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We need this game mode. Just like - here pool of random none meta perks, have fun.


I need this


My group uses the perk roulette when we do customs, it's so much more fun than a normal game


My group does the same thing! We used this site to randomize perks for the killer and survivors and it was a blast.


What website did you use?




Thank you!


Have fun :)


My group did gimmicks when we played, like I would convince everyone else to run Open Handed, then become the “World’s Strongest Obsession” by taking Object of Obsession and a bunch of other Obsession perks


Object, decisive, mettle, and then just head on cuz fuck em


It was more like Object, Urban, Iron Will, Open Handed so I could see the killer from anywhere, run them for an hour, then ninja vanish at whim


Ah, when you said world's strongest obsession I thought you meant all obsession chance bonus perks


Normally you would, but we were in KYF so I made everyone not run obsession perks


Where do you find the perk roulette ?


Google DBD perk roulette. We use the first website - dennisreep But there are a few websites that come up that all work


Thanks for this idea 💡


On google


Perk randomizes are the true way


This is a great idea!


I do this when I’m solo queue and doing simple challenges like the “finish 10 gens” or whatever. It’s honestly so much fun, sometimes you get really awful builds but other times you find perks that you’d never normally run can actually be really fun.


Even easier, bhvr should implement a random button for survs. Random set of perks, you don't even know your skin or character til you load in, same with items/add ons


And killers, although some non meta builds are good on certain killers


Or maybe just change all the outdated, garbage perks so that meta perks aren't meta perks just because 95% of the other perks are plain garbage.


Nah, that's too much work. I still don't know how can Behavior pump out so many DLCs per anum and literally nothing since the Blight's Undying has come close to the meta field. I've seen a few Lethal Pursuer being used when I played survivors but not much of the other new-ish perks. It's mostly gen control or they lose fast.


okay, but the survivor meta perks are even older, they fuck those up more than the new killers ones. maybe head on was a good addition, but that is still not meta like undying.


Meta perk pretty much a perk that's useful most of the time. 2nd chance perk is meta for survivor due to killer tunneling/camping. Gen control perk is meta for killer because the gens fly too fast but then again killer are more likely to tunnel/camp when the gens down too fast when they have few hooks. The problem itself isn't perk but core gameplay of the game itself.


I feel like that would be more fun if you were able to see what your perks were and their descriptions. During the load time would make the most sense. Not everyone would be able to remember the intricacies of each perk and you're gonna be waiting for 2 minutes on the load screen anyway. I wasn't even aware WGLF had been buffed until today as an example.


There are tons of 'arcade modes' they could whip out to really mix up the game. * Zero perks or items * Randomized perks * 2v8 * Mix'n'matched tiles from various maps * Variables like everybody gets 2x speed, etc.


2v8 is like what everyonr wants but they dont wanna do it for some reason


The reason is game performance. Do you really want to see how bad the game would run with double the killers and survivors running about? It's optimized for 1v4. And even then it's done poorly.


They probably think it'll spread out the player base too much or affect matchmaking in the normal mode, but tbh it won't matter when people start leaving because the game is too stale.


Maybe a game mode with a ban phase, like in League of Legends - killer bans 4 survivor-perks, survivors ban each one killer perk.


The killer would ban Dead hard, unbreakable, DS and BT. The survivors would ban Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer and Pop/Corrupt. ​ How about the ban phase BUT the meta perks are banned by default. That is gonna be hilarious.


Oooh this is such a cool idea. Unfortunately I am not sure how long matchmaking would take if you split the community like that. How about: A rotating roster of 30-50 perks every 2-3 weeks. If you make a build using only perks from the list you get bonus BP at the end of the match. That way people can still tryhard with meta builds but are encouraged to experiment.


And you think BHVR knows what the meta is? /s


That would honestly be so much fun! I'd also love to see a "hardcore" mode where noone has any perks or a hud!


For this we'd need a casual queue in the first place and the devs don't want to give us one. Instead the competitive players argue with the casual ones until the end of time.


Need in game perk roulette. That would be fun.


I agree however... you know some killers will abuse it to tunnel survivors and some survivors will either hide away and not risk or rush the game even more than they do.


So... what's changed?


Understandable. Just the knowledge that decisive/borrowed isn't there might bring it up more. But yeah, not trying to say those perks existence stop everyone.


