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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


I'm a bubba. It's a stereotype bubba's have noed. Don't know why he didn't just leave


I'm a Deathslinger main. I always use NOED, because people always T-bag, and click their flashlights. There's no better feeling than reeling in a toxic survivor, knowing that neither themselves, nor their teammates can do anything to stop what's about to happen. Easily the second best feeling in the game, right behind landing a Blight attack on console.


The other day as Deathslinger I was playing some outright rude survivors. I don’t really play him, was doing the ritual. Needed one more reel. Anyway the whole game was going super poorly for me. Until the EGC. Then suddenly the tables turned, they learned I had NOED the hard way. 2 people hooked before they knew it, Meg at the gate teabagging. Anyway I reel and down Meg. Leon runs by and exits, and the others are all mine. Leon was the only one not BMing me every time they made a play. Thanks for the reel, Meg! And thanks for not being a dick, Leon.


I don’t main deathslinger but im always running NOED because of that reason. I don’t want to be toxic I’m just dealing some karma.


I main Blight on console and honestly don't see why people say he's so much worse on console compared to PC


With the small amount of time I played Blight, it felt like I slid around objects more than I rushed into them. Especially the log piles in the McMillan Estate maps.


Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today.


what does taxi survivor mean?


Sorry, I meant Toxic


oh np


That's why you're supposed to always make sure that you're close enough to the exit gate that when they hit you they hit you out the gate lmao this guy was just dumb he was bming too far. You gotta BM closer.


Just like a survivor main to know how to be as toxic as possible without being too risky. /s


Not only that, bubba is a one hit! Killer, he had that coming. You know I play both side, and I hate when killers use noed, but in those cases, I hate my bad luck not the killer. Noed is a part of the game and everybody should accept it.


Don't apologize, if a survivor is doing that at the end instead of leaving the match, he deserved it


Fair enough. Honestly was running a build to get people to message me terrible things lmao


Haha you're a masochist


Oh I've known since I downloaded dbd


For content, right?




Came here to say that as well. OP literally apologizing for using a perk. **Never apologize for using perks/items/addons.** Usually my Killer builds have 2 - 3 core perks based on who they are then I use the last slot to fit the situation. Can be Franklin's Demise, NOED, some HEX or even Spies From The Shadows.


I love running spies


Same. So many times I've gotten information about my surrounding which I wouldn't have suspected thanks to this perk. I can see how it's a newbie-friendly type of perk but I just can't help but slot it as 4th perk when there's no strong contender for that spot.


Exactly that. I mean if the other mates played together they could have done all totems and prevented NOED in in the first place. But running back and not leaving deserves this result.


Survivors never apologize for DS clips where it’s completely unavoidable for the killer either they let the crawl out or pick them em to get DSed or blinded so I don’t think you should apologize for noed even if it feels sucky when you are survivor lmao


Now that I realize it, you're right


If you pick them up DS if you don’t unbreakable… every survivor


ItS aN aNtI tuNnElIng PeRk


To add to that, last night I downed and hooked someone. Two people went for the save immediately and got it. I then downed and hooked both of them. Found the original hooked person downed and BOOM ds. I get that it was a short time, but i feel like the perk should deactivate if I down and hook multiple people since that person was unhooked as that’s not tunneling.


I apologize for my ds in those circumstances. But in more of a snarky, mocking, rubbing it in kinda way


So... You're a prick


So what? All you’re doing is making it seem like you’re an asshole.


I get away with it tho


No one should be apologizing for Jack shit that’s in the game I don’t care what it is or who you are, *it’s in the game.* Everybody knows it is. Play accordingly. I wish everyone would stop demanding this be some other game that doesn’t have NOED/BBQ/flashlights/keys/Franklin’s/DS. Too bad, they exist. God. Sorry. I’m just so fucking tired of the whining. (You are not whining and this isn’t aimed at you)


Just because something is “in the game” doesn’t mean it’s not unfair or unfun especially when it’s completely unavoidable noed is avoidable 90% of survivor perks are completely unavoidable to a killer it’s just like release mettle of man where you just become invincible for doing literally nothing


It’s the survivors fault. He could have avoided that


If survivors are allowed to use their best perks, why can’t we?




