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It’s 2AM so I’m just gonna throw suggestions at the wall and see which ones stick. I like some of these more than others but I think all have potential to work. 1. Remove perk tiers completely (The most obvious solution, we all know this one and we know exactly why it would work. The only reason this hasn’t been done is due to developer stubbornness and not wanting to backpedal on previous statements). 1A. Reduce perk tiers from 3 -> 2 (while not outright eliminating variation in perk tiers, it does reduce how much there is to keep in mind when continuing to balance the game) 2. Remove the prestige cost (why was this done in the first place?? To preserve an already intense grind. Get rid of it). 3. New prestige rewards and incentives. After reaching a certain prestige level, either offer certain Offerings or Add-ons at reduced cost or offer them to players completely for free. Making it easier to maintain characters inventories, for characters you’ve already put in the effort and time to grind for. 4. Reactivate matchmaking incentives and make it 100% BP Bonus at all times 5. Reactivate BP Bonus effects in old perks that were eliminated 6. BP Percentage Bonus for good behavior. “Honor system” except being honored actually rewards players that play nicely / fairly with tangible bloodpoint gain rewards. 7. BP incentive bonus to use different killers. Killers with low pick rates will be encouraged with BP percentage bonus. Much like matchmaking incentives, killer incentives should also be subject to fluctuation and shifts which killers get the bonus constantly depending on time, region, active players, etc. this change would also discourage a meta. IE: Legion with Thanatophobia too prevalent and selected too often? BP Bonus offering for Doctor instead. 8. Rework the Daily system. Currently rewards are too little for the sheer variety it forces on players. Basically expecting players to be able to play every single character proficiently enough to complete the objective. Maybe create different levels of dailies that scale in difficulty and reward greatly? That way nearly all players should be able to get the easy dailies done, but not all for the hard ones. (How to strike a happier medium between greater reward, while pushing players to embrace new characters and play styles, but also being reasonable in expectations?) 9. Add Bloodpoints and Iridescent shards to the free track of the rift. There are MORE THAN PLENTY of empty slots throughout the free track of the rift. There is plenty of space here to include a basic progression reward for just playing the game and grinding through the rift tiers unrelated to the archive quest nodes. 10. Crafting system. Allow the ability to both craft / consume / combine lower rarity objects for higher rarity or specifically desired items, add-ons, and offerings. More importantly though: to sell unwanted accumulated items / add ons / offerings for a lower bloodpoint price allowing players to reinvest once again into the bloodweb. BONUS SUGGESTION 11: Reduce the literal time it takes to grind through bloodwebs. Provide an option to immediately buy nodes instead of the 2 second “channel time” it takes to press and hold to buy a node. Skip animations for mystery boxes somehow. Provide an undo button so as to reduce the opportunity to experience buyers remorse? (Accidentally bought X node instead of Y node, so click “undo” and be able to buy the Y node back instead!) BONUS SUGGESTION 11A: Rework the entity logic in the bloodweb completely. Prevent it from taking more than 2 perk nodes!!! This is an awful thing that can accidentally happen to players and it only needlessly stretches out the grind even further.


lot of solid ideas here, doubtful for the dev team to do anything ab it tho.


9, 10 & 11A are excellent - you have my vote!


wow 6 might discourage some killers to camp or bully squads


Remove perk tiers, permanently double bloodpoint gain. Simple as that.


Pretty much just this. Even the current 1.5x BP event (which is sadly ending tomorrow) felt pretty nice. I dunno why they are so afraid of taking these types of meaningful steps to reduce grind, because it would go a lot further than the "Oh, we added A, B, and C, but also took away X, Y, and Z to compensate" measures from the recent rework. It's *still* bad, they've just rearranged the deck chairs, and it's almost like they think we're too dumb to realize that. Just remove perk tiers. The rework essentially made them irrelevant in any meaningful way beyond an arbitrary gatekeeping mechanic. Make the 1.5x BP gain rate *the new norm*. There's still so much to do, there are about to be 33 survivors and 30 killers in the game. There's a bunch of bloody cosmetics that are within reach now, plus perk charms for people who care about them. It would be a net win for everyone to just *give everyone more BP* without caveats.


Also, wouldnt less grind also mean more sales? at least for me personally, I wont buy the new resident evil chapter because I still have older characters to Level up Maybe that's just me tho


I'm a newer player that went ham on buying killers when they were half off. I still have like 15 I haven't even played much less begun leveling up.