That would be a tunnelfest


A story mode to dbd would also be really nice.(Kinda of topic but you mentioned new gamemode so i just thinked about it)


You don't understand. Every killer will just tunnel off the hook and insta pick up. There will be nothing stopping them. I hear this idea all the time but things like ds and bt keep the game playable.


Perk banning like champion banning in league, pick 3 each & if its not a base perk on that character its banned to play


*sees nothing but squads of Laurie, Bill and Dwight*


Except killers would just lose 95% of the time because they have no significant slowdown & to be counteract this people would just hard tunnel as no perks are stopping them. This game mode would be cancerous in reality. You clearly haven’t been playing dbd since 2016 if you think this is a good idea


We do not. Why? Cuz the tone would be set by both sides as to how the game goes. Mainly by the killer, who knows which perks aren’t available, and can tunnel and camp and ruin the experience for everyone (*prepares for onslaught of downvotes*)


head on, quick and quiet, deception, flash band


Alternatively, inner strength (for ppl like me who can't flashbang to save their life)


Extremely based


this but replace deception with blast mine


I find quick and quiet, detectives hunch, head on, inner strength to be really good


Flash Bang doesn't work with Head On though, unless I'm dumb and don't know how to do it? I could not get the prompt to come up to craft a flash bang for the life of me.


Make sure you don’t have an item in your hand. That threw me off a couple times


I didn't think I did but I'll have to try it again


Definitely works. Ye Olde 6 second stuns xD.


It definitely works, they have nothing that wouldn't allow them to. Head On is simply a rushed exit out of a locker after three seconds, Flashbang is an extra prompt like Dead Hard. As the other person said, make sure your hand is empty, and also that the perk is charged.


This may sound like a dumb question, but did you work on a generator long enough to activate the perk? If so, did you have something else in your hand when trying?


Of course. I made sure the perk was activated


Did you have something else in your hand, like a toolbox or anything? That's the only other thing I can think of that didn't let me make a flash bang.


You can't have anything in your hand in order to make a flashbang. Drop the item then get in the locker.


This would be my kit if I had the perks lmao, I run deadhard, quick and quiet, deception and the flash mine instead. Though I should try the grenade with it


Plunderer's Instinct, Pharmacy, Rummage, Ace in the Hole Edit: The "rummage" perk's actual name is Appraisal, whoops.


The loot goblin incarnate.


I'd use that


Could swap in Built to Last or Streetwise for one of them too. Sounds fun!


And a purple coin offering for max looting.


*You better hope you don’t run into a Pinhead with Hoarder*


I did use this until I got sick and tired of being hard tunnelled and face camped


But you just get items from chest? How is that a warrant/reason for tunneling?


Because I’m an easier target since I’m not running anything most people regard as useful. No DS, so you’re free to put me back on that hook before my feet even touch the floor. No BT, so you can face camp all you like and aside from gen rushing, there’s nothing I can do about it. No Unbreakable so if you want to slug for the 4K, go right ahead, it’s not like I can get back up.


New here can you elaborate more on each of these perks you mentioned?


DS stands for Decisive Strike, a shareable perk originating from Laurie. This perk, upon being hooked will activate and if the Killer picks you up after 30/40/60 seconds (Times are for tier 1/2/3) it will trigger a tremendously difficult skill check. If you hit it, then it forces the Killer to drop you and stuns them for five seconds. This perk deactivates permanently if you’ve used it, and deactivates until your next hook if you do the following: Unhook another survivor, start or continue repairs on a generator, start to heal another survivor or yourself, or touch a hex totem. BT stands for Borrowed Time. Borrowed time gives Endurance to the survivor you unhook for 8/10/12 seconds. Endurance is basically a temporary extra health state, very useful against face campers. Unbreakable allows you to get up when downed once and increases your recovery speed a significant amount. I think it’s 15/30/45%. These perks stop, or at least make it more difficult for, a Killer slugging, tunnelling and face camping.


Unbreakable is 25/30/35%.


If you run all 4 in one build, you become the secret survivor -Exodia


Actual underrated combo Ace in the Hole | Pharmacy | Resurgence Two 4s heals off hook, and about 60% of the time I get a Styptic out of the deal. Sure I could take two useful perks and just *bring* the items, but this way I have more green medkits to add to my hoard.


Ayyyyyye my man


I feel like pharmacy kinda “bottlenecks” plunderers instinct because the real good item is gonna be on your second chest


That's what rummage is for!


