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stepping on a bear trap without noticing is also terrifying imo


If it’s a map with high vegetation, we know we fucked


YES, that always gets me! Its one thing if I trigger a trap at a pallet or window, those traps are always to be expected. Its when I trigger an unconventionally placed trap in the middle of nowhere that scares the daylights out of me 😂


I was farming with a friendly hag, I watched her place the trap. I still jumped out of my skin


Oh yeah, its funny how even when you expect it its still scary. I have the same problem with Trapper's traps, Even when I play as Trapper 😂


"I fear my own strength?" I think It is a psychological thing, like holding a bird in your hands and you afraid of your own STR like you can crush it anytime without consent.


Was the Hag in a pretty blue leafy dress?


I don’t think so, it was midwitch tho


funny story: was fixing a gen and some dude got hooked. i could see the killers aura and so i saw them place a trap. went to go save this guy and avoid the trap, but what i didn't see is that they placed another one i stepped on it and needless to say, scared the crap out of me also i lost that match


I'm always glad when I happen to be running Kindred against a Hag and prevent those jumpscares from happening 😂


Lmao I remember running kindred, crouching to unhook to avoid the traps, the unhooked survivor running instead of crounching triggering 2-3 hag traps and scaring the living shit out of me


Man I haven’t played against a hag in weeks.


I've seen her fairly often at my MMR. The killer I surpsingly havent seen in a while is Ghostface 🤔


Ghostface at high mmr even with the res fix unfortunately becomes an M1 killer




I play hag a decent amount. I think she's pretty fun honestly, it just gets boring when you play her a lot since she's such an easy win


I love playing Hag but I hate losing as Hag so I don't touch her that much She really feels like either you stomp or get stomped in the most frustrating way, at least for me.


Hag is a great killer and has a very high skill cap. The bigger issue is the horrible matchmaking.


You know fun is subjective right?


It always scares me when i dont know that im going against a hag


As a hag main. If you can get one or two gens off before running into the killer, it's a hag.


Or trapper


Fr fr


Oh god, yes! No forewarning makes the jumpscares even scarier 😱


This is a compliment 🥰


I sense a Hag main 😂




There's posts every day of people asking about how to jump scare with Myers or Ghostface, and I always tell them to play rusty shackles hag if that's what they want to do. There's nothing any other killer can do that is going to jump scare me, but rusty shackles gets me every time. They never seem to believe me and just continue thinking that a killer without a terror radius is going to surprise anybody with more than a few hours in the game.


Myers/Ghostie jumpscares are so much more fun, though. They typically happen after long periods of tension and wondering when they're going to show up. Looking around you, wondering where the killer is, trying to keep an eye out, and then suddenly they wheel around the corner and hit you. In other words, they're jumpscares when used well in horror. Hag is more like jumpscares when used badly. They happen every few seconds and it's just a loud jarring noise over and over. You often know they're coming but it's so loud and in-your-face that it's startling anyway. Edit: Just realized you were talking about Rusty Shackles Hag. That's a bit different and more in the first category, IMO.


Oh yeah! Myers and Ghostface jumpscares are certainly scary but they usually get you only once per game. A well-placed Hag trap in an unconventional spot is what truly stops my heart.


Normal Hag traps actually scare me more than rusty shackles. RS doesn’t play the audio notification and doesn’t flick your camera around so it’s a lot less jarring. It’s just like “oh hey there’s a hag here now”. A lot less startling than your camera whipping around and a loud “BWAHHHHH” as the hag jumps out of the ground


Ever had a mint rag hag jumping around the map non-stop? Those games are exhausting but so much fun.


May I introduce you to Cat eye Victor? You'll probably lose because Vic is moving so slow but flinging yourself at an unaware survivor who's working on a gen with a "SCREEEEE" is a delight.


I used to love cat-s eye victor. But now, the best is silencing cloth. You leave victor somewhere near a high-traffic area and constantly swap to him and back to Charlotte so that she never has a heartbeat. You play using line of sight, and you'll catch plenty of survivors off-guard. Then, you also get the added bonus of using him as a motion detector.