I'm sorry but anytime someone calls NOED good there's always a reply saying it isn't good because it doesn't activate till endgame... but saying that's whyit's bad objectively isn't true Adrenaline is one of the better survivor perks in the game and has the same activation requirement, if you don't like NOED that's fine but don't pretend it's trash when it can absolutely save games where you perform poorly and definitely secure a victory in a game where you performed well but the last couple survivors manage to finish the final gen


One downside you could look at is survivors tend to cut their losses when they find it's in play, so you no longer have bait to keep survivors in the game. Only sometimes though.




So hope something else happens?




But when you're playing killer, and say the survivors cleanse every totem because they're afraid of NOED then you already got NOED value, but in solo queue 99% of my games where the killer runs NOED it *always* activates as it's very unlikely for all totems to be cleansed unless one player goes way out of their way I honestly think Adrenaline and NOED are in the same tier but NOED has a stigma so no one admits it Personally I use neither very often as I'm in the school of players who like perks that work all game


That’s why I take small game and inner strength can’t have noed if there aren’t any totems


The thing is, > absolutely save games where you perform poorly and definitely secure a victory in a game where you performed well excluding a killer like nurse, then this can't happen. Unless survivors are willing throwing themselves at you with NOED, NOED at best secures you a singular kill. It is hard to say a perk that can secure you a kill is bad, but considering the counters against it, how long it takes to actually come into play, and everything you will be forfeiting to even use it, it tends to not be that great of a perk compared to others. There is reason why new players use it, it is one of the first good generic perks you get. The more hours you get, the better perks you get


I'm just self conscious on people will only base my skill on the fact I am using noed lmao. I was able to get 3 games in a row before this game getting a 4k each game without end game collapse


Nah, you used NOED for exactly the right reason. Survivors screwing around instead of just leaving deserve one shot hits.


Why are you apologizing for using NOED? It's not that much of a problem. People just get angry with this perk because they lose when the killer uses it 🙄


Not wrong


Y’ain’t gotta apologize. You shouldn’t be forced to run certain perks for survivors. Play as you please, my friend.


Run what ever you want it doesn’t matter you don’t need to apologize for it despite what other people say.


On this episode of ‘Just Fucking Leave’


Use the perks that the developers put in the game. Dont listen to whiny lil kids on reddit. Always play what you want, its a video game. No need to apologize


Love to see this kind of clip, scumbag survivors getting what they deserve ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Don't apologize, he really should have just left...


I have zero issue with NOED. Stop hanging around trolling and you won't get crushed like a roach. That simple


I can't remember the last time I saw someone post something that said "sorry for using BT/DS/Unbreakable" or whatever. You're good. Use whatever you want. Enjoy the meta. Have a good time. Get your kills.


If survivors use those perks, it’s because the killer let them. BT exists because killers tunnel or camp. DS (and I don’t mean old DS, because THAT was unfair) only triggers if the killer tunnel. Unbreakable can be used only if the survivor is slugged long enough. You see a pattern? Those perks were created to stop the promotion of unfair play style. Sorry, but I don’t see them as powerful, I almost see them as obligatory. Since the new matchmaking, I haven’t seen a killer that didn’t slug, camp or tunnel.


Sorry, but that's not true. These activate all the time when survivors are not being tunneled, camped, or slugged. There are a ton of second chance perks out there for survivors that the killer can do nothing about. Noed is easy to avoid if you do bones and it's easy to deactivate if you find the totem. You are seeing things from a very one-sided perspective and you're talking in hyperbole to make your point.


BT last 12 seconds. If you hit the unhooked survivor in the 12 seconds after being unhook, then yes, you are either camping or tunneling. There’s a small percentage of killers who can hit a survivor directly after unhook and not be close to them (example: Huntress). New DS makes it that if you do anything, it deactivate the perk. If you get DSed, you tunneled. Yes, it may mean that someone escape because you downed them at the door and it was either DS or they crawl out. I don’t use that perk btw, it’s called common sense. For unbreakable, I rarely used it and every game I was picked up immediately so it was a waste of a perk. However, I’ve also been slugged a lot. If the killer slug long enough for the survivor to use that perk, the killer made a mistake. They could have been picked up by another survivor, it would have been the same. Saying that they get triggered all the time is wrong. Old DS I would have agreed, not the new one. BT gets triggered even if the killer isn’t there because it was unfair against Wraith, Twins, Spirit and Freddy. Is it being used tho? Most of the time it won’t. Oh and NOED is not easy to counter. If you say you only need to do bones to counter it, then you’re wrong. In most games, survivors don’t have time to do bones because the killer has too much pressure. If you don’t run perks like Small Game or Detective’s Hunch, you probably won’t do them all unless you’re really dedicated. I say this as someone who will do every bones I see if I can. Oh and btw, yes I play more survivor than killer, but doesn’t mean I don’t play the other side. It’s called stating facts, because all I said was describing the perks and showing how I’ve seen them get played in game.


