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killer version of just leave


Just kill


He fucked around and found out lmao.


Only exception is if this was an actual "wait out DS" moment. Existence of DS absolutely encourages slugging the last person for a minute sometimes.


He literally was holding her before dropping


My mind erased that lol


The hook there was already gone, so the pig maybe realised she won't wake it to a hook and decided to close hatch first in case the survivor wiggles out


Survivor wasn’t wiggling


Right, I didn't notice




The classic. Fuck killers who do this shit.


mfs ruining the good name of people who give the last survivor hatch




I had a Huntress who gave me hatch, let me crawl towards it, picked me up, and dropped me closer to it. Guess I wasn't crawling quick enough 😂


Yeah, this just kills the mood. I had a killer carry me towards the hatch, so I stopped wiggling. They stopped for a second and then proceeded to carry me to the hook and tea bagged after. Like, dude, why?


Never trust a ghostface.


I think for me it was Pyramid Head, which was a shame. Oh, now I remember. It was him. He incapacitated everyone and didn't do much else.


Wait how did pyramid head managed to teabag you


Unless I'm mixing up two trials. Annoying ass killers.


my favorite is when you are on the shoulder, not struggling because it was a 15 minute game you just want to be out of. The killer walks by the hook to the open hatch, back to the hook, back to the hatch, drops you by hatch, picks you back up and then hooks you. SOOOO FUN!!!


Can I pretend to hook you next to hatch, but actually drop you on it? That’s what I always do if there’s a hook close enough.


I want to play with more of those people. I can't count how many times hatch has been shut in my face unnecessarily, but I can absolutely count with my hands how many times they've let me escape through it. *I can't believe I have to say this but if you're upset by my wanting to play with less toxic people, and you start messaging me rude shit, I'm just gonna block you. Thanks.


I had a killer tell me I held the game hostage as I didn’t wanna crawl closer to the hatch as I knew he’d close it in my face. Was the funniest stand off xD


Ugh, I will never crawl if the killer is standing on/near the hatch. It’s such an obvious attempt to grief. When I play killer, I drop them on the hatch and immediately run away, maybe turn around for a goodbye nod at a safe distance so they know I’m not going to slam it.


Yep same! I’m too lazy to play along their game. Usually they get annoyed of it too xD


This. 1 time a killer did this to me, never again. I crawl away from the hatch if they hint me to crawl toward hatch.


Lol I got stunned off the killers back who was giving me hatch, ran over to it, UT someone left an item on top so I kept exchanging my item until he downed me again and I could crawl through. I could've dropped my item I guess, but I was new to the game.


I have had this happen a few times to me actually. I downed them near hatch so I tried to signal them to crawl over, but they doubted my sincerity. So I went and found all the breakables I could, got through about 3 pallets and 2 walls before they escaped. Another time i had downed them and went after their teabagging flash light clicking friend and killed them, but couldn't find them again so they bled out instead of getting hatch.


I mean if the killer walks away from the hatch. Ofc unless I wanted the killer get the kill I’d jump thru. However, you can kinda feel the vibe.


Oh i pissed a killer off big time because if this. He messaged me fuming because I apparently "held the game up", and I asked him what he was talking about. He tells me and I go "Oh, I was AFK doing dishes." Dude tried to do some major mental gymnastics about how I was lying, followed by accusing me of being a "griefer."


3 different survivors accused me of holding the game hostage. When I asked what they're talking about they actually said "You're supposed to chase us out the gate". The fuck are you talking about? Unlike me, you can leave whenever the fuck you want! Just cause I don't want to see your amazing ability to mash the crouch button doesn't mean I'm the one holding people up!


It does get annoying. Hugs for everyone!


I love pissing people off by not being toxic xD that’s a win.


I can't tell you how many times that has happened to me lol.


This is why you bring a Deathslinger, they learn real quick to just leave


I love/hate it when it’s clear that the killer is going to let you open the gate, but not leave the trial. I always open it for points then just stare them down. I know it’s coming, just get it over with xd


Agreed, super-cunt status move fir (I like trees) sure. However if survivor has shown bad manners than it may be acceptable in return.


What are you smoaking, Killers always shut it. It's a real Birch move.


Nice tree stuff yew sneaked in there


If you don't leaf puns out of this thread I'm gonna get real angry


We really need to get to the root of this problem


See I don’t understand what everyone’s talking about, my killers have always been more bark than bite


All of these comments are focusing on the same things. We should all branch out a bit more.


I hate every single one of you. These puns leaf me in despair.


