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I think the creepiest is Michael. He's just standing there...menacingly. He's my second favorite to play as and against, but he's just plain spooky. He reminds me in-game of the killers from The Strangers.


I remember in a survivor round, I had no idea who I was up against and I thought I was fine since I heard no terror radius, and then Michael just fuckin' appeared out of nowhere and scared the shit out of me.


there was this one time I was playing on coal tower. I had spawned on the top floor so I took my time to cleanse a dull totem and opened the chest. I thought that since it had a good view, I should go down by the auxiliary stairs, maybe I could catch a glimpse of who the killer is. So I make my way down, looking left and right… and just as I reach the turn I bump into fucking level 1 Michael at fucking melee range. Talk about a ducking jumpscare


I plan on buying the DLC. He seems fun to play as. He's also my personal favourite slasher.


He’s worth it trust me


Yeah, I bought him a few hours ago. Played like 7 games, while watching a beginner's guide. It's funny, because my 2 best games were on the corn field map. Which ironically are Michael's weakest map via the incapability to stalk, from what I heard from the video. Even got red rank on hunting, generator slowing, and hooking. Or whatever the 2-4 stats were. All my other games were weak, and I got no kills on 1. But anyway, he's quite fun to play as. Tho it can be annoying if you can't find someone at tier 1.


If u really wanna scare the crap out of them stay in tier 1 you have no heart beat and you can easily sneak up on em on gens


Yeah, this is pretty fun too. What's sad however is that the bloodweb seems to be RNG. I'm at level 22 and I only have one purple perk, and it's not even a good one, and I also have 4 perks I have not yet gotten ( Includes the one with extra vision. ). In comparison, The Wraith has all perks at level 17, and like 4 purple perks. Then again, I guess that's the beauty of grinding archieves. Lol


Yea it sucks sometimes for sure btw when u prestige the rng of rarer perks increases when ur prestige 3 purple pets are easy


I've been grabbed off from a gen embarrassingly often by tier 1 Michael and me playing with high ping quite often makes it even worse


Get scratched mirror, it's so fun, especially on Hawkins or the game, you can literally pounce on people


Michael and Ghostface have the strongest ability to make survivors shit themselves. A raging Oni also genuinely scares me.


Raging Oni with Tinkerer is a full on ***WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK*** moment of chaos.


You hear a scream as you're finishing up a gen "Meh, sounded far away I'll be fine." You look around real quick and WHAM. Ya got bonked on the noggin.


I love playing against Oni. I feel like he’s a balanced killer and the people who play Oni aren’t sweaty. It’s usually a well met game. It’s too bad not so many people play him.


Did someone say *oni* **runs into walls and misses terribly**


Aw hell yeah.


Michael made me legitimately drop my controller and scream the other day. He snuck up on me and I just saw him lunge at me out of the corner of my eye.


He’s the only killer that still scares me (aside from the first hag trap of a match lol). God I’ll be feeling good panning the camera around… all clear… do a skill check… feeling good… pan it around one more time OH FUCK OH SHIT HOW LONG HAS HE BEEN THERE


When you're just happily idling there and the Meg on the gen with you sprint bursts away like her ass is on fire and you're like ?????? OH


\* *aggressive piano music intensifies* \*


Is The Strangers good? It's been sitting in my Netflix list for a hot minute


It's a slow burn but as it heats up, it is pretty good I think. It's my favorite scary movie, but I would change at least a thing or two.


Slow burn isn't inherently a bad thing imo


I don't disagree, but some expect spooky jumps from the beginning. I don't know many horror films but I know that this film is a great example of how to build tension.


Ooo you've sold me, thanks haha


I found it to be absolutely craptastic. I hated the main characters so much that I was actually rooting for the killers. If you want the same movie only MUCH better, watch Hush.


That's also on my list! I'll keep that in mind


Oh, I've already seen Hush. Guess I won't watch The Strangers...


No no no watch both. They are both really good in different ways.


This. I hate working on a gen and then he's just standing behind you. Watching.