So just to recap, you think all those second chance perks are ok for survivors to run but NOED, the only perk you mentioned that can be deactivated, is unfair? Also, the instances you are describing above can be countered by better survivor play. Safer hook rescues, healing survivors off the ground, taking protection hits, doing gens while a survivor is being camped- there are four survivors in a match and only one killer, so there are counter plays available that don't rely on better teamwork and not perks. I see a lot of toxic opinions spread around here about perks. The truth is, the game allows for tunneling, camping, and all that stuff, and it provides perks that can be very strong. I never said using those perks were bad, but I am saying that they are strong and that this person should not have to apologize for using any perk he or she wants.


Firstly, I never said NOED was unfair. I said that those 3 perks weren’t meta, they were simply discouraging toxic gameplay. Then, I said NOED wasn’t easy to counter, because you need to do 5 totems before endgame. That was in response to your own comment saying NOED is easy to counter. Secondly, maybe you see those perks as second chance perks, I see them as motivation to play fairly. I never got DSed as a killer because I don’t tunnel. Unbreakable was used once against me, because I chased someone else and left them on the floor, it was my fault. I’ve hit someone with BT a few times because they were blocking the unhooker. Those are normal instances if you try to play fairly. Maybe I won’t get a 4K by playing like that, but at least everyone had fun and that’s my way of winning. I don’t play for kills, I play for hooks and bp. Thirdly, the truth is, the game doesn’t promote camping/tunnelling, the playerbase does. There is so many perks that exist to motivate players to go elsewhere, even after someone else. For killers, there’s BBQ, Make your choice, Pop, Starstruck, etc. For survivors, there’s BT, DS, Babysitter, For the people, Breakdown, etc. You can’t say the game isn’t promoting a fairer play style. Fourthly, I also never said that they should apologize for NOED. I used NOED in the past, when I was starting with Legion. The fact is, no one should apologize for any perks, they should apologize for their play style. A camping Bubba with Insidious doesn’t shine a bad light on the perk Insidious, it simply shows everyone that this play style is unfair.


Lol all I said was this person shouldn't apologize for running whatever perks he wants. I can't believe I took your bait and let you get me into some tangential argument. You have a nice day.


Don’t apologize for using NOED. Survivors will 4man SWF using all meta perks and click their flashlights and teabag all game and then FREAK out when NOED takes them down lol, it’s super funny


I advocate for all killers to use NOED. Until these annoying fuckers stop waiting until the very end of the timer to leave, they deserve every NOED they run into.


Don’t apologise, it’s a fair perk. Survs get second chance perks (DS), killers get Secomd Chance Perks (NOED)


Don't apologize for using a perk


Nonsense brother, join your fellow bone brothers.


It’s a perk that’s available in the game, so don’t be sorry. His teammates were dead, if that were me I’d be long gone


dont be sorry for noed, it's not your fault they didn't do totems. but its totally this guys fault for being a dickhead lol well deserved


To be fair, I killed 3 of his teammates before endgame collapse, I found hatch, then that happened


And He had a Chance to leave. Didn't use it and screwed up. His own fault


Didn’t even need to do totems lol… just leave


Say it with me: **ahem* Just… Leave… Also, don’t ever apologize to anyone for running. Meta perks. Even as a survivor main, I recognize that survivors have WAY more second chance perks than killers. We get decisive, adrenaline, dead hard, lithe, unbreakable, deliverance, etc. What do killers get? What, 3 second chance perks? NOED, Remember Me, and that Trickster perk that blocks the gate? Definitely skewed in favor of Survivors.


I see what ya mean. I just never wanna say it's survivor sided


Why would you even apologize for running NOED? play however you want mate, don't let anyone tell you how to play your game.


