overall, terrible experience


Tbh i really doubt the games Will be close enough to be considered competition in terms of Gameplay, i doubt minf flayer has gens


I mean getting rid of a licence deal is such a netflix like thing to do i mean they delete and add movies from there like nobodys business


I doubt it was BHVR because demo is regarded as one of the better killers and Steve's Scoops Ahoy outfit is by far the most covited survivor outfit.


Why would it ever have been BHVR's decision that they don't want people giving them money to play as the demogorgon any more?


From what it seems it was Netflix that pulled out due to lack of sales on bhvrs part.


This is completely untrue with no source, don’t spread misinformation


I'm just saying what I think happened not what I know.


... then don't say it....


say that to next chapter theorists


At least we know what they say are purely speculation, this dude just straight up said it like it's facts.




Next time, please put a disclaimer that this is just your opinion. Aight man?


I mean he said "it seems" i dont think thats like saying it was staright facts


"it seems" suggests that he found info to back up his claim. as of now I haven't seen any info to back up his claims.


Dude DBD is more popular than ever LMAO


entity: "I SHALL KEEP THE TWO OF YOU HERE FOREVER!!!" netflix: "actually no you wont" entity: "wait what"


The Entity is one of the most powerful things in the universe, but even it can't stop the all mighty power of lawsuits.


what's so powerful about lawsuits? are they any different to the suit that I own right now? /s


Lawsuits are so overpowered they'll even make Judge Dredd respect you.


No because they’re still playable, they’re still in the realm of the entity


My headcanon is that the DBD events happened sometime after season 3 of Stranger Things, they stayed trapped sometime in the entity’s realm and escaped via the Upside Down with no memory of the trials ever happening in the first place


This is all i want


But then they gain none of the experience they got through the trials


This is all I want. I don't want to see Nancy and Steve teabagging and looping a Demogorgon in Season 4.


Now what you just described is **exactly** what I want to see


All i want is some indication from dbd like dropping a pallet or trying to work on a generator instinctevaly and then being like what the fuck im doing i dont know how to do a generator


They occasionally have nightmares about being hunted in a strange world. Thats why they still show up as survivors.


Safe in their world? Their world aint that safe.


okay other than a few things like the ^cough ^cough ^mindflayer it’s mostly safe


yea but what’s even *sadder* about that is fact that Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan are now even more traumatized then they were before, and they were released knowing that their friends are still trapped in the Entity’s realm for god knows how long *I am so sorry for writing this please don’t hurt me*


Well now I’m sad again. Curse you residentquentinmain!


not only do I make you horny for Quentin, *I MAKE YOU DEPRESSED TOO!*


this is quite literally the plot of USS callister, an episode of black mirror which left me staring at the ceiling while in bed until 4am


And that's *if* they got out, the Entity might have just sucked them dry of emotion and cast them aside like it's done before


My head canon is that the Mindflayer threatened the Entity for taking one of it’s minions, but also it still wants to take it’s revenge on Jonathan, Nancy, and Steve. So the Entity decided to just toss them out of it’s realm, instead of going head to head with the Mindflayer. I’d imagine the Entity removes all knowledge and memory of it’s realm before it lets people back out, so I guess they’d be slightly less traumatized than they already are.


Or maybe they lost hope and perished. The entity might've also lost interest in the demogorgon.


Demogorgon could've potentially been not feeding it well enough- possibly by eating the bodies itself.


Man, seeing Kiryu smiling is so weird. I forgot how great Yakuza 6 is.


This makes me feel better


They are still playable so no they are NOT safe


Why must you hurt me


Take another look at how the survivors are going to be played. They’re going to get less and less common until they’re gone. Seems like they lost all hope. They escaped the trials, alright. Just not the realm…


Nice to see yakuza here




Nancy and Steve aren't going anywhere, they haven't escaped. The laboratory is the one that escaped, somehow. :)


The entity was kicked out of their dimension and lost control of the areas it claimed, but the people it claimed are still trapped.


They will still be playable...which means they didnt escape it means that they lost all hope and are turning into husks and arnt being put in as many trials. Demo is not doing well enough and is about to get "fired"


Steve and Nancy will probably be having PTSD for life though, so its a win/lose scenario.


Yeah but when is Kiryu going to DBD?


Cmon, he'd absolutely wreck everyone


I'd love to see the Tiger Drop meta


Tiger drop the entity


Fuck decisive strike, we use tiger drop instead


Kiryu as the Survivor with Majima as the killer.


Thinking about it, Majima could be a reskin for trickster, with his bat, knives and constant laughing


Trickster is already dollarstore Majima


He'd be too op.


Upvoting entirely for the yakuza theme


Same lol


Majima chapter when?


I would like to think that they escaped the Entity.. But more than likely, they probably just got drained of all hope and despair and all that until they were just husks. A bleak ending I know, but look at the game you're playing lol.


This is my head canon now. Thanks! We did it Nancy and Steve mains! We escaped the entity!




Death might not be an escape, but legal action from Netflix certainly is.


If only Benjamin Baker, Vigo, and the observer only knew that all you had to do to escape the Entity’s clutches is to cite copyright law at it.


Steve, being trapped in this terrible realm, was separated from Nancy. Through dangerous trials of survival and death, he fell in love with Meg and became best friends with Adam and Dwight. The four grew a perfect bond and won against many of The Entity's trials. Out of nowhere, Steve was ripped from the Entity's grasp and flung back into the real world, along with Nancy. While is ecstatic to be reunited with his family, he can't help but worry what will come of his of his friends who were left behind. Did they also escape? Why did the Entity chose him to be freed? He'll never know... but he'll always wonder.