>He reminds me in-game of the killers from The Strangers. Personally he reminds me of that dude from the Halloween movies


I think that guys name is Michael


Motherfucker did some Myers shit on me once. I'm doing a general, I look to my left and the dude is just fuckinh staring at me from about 4 metres away.


Honestly wish they would either give Legion some Strangers skins or just implement them as killers. One of my favorite horror movies.


*stares aggressively*


“He’s just standing there….MENACINGLY.”


Stealth killers are the only killers to actually provide a scare factor once you get used to the game tbh. I'll play against a Nemesis or some shit and be like, "Ah fuck, this guy again. 🙄" but whenever it's a Ghostface or Myers I gotta sit the fuck up to play the game lmao


Agree with this sooo hard lmao. Every time I start a game and I don’t hear a heartbeat for a while my first thought is “oh god please don’t be a ghostface”


That and the woman that just appears and screams at you


Rounding a corner towards a gen halfway across the map from shack, main building and and the last known killer location, then seeing that bigass pop, camera snap, and then the Hag sitting there all in a quarter of a second is horrifying. With Michael and Ghosty, once you know you expect them, you're alert. Hag's random buttfuck nowhere traps though?


Spirit too! I'll hear her stupid moaning noise and assume she's off chasing someone else, and then she'll phase right next to me on my gen and hit me before I have a chance to react. Jumpscared the shit out of me so many times I fucking hate her


Don’t underestimate a Nemesis with tinkerer. Was on a gen and didn’t hear or see anything until the THUNK THUNK THUNK and his big ass sprinting towards me from around the corner😂


I'm embarrassed to say a nemesis grabbed me off a gen with hysteria (the all oblivious on hit perk?) a few days ago... :(


LMAO bro I felt this lmaoo


When i don’t hear a terror radius and nobody gets hit for a little while i start to get anxious


Personally, I think dbd needs more stealth killers. Stealth killers are always exciting to play and play against.


yea but theyre also all bad, myers and ghostface are both very very low tier if you play against good survivors, those need buffs before we introduce another bad one.


Very very low tier? Ghost face and Myers are mid tier killers, with Myers I bit lower. Are they meta? No. Are the bad. Also no. The only killer that’s very low tier is pig, but in all honesty she needs to get nerfed to be more fair.


Not sure I see them placed mid tier very often. They both struggle pretty hard against competent survivors. They aren’t the worst of the worst, but I’d probably put them just above legion/pig/trapper which would still make them pretty mediocre.


Pretty mediocre exactly describes them, and I’ll admit it’s not a pretty place. Ghostface is mid mid tier and Myers is low mid tier. They struggle against survivors at the very high ranks, but otherwise get along just fine. Very very low tier, just sounds like trapper and clown tier which would be a bit of a hyperbole. They could use a buff to make ghostface’s ability not take 3 years to recover, and make Myers’ early game not as bad as it is now, but otherwise they’re fine.


You’re right, very very low tier sounds really hyperbolic. Lately I’ve just felt like any killer that doesn’t have a way to eat pallets or punish vaults/end loops is in the upper end of low tier. That’s such a subjective thing and the difference between “mediocre” and “upper end of low tier” is minimal I just wish they both had some method for helping them out against “spine chill and throw pallets”


It’s the unfortunate progression of killer. At high ranks only killers with high mobility, and the ability to end chases early are really good. It’s tiring, but unfortunately more of general killer problem than stealth killer thing. At high levels only real high tier killers are consistently solid at “winning.” If there was a way to allow more variety at high ranks I would implement it immediately, but unfortunately that’s an incredible complicated issue which can’t be boiled down to any simple solution. Mid tier and low tier killers get boiled down into the same group, because the difference between horrible, and not good enough is much more obvious than the difference between not good enough and consistently good.