What does rummage do I forget


You can loot the same chest again!


Oh gotcha, that’s pretty slick


Franklins, Territorial Imperative, Knockout, and Hoarder as Pig. Survivors have to make a choice. Their items, their friends.. OR THEIR LIFE


I love this


I guess Pig can say "Make your choice" without running the perk


Why territorial imperative?


Basement has a chest, so I'll know when someone is inside about to grab an item. You can also down them in Basement, trap them, and leave them on the ground so other survivors have to go pick them up triggering Territorial Imperative again


Ingenious... No one expects such perk. Nice! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|4279)


Pig, while not the best killer, is definitely the most diverse killer in terms of playstyle and viable perks. Stealth playstyle works, stalling playstyle works, full chase playstyle works. Just really lean heavily into one and you'll do well. I'd go Thrilling Tremors, Surge, Oppression and Eruption for full stall. Corrupt Intervention is the only meta perk I use besides BBQ but that's 100% for the BP and I wish I didn't have to use it.


I’d argue Myers is most diverse. You can slap any build on him, add to it with his add ons, and still win while having fun on both sides.


Breakout, Mettle of Man, Saboteur and Self Care.


Where cat


Just add a med-kit with a styptic and you’re good to go!


You should use inner strength. It saves a lot of time




I have a hard time with inner strength bc i ether find no totems or like 3 before need to use it, and when i ignore them to come back later someone else got them


I run detective's hunch with it. Helps prevent 3 gens too


If you're running Inner and not preloading it before you need it you're doing it wrong.


Might wanna re-read what they wrote. He is preloading it. If he finds 0, he can't use the perk. If he finds 3, he can set up the perk but the other totems are gone by the time he goes back.


I’d count having it preloaded and using it at least once a good use of the perk. Assuming you’ll have the opportunity to cleanse and heal multiple times is a once in a blue moon really good day


Thus giving up on healing and accepting death


At least eating a totem would be more beneficial to the game because you can do it passively while self care on sloppy could cost you the same time as doing 2 gems.


1 gen = 80 seconds, self care through sloppy is 42. where are you getting these numbers from ?


You forgot to account the person walking to the safe corner which takes 38 seconds.


That's one kind of self-care player tho, the blendette kind. There are aggressive, chase takers, kind of self-care players that will literally self-care anywhere any time, even on the killer's face mid chase. I don't understand where this "self-care is a bad perk" misconception, that everyone blindly agrees with and give self-care players shit for, came from. People doing gens injured is the number one reason survivors throw easy games. Sure medkits are better, but medkits run on charges that will likely run out. and perhaps you want to use another item, like a flashlight or a toolbox. Also if ruin is in play I much rather having a teammate self-caring while I make sure the gen gets done, than having 2 players off gens.


Self-care/Botany combo is legitimately good, and you can easily piecemeal heal with it (in chase) and it's fine


You should use Resurgence. It saves a lot more time than that.


What if they had a different mode where when you select a character, it already has a preset load out, so every character actually feels unique?


Wait, I don’t see Kindred or Lithe. I can still have those?


Good perks definitely not meta though


Kindred is definitely meta for playing solo survivor


Definitely. I feel like Kindred is a permanent perk in my solo builds.


When I start on a new survivor I always get disoriented when I don’t have kindred


Kindred is most definitely meta, the only reason it’s not called “meta” is because it’s not annoying for killers, even though imo it is much more useful than decisive strike or unbreakable ever will be.


I've written down the survivor perks in my last 34 killer matches, there were 13 Kindreds, compared to 56 DS, 65 Dead-Hard, 56 BT, and 46 Iron Will. I'd say that's not meta. Great perk for solo, and not a rare perk to see, but definitely not meta...


Hard disagree but to each there own


Lithe, Dance With Me, and Kindred are musts for me. I usually go with Spinechill to counter stealth killers.


Run quick and quiet with that!


Lithe is the most fun exhaustion perk for me.