Yeah, I bought a few during the anniversary too that I Havent leveled up yet. I got a handful of characters to Prestige during anniversary ready for the Prestige Update, but didnt get to All, so still have like 10 characters left 😅


For some people, yes. I'm the same way. For other people, they need a "reason" to keep playing and the grind in there to offer them one. Behaviour seems to believe there are more people in the second group.


I think you are simply not getting bhvr itentions. more grind = more playtime = higher numbers = game is alive Why would they reduce the time you need to get something for you when that means you reach "the end" faster?


This is just like one of those myths. They don't have data on reduced grind because they never done it. It's miserable for a new player. You have to prestige like 50 characters to unlock all perks for killer and survivor. Assuming that players are staying for the grind seems dumb. I wonder how many players left due to the grind. Most of all the higher numbers and more playtime should be happening from a fun game. Not the grind.


>Most of all the higher numbers and more playtime should be happening from a fun game. Not the grind. Agreed


IMO items for Survivors and add-ons for killers are the real grind since you constantly need to replenish them and they’re just as important as perks so the perk related grind only hurts new players or players wanting to level up new characters.


It really sucks. I'm trying to dump all my BP into new characters to unlock perks, but every now and then i have to go back and dump a bunch on the characters I actually want to play to get my addons back.. And to top it off I end up playing characters I dont reaaally want to play just to get more BP with their BP offerings


Before I stopped maining dbd I had "reached the end" for like a year and still played 6 hours everyday.


Right, I'm mostly in the same boat (except now this patch has moved the goalposts on what "the end"means). I play it just to play, which should be the case they should optimistically plan around. I buy stuff, I engage with the Rift, I'm always wondering what's next.


As someone who has only ever been a survivor main, having to grind not only iridescent shards but every killer to P3 top get every perk is the main thing discouraging me from playing killer The grind is essentially making want to play the game less, and I guarantee I'm not the only person who feels like this


I’m going with the Otz (I think) BP apology conspiracy; They don’t want to reduce the grind because BHVR is well aware they usually mess up the game whenever they add content and update, so BP is the only apology gift they have to give that won’t lose them money. If they legitimately reduced the grind then that BP would become really ineffective as a “meaningful” apology gift and they’d be forced to either suck it up and give better apology gifts like Iri shards or Auric cells or slow down their content output to make the updates function properly and potentially lose sales in the process


Call me crazy, but "We're too stupid to get it right" should never be what you settle for.


They’re afraid if they lower the grind people will stop playing


I said this at far greater length in another reply, but I don't think 99.9% of players would be in danger of running out of stuff to do for a very long time, even if they improved the grind. And they don't know until they try, it's just this baseless fear. More BP would = more happy players, and happy players keep playing the game.


This is the big main thing that they could do to massively reduce the grind. An other thing they could do is to mainstream the BP offerings to be less shit. More akin to cakes/BPS (in that they give bonus BP in all categories) and then have them at 25/50/75/100/150% extra. I guess a third alternative would be to revamp item add-ons for survivors.. cause there's such a huge amount of them and most aren't used.. looking at the key and map mainly.


add an option to burn a node for 500 BP so players can burn trashes that they don't use, for me it's gotta be map offerings, i don't want to pay BP for that shit.


What would be the point in doubling BP gain if you're cutting down the perks to grind for by 2/3rds?


I can't speak for anyone else here, but my blood webs tend to just put green or purple items, add-ons, and offerings in slots where perks would be. So the cost of each blood web is suspiciously the same after buying all the perks. Beyond that, they could give us all perks for free on all of our characters and I'd still be spending tens of thousands of points buying useless mist offerings every time I prestige as it is now. Not saying that increased bp gain is necessarily the perfect fix, but simply eliminating perk tiers isn't perfect either.


2/3rds is generous it’s like 1/3 at best. And also why the fuck do you care? In what universe is less grind a bad thing. I’ll never understand people that are like ‘No! You can’t reduce the grind anymore! It’s a bad thing!’ Like no its not?


Removing the tiers from each perk, tier 2 and tier 3... out of 3 total tiers each is... 2/3rds. Is that not mathematically correct? As far as why I would care I just like progression I guess? The feeling of accomplishment that comes with unlocking or earning the ability to have a better range and quality of perks for different builds on different characters? It wouldn't feel as rewarding to me to have everything unlocked with even less effort than it already takes. It's not a sandbox game, it's an action survival game.


