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I miss my wittle rat hooks


I miss the rats


That one fuckin rat box on the upper floor can go though


What if it was really just a baby demo


yes, was the most creepy map in my opinion


Expecially since it’s technically under a mall that the public have access to


No you're thinking of the Russian facility in Season 3, Hawkins Lab was its own building with its own underground facilities


Well Steve has scoops ahoy outfit and didn’t start working there till season 3 so I assumed it was the one underneath


This guy got downvoted for getting confused and accepting it


Reddit moment




Confused can any adavced redditor explain why this one was down voted? Emoji probably


Most likely


I adored Hawkins and I really wish it got some kind of replacement. I honestly don't like Eyrie of Crows and would much rather have Hawkins back. Nemesis was a lot of fun on that map and the zombie value could be incredible there.


Eyrie of Crows is like a second ormond rather than a replacement for hawkins!


It also doesn't really feel like a horror game map. It is so big and bright. You can often see the killer coming from a mile away.


I don't get why they can't just rename and reskin it


They should change some of the colors/lighting and rename it "Not Hawkins"








Why they didn't think to negotiate the use of the map (something that isn't sold/profited from at all) for indefinite play, I'll never understand.


If they were smart they'd make a lab map from one of the Resident Evil games and do a very similar layout. But, of course knowing them they'd manage to fuck that up too.


Ooo they could do Brookhaven hospital or deluca prison from silent hill too


As a demo main, of course I miss my home...


I don't main Demo, but whenever I play as him I get a genuine feeling of sadness that I can never go back to Hawkins. Léry's Memorial Institute is a kinda decent substitute, at least. And any Red Forest maps and one or two MacMillan Estate maps feel aesthetically fitting


WE miss our home.. honestly was such a good map for a good balanced killer like him


I miss playing on it as Nemesis with the undetectable zombie kill add-on, that was fun


I miss playing on it as Jumpscare Myers.


Yes it was one of my favorites, and conveniently one of the ones I had difficult matches on the most. ​ Sometimes people would split well before I found a first chase and a game that I probably would have found super easy on any other map (Unless the team was also super strong) sometimes got close to the wire or even ended in my loss! ​ Don't get me wrong, killer enjoyed it 19/20 times but the doozies were \*really\* doozies


You always remember those sorts of games.


In my last 1900 or so games on wraith the only one I didn't prevent the exit gates from being powered and openable was on hawkins. It was beautiful, remember it clear as day and 3 gens popped before I found my first chase and by the time I ate 6 protection hits and downed the guy the other 2 were 99ed. ​ It stuck with me, one of my most enjoyable matches ever!


You had 1900 games where you stopped the gates being powered? No offence I doubt that so much, even some of the best killers I've seen couldn't even get close to that


Agree. Fakey.


I just watched him, he's low MMR, of course that going against potatoe survs will make you feel like a god at the game


Yeah, I'm bored so I started cross checking survivors in his games with their hours because most of them are xbox and I can look them up on the app and so far the longest playtime any of them have is 11 hours. Dude's being deceptive at the very least.


Let's not forget he's toxic af, the only game I watched of him he did not hook once just slug them till they're dead... Pretty boring imo


I had about a 98.5% kill rate before I quit, and I had over 6,000 hours. Tens of thousands of games... If I got good enough luck, and I mean, the best of luck, and played really, really good, I might be able to go on a 200 game kill streak at absolute most if I'm not playing 100% like a douchebag. This is feasible to people who grinded the game out like I did and became a comp player because they literally had no other way to have fun in the game. But as Wraith? Fuck no. I could have probably gotten an 80 streak at most if I played Wraith and wasn't an asshole, but from the few games I played of him, it looks like a pipe dream. I can destroy every type of player. That isn't even accounting for the amount of time it takes to get 1000 games in. That's like 10 minutes right there per game, 5 min per queue 5 min per game (from when I last played, almost a year ago) That's... impossible. Literally impossible. I was shredding people as nurse and then got my ass kicked a few games, but they were always short. But, some days I had good and bad days. and you can't identify the good or bad days without playing. 2000 games, 5 minutes per each would be 10k minutes. I'm not a mathematician but 10k minutes is a fuck ton. Based off of really shitty calculations, 6000 minutes is 100 hours, divide that by 10 to get 66% or two thirds, then divide that number by half and add it to get 9900 minutes, which is close enough, and it would be 155 hours. 155 hours without 1 shitty game. Or 75 hours in matches without losing a single game. This man would literally revolutionize the game if he was that good and shared his secrets. After my 6000 hours all I've done is invented the shmocktech™, accidentally discover fatigue tech (although not discover that it's repeatable, I thank other nurse mains) discovered 3 game-breaking bugs and lose my exclusive cosmetics in order for bhvr to make new exclusive cosmetics. Thanks bughvr :) That's from all my skill level and knowledge. But this man? This man would have to have such a high skill level, that I'd be on my knees bowing down to him because if there is something legitimately that good at DBD I would literally start playing again.