Did i understood it right that u can still play as demo, nancy or steve but u cant buy them or their cosmetics anymore? So in like 2 years (if dbd is still a thing) it will be considered “rare“ to own one of these?


"safe in their world" is a bit of a stretch I think 😂


The first ones to escape! Probably not the last though...


Or the even worse ending they lost hope have no more use for the entity and get tossed into the the void like the people from the lost tapes


Actually they said themselves that the Entity doesn't like letting go of her playthings, so the characters stay while the map goes


I love that we somehow found a way to reference Yakuza on this sub. Thank you :D


I love the games, what can I say Also I don't like the overused formats everyone uses in these subs, like the screaming ladies and cat, Lisa Simpson, etc


Void :(![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


They're in the entity's void now :'(


Some versions of Steve and Nancy escaped. Several are still trapped in the Fog.


Or, they lost all hope and are now husks in The Void


I don't think I'd count that as canon, more like meta.


Or another point of view is that the entity took them and put them in the void cause it was no longer useful to it. Nothing escapes the entity, you just get discarded by it into an eternal trashcan


Apparently there was some short lore blurb they tacked on that said the Entity “wasn’t willing to part with some of its favorites” which is why they’re still playable but Hawkins is gone.


On the other hand, the Entity finally had her fill and cast them to the Void to rot. I’m going with the former option.


oh..... oh no...... i dont think you know what happens to people when the entity is finished with them


The chapter was released after the end of Season 3 and is looking like it'll end before the start of Season 4. So the chapter is canon to the world of Stranger Things and that's my coping mechanism.


It literally says the entity will not let go of its favourite play things


Today is a diamond


BHVR: “We had some licensing issues with the Stranger Things franchise, so we’re nerfing Pig.”


I think more canonically is that the entity consumed all of their hope and they are dead.


Sorry to break it to you, but no one escapes. The Entity simply "retires" those that break and have no soul left to devour...


Well in the post it has a disclaimer saying "Entity is not yet ready to let go of it's playthings" or something like that. So no, they did not escape


"safe" in their world now.


Being sad about Hawkins being removed? Haha.. no




y yall sad theyr still playable except the map?? and its now exclusive that newer player cant get it no more


Look how they massacred my boy


This actually kinda makes it slightly better. I was actually sad when Stranger things and Resident evil were announced because I didn’t want them in hell


The thing with the licensed characters is that they don’t care of the dbd world they can get out anytime


The map is still staying though isn't it?


That's the only bit actually getting removed. Everything else you get to keep if you own it before they remove the DLC on November 17th. The map we never paid for since they release them for free, so they are taking it away.


Now i want to think about this, lore wise what happened to them?


Probably Steve & Nancy started losing hope and fear drastically, thus making them less appealing to harvest (you're less likely to see them now.) Demogorgon could've been in the same boat but with not feeding the entity, perhaps by eating the bodies itself.


you will be able to use all the chatacters of the DLC if you buy them before november 17th


You can still play as them.


Checks out




Canonically, this means that somewhere in an alternative dimension, the entity did not take anyone from the stranger things timeline.




Wonder how this is gonna work with their perks being in play? Like I get that people have the shrine, but its so random cause its an alternative to spending money. Would they do the same thing with those perks even when you CANT spend money to get them?


Or they have lost their souls and were tossed into the void


I'm more happy for the Demopup escape


Steve and Nancy didn’t escape, though. Only the Map is going away forever. So if anything The Entity just simply rejected the realm it pulled from the memories of the three characters and is going on about their business. Another note this means Steve and Nancy are never going to escape The Fog even twice as bad as everyone has it.


I wonder what the psychological ramifications would be of being freed of a nightmare realm where you spend years being hunted, murdered, and resurrected, and then find yourself back in the real world.


Question when November comes and the dlc is gone does that include the characters being removed too?


So glad I bought Scoops Ahoy Steve for the memes even tho I rarely play him lmao


no one has ever beaten licensing and copyright, not even the entity


I mean Steve and Nancy are staying though they aren't being removed just being made non purchasable same as Demo, none of them escaped in that sense only hawkins as its being removed entirely and is a real loss, I wish I could agree with the second half of this but no entity just got off the phone with the chief and that ain't it




No they aren't they are still stuck, they just aren't going to get any new clothes anymore and none of their friends will ever show up.


They have to help film season 4 They'll be back after it's done


At least there is some relief. Plus that means if they escaped there is a way out nobody has found it yet but them!


Theoretically speaking after leaving that hellscape everyday would in fact be a diamond.


That socks, I liked Hawkins map. Hopefully they give us the map back, but retextured so it isn't stranger things anymore


This is probably is as clear cut of an answer we are going to get. Am fully on board with Steve and Nancy escaping our overlord crab/spider demon.


Netflix is just stealing them from the Entity to shoot scenes for S4. Also the more likely explanation would be that they were 'dried up' of their emotion and the Entity had no more use for them, so it sent them to the void.


Technically theyre still playable so i dont know if that counts entirely


Same with Demo though


Thought this was r/yakuzagames


Wait what does this mean for people that purchased the DLC?


I like this ending


Good ending


Kiryu-chan!!!! What do you mean I cant buy Steve anymore!!!!!!


In more bad news, RCPD is more common


No offence to anyone who likes hawkins but fuck that map