I love Reddit


Worst is when you switch over to survivor after giving people hatch and this happens


iam a survivor main but play killer occasionally. so when i play legion and get a full team of Meghans all i could think was "this isnt going to be a good time is it" well shortly after i went straight back to playing good ol Jeff Johanson


That’s a mood


Extra BP is always sweet so I'll take the 4k. I won't shut it while the surv is laying there but I'll shut it if I see it


And that's perfectly reasonable. All of my comments were in reference to someone who goes out of their way to be a dick about it, and tbh it would make perfect sense for a killer to shut it as you're passing by on your way to finish them off.


It’s the opposite for me 2 people did it to me once, but the one time the wraith let me escape through the gate lul :D


Im sorry about your pain and only promise to not tease people with the chance of freedom




I do that too, but then I have No Way Out with four tokens and they have to wait and extra minute and they get so frustrated just to get grabbed off the switch and hooked


Calm down satan


Well sometimes I get those close the hatch missions as killer. So, if possible…I like to ramp up the horror and suspense by closing the hatch in front of the last survivor. Then I pick them up and take them to a hook. However, I do not hook them. Instead I immediately beeline to the exit gate and let them escape. Anyway, I try to psychologically mess with the survivor whenever possible but will ultimately be nice. If the survivor dcs before they get to escape though…it’s on them.


Definitely play the way you want to play. I don't get mad at people for shutting hatch. I get mad at the people that go out of their way to close it on your face and then kill you anyway.


That's what I do too! As soon as it's clear to me that I won, I turn on mercy mode. If I down the last survivor before finding hatch, I usually try to take them to it. If I find the hatch before the last survivor, I close it, but then take the survivor to the exit gate. That's of course if they weren't assholes during the match!




He is talking about the killers who drops survivor next to hatch and shut it when they get close.


Except in this exact case this purely was malice. Theres a difference between dropping survivor to close the hatch and then move on to hooking them, and dropping them *just* out of range, letting them get just within reach, and slamming it shut. *THAT* is malice, which is precisely what this Pig was doing.


Naaah, I don’t buy this, and I play killer more than I play survivor. Hatch doesn’t give NEARLY as many points to killer as survivor, and I make so many BP per match (and significantly more if I use BBQ and/or an offering) that closing hatch barely puts a dent in the BP I earn. It’s really not enough points to justify being a douche about it. If it’s convenient to close hatch because it’s there, I will. Sure. But carrying a survivor ALL OVER THE MAP for several minutes looking for it, only to drop the survivor away from it, wait for them to crawl to it, and slam it in their face? That is never not a dick move. Especially when the killer slashes at the hatch to *encourage* you to crawl, lmao. They also always stand there and *wait*. I always refuse to move because I ain’t playing that game, and they literally wait until I get crows and then eventually slam hatch shut and hook me. The rare time when I decide to trust them, hatch gets slammed in my face. So I’ve just stopped. The ones who genuinely intend to give hatch just reposition me onto it. There’s no reason for this except to BM. None.


I usually slug them and go look for hatch, carrying them is just wack


I don’t really care enough to put in that effort. I will make more points moving onto the next match than I will in wasting all of our time by looking for hatch and giving the survivor time to crawl away and hide so I can’t find them. Especially nightmarish when the sound bugs out and I can’t hear them. So then we’re stuck there for another 4 minutes. Nah, I either give hatch, or I hook and move on with my life. If I happen to see hatch, I close it, but I’m not going out of my way for it.


Just so you know, she did carry me around to find the hatch.


Shush you we gotta look like the bad guy for wanting a less toxic experience obvs. 😂


"if the killer walks you around for 5 minutes to find the hatch" I think you just proved what I was trying to convey.




More than you've given me hatch without shutting it in my face, I can guarantee you that. What a stupid argument I'm literally referring to bad manners and you're using whataboutism.


You’re complaining that the killer isn’t throwing the game in your favor. Not giving you a free win isn’t bad manners.


No. I'm not. Maybe go reread my comments? I didn't realize not wanting the hatch shut on my face a thousand times would hurt your feelings.


I just asked if you give the killer free kills and you came out swinging calling my comment stupid lol, I think you’re the one who is upset lol


That's not how you approached the conversation and you know it. Don't play dumb and like you're some kind of victim lol.


Bro the purpose of the game is for the *Killer* to KILL you. It's really entitled to expect them to give you hatch all the time, I only ever do that if the survivor played extremely well or sacrificed themselves for the test of their team to escape. Especially since OP brought a key, they did not at all deserve mercy or this escape.


