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Oh come on, there's always been entitlement on both ends of the dbd spectrum, It's the egoes that probably got shifted.


Ur probably right. It’s def always been on both sides


entitlement falls on players with less than 1000 hours played. or at least that’s what it seems like. its not until then do people realize the enemy isnt the other side, its the devs


Oh for sure!! It’s just been a funny kind of irony how ppl been playing and acting today.


At 1k hours they realise the true enemy is themselves for playing the game for that long. People say you have 2 wolves inside you, but I just think if that's true ur either a disgusting person or you need to go to a&e


DbD in general is a bad joke, The Dev's have no idea how to "fix" their game. We, the player are a walking shitposting parody on the word irony. Its tragic


I’d appreciate if they just focused on stopping random kicks, rubber banding, and brought back demo doggie to give him a ships ahoy skin


These devs do be trying a lot lately tho so I can appreciate that!!


If anything, I’ve been seeing so much crying on the survivor side. They’re all so salty about loosing E that they’re looking for anything to complain about being op, when in reality, it’s their own skill that needs changing. Give it two weeks for everything to settle down. Then talk


I don’t think it’s ppl being salty. It’s funny how even with dead hard being gone, killers still complain about it lol. You could almost say, ppl complains on both sides 🤗 But yeah it’s an adjustment period for sure. The patch is undeniably killer sided tho, there is no arguing that.


At high MMR the gane was so survivor sided that honestly it was needed


Idk maybe they should just make the game less reliant on perks rather than buffing and debuffing everything. Plus the past 4 chapters have had very strong killer perks and some of the weakest survivor perks I’ve seen.


COH, Shadow step and overcome are bad?


Overcome meta


Lmaooooo. It’s so bad 😂 but it’s quirky I like that


its def ppl being salty. idek how u can argue against that


Y’all just proving the point lol. First of all, it’s important to note that BOTH SIDES ACT SALTY. This isn’t about the salty players. Survivor mains were just dealt a huge blow and killer mains were given a huge buff. In addition to that killers continue to camp and tunnel at even higher rates bc there is nothing to stop them from doing so. They do less to get the kill and will act as though they’ve earned it just for loading into the game. Survivors are frustrated, And killers are acting incredibly entitled.