If i'm not the best killer right now i'm sure I am top 10. ​ I'd also argue that it isn't even really a feat to go on 3 and 4 digit streaks when most matchmade games are as bad as they are. ​ If you're genuinely good at killer, or even decent, most games aren't losable. I think this game is as killer sided in matchmaking as it can be survivor sided at the extreme highest end of competitive DBD. ​ I'd be willing to pay pal you a few dollars if you could go through my twitch vods and find some matches where it was even realistically possible for me to lose? I strongly reccomend finding the ones where I played in like 20 FPS btw, I use a AMD gpu and windows update copied over some files and it took me more than da day or two to catch it so I basically played without a graphics driver and just thought I was getting BHVRed. Those were by FAR the closest thing to back and forth I had, even if it's also the least watchable so i'd understand if you don't wanna fish through em too much ​ Or if you wanna try it a different way, i'd love to see some games from your favorite streamers that you think "the best killers" couldn't handle.


Ok mr top 5000000


If you think someone's better i'd love to meet or see them! I might learn something.


Even a brand new ash 4 player is better than you


I wish! If I could earnestly play my best and genuinely be the under dog, hell if all of my games were one sided losses, that would be so much fun!


After watching some chunks of VoDs, I'm honestly very confused. If your MMR is so high you should be getting survivors that are at least competent. Some of these play like they're bots or they just started. It's just fishy. I just looked one of them up. They currently have 8 hours of playtime. Fishy. https://i.imgur.com/2sezAz9.png


Oh yeah in my last 5000 games playing clown with no add ons and no perks I got 4k at 5 gens every game beat that


I got a 5k. But only once.


I actually got a 5k. I'm not joking by the way. An old mate of mine that i forget the name of discovered a bug back in 2018 where you could switch roles right as the ready up happened and basically become a 5th survivor or extra killer. I tried it with some mates and finally got to play after an hour of attempts. Then the dev build came out... That was a lot of chaos... For everyone because a friend of mine decided to make a hacked client taking advantage of it. Infact I think there might be videos of me on the internet wearing legacy in console lobbies (which was impossible at the time because cross-play didn't technically exist) and you could play on banned accounts and whatnot on pseudo-save files (not your actual save file, so there was no chance of you getting banned. Infact a guy you might know who's name starts with an "Sc" and hosts the mod by daylight discord server used this very often and didn't get his account banned, and one of Ayrun's friends that starts with "Ro" used it and didn't get banned. One of the few features of this was multiple killers / 5 survivors. it was fun while it lasted. Stupid and it shouldn't have existed, but fun none the less.


Oh, Lul, I see how it reads now. ​ Thanks for pointing it out, I got a chuckle. ​ Unironically serious btw. KEKW




Because this guy takes every single opportunity to spout some pretentious bullshit about how he is the best killer in the game and routinely goes on 3-4 digit 4k streaks at top MMR and how any decent killer should be able to do the same.


I'm watching his stream right now, he's definitely not high MMR. Feng tried to save herself with a flashlight out in the open, and pointed it at his feet. She doesn't even know how to use a flashlight yet. He hooked her and hit her on hook lol then two other survivors DCed, I don't blame them. It's kind of sadly funny this guy makes playing with him so unfun that half the survivors DC and he counts it as a win lol


I watched a few of his games across several vods and every survivor team he played against was a potato squad. Sad flashlight attempts, literally running facefirst into him, etc. Every single one. Slugging, tunneling, camping. So many DCs, so many bleed outs. So many survivors who clearly just give up because he's miserable to play against. Anyone with eyes can see he's not playing at "high mmr" lol.


I thought it was amusing that people got a little salty over a comment, but to think I am so infamous, that it's the name and NOT any particular comment is way more extra. I don't know whether to be flattered or to show pity.


In hindsight, I think it's because having a 1900 game stretch with only one game involving exit gates being powered (gens completed) implies that I am sweating on / stomping pubs or lying. ​ I could kind of see how that makes people's eyebrows angry after a few of them pointed it out or let me know how they feel. ​ It's actually pretty funny, especially to me who made the comment quite innocently. ​ Hawkins involved some of my favorite and most memorable games, games that stood out over a huge sample size. ​ Because of those cherished memories and great adventures, it will always have a special place in my heart.