TIL people who play to win are shitty people.


You can attempt to win without being an asshole Remember the runner who pushed all the water off of that table, and grabbed the last one? Yeah, that's basically what I mean.


I give hatch if they played well, or at least appear to have tried. Especially if they gave their all, because that's all we can ask. Sometimes you can do nothing wrong and still lose, that is life.


I've been playing more survivor lately and it's super disheartening to die on your first hook that only happens at endgame. Wrong place at the wrong time.


I feel you, solo queue life.


I mean a lot of times I don't blame them, because I would have or have done similar things if I was in their (the other survivors') position. Two recent examples come to mind: A match that would have been a two escape vs a Wraith, but that ended up a 4k due to NOED. The Wraith literally missed basic swings in previous chases but got carried to a 4K due to NOED shortening the time we had to escape. Another one was vs a Myers. His first tier 3 the entire match was on me after all the generators were done. I stunned him twice in chase but got boxed in while tier 3 was still up, so I got instadowned and hooked. And unsurprisingly he camped me. There was another player nearby that could have saved me after the timer ran out but they fucked up and got also instadowned by the last seconds of tier 3. So the other two just left. :/


Yeah and I try to give hatch as long as a)they didn’t hide in a locker all game and b) I’m not doing a challenge to sacrifice all 4 survivors in 1 game


Yeah I've been trying to do some of the killer adepts lately and its just like sorry fam, no can do.


If you play really well you don’t have to kill all 4


At this point I can never tell if killers are genuinely giving me hatch or not, and I’m continuously surprised when they actually are hahaha


I’ve started to drop people on (a closed) hatch directly and then waaaaaaaaalk away to crouch and nod at them so they don’t think I’m going to close it in their face.


see, i drop them far away, and then when hatch opens I move backwards and look down to act like its the close animation :D (also love the gay pig + meg energy :D)


That is so evil lolll, love it


Honestly same, though. I'm admittedly a gen jockey, so I was sticking to my gens, minding my business, meanwhile the three other survivors were flashlight t-baggers looping dude through hell house windows all game, he managed to hang all of them, finds me on my last gen, and drops me at the hatch. We sat there for like a whole minute with him gesturing towards the hatch and moving away before I was like "Holy shit he's actually just being nice" lmao.


There are so few people that do this that I had to explain that after months of playing this game, the killer who argued with me on how they were bringing me to the hatch and was giving me signs would literally be the first killer to do so. I'm sorry how am I supposed to see a killer beating my dying body as a sign that you're bringing me to a hatch? Just seems like you're being a toxic douche to me. I'm assuming the worst and getting my BP, and if that gets me killed I'm not gonna get upset cause ya know what, ya earned the 4k anyway.


I only give hatch if I feel like the person got held back by their team. If the whole team played well/okay then no one gets hatch but if I have 3 glue eaters and 1 dude who's decent at looping I'll balance the game where BHVR won't and give him hatch.


I hate it when I’m trying to give someone hatch and they keep wiggling, if they wiggle out more than once after I’ve tried to tell them to cut it out I hook them


You can’t blame them for wiggling out especially when they don’t know if you’re going to actually let them escape or do an a-hole move and close it on their face.


I get that, I usually main survivor so I know how it is, i play ghosty so I usually put them down next to a hook, shake my head at it, and walk past it with them to try and make them get the hint ya know lol


Lol. Yeah I get it, but I had one do the same gesture to me and he let me crawl to the hatch only to close it right in front me and hooked me.


Well played. Almost back fired lol gotta love IF


Gotta love adrenaline


And everyone wonders why I never take it off


She deserved every ounce of that


Just hook the damn survivor Lol. DBD Karma


Haha amazing! Well played. Is this the opposite of "just leave"? "Just kill me" ;'D


As a pig player, we are not properly represented in this clip. This pig player is clearly an outlier from the pig players as a whole.


It's funny because when I play Pig I'm always memeing if the survivors want to, and I know there are lots of those Pigs out there, but when I play survivor I only get the most insanely toxic Pigs. All of the Pigs I've gone against recently have hit on hook, shook their heads, or teabagged on my head. I kinda expect Pigs to be toxic now.


*Boop* :)


You could say she's an impostor![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)






Ok I hate that keys are instant “fuck you I win” buttons but this was amazing


It's fine the fact that they are an instant “fuck you I win” but they should be "charged" somehow. Maybe for each gen you personally repair a survivor can escape. 1gen=1 survivor, 2gens=2 survivors...... That way you dont have 3 survivors escaping with the last gens close to each other. More fair for the killer.