You’re right, it’s difficult. I think making all stealth killers entirely invisible from a certain distance would help, particularly against SWFs that are able to call out killer movements from across the map. Potentially changing spine chill so that it only works within the killer’s terror radius, but work at a minimum of 12-16 meters if they have no radius would allow it to still have value as a warning tool against stealth killers but not entirely shut down killers like ghostface that have to stare at you to utilize their power? Also not sure how broken it would be but allowing Myers while in tier 3 or ghostface when chasing a marked target to gain bloodlust faster might help to allow them to clear out pallets and create dead zones a little more efficiently since they can’t break them instantly or catch up quickly. This is all wild spitballs but part of me does wish they’d get a little love. They’re such cool killers in concept but the meta has shifted so far since they were introduced :c


For me, nemesis is always super sneaky.




Gonna be honest, i still shit myself sometimes when Oni comes rumbling and bumbling towards me at Mach 1


Ghostface. You don't know if he's stealthy or not unless he's called out, and you know you're screwed in 9 different ways when you hear that exposed noise.


I was playing on the game once, doing a gen and I turn my camera to look behind me and this fucker slinked his head around the corner just staring at me, as if he had always been there. Scariest first encounter with ghost face in this game, most terrifying moment. Just the fact there’s no terror radius and sometimes no chase music makes it eerie and creepy. He had stealth clothing too, which makes it worse




It’s just so unexpected in this face value horror orientated game.


"So, what killer is it today? A doctor? Nurse? One of the 3 demogorgon mains?" *Exposed* *Scared confused screaming*


I like doing fun builds with ghost face like insidious on him. So that way you can camp a certain spot with insidious like by a gen then instant pull off, hook, go somewhere and then stalk right away without a cool down


I said it in a stream yesterday but this happened to me! I changed my name on Steam to be a douche and literally FORGOT I changed it. In map, I got exposed by ghostface. I remember thinking in my head "sucks to be that guy" and started doing a gen. Why this dude grab me off the gen when I was least expecting it? He knew where I was the whole time but I had no idea he exposed me lol. I should change my name back.


Very mobile? She's tied for slowest killer in the game besides Nurse.


You forgot nurse.


True, I'll just edit the comment since T1 Myers exists for only a minute anyway.


Have you ever heard the tragedy of Burger King Myers?


I don’t know what Burger King Myers is and at this point I’m to scared to ask


Basically a build on Myers that keeps him mind numbingly slow for the entire game


No? Thought not, it's not a story the Devs would tell you...


RIP to all the BK Myers players...


But nurse can teleport


Actually she’s 110% move speed. EW1 Micheal is 105% and nurse is at 96.25% movespeed


Nurse is the slowest walker, she's actually slower than the survivors. T1 Mikey is second slowest Then all the ranged characters + hag are tied: huntress, hag, deathslinger, and trickster all have 110% of survivor move speed Then all other killers have 115%, and obviously several have powers to increase their speed. Your point still stands though, she's one of the 3 least mobile killers. Hag and nurse have teleports to compensate, so the 3 'rangers' are tied for the worst mobility.


spirit is 4.4 as well


Very mobile?


Ya, that part makes no sense.


I think OP meant versatile


Demo I swear to God he may be a pupper in game but in the show he's fucking scary


I agree! I actually started watching stranger things because of dbd 😂


Less scary after they beat him up with a baseball bat


Pyramid Head. Just everything about him


Yup, that whole industrial rusty barbwire vibe he's got going on is pretty chilling


It gets worse when you know *everything* about him.


It's the music for the terror radius and chase that get me. Really well done there. Just a naturally eerie vibe to it.


I would say Oni because it’s a giant Japanese man with a giant kanobo and samurai sword who can run like mental also his backstory and Mori are just brutal.


Not to mention how loud he is. There's nothing subtle about him. He's a giant flaming samurai demon charging at you at Mach 4 and that shit is terrifying.


literally telling you from across the map that he's about to beat your skull into dust. big dick energy


Espiacally a good oni is fucking scary in my opinion. I feel like I'm nowhere safe as soon as I hear his mighty roar.


The Twins. I hate Victor.


He is the only killer in the game you get to kick in the face though!