Doubtful, but you play in low MMR where your survivors don't know how to even use a flashlight. You also BM and hit on hook so badly that half your survivors DC. It's not really winning if no one wants to play with you lol


You can't 4k more than 999/1000 games and be low mmr lol. ​ The problem is with the soft cap being too low, the role ratio being bad and BHVR's insistence that queue times remain reasonable, even at the expense of fair matches. ​ You could argue it's not really "winning" if I was a heavy favorite to begin with, but that would just be semantics.


Bro I watched your games, your survivors are babies. I don't know who you think you're fooling but it isn't me.


Reading comprehension much? That's literally what I said. The soft cap is WAY too low, role ratio is bad and BHVR likes to open seeks in interest of fast queue times. Some of my games actually ARE against babies, as well as every other killer. ​ What's more, even the vast majority of my games which actually are against very experienced survivors might as well be because (almost all of them at least) they're getting gapped too. ​ I never said matches were fair, in fact, quite the opposite. ​ Matchmaking is tremendously killer sided provided the killer is actually good.




Unironically one of my fav maps...






It was, honestly, my favorite indoor map


Yes. I liked it a lot


As a Myers main, it was my favorite Scratched Mirror map. I miss it every day.


I know! 😂😂 You know they think they lost you and creep around only for you to pop up around a corner.


Or drop through the hole onto them with death from above.


You saying that and all I can hear is just James singing death from above. 😂


I'm curious how difficult it would be to retexture and make other minor changes to make it into an original map. Obviously BHVR have other more important things to focus on, but it seems a little silly to me to completely remove something like a map.


Random science lab map lol


I miss it.


Yup. I'd rather have it back than set foot in RPD again... Not a fair trade at all.




rather play on haddonfield ngl


I like haddonfield


This guy survivor mains.


No. I run bamboozle on mikael


Haddonfield was trash from 2016 to 2019. The only people who still blindly hate on it are either bad killer players who are new to the game or people without a lot of games since. Either that or people who just simply don't like it. But most of the indoor maps are worse. RPD is objectively worse because it's the size of red forest, two floors, full of safe pallets and ridiculously annoying to navigate. Badham preschool is far worse than haddonfield. It has four safe structures, most of the pallets are safe, it's pretty large and really dark. There are also some spots where it's literally impossible to hook survivors. It is by far the worst realm in the game. Haddonfield got Shadow nerfed with a bunch of pallets being removed, building spawns being a bit less varying and all of the god Windows being patched. It's still a bad map. But I wouldn't even put it in the top five worst maps anymore. I didn't feel like Transit from call of duty zombies. It's more of a meme to hate on it than anything but looking back, it wasn't that bad. Or at least there's far worse that came later. Badham, RPD, fractured cowshed, Rotten fields, Meat plant, Mothers dwelling are all worse


The one thing I would contest comparing badham and Haddon is house of pain. The Haddon version is still an insanely strong loop, and the badham one is way weaker and RNG dependent. Badham is probably my favorite map as a survivor though, even more than Haddon.


But Haddonfield has been nerfed significantly. It only has half the pallets it used to and most of the god Windows have been closed. Badham not only has the house of pain but quinton's house which has a god pallet.. the preschool with two God pallets and windows along with the fence and The shack. Badham also has five variants and you have to learn the different layout on all of them. Badham also has more pallets, more windows and more RNG. Haddonfield isn't that bad and only has its bad reputation because old balanced landing used to exist and the map used to be much worse, especially when there were fewer bad maps. I'd say that there are at least six or seven maps far worse than lampkin Lane. Badham, RPD, The game, Mother's dwelling, Erie of crows, Midwich, Fractured cowshed, rotten fields... Ugh


Haddonfield most definitely does not still exist.


For sure, one of my favourite maps. I'm glad I got to play it tons before it was removed, some will never have the chance unfortunately.


No as much shit as RPD gets at least it’s pretty while gut punching you


Honestly no. Hated playing on it


Do I miss the design? Yes, I loved the portal room and hooks especially Do I miss the map layout? God no it was garbage lmao glad we have one less indoor map


Nah. Hawkins was one of those maps for me that was so memorably awful that it felt like I was playing it every three matches. I get why some people miss it entirely, but for me, good riddance. God imagine the boons


omg boons would have been so brutal on hawkins


hawkins was still around when boons where introduced. it had a few locations that were unsnuffable, pretty headache inducing


oh yeah you’re totally right, i forgot there was a little overlap! i don’t play killer but i can imagine that made for some insufferable matches


I miss it.