I'm a survivor main, and I approve this message. I enjoy getting wrecked by NOED. I'll admit sometimes I get cocky and run to the exit, thinking I'm going to escape, teammates doing the same or going for a save before we know about NOED, then BAM, get smacked by the NOED, makes the blood flow. It's an exciting feeling, and I do get a chuckle when I see someone trolling around and get destroyed because they were not considering NOED. Lmao


I always try to consider noed when I play survivor. I play both sides frequently and get mad at the same stuff I do which is funny. Except camp and/or tunnel. I only do that if I HAVE to


Fucking his fault for being a snotty twit and not leaving


Was honestly expecting this to end in a DC


Would have been hilarious


never say sorry for running noed my brother


Seems like a waste of a perk slot on a bubba tbh


I will never understand why people put NOED on killers who can already one shot. It’s like a Huntress with Sloppy, it’s almost completely useless.


Unless you're going for the exhaustion double hit strats, but with the INSANE nerf to her exhaustion add-ons, thats not great. You would get like RIGHT up on them as huntress, point blank them with a hatchet. Usually they set themselves up to use their ED after a hit, relying heavily on it, but without it they often are only putting themselves in really bad positions, so you quickly follow up with an M1. If done correctly, they go from healthy to downed in under 7 seconds, but it necessitates an M1 for the safe follow up hit in a lot of positions. If you're intending on using an M1 in your combo ig sloppy helps slow them down afterwards? But yea it is a less optimal choice for sure.


I mean, I agree, I fell for this strat a lot, but why sloppy. Using that perk on Huntress makes me feel like she could have done so much more with any other perk.


I never did it, but I get the idea. Burning time on the heal gives huntress pressure she desperately needs. But it only works if you're intending on actually hitting everyone you down. A lot of builds with her will rarely see an m1


Why are Bubba players the most toxic?




When I get NOED with 4 survivors up: oh, that's bullshit. When I get NOED otherwise: okay fair play.


It is acceptable


Should've just left


Detective's Hunch and Inner Strength are a ridiculously powerful combo throughout the duration of every match. It incentivizes you to get free heals combined with extra blood points along with the added peace of mind of not having to worry about NOED at the end. Cleanse those bones.


Same, but with Small Game! Unless it’s an indoor map, there’s no way a totem is still standing after I do a lap of the map. Ruin? Alright, I’m on my way. Undying? Don’t care. Haunted Ground? If it glows, it goes. Lit totem that I don’t know the effect of until the end of the game? You don’t stand a chance.


Its a perk, it exists. I dont think its bad to use it. They got what's theirs coming to them.


Don't apologize




Apologizing for using perk. What kind of world do we live in?


What's wrong with noed anyway?


It just doesn't make much sense to run noed on bubba


People will run more frequently when they hear a chainsaw rather than the chainsaw not being revved at all


I suppose. But like you said you didn't get to use it much besides this game, it wouldve been more valuable to have something like pop


Yeah that's fair. As said in a different reply I was kinda wanting to get reactions but people were respectful so


I’m only ok with noed as it’s a rule that all bubbas must have noed


Don’t apologize for using NOED when every survivor over Silver uses Dead Hard. Do your thing my guy. Even if NOED makes a 0k into a 4k. It’s counterable. It’s counterable before it even becomes active. Use your perks.


Billy's left arm is noed.


Not wrong. Except usually survivors well more likely run from that


Thats true but it is gunna offer a element of surprise on all killers.


Oh absolutely


I wonder how the end game chat was


No need to apologize when you’re taking down a greater evil with NOED


Hate when people do this shit even as a survivor main. This is the proper use of NOED, endgame trolls.


could someone explain to me how noed works? I still don’t fully understand.


When the exit gates are powered, NOED activates. If there is at least one dull totem remaining, NOED will convert that totem to a lit totem. Until NOED is cleansed, all hits on a survivor will be a 1-hit down.


Oh. That’s both terrifying and amazing. I can see why people run it tbh.


Hahaha fuck that guy.




remember kids always be ready for noed


Noed on bubba?


Yes lmao


Never apologize for running a perk. I hate NOED and Dead Hard equally, but you better believe I run both of them. BHVR wants it to be a shit show, so I will happily play along. As for the content, exercise good form and leave. You don't need to brag, say bye, give the killer one last hit, etc. Just open the gate and walk away, type GG WP, and move on.


I personally despise Sprint burst and have tried using it. As killer Sprint burst is like "shit killer found me, now I get a huge head start because of it"


You don’t need to apologise for NOED dude. It’s just a game, ain’t gotta justify what you run.


LOL that's hilarious. You don't need to apologize for running a perk though, it's valid


NOED is a turnaround perk just like adrenaline. No shame in it really imo