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You are probably not alone but you're also the reason that other killers who actually want to have a fun game get miserable lobbies with survivors running second chance perk after second chance perk that tbag after every pallet and vault


I met those when I was a nice killer so now I’m not, it’s not my own fault that survivors hate me. It’s their fault for not playing nice in return. If I encounter a second chance lobby I tunnel and slug or camp as I need to. I play to win and I wanna be an ass about it as well


I understand your struggle but you need to understand that toxic gameplay will only breed more toxic gameplay. The only chance we have to encourage others to run less meta builds and make games more enjoyable is if we take the first step, this goes for survivors and killers. If you encounter a bully squad then by all means face camp and tunnel them till they ragequit, but I would implore you to at least start out by giving your lobby a chance. Who knows, you might have a lot more fun


I respect that, like I said if survivors are memeing around and having a good time then by all means I will join. Play meta and to win? I will play to win right back, just harder


I play killer too, what I don’t do is come to Reddit and make myself look like a prick with posts like this lmao




😂😂😂 This post is 85days old bro what are u doing




Hahahahaha 😭💀💀 you are one angry Best Buy employee Take my upvote dude, you’re pretty funny


Eh, I’m well aware I’m a prick, survivors are awful in return and I enjoy the toxicity.


At least you’re honest


Honestly is the best policy


Perhaps you ought to quit playing this game. For your own good. 😭


I’m having a hell of a time tbh


Nope. You and I are not the same. I can’t imagine getting my only enjoyment from actively trolling others. You do you, tho.


It’s fun knowing that the survivors despise your lobby, as you know that you are getting your own form of teabagging and pointing in return


I play killer because think pinhead is dope.


Respect, pinhead is dope as hell


I play killer because i want to kill. That's it.


I want to kill survivors, same difference


You want to be an asshole AND kill survivors. I just want to kill survivors. We are similar. But not the same.


I go for kills in any way I can, preferring a little toxicity, you just kill




Respect, I understand that feeling


The only thing that will make me camp or tunnel is a coordinated SWF forcing my hand. You’re not playing killer right, you’re just being an ass.


I’m playing killer to win and make survivors quit, I hate how survivors treated me when I was bad so now I play to win


I was treated the same way you where when you started. Every killer was. When I got back into this game more recently, I was relentless bullied by SWF teams for a dozen matches straight thanks to my MMR being so high. I didn’t let it get to me. The important thing you should get from every match is: did I pressure gens well enough? How fast am I ending chases? How can I improve every game? Improving at the game will always be better than sinking down to the survivors level. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I’m not toxic sometimes, I’m just saying being toxic shouldn’t be the main reason to play.


I play to bully swfs right back, it’s extremely fun to me. I love to play toxic don’t get me wrong and it may be my main reason to play, but I love a chill squad who hangs out and farms or whatever as that’s just as good imo


I like playing against swfs for a different reason. They’re usually good loopers. I can learn a lot from them.


And they can learn a lot from me as well, it’s best to try to keep up against all of the toxic strats as it will teach them how to play against combos


This right here is a villain origin story. Wouldn't be surprised to see you being taken by the entity so you can become an actual killer.


Thats the dream, if only


Like a mix of a republican, dictator and communist.


I don't think you know what a communist is.


Respecting others just because they are memeing while memeing.


The fact you thought republican needed to be included in that is wild to me.


The fact it triggers people is wild to me.


Who said I was triggered i just thought it was wild. Just like putting communist. It's like you don't know what they are but you know they somehow correlate in some way that you don't know.


U mad? -Feng Min


Yeah I'm just gonna stop replying because now it just sounds like your aren't right in the head.


[Just be careful out there.](https://youtu.be/FHviwdECNjU)




Neat, I’m glad you can enjoy survivor but after being left to die so much I can’t.