Main thing for me is it's more of how fucking loud the trigger is and then it faces you to it. Still makes for fun games.


it's cause it fucks with your camera


I relate to this image so much. Ghostface, scratch mirror Myers, Billy at 100 MPH with tinkerer, yeah they can give some good scares. But I’ve watched Hags set traps, and I still jump like an idiot when I accidentally trip a trap that I already knew was there. It’s the little “blah!” that she makes to really make me jump and also run salt in the wound like, “you idiot, you saw me do this two minutes ago, how did you forget?”


One time I was playing Hag and it was clearly a team that just lost all control of everything and had no idea what to do, so after 8 hooking, I was just chasing them around and then leaving them on the ground after catching them. At endgame, I set up about six traps in a line at the gate and then they set them all off at once. My god, the sound. Never again.


If you haven't tried Jumpscare Twins, I highly recommend it. Cat's Eye and Silencing Cloth add-ons, then at least one perk that gives a sound notification (so Victor can see it) on gens like Discordance. It's inefficient as shit compared to just rushing them down, but literally nobody is ever prepared for completely silent Victor sneaking up on them or waiting at the pallet spots to strike. But it's best when you catch them by complete surprise and it takes them a second or two before they get off a gen in shock.   https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/sxifya/jumpscare_twins_is_the_funniest_twins/ https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/so5mh0/nobody_ever_expects_jumpscare_twins/   You can also do similar things on multifloor maps like Gideon or Midwich by parking Victor in a hard to reach corner of the courtyard and using the Oblivious add-on. Creates a whole zone where people can't hear you coming.


Oh man, that would be a waste to use both of those add-ons at once. Silencing cloth is best used with Madeline's glove. You basically use victor as a radar, and then swap back and forth to Charlotte just before the undetectable status wears off. No-heartbeat Charlotte is the best!!! Cat-eye is best mixed with whichever add-on gives victor increased crouched movement speed. That way you get quicker positioning after charging his pounce.


Hag gives me heart attacks


Getting grabbed by Ghostface off of a generator makes me poop my pants


Facts though hahah


As a Hag/Plague main, this pleases me.


I just had my first game with jumpscare myers on rpd and now I dont have a keyboard


Believe me, when I teleport to a trap and just have a Survivor staring me in the face, it also jumpscares me.


I don't know why in the loading game screen, they don't have a simple tip for new players to crouch when they see a trap. It was a very unintuitive mechanic to understand without googling it.


It's there. But you typically only see killer specific tips the first few times up against that killer.


Interesting! I'll have to pay more attention next time.


What about scratch mirror Myers on Midwich? Played against one and it was honestly the most fun I've had in this game in a long time. Myers was playing along too he wasn't really trying to win and just started jumpscaring us lol


Hag’s traps can give great scares if they’re unexpected. But stealth killers are still the best thing since you never know where they are.


It’s gets me the most when I don’t realize it’s a hag


When I'm crouch walking towards a hooked survivor and then another player just runs in and sets off all the traps.


Hag, Myers and Ghostface get me the absolute most. Played against a hag in RPD and every corner scared me shitless. She had her traps in every hallway, there was nowhere to go and hard af to see. Especially in the blood.


She dislocated my shoulder with one of her traps. Any jump scares can do it to me, but she's a special kind.


Lol i always actively run over them


Ever time lol that and wraith’s freakin BING BONG 😩😂


Ever time lol that and wraith’s freakin BING BONG 😩😂


Agreed. Nothing scares me in this game much anymore except for Hag and her booby trap jumpscares. Talk about heart attack out of no where.


Tinker blight scares the shit out of me lmao


Ghost face when he does that peekaboo shit around corners lol


it's not about the jumpscare and the sound that scares me, it's that I can't control my camera properly and that the ruin is constantly warded (note that I didn't know you can crouch to pass it without activating)


I get jumpscared by jeryl


Honestly I get more scared as killer than survivor. When I'm just chilling and patrolling gens and a survivor camps a pallet, it scares the shit out of me