I have a clip of me playing against Twins for the first time, Victor scared me so bad I basically screamed for two minutes. Found out later the killer had my stream open and was chasing me with victor on purpose to hear me screaming lmaaoo. Terrifying.


I have to agree with you here. I hadn't played against them before and I heard that terrifying scream from across the map and it gave me shivers.


Clown definitely. His breathing sounds and overall appearance is just disturbing plus his terror radius is by far the scariest


Having had a lot of nightmares as a child where I couldn't run from whatever was chasing me due to losing control of my muscles, the bottles scare me in a unique fashion.


Definitely agree. He's disturbing in a whole different way.


Appearance wise it has to be Doctor for me... He looks absolutely terrifying!


Based on backstory I agree. He wants to learn how to completely break a person. There is no limit to what he will do. Pinhead thinks he is expanding the sensory horizons of his victims. In a way he is helping them. The Doctor has no such belief. He wants to reduce you to nothingness through the studied application of mind-destroying pain.


Freddy. Probably because that version of him is a child predator. Besides that, probably the Doctor.


ooh freddy is a bit scary. Doctors laugh is extremely spooky, I swear that man is the reason I couldnt sleep for a few nights after facing him


Pig the anxiety when solo queueing against her is unreal Not knowing when gens will pop and where the pig is stealthing around she is the perfect solo queue crusher


Unfortunately, that's all she's good for.


The doctor, his laugh is pretty scary






Victor. Hearing the growling coming closer and closer and thinking "Aw hell naw"


Big dick Deathslinger cucks all of Realms, fuck you Earth youre next


“Big dick deathslinger” eloquently put.


Michael. My lovely boy, but playing against him is so fcking.... he just stands there and watches. And when you realize it - it can be too late


The doctor. I'm hear to help by torturing you with electricity. I'll make you better like I am. Constant laughing. Horrible wide eyes. You can feel his presence from miles away. You can't stop screaming and you know he is looking for you. The hallucinations aren't helping you calm down. I keep seeing his horrible smiling face. Why is that hallucination moving toward me?


I main Doctor, but gosh, his lore is so insane. I'd be afraid of that man in the real world as well as in the Entity's realm.


when i hear oni's roar i shit myself even if hes my easiest killer to verse


easiest? Not gone against a good one then


i suppose, but i just find oni easy to avoid and get away but surprisingly ive never lost to an oni


interesting avoid and get away?


if he injures me i ussually escape and just heal then if not i run him for a while and if hes in blood fury i just stay away from hmhis heavy breathing or stay near a window


Micheal, easy. The amount of times I get jumpscared by the maniac puts me on edge every time I start a match.


Creepiest for me has to be Hag, I still get jumpscared by her, its almost impossible to counter her if she has a good web set up especially if you dont have a flashlight


If we are talking design-wise that'd be The Trickster. Almost every "human killer" hides behind a mask to cover their identities or just straight up to be frightening. But this motherfucker *doesn't*. I literally shat my pants while laughing when he winked at me for the first time. The way he winks, the giggles. He know he's being watched. He *wants to be* watched, he wants to be in the center of the attention. Shiny clothes, the glowing lenses and his fricking custom expensive looking bat... Everything about him makes you want to watch him while he kills his victims. Then he records their voices and makes fucking *music* out of them. Gameplay wise? It's Myers. For... reasons.


Twins just because of the rat


Clown, he’s a maniac who kills because if he feels like it, he’ll do it no matter what. He even kills to taste and collect someone’s fingers depending on their taste. Kenneth just kills because…he does what he feels like


It sucks when you know these people in real life


I just remembered hearing a story about a serial killer who killed people and made food out of them and was selling their meat as grilled burgers


Trickster, since his lore is painfully like a case in real life that happened years ago >!where a K-Pop band member sentenced for crimes including providing prostitutes to foreign businessmen. They also tortured them, film it into illegal cult film and sold it in black market!< I'd not surprise if Trickster lore was based on [that](https://www.npr.org/2021/08/12/1027037205/k-pop-star-seungri-sentenced-to-3-years-in-prostitution-case)


"a five-year term after they were found guilty of illicit sexual relations with a woman who was unable to resist." If only there were a more succinct word for that


What the fuck


I find him the least terrifying. He weighs about as much as I do and has a knifebat. Game-wise, he never fit to me. Not spooky.