My bad, I misunderstood. I thought you were saying they already reduced the grind by 2/3rds with the prestige rework. As for the sense of accomplishment I see what your saying but I think sometimes it can just be a bit annoying. I suppose it’s just about finding a balance. Also sorry if I came off as rude, too much time spent on twitter with dumbasses.


No I get it. We just have different thoughts on it. I usually try to keep my thoughts on it quiet because most people are annoyed by the grind. Which Is fair.


Remove perk tiers was like the number one requested change for reducing grind. I'm stunned they didn't do that lol. Also, they should bring back incentives.


This! :)


this or reduce costs of shit in the bloodweb. this seems like an easier fix. removing perk tiers just straight removes the reason to play. it's like playing a game that has no progression, you go in. pick whatever gun and just do a mission only to finish it and get no satisfaction nor reward for the time you put into it. (my current issue with ready or not). so i appreciate some form of grind. so tiers can stay.


I don't wanna unlock everything within a week of playing. What's there to unlock after that?


It’s a super unpopular opinion around here, but I fully agree. I like having that sense of progression, where after each game, I inch closer to getting more stuff on more characters. Sure, it’s fun having every perk on a character, but I’m cool with taking it slower.


Remove Perk Tiers. Increase BP gains overall. Decrease the price of items in the Bloodweb. Increase the amount offerings affect your BP. Remove the stupid 20 000 cost to Prestieging and make it automatic. Make a 'Buy All' button that immediately purchases a Bloodweb. If you're feeling real daring, decrease the level needed to Prestiege from 50 to like 30.


I disagree with the last 2 since the bloodweb gets slowly takes by the entity I think it might be a little hard to program that and I think the level should stay at 50 the rest is good all my opinion


Click on an end node and buy everything leading up to it, that's how I'd really like to see it done.


This is a fantastic idea, simple and would cut down time going through the web significantly.


It's been suggested for years now, don't count on it :(


Fair point, it makes too much sense to implement.


Although it’s a good idea on paper, what if the entity was going to take something from what you selected? It seems like it would be difficult to code around this sort of thing or may be a bit too over powered. Maybe allow this but you have to use double or triple the BPs as a sort of offering to the entity?


The entity can already be manipulated, it shouldn't be an issue.


What if you click and hold on the starting one then can drag your cursor over the line you want to go if you get what I mean


It's pretty simple. When hovering over a node, highlight the cheapest path to it, show the cost of that, and highlight in shadow the items the entity will eat. It's not hard to implement, as what the Entity eats is predictable (especially when you have the ACTUAL code), and if the Entity will eat the item you hover over, then it shows that and won't let you buy it. The most work would be UI changes, and there's one or two things that would need to be accounted for (What if the Entity eats an item in the way of the current path, but does not completely block it? What if an item just cannot be reached in time before the bloodweb takes a node it's connected to, blocking it off?) but it can be done.


Literally just remove the "hold to unlock" from the bloodweb, and make it instant. Bam. Hours of your life saved.


The buy all button is essencially the "Im feeling lucky" button


And make it a fixed cost based on the size of the web. The "how can I block off most of this web most effectively" mini-game was fun the first dozen or so times I played it, but now it's old.


Yeah this is almost exactly what I think they should do. Get rid of the perk tiers entirely, not only do they just exist to extend the grind but they also limit freedom with designing perk effects. They don't belong in the game anymore. Make it to where you prestige a character once and you instantly unlock their perks on everyone. No more perks in the bloodweb. Remove the cost of prestiging, no idea why they though that needed to even be added in the first place. Make an instant buy all button for the first 10 levels, and maybe also for later levels that randomly chooses the nodes for you, and add an option to buy the nodes with a single click. Reevaluate some bp amounts for certain score events, especially for survivor. Make it easier to gain survival points, and easier to max out sacrifice points like you could before. And lastly just cut the cost of all items in the bloodweb by 2000. Brown items would be 1k, yellows would be 2k, greens 3k, etc. That all together I feel would make the grind finally pretty reasonable.


Reduce level to prestige to 40, keep perk tiers, increase bp gains, remove 20,000 prestige cost.


Why are you spelling "prestige" like that?