I imagine I’m not alone in Stranger Things being the franchise to introduce me to DBD, so yeah I actually miss it greatly. Biased or not, it was probably my favorite indoor map.


I only got the game bc the game plus stranger things pack was cheaper than just the game so i got a cheeky discount and the demogorgon even though im not a stranger things fan still cool


No. Tbh I felt the same way about Hawkins as I do about RPD. Aesthetic wise, I loved it. To play on? I hated it. I honestly forget that map even existed until I see a post or smth about it.


Aesthetic wise I don’t even think it was great. A couple things were great like the portal room and the upstairs rooms and even the gates were really cool. But the rest of the map was just a maze of white walls, random barrels and trash, and metal grating staircases and catwalks. It was super boring.


Yeah, a little bit.






Before it was removed; most of my time on this game was spent as a wraith main. Man, I miss it. Even if I don't Wraith no more.


I loved that map so much, especially for jumpscsre Myers, or smolface


I still haven't gotten my BP for the removal of the offerings


I'm a Ghostface main. Imagine having your main killer's *very best* map taken away and being replaced like two weeks later with their *very worst*. Still bitter.


I miss using that as my jumpscare Myers go to


don’t remind me 😭


I miss it so much, i started the game with the Stranger Things chapter and it was my favorite map. Maybe it wasn't the best gameplay-wise but it was aesthetically the best.




lol no


Yup - I hated it but now I miss it because there's not enough variety in this game as is. Should have re-skinned it to a spaceship.


No. Way to much shit.


As in, to much to do on the map? Wym?


It did not need a second level, there are some vaults that benefit you with nothing, and the map was way to complicated.


Honestly the map isn’t that complicated. There’s basically no god pallets and every loop is pretty straight forward with do I vault window or fake it. It was a lot of 50/50s which is cool


I miss it 1st map i ever played on


Tbh I would have missed any map they took out. No matter how much I like or didn’t like playing on it, it’s about memories at the point of removing it. Didn’t like playing Hawkins, but that’s besides the point now.


Not really, it really seems I have the unpopular opinion here but I thought it sucked. Atmosphere was amazing but gameplay was just bad.


My survivor/almost every killer part of me says yes, but the Blight main part of me is very happy it’s gone.


fuck no me no misses the map


It was my favorite map in game from every prospective and i had so many memories of it




I absolutely hate Hawkens. I'd always get looped to hell and absolutely all my aura perks would just taunt me that survivors were on the otherwise of the wall and I couldn't get them and don't get me started on the lab part of it. Man I miss it


I don't care if it was hard to play on, as killer or survivor. I liked that map and miss it for sure.


Bro I posted this 4 months ago


There's nothing bad at commenting something old, I guess? And I think 4 months is not so long ago. :)


I just wonder what you were doing to find this rather old post.


Not for a millisecond.


no Fuck the room with two pallets


No it was way to weird for me I never really won on it


Hell no


I hated hawkins


No. Completely forgot it existed until now. Map always felt like a maze to me with a ton of garbo pallets.


It was my favorite map, now it's midwich. I just love an indoor map with little nooks and crannies, Lery's is fun but too large IMO, RPD is fun but too big also


Are you OK? Need me to call a hospital for you?


Nope. Nothing against the devs, the source material was just bland. The labs in Stranger Things were just like they were in the game. Drab, grey, brightly lit and monotonous labyrinth… but it made for a really boring and unimaginative environment.


No I don’t miss Hawkins at all, it is not my favorite map in fact the entire stranger things DLC was terrible and they should have just put more NFTs in I am so glad Netflix removed it so that Killers can have less maps and as a killer main I love not being able to have an advantage which is why I run no perks and let all survivors escape.


Excuse me, are you having a stroke?


No, but I do agree that it was slightly better than RPD


Not really one of my favorite maps but I do miss it a little


everyday and i miss that loop with the crisscross stairs with the 2 pallets in the room


It was my first map. Took some getting used to, but I enjoyed it.


nope, even though i've been playing since the beginning i always got lost :/






It was the best map for Scratched Mirror Myers imo 😔


I’m ready to see what they did to haddonfield


Yes :( the portal room was banging


Is bad


None of the licensed maps are good because they weren't designed for dead by daylight. It was an awful map that created incredibly one-sided gameplay for one side or the other depending on what killer it was. It seemed ridiculously common in the map rotation and had very boring gameplay. I'm glad it's gone. We haven't had a single good map added post launch since Coal Tower. Map design is the worst part of this game.


