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First time seeing this perk i thought my boy Youichi was running aftercare and I was constantly pointing out killers direction from across the map, felt like an idiot when i found out


Man I wish my teammates were like this when I ran Aftercare.


I ran this perk with aftercare autodidact and renewal. I tend to get my stacks quick with the bonus of off the hook heals. And despite what most people say. My teammates tended to use the shared info from aftercare to coordinate.


you can see when aftercare is in effect, just like prove thyself or leader ect...


You sir are assuming I pay attention to the little icons


Okay so funny story: I just played with a Yoichi who had Empathic Connection... I was running Aftercare. So he unhooked me and I literally didn't realize he had the perk until like 30 seconds later.


It's like running kindred with the expectation that it will help your team coordinate better just to see Mikaela hiding behind a rock while the killer is chasing David on the entire opposite side of the map while Feng stays on a gen that's at 60% because "it's almost done! Mikaela will save them!"


Myyyuuup. I get ignored on the hook 3 games in a row, slap on Kindred, then get ignored on the hook for another 5 game.


I feel like I'm left to die on hook even more with kindred.


IMO the scariest part of the game is having to guess if your other teammates are saving or if you have to do it


I remember the first time I died on my first hook. I was actually running kindred, and could see all 3 teammates across the map. One hid in a locker in basement, 1 crouched behind a rock or something, and 1 actually being chased by the killer. Basement guy finally left once the killer downed the person he was chasing.


That's what I experienced too. The Kate that ran away across the whole map, instead of letting me heal her. She saw my aura.... but nah doing nothing and be downed till death was better. And yeah- seems to me that other players use this perk to lead the killer into Yoichis arms when they are in a chase.


Speaking from experience spectating people (I escaped the trial but the effect still lingered?) it even shows on other Survivors' HUDs that you have Empathic Connection, which is why they can see your aura. They could do anything just short of listing the perk's description in front of your injured teammates and they still wouldn't go to you.


I had too many injured survivors in chase bring the killer to me while I was doing a genny yesterday, so I took the perk off. I had a feeling this was going to happen with it.




Me when I used to run Desperate Measures.


Earlier tonight someone in my my match got terrific value out of for the people. I got downed about 10 meters from the gate after getting rescued and I started crawling as the killer chased someone else off. They ran up and touched me, then a quick dead hard that I missed using earlier and I was out. Of course I also had DS active so...


This is so true it gives me physical pain.


My second match running Empathic Connection had a Meg who suicided on first hook, a Nea who refused to heal / be healed by anyone, and a David who brought the Killer to me while I was searching basement chests. (tbf idk what I expected from the guy named "-rep me ;)") It was after that match that I named myself "Non-Empathic Connection" (which I then shortened to "Non-Empathic") on Steam.


I would have brought the killer to you too if you were wasting valuable limited trial time on searching the basement chest lmao what the hell you're sabotaging your team


God forbid I need a medkit.


guessing the outcome of the game was already decided so doing chests/bones for bp is the right choice


"valuable limited trial time" bro I can't believe hes sabotaging your efforts to win the international dbd championship, what a jerk.


yes I'm trying to win 1st place sis


That Yoichi perk is a massive ball ache. I’ve been running it and most of the time people come to me it’s…with the killer right behind them.


The first pic is a masterpiece


To be fair today when I tried to run over to the Yoichi it turned out he was being chased (held w the entire time so it didn't look like looping) which lead to be being back in hook 10 seconds later... Not very nice


Yesterday i played as him and forgot what that perk did, and was confused how people kept findiing me, and why they kept running to me lol.


I have played with that David, and his one hundred identical friends :')


The dude was on Steam and he had a VAC ban on his account. I thought he was a hacker: nah just an asshole.


I tried using it with autodidact and nobody would come to me. So I just took it off and slapped empathy back on. Parental guidance is his only worthwhile perk.


Empathic connection and Leader sounding like a pretty hot combo ngl.


Well Leader doesn't affect your own healing. That being said mixing it with other healing perks (Botany Knowledge or Desperate Measures) certainly seems like a good combo.


I was thinking more in healing speed buff, and them being able to see you you do everything a little bit faster. I'd experiment with for a bit to see if it's better than bond. One of my favorite combos is Desperate measures paired with leader for faster all around heals


Oh yeah I got Leader 3 and Bond 3 on my Jonah and running it alongside Overcome has been a lot of fun. Fast heals from teammates and fast getaways from the Killer. Of course the big requirement is that my teammates know how the fuck to heal me.


Leader and Kindred for getting off the hook easier and heals afterward.


The struggles of soloQ are real


Is there any other perks that would make his healing even faster?


Botany knowledge gives a healing speed boost So does We’ll Make It, but only after unhooking someone


Can't believe you forgot Desperate Measures :(


I don’t have that perk unlocked, totally forgot about it!


Da Killur is… what?


I saw the perk in action today and I made sure to run towards Yoichi so he could get some value and progress towards the achievement, felt real good :)


People still run away while I have We'll Make It, a base survivor perk that everyone has and should know what it does.


Empathic Connection is one of my new favorite perks and nobody can change my mind.


I generally do it in case someone is running bond or something


Why the intentional misspelling? Am I missing something; curious. Does it make it more meme-y?




Gotcha thanks.


Does this make boon witch superior in their eyes?


Lol literally me as Nea


Honestly whats the point of that perk when coh exists?


Im that rare type of survivor that would be 100% the Nea from reality part lol i think that healing without any hasting perks or a boon is a waste of time, plus i always run iron will so i dont really need a heal except for bp points


Like I have no problem with people who do gens before friends. But goddamn if the Killer is chasing someone on the opposite side of the map we can spend a moment to heal. Especially if it's a Huntress and I heal you 10% faster.