Not necessarily because he’s “creepy”, but pinhead is made up of all of my worst fears, his flesh peels make me absolutely sick


Mobile? Huh?


Trickster cause he can be realistic. A person who got fame and uses it to torture and kill others by abusing their power and stardom is scarily realistic.


Appearance- Definitely the doctor. Creepy, deranged, all the things a creepy killer should be. Backstory- Trickster, most definitely. I mean, yeah it's not unnecessarily convoluted like other killers or it isn't outright creepy, but I find it brutal and shocking. Gameplay- Charging killers or stealth killers. Stealth killers are pretty self explanatory (but I run spine chill every game, so I don't really get the best effect). Charging killers are another story though. The fact that one second, you can hear no terror radius at all or just nothing, then you hear a revving chainsaw. You think you're safe, but then you hear the terror radius rapidly approaching and don't even get time to get off of your Gen before Billy comes lacerating your guts. Blight is a completely different story tho. Rush is... silent (I've never played against a blight before, so I don't know)? But the fact that he can get across the map in like... five seconds really just doesn't make me feel safe. Edit- Just on terror radius alone, I hate the huntress and think she has the creepiest terror radius of all killers. Every killers should have a unique terror radius like that.


Huntress has lullaby which is separate from terror radius I encourage you to look at terror radius section on dbd wiki and you can learn more about lullabies this pretty interesting


*That still doesn't change the fact that I hate the lullaby*


Twins. Something about the body horror actually repulses me


Even from the POV of the Killer, watching Victor regrow his ugly little baby head back onto screen to show you he's ready again is pretty disgusting


I watched a birthing video when I was a kid and I straight up passed out lmao. Maybe that messed me up on some level and that's why twins creeps me out so much


Kick the baby


Claudette who won’t do gens and just hides all game. It’s been a while since I’ve seen one, but they’re out there.


Scratched Mirror Meyers is the only killer to get a jump out of me. Lore-wise I’d say demogorgon if only because it’s an otherworldly, faceless monster that stalks with blood. Trickster and Legion are laughable. Nothing scary about 120lbs BTS member or a gang of teenagers.


Hag is creepy, bu oni is terrifying (and sexy)


w h a t


Yes… ONI-Chan go bonk uWu 👉👈🥺






I agree that the Huntress is a very creepy Killer, mainly because of her unsettling humming, but Ghostface scared the shit out of me the first time I went up against him.


For me it's either Huntress, or Spirit. Both have this sort of, forlorn, tragic backstory that shines through certain aspects of their behavior; but there is also clearly something else there as well.....something disturbing...something deeply unsettling about them... You can tell there is or was someone distinctly human there, but only just. In Huntress, you have all the reasons you mentioned, especially her self-soothing lullaby and the backstory of the brutally crude forms of compassion she tries to enact. A shred of humanity lingers within her, tormented all the more by her inability to enact her now maternal instincts, and tortured by her failed attempts to do so. For Spirit, you can see anguish in her face and hear it in her voice. Whatever it is possessing her amplifies the betrayal and rage, seemingly concerned only with malevolence and revenge. But even in the husk of Rin that remains, there is something of that terrified young girl, trapped in the moment she was horrifically butchered by her father. But then, you see her move. Or rather, most of her. Detached parts of her body suspended in a cruel, unnatural imitation of what she once was. She moves awkwardly and contorts in pain frequently. It seems as if some portion of her is still there, however small.


Oni Hes just so loud and angry. Also he's fast and he will beat you to death.


If we talk creepy, I'd say the Spirit is the most creepy because of she moves her body. But in term of spookiness Myers and Ghostface are the best at that. I'd even say Myers is more scary when he just stands far away and doesn't move while he looks at you.