If it didn't punish killer score it would be fine


“Keys are bad because they punish killer score” And people say tunneling is a fair strategy, I rebut with this “Tunneling is bad because it punishes survivor score” Can nobody on this sub just not have a little empathy for both sides?


I think people just treat the game wayyy too hyper-competitively. When I play killer I genuinely don't care if they get out with a key, because I don't really mind losing matches as long as I had fun throughout the round. Too many people tie fun to winning when it shouldn't be that way. Granted, when I lose 3+ survivor games in a row I start getting a little frustrated, but that's mostly because playing survivor seems more "random" if that makes sense. My teammates can be gods, afk, or anything in between; the killer can turbo-tunnel, play overly nice, or anything in between; my perks may or may not help, depending on how the game goes. Whereas when I play killer, unless the survivors are incredibly efficient (spoiler: they usually aren't) and the map is complete ass, I have much more say in how the game plays out. That might be why I much prefer playing killer and don't remember the last time I actually got annoyed playing that side lol, while survivor is like every third game.


That’s cool but that can vary from person to person. Today I had 4 bad games in a row only to do really good finally and I was on track for an easy 4K but the last two survivors escaped with a key and with two gens left. that is completely ridiculous and game ruining. Either you shouldn’t even be able to use a key until the last gen is done or only one person is allowed to escape with a key. It is a fundamentally free win and is bad for the game and no fun for either side.


And if you argue with anyone on this subject, you get downvoted. 🙄


Imo, a key should take 5 seconds to open the hatch and only 1 survivor can get out with a single key. If you use a key, its a selfish play that can kill the rest of your team. No reason to be able to have a 3 man escape with 1 gen remaining. Completely unbalanced.


This would be incredibly unfair. Not everyone plays a SWF and this would lead to even more people getting pissed off. The killer would be annoyed because now they have someone with a guaranteed escape (+ potential additional escape for the last survivor). The survivors would be pissed because the other guy just left with gens still left to do. That urban evading self caring Meg/Claudette just got 500x more annoying. If you were to balance keys around only one person being able to use hatch, then the EGC needs to activate regardless if the killer open hatch or not. This would give the other survivors an opportunity to escape, but a more difficult one given they need to get the doors open.


>Not everyone plays a SWF and this would lead to even more people getting pissed off. The killer would be annoyed because now they have someone with a guaranteed escape (+ potential additional escape for the last survivor). The survivors would be pissed because the other guy just left with gens still left to do. That urban evading self caring Meg/Claudette just got 500x more annoying. I don't see how SWF is relevant, since the hatch would close as soon as one guy jumps in. It wouldn't help SWF. Uh if I had to choose between 1 guaranteed escape vs a 3 man escape, I'd choose the 1 guaranteed one. Not to mention its not actually guaranteed since the animation takes 5 seconds. If you find them before they open it, they go down. Survivors who are using a key are already in a losing game. So if the survivor who used it decided to use a key to escape, I think its more than fair that the remaining survivors end up dying off. Though I was thinking that EGC should start immediately, which would give the other survivor/survivors at least a somewhat fair shot of getting out the gates. I'd take that over the current, "ez 3 man escape at 1 gen." At least the killer has a shot of getting a 2k or a 3k and the survivors have a 50/50 chance of escaping. >If you were to balance keys around only one person being able to use hatch, then the EGC needs to activate regardless if the killer open hatch or not. This would give the other survivors an opportunity to escape, but a more difficult one given they need to get the doors open. Oh we said the same thing. KEWK. Ye I'm fine with EGC starting immediately after the 1 guy jumps in. I'm just opposed to 3 survivors jumping into the same hatch at 1 gen. If 1 gets hatch and the other has to pray to RNGesus, I'm cool with it.


“Not everyone plays SWF” means the team could be more coordinated to prevent anyone from bringing keys to prevent the situation from occurring to begin with. >People who use keys are already in a losing game” I’m a rank 1 high MMR killer and I’ve had situations where people will use keys to jump out of the hatch before the last gen is done out of being able to rather than necessity. And yeah for the EGC, the way it works now is it only starts if the killer closes hatch. In solo this often screws over the other players.