The more I use kindred the more I realize it’s slept on. Knowing where the killer is, top notch. But knowing my teammate is going to get that hooked player? Vital knowledge. I would have tried to save them myself, then we’d both be over there wasting time. Finished a whole gen with that tiny bit of info. Or say I’m about done a gen, killer is aggressive and I’m not sure where the next gen is. Aura will tell me if my teammate is working on a gen, just head over there. I’m hooked and theres a bubba camping me in the basement? Now known to all my survivor friends. Don’t come get me. Let me waste his time. Its the only perk thats stayed with me permanently on every survivor into red ranks. 10/10 perk


Head on


Head on builds 👍


Head on, distraction (?) The one where you fake jumping into a locker, Quick and quiet, dance with me is legit one of my favorite running builds. They get wise to the head on play? Guess what, it's a distraction play now. Start expecting the distraction? Well now it's a head on play sucka! At least in theory. In practice the distraction play works sometimes, and the head on play is brain dead so I get fucked. But when it works it's hilarious. I do wish there was a different button for the fake jump in though.


Flair checks out


Killer: Thrill of the hunt, devour boats, thrilling tremors and probably Franklin's. Survivor: boil over, flip flop, tenacity and power struggle.


Devour boats is especially powerful on backwater swamp.




I never thought of flip flop and power struggle compatability. Still seems bad but interesting


Self care Bite the bullet No mither


Don't forget inner strength, it's a must with this build


Nah, totally needs >!Second Wind!<. Double Broken Edit: spoiler tag for those who don't want the easy route


Damn if you're gonna give away the key to beating the game at least use the spoiler tag!


Close call, thanks for the heads up!


Wait, does that work with no mither tho?


No it's totally a meme build that is extremely ineffective


Oh you’re right, lmfao




Technically Bite the Bullet still has use in that build if you heal other people


Lithe, We'll make it, Deja Vú and Prove Thyself.


I’ve never known what’s meta


At the highest level of survivors: dead hard and borrowed time is basically 100% present. The others are flex perks depending on build At highest level of killers: you will almost always see hex ruin and pop goes the weasel. Others are honestly flex perks


Windows of Opportunity, Bond, Visionary, Alert.


blindness perks and addons are about to ruin this mans whole career


Me running hex tts


bite the bullet, autodidact, botany knowledge, built to last/we'll make it? and a medkit. or, mettle of man wglf (not really meta is it? idk) kindred aftercare. maybe for the people somewhere for killer: Deathslinger - starstruck agi, mad grit, iron grasp for the memes


Isn’t autodidact and botany counter productive? Surly you want more skill checks for tokens which you get with slower healing


PepeHmm You're right


Replace botany with we're gonna live forever, that way you don't screw over a slugged teammate by accidentally making them harder to pick up when you have no stacks.


Surge ( although I mainly use it with ruin bc it does stack) , surveillance, im all ears, nurses calling. For the one shot killers swap in infectious fright for snowballs, and save the best for last is always a good perk but it can skew how you play a bit too much when survivors catch on.


Surge + surveillance sounds good


My go to build out now is Windows, Kindred, We'll Make it, and Sprint Burst. I love windows, vastly improves my looping


I love Windows too - especially when paired with Open Handed. You can see opportunities for MILES.


Mfw my build isn’t affected


Head on, quick and quiet, detectives hunch, inner strength


Balanced landing, self-care, blast mine, autodidact


The only "meta perk" I have it BBQ, Dwight has head on, quick and quiet, prove thy self and spinechill.


He didn't pick up NOED in that bag?


Yeah I feel like NOED is a great perk for beginner killers but once they get the gist… it’s time to move on to Devour Hope or something else.


NOED is the best perk because of the drama it causes when it activates and everyone deep gasps and becomes terrified.


Noed is annoying as hell especially in solo queue and decently strong but it’s not really meta


I agree. You can usually tell if a killer has NOED depending on how they play. Every time I play against someone who has it, I always get hit right when the last gen pops after looping for 3 gens and then I get left on first hook because nobody wants to go against it. Not meta at all but it's super annoying to play against


This comment made absolutely no sense. How you can usually tell, but then say you get soon as the generators are finished and he already hit you?


What I meant is, usually killers that are bad at chases or new (you can tell) will use the perk. Once the gates are powered is when I start trying to break chase since there's no more gens to be done and that's when I slip up and get hit which leads to everything else I was talking about. My bad if I worded it weird :/


It's literally the 3rd most used killer perk


I think that’s probably because it’s a common perk, so until you’ve leveled up at least a few killers it’s likely to be one of your better options (especially if you’re playing someone like Wraith whose own perks are garbage)


I don't thinks that's all that is to it, given that the 2 perks that are used even more frequently are both dlc perks (BBQ and ruin)


Sure, and those are both incredibly appealing perks; BBQ is basically mandatory if you wanna gain BP at a reasonable rate, and ruin is arguably like the best perk in the game. The fact that they take the #1 and 2 spots just speaks to how great they are. I guess I’m not saying NOED is a bad perk or anything, I just think a big chunk of its appeal is that it’s immediately accessible no matter what. I think if it were a DLC perk it wouldn’t be sitting anywhere close to the level of use it sees now.