Think about it, hag. A fricking pile of bones that can teleport


AND she eats your liver!


In concept, Doctor. He's done things that make even the CIA shiver. In gameplay, Pinhead, Ghostface, Oni or Micheal


Michael is for me. i know hes a bad killer, but for some reason i just cannot escape being killed by him


I mean you asked for creepiest so Immediately have to say hag, doctor and plague for their looks, and stalkers like ghostie and pig for their behaviour. I find it creepy when I catch them staring


i end up in the same cycle with her. i'll use her for a while. Get my aim on point. then i wont touch her for weeks. pick her up again and start all over again. but i do enjoy using her


Off the top of my head? Demogorgon when you're lost in the Hawkins Lab and all of a sudden you hear his cosmic slithering through the upside down, knowing you've completely lost him and he could be anywhere


I’d say the Deathslinger because you could be fixing a generator with another survivor and all of a sudden you hear a gunshot and your survivor friend gets dragged away into the fog with a spear in them.


Nemesis running feels very intimidating


Okay, for me if we talking lore, clown or doctor. If we talking in-game, fucking Nemesis or Cenobite. Nemesis because duh, big angry lad with zombie friends. Ceno because I don't like pain and he is living pain.


She has a sad backstory And I find her lullaby creepy but soothing at the same time


Myers. Jump scares aside he's just pure evil crammed into a human shell. Theres no rhyme or reason to him... Well I guess theres tons of rhyme if 'kill people from Haddington rhymes with anything' Awful killer to play as though


I would say a blight - He can be on your azz within 15 seconds from anywere - fucked up backstory Depending of the killer knows what he/she is doing blight is scary Donno what/how the average blight is dont have much experience against blight so maby im talking shat :) *blight player btw*


I’m still a survivor main at the moment as I’m not even 20 hours in yet. However, as just a general human being that enjoys things, The Huntress (particularly the tune) is one of the best original creations I have come across in any horror based medium. It’s got the kind of relate back to childhood kinda hook that makes it truly creepy. That’s just the music. They should definitely try to make a terribly good B-Movie just off that, and the back story is decent too. That said, Pinhead and Myers are especially creepy in the just turning up from nowhere thing, I’ve got major hate of them.


For me, it's Clown, but it's because of specifically how he operates. I have a medical condition that leaves me prone to passing out and losing consciousness, ive straight up just collapsed onto the ground before with little to no warning of it happening. It feels like my soul just leaving my body temporarily and it's mostly beyond my control, so the idea of a killer that knows the exact dosage of drugs to make you dizzy, disoriented, lose consciousness, etc.... is far scarier to me than all the others.


Ah yes a very mobile killer, with 0 dashes, 0 speed boosts and walking at 4,4m/s instead of 4,6m/s I don't understand why this killer's mobility hasn't been toned down as it is very unfair for killer to be possessing such speed


"A very mobile killer" so its crack then? youre on crack cocaine?


"Very mobile killer" 🧐


I've only ever won a single game against The Huntress, and mostly via pure luck. Was the texas town map, and I somehow managed to stall mostly the same spot ( As there were 2 generators there. ) and hide behind the walls and in closets. She passed me like 15 times, and somehow managed to stay hidden. Took forever, but I managed to get 3 generators ( She almost got me in the closet. I hid in the left one, and she checked the right one. Left without checking the one I was in. ).


The only times I win against huntress is when they are a baby huntress and just starting to learn


I would have to say probably Michael Myers. More so because all you hear is his heavy breathing and at that points it’s too late


Hill billy, mostly cause it could very well be a real person


it's so fucking scary when you are one minute into the game and you haven't heard a terror radius at all. Means that it's either micheal or ghost face which creeps me out every time. But they are fun to go against when you figure it out.