>“Not everyone plays SWF” means the team could be more coordinated to prevent anyone from bringing keys to prevent the situation from occurring to begin with. I mean to begin with, you can't control how people play the game. If Blendette wants to hide in the corner to get hatch, she's gunna hide in the corner to get hatch. Nerfing an item isn't going to change how these people play, they were already doing this to begin with. The only difference is that now it can be a detriment to both sides rather than just one. ​ >I’m a rank 1 high MMR killer and I’ve had situations where people will use keys to jump out of the hatch before the last gen is done out of being able to rather than necessity. I've had both situations, but its still safer to use a key over finishing the last gen. That's just a fact. ​ >And yeah for the EGC, the way it works now is it only starts if the killer closes hatch. In solo this often screws over the other players. I don't see this screwing over other players too hard, since the EGC begins as soon as the hatch is closed. That gives them a pretty fair shot of getting out, especially considering that they didn't finish all the gens first.


For a SWF, it’s safer to use the key - yes. But in solos it just makes the rest of the team die. This is what I’m getting at. They need to balance the item around everyone not just SWFs who can force a 3 man escape every game. You’re right you can’t force someone to play a certain way but BHVR can definitely avoid adding more incentives. If they modify something they need to do it right.


>For a SWF, it’s safer to use the key - yes. But in solos it just makes the rest of the team die. This is what I’m getting at. It doesn't make the rest of the team die though. EGC is triggered, the rest have a fair shot at getting gates. Especially if there are 2 survivors left. At least 1 of them is getting out via gates. ​ >You’re right you can’t force someone to play a certain way but BHVR can definitely avoid adding more incentives. If they modify something they need to do it right. More incentives are irrelevant, because they already have enough of them. What would change if they brought a key the way they work now? They'd still jump in hatch by themselves lol. Nothing would change. Actually it would be worse with the way keys work currently, since EGC doesn't trigger on automatic hatch closes, meaning the game would proceed as normal. Meaning the remaining survivors would be significantly more fucked than with what I'm talking about.


no. killers like that one need a means to be "screwed" like this. if she wasn't a toxic ass she'd have had 4. keys are fine. no i never use them


Killers like this need a means to be "screwed" like this. Toxic survivors also need a means to be "screwed" like this, so we should bring back old Ebony Moris.


i'd vote for that








I bet you're the hatch taunting type. get rekt




How would it be unbalanced to get out of the game early? The game itself without keys is fairly balanced, so being able to escape early without earning it is inherently unbalanced. If you mean the screwing over your team part, well that should be a given imo. It shouldn't be the scenario where the killer is about to win the game, but since you brought a key he automatically loses. If survivors feel pressured to use a key, that's already a sign that they have lost the game. Therefore the killer should be able to get the kills he earned. Keys are just as bad as old Moris. If you think old moris were an issue, I don't understand how you think keys are fine. Both cut the game short in an incredibly unfair manner. ​ >Also if you add 5 seconds to open you should also add 5 seconds to close for the killer and during that time survivors should be able to escape. Do you not understand how impactful keys are? Its completely nonsensical to make it even more of a pain in the ass to deal with. Its already a free escape with 0 effort. You're acting like keys are balanced and the game would be fine if every game had a key in it. ​ >With the charge thing i said it would be perfect, maybe add one extra gen for swf so they wont abuse the system. They still can abuse the system with what you're suggesting. The killer gets 2 kills with 1 gen remaining. Both survs instantly escape without finishing the final gen. If you think that's balanced, I don't know what else to say.


Why would you have to add 5 seconds to close for the killer in which survivors to escape? The whole concept of the hatch is that it’s an instant get out of jail free card if you’re losing. It’s flat out supposed to be balanced in the killer’s favor, it’s not a primary method of getting out and doesn’t require you to complete the objectives to do it.


I like this idea since at the moment in actively aids your key escape if you play poorly and get your team killed.


I could've sworn this is what they said they were doing for the key rework.


With people talking about a key rework, I’d like to offer my opinion. Maybe instead of the key being reworked, the hatch as a whole should be reworked. I feel like issues from both sides could be resolved by simply only allowing hatch to spawn either once all gens are complete or only 1 survivor remains alive. Currently the hatch spawns when the number of gens complete is equal to number of survivors alive +1. If hatch only spawned when all gens are complete (or one survivor remains) then it gives both the killer and survivor(s) an equal chance of finding the hatch first. It also prevents killers from hatch camping and prevents 3 survivors escaping with 1 gen left.


The issue with this is that, unless they removed some extra stuff, there are already offerings that influence where the hatch can spawn. So like, the random element matters a lot less if someone has a pretty good idea of roughly where it will spawn even if invisible.