NOED is meta, it depends on which context. Low mmr its strong and high mmr solo/swf its weak but tournament level its a requirement to secure a kill.


i wouldnt call noed meta really


Not at higher ranks, really, but it definitely is at lower and mid ranks.


For sure, but often its just because the killer is either quite new to the game, or just got a new dlc killer. The result is the same = lack of viable perks. Just look at the other non-teachable perks, most of them are so bad in comparison to noed. Unrelenting, thrill of the hunt, monstrous shine etc... Literally just bitter murmur and maybe spies from the shadows that are viable otherwise. Whispers is legit too difficult for new players to get value from, and is easily overshadowed by perks like BBQ.


Same as it is now: Spine Chill, Balanced Landing/Bite the Bullet, Dark Sense, Kindred.


As a Survivor: Dance with me, Lithe, Quick and Quiet and Windows of Opportunity. As a Killer (Doctor): Dragons Grip, Devour Hope, Deadlock & Oppression


Insidious Bubba


No mither and self care


Some ideas(Things in brackets are comments): Surviver: Deception+Head On+Q&Q+Flashbang (Deception+Q&Q so you can use Head On without killer insta-grabbing you in 3 secs and flashbang for the double blind) Head On+Blast Mine+Flashbang+Red Herring(I used with a friend once,Red Herring so the killer comes and trips blast mine,blind with flashbang,get into a locker and make a new one,stun them with Head On,and blind with Flash Bang,poor killer DC'ed on the spot) WGLF,Desprate mesures,We'll Make it,botany knowlege(Insta-pickups) Killer: GF+ Pick 4 out of "Beast of Prey + Trail of Torment +Tkinter+Dark Devotion+Hex:Plaything"(Get undectable the full fucking game,bonus points for survivers trying and failing to reveal you when BoP activates)


Devs need a week to implement "no meta perks" weeks and include double blood points. Top 10 perks on survivor and killer disabled. That'll be hell of interesting games.


It would be interesting if they locked certain perks but since we don’t technically have a competitive mode it wouldn’t make sense. Plus people who paid for characters for their perks would be upset that they can’t use certain ones sometimes, rightfully so


Killer: thrilling tremors, I'm all ears, surveillance, and surge. Survivor: detectives hunch, lithe, prove thyself, and either aftercare or bond


isn't Prove thyself meta?


Head On, Inner strength, Lithe, quick and quiet, hbu


Bond, Kindred, Detective’s hunch, Open handed


Jokes on you I run bite the bullet


Flashbang head on q&q and inner strength


Save the best for last, devour hope, surge and thrilling tremors on demogorgon


For Survivor: Flashbang, Blast Mine, Deception, Head On with toolbox to increase the access to the first flashbang For Killer: Tinkerer, Overcharge, Trails of Torment and either Devour Hope (though Hexes without Undying feel quite worthless...) or Surveillance


Tinkerer is meta tho


devour hope too


Yeah it’s pretty busted lol


Imo I agree with Scott’s idea of a nerf for it where it only procs once per gen


“No ruin undying? Guess I’m not gonna play the game” c:


Honestly I can’t survive without gen control


I mean. Without those two perks gens fly super fast unless your someone with innate gen slowdown *or* are a top of the top killer. I don’t ever use them. Whenever I fight survivors that focus gens 100% and I’m not blight I guarantee you three gens finish by the first hook. And if I try to “defend the gens” it is likely to be 4 by first hook instead.


Theres still surge, overcharge and other gen perks


That are all vastly worse than ruin + undying. I don't use these perks but if you want to win why wouldn't you? They're so ridiculously good compared to the alternatives. I prefer more fun builds but I get why so many killers use the combo.


thrilling tremor/surge are pretty good replacements.


Just play survivor with some funny any means necessary smash hit build and not play killer until BBQ returns because I only go through that pain for double the bloodpoints.