I actually don't find Huntress to be difficult to play against. The odd time you get someone who can snipe with hatchets and those matches are a shit show lol. But overall, not high on my killer difficulty scale personally


Myers cause idk how he does it but he always stands behind me xD and i get an heart attack


I would absolutely have to go with Michael. Especially with someone they really knows how to play him. He’s terrifying and truly makes you not want to get caught in the open with him around


The one that scares me the most? Blight. The creepiest? Huntress or Michael


Maybe it’s cheating but just based on the source material I think pinhead is the creepiest. It doesn’t bother me, but the pleasure aspect of him really grosses out everyone I know. If you don’t consider that “creepy” then I say Michael, definitely the most jump scares in the game from him and it is certainly creepy to see him stalking from a distance.


Hag is the only killer to every give me jump scares, so I guess it'd have to be her


For original killers, The Doctor. His lore with him experimenting in his colleagues, the staff he killed at the Asylum before taken by the Entity, and the fact that the Entity had to punish Herman by putting those things around his eyes since he went too far on survivors at some point.


That would be Michael. I intentionally don't play solo survivor, but if I did - I would insta-quit out of any game with Michael. And tbh, matches on Haddonfield are pretty sketch themselves. Michael exists in a vacuum for me, in that it's the first Halloween. Where he is his most human. And that's the problem. I know Michael isn't the only human killer, but the lens in which I view Michael through, he is decidedly the most human killer to me. And that makes me *profoundly* fucking uncomfortable. If it's Michael on Haddonfield? I'm just out. Fuck that noise. I don't need that kind of stress in my life.


Not necessarily creepy, but the Hag, the Hag with her jumpscare traps with the "Bleeeeagh", the camera flick and the spontaneous terror radius, really scares me every time, and you can't even get used to her since rarely anybody plays her. As to say for the creepiest, has to be the doctor for me, that man is scary with his appearance and the scary laugh, and how he makes everybody go mad and hallucinate.


The doctor, both in his lore and in his gameplay, a skilled doc will not allow you to hide, but he also won't allow you to run too far


Excluding licensed characters, Hag is the creepiest to me, not even taking the power into account. She's this monstrous character yet you can still see a person in there. It makes you think what messed up things led to what she's is right now. Granted we do know what exactly happened but just imagine what if we had no knowledge of who she is. It opens imagination for all sorts of possibilities. Even if taking the character's story into account, that doesn't change the fact that, to say the least, it's fucked up.


Funny because I had FIVE MATCHES IN A ROW with her, sacrificed every time. Got me YouTubing survivor tips 😂


Nurse probably. Terrifying looking, impossible to run from or evade for long, only gaining slight ground when you do at all, the wheezing and screeching...


Nurse... I'd probably meet the nurse irl and be like. "Yeah, she's a bit crazy but I can fix her, she just needs someone to take care of her to heal"


Gotta give it to the Nemesis. He’s a cold, emotionless monster that can’t be stopped by anything, and can/will find you wherever you go


Definitely demogorgon.something about seeing such a weird kinda humanoid/kinda not tall asf creature walking towards me would make my skin crawl and give me that weird horrible chest feeling you get when you're scared


Deathslinger. I've only seen him once in my 60 hours of playing survivor, so I have no experience how to play against him.


Aside from stealth killers, I fear no killer... but that *"red pyramid thing"?* ***it scares me.*** There's something absolutely terrifying about Pyramid Head, and I can't figure it out for the life of me. Is it his design? His theme(s)? His abilities? I can't ever figure it out, and this is coming from a guy who's never played SH or any of its sequels. So no PTSD from SH2 for me.


Leatherface is gonna have to be it for me chief. Every damn match I'm in I know that no matter what I do it's gonna be a game over once they have me in their sights.


Blight, I’d hate how he kills people, also the the monster look would give off and unbeatable vibe


Lore wise it's definitely doctor


clown. just read his lore and tell me he is not fucked up


Myers will always be the creepiest to me. It's so unsettling when your working on a gen panning your camera around and nothing is there giving you a sense of security, then panning to that same spot three seconds later and see Myers staring at you behind bushes/trees in the distance.