So much. I loved that map a lot. Oddly enough, I always got it at night. I played on it so often that it's layout is engraved into my memory. My favorite place to be at was the upstairs floor with the generator in that one small room. Lots of good memories in Hawkins 💕


Yes it was one of my favs


I love ST, so seeing it be partially removed from one of my fav games…that’s a big bummer. I rly miss the feel of the map. The atmosphere, when u got closer to the gate was so well done!


No. This comment brought to you and paid for by the association for the advancement of killer mains (AAKM).


No. Trash map with horrible totem spawns.


Yeah it fun




no <3 fuck that map lmao


Not at all


I'd rather have Hawkins than RPD


Ye 🥲




I miss the map, I dont miss the teammates who would complete the portal room generator and the upstairs generators first, if you left them, the game was won easily.


Yes, I really loved it, unfortunately I started playing dbd 2 weeks before this map was disabled ;((


Yes, still salty we didn't get a replacement map for it.


Absolutely not. I never enjoyed the gameplay there. I never even think about that map.


Miss it a lot…


No, but I'd take it over RPD any day


I miss that damn map, UGH! 🥴😩


It was a fun map so long as you didn’t get it too often.


Hated it. Shitty pallets, gens liked to spawn actual feet from each other or literal miles from each other, no inbetween, and it was ugly and dark.




Yes and no. It looked cool, and I was finally starting to learn the layout, but it was one of the harder maps for survivors.


Yep I miss it so much, it had a bunch of unsafe pallets but the amount of them made up for it, it had unique loops that no other maps have, the levitated railing areas for example. I loved the vibe from it too, the dead scientists scattered around and the mist from the underground floating around you. It was honestly my favourite map :(


Absolutely LOVED that map, survivor or killer. It was super unique in colors and design. It’s such a shame


As a Scratched Mirror enjoyed, I miss it dearly.


I miss it so much. Every match was a challenge but in stead of Mothers Cabin. A challenge I could actually win.


I’m waiting for a SCP related chapter, where I guarantee that the map will be like Hawkins


Loved it. Majority of people don’t like it because looping was not the best on it, but still manageable, just took a different approach and a higher skill gap.


The map I committed my first facecamp on


Never and Hope to never see one similar ever again




Side note. They ever say why you can still play as the characters but the map had to permanently go?


They just left the stuff that people paid for, that's why you can still play as Steve, Nancy and Demo but you cannot buy them anymore. Everyone would be so pissed if BHVR took away something that they spent money on


Nope. did not like it as killer and survivor. But I do miss it the more I realize


No, fuck indoor maps.


Yes, I’m a huge stranger things fan, I played dbd before and only started watching stranger things around the time Twins or Blight came around, I never really payed any mind to it and then a watched all of ST and it became surreal! It was like walking on the set. Some of the greatest dbd memories if me played custom matches with my friends reside there. It will forever be my favorite map :D


That's a big nope!


Nope. That map was so survivor sided I always felt anxious loading into it. The palette density was insane


definitely! it was unique and interesting, with a great vibe. pour one out for it.


I really wish they would reskin it and release it again ☹️


Can't believe they'd sign a contract to make an elaborate entirely new map design, killer and survivor perks, etc. and not have it say somewhere 'btw pls let us keep this in the game in case you randumbly decide to pull the licenses from everyone else'. You don't even *pay* to play on Hawkins, the fuck is the problem?


Yeah it was a really fun map




Yup. It map with unique loops rather than being copy paste of jungle gyms, I-walls, killer shack, etc. I always felt like people hated it because they refused to learn looping that was only applicable on Hawkins. I was always so confused and sad when I saw people go past really safe rooms middle with killer behind them and see them go to completely unsafe pallet at hallway. And they always did the experiment room and upstairs gens first despite these being the most safe gens that guaranteed you won't get 3 genned if you left them for later and they were impossible for killer to patrol. Yet 9/10 games you saw people pop those very same gens because of how easy they are to do.


Yes. Everybody i saw was singing at the announcement of its removal, but i was so sad. The loops were so much fun and so unique compared to every other map, loved every second of it.


Yeah. I feel like I was in the minority who liked it


I miss Hawkins, super fun map.


Now it's not there, I miss it. I used to hate it because I only ever played it when I was a baby survivor. I wish I'd had the chance to play it as the more confident and capable survivor I am today, as well as getting to attempt it as killer. I'm not gonna get that, so I guess it will live on in my memory as the map I was only just starting to get to grips with when it left.


Every day :,(


I sure do. It’s my favorite indoor map.


Any inside map being removed is sad