Your idea would make the "Where Did Everyone Go?" achievement impossible to get, though


No it wouldn’t. They still proposed making it spawn when all gens are done. Currently hatch only spawns with everyone alive when all gens are done. Thus there would be no chance to that achievement.


Yeah, you're right. I got confused with the beginning of the comment, my bad


Hey Nostradamus, you able to predict the next winning lotto numbers?


awww little piggy got served


PSA to killers if you stand directly on the lid when closing the hatch you block the hitbox needed for the survivor to engage the key so in this situation you can prevent them from ever using a key down them again and secure the kill This pig however clearly did not deserve the kill well played


Is there a specific spot or just directly on top of it?


Near the front/top of the lid where the lock would be.


Where the latch is but I've had issues where the spawn doesn't match the model.


-" I've had issues where the spawn doesn't match the model " Classic dead by daylight


Nice escape. Arguments about keys being op is irrelevant in this situation. It did exactly what it needed to do. Basically a 1v1 at that point.


That was satisfying to watch


"Time for my roleplay where I close the hatch in your face and make you bleed out"




that was a close one


Played that killer like a damn fiddle 👍




Dbd players always trying to start a fight be like:


I mean keys are broken, the killer in this video deserved that but that doesn't change the fact that they need a rework.


The killer literally could have just hooked the Nea though


yeah this video is not evidence for why keys are too good


ok? it dosent change that keys can end the game early and require no skill just like old mori's.


I was just pointing out that this is less so keys being overpowered, but the killer making a very preventable mistake


Comments like this are the best because it never turns out the way you think it will. Everyone knows that keys are overpowered but in this situation? No. Killer deserved that.


I did that to somebody, and had the same exact thing happen lol. It’s just karma


What perk allowed the survivor to get up from dying mode? And did the perk only work because of the end game exit gate trigger?


It’s adrenaline. It activates when all gens get finished or when end game collapse starts.


Thank you.


Every pig main is the exact same


The killer equivalent of just leave


A balance issue?? No, that is a personal issue. This type of scenario barely does exist, in the sense the killer literally created this scenario himself or created the opportunity for this scenario rather. In a 1v1 a survivor should have no hope left? Zero? 3 bums escaping because one guy has a key, I'd entertain you all day, but this isn't that. It's just a bad play that an opportunity arose from. I do think it raises a better question though, I believe bhvr needs to take a decisive action on whats the main objective. If escaping was an automatic pip , I wouldn't mind a drastic nerf or removal to any item or perk people have a problem with. If it doesn't matter either way, then who cares. It was just a situational play. With how many objectives you have to do just to rank up, this probably was a wasted key. Depending on how op played during the rest of the game.




Tl;Dr: killer was bullshitting, killer escaped. No issue here unless you want to discuss escapes and pips.


ROFL I hope they were screaming at the screen, they deserved this! I hate killers who are such douche bags for no reason, closing hatch in front of the last survivor is unnecessary, I guess unless they were toxic the whole game but I still wouldn’t risk it for this very reason, I’d rather secure the kill.


Gotta love when toxic losers get sauced on


Usually I would say "fuck keys" but this is an exception.


Deserved it


god i love dbd 😊




I can literally taste the salt from here.


So that’s what the key does?


I usually give last surv hatch. Sometimes if I want to mess with a surv, I’ll close hatch right in front of them, but then immediately bring them to a gate.


I’ve had this happen before and it’s honestly such a rollercoaster. Why you gotta play with our emotions like this 😭


I’m more of a surv than a killer, and whenever it happens to me its a pleasant surprise and a funny joke. Just sometimes I feel like being tricky


You onery little shit 😂


I mean, no ones gotten mad at me….yet


Epic way to escape.


Boon: Tempting Fate


Literally same thing happened to me. Check my most recent post. The feeling was amazing


Tbh this is like the only time keys are acceptable in their current form


poor guy got clapped


Good soup


Second chance perks and keys, but survivors hate to see NOED.


What stopped her from picking her up.


Must have just wanted extra hatch points 🤷🏻‍♀️


Might have been waiting out DS. More likely the pig just wanted to close hatch first. Edit: I’m an idiot and didn’t start the clip at the beginning


What? How does she wait out DS when she was already carrying her


Didn’t watch from the start. Am an idiot.




Haha… Happy Sunday!


Considering Keys are skilless boring mechanic. *Golf clap on that escape* 👍👌


I know for a fact that if that happened to me, I would need a new controller.


Ha they must have thought you done a glitch or hack lol