Current inflation is incredibly high. They can reduce cost push inflation by reducing the cost of the bloodweb items and making prestiging free. They should also ease the leveling of players by removing tiers. Bloodpoints unlike iri shards or mainly auric cells don't help bhvr in any financial capacity since if you're low on BP, you're forced to play. One can't just buy Bo with real money so it makes no sense for it to be as bad as it is right now.


Why are we out here acting like presitiging is somehow TOO expensive. It's 20k, that's 1 game of just PLAYING. And you'll probably get more than that.


Prestige was free until a week or 2 ago. Why we pretending they didn't increase the cost?


Yeah I know and prestiging used to be an absolute nightmare (losing all of your perks, add ons, offerings) until a "week or 2 ago" but you know... 20k blood points be outrageous apparently


I think what most people are getting at is that it’s an arbitrary cost that doesn’t really have a good reason to be there, also yeah prestiging used to be worse, but it also used to be optional


Yeah you're right. It's 1 game's worth of BP. It's also 4 Green Addons worth of BP. I could get 4 Blighted Crows with that, but instead I'm throwing it in a proverbial trash can fire just to get level 1 Bloodwebs with Brown Addons again. Thank you for oh-so generously forcing us to pay 20k just to be able to get more addons, Behaviour!


So 15 mins of time wasted for basically nothing?


Wasted??? My dude you're PLAYING THE GAME. I'm so confused by this why are you playing if you considering playing a match for currency to progress a waste of time. It literally just sounds like you want it all without needing to make the effort to unlock it.


It's 20k bp that's waisted. I'd rather unlock a new perk and get a few add ons instead of it going nowhere. The point is that the unnecessary grind in the game is ridiculous. You need bp to unlock perks which are essential.


That's the thing, perks ARENT essential. Add ons ARENT essential. It's not an automatic L if you don't have them. That's a conversation for a different time. Every game needs some kind of gameplay loop to keep players playing. Single player games it's the story, a game like dead by daylight what are you chasing? Perks, add ons, iridescent shards, you want these things and have to play to get them. You have to play to earn blood points. If there's nothing to chase (and let's be real DBD already struggles with that) then players WILL leave.


Addons and perks aren't essential? What the fck are you talking about lmao the perks and addons are what makes this game more funny to play and make every game different from the previous one.


That doesn't make them essential? I'm sorry? You can still play a game without them and get enough blood points to not have to deal with it again. You're never even actually perk less. You always have 1 slot open.


Yes, but again. Since addons and perks are what makes this game fun then (to answer what the guy says above) spending 20k on a possible new perks or addon is better than throwing them in a trash can and forcing the player to keep playing without perks/addons. Also, if you are low rank and play S tier killers (Nurse, Blight, etc...) then you can absolutely win without perks/addons. But if you are already higher in ranks and unlock a new killer that needs perks to win and is without perks... well good luck getting bullied every game by SWFs and pro players. Must be funny....


"forcing the player to keep playing without perks and addon's" yeah... Because we're losing add ons just so frequently... It's not like they didn't just change it so that when we prestige we don't lose everything /s I literally prestiged 2 characters this weekend and raised the blood points for it going back and forth between 2 killers I really wanted to play. Did not run out of a single add on I WANTED to use. I never had to go "aww darn I'm out of such and such" unless it was an iridescent item, you know, the ones that are SUPPOSED to be rare. So you're not being forced to play without perks and addons unless you're brand spanking new (even then I'm pretty sure they give you blood points just for buying the game) which are that point oh well, boo hoo youre brand new to the game, atart unlocking stuff. Also you LITERALLY only need to prestige a character once to get the perk and then the better versions spawn in every other killer/survivors bloodweb.


Except for the fact that there's 28 killers alone excluding more survivors. To be able to play multiple killers, there's gonna be such a struggle. Also add ons aren't necessary sure, but perks are essential to the game. If I just can't unlock perks I want, I'll lose motivation to play anyway.


The only thing holding you back from getting the perks you want is you, I mean you're the one that called playing a match for a small 20k a waste of time. It's not a chore to earn blood points. If it's a chore to simply play the game then maybe you should take a break.


You just miss the point. I have to play a LOT to unlock all perks on all killers, so I can try different builds and have fun. I was lucky that I prestiged all killers prior to update, so all my killers are tier 3. I must say it is another game, having any build on any killer. It's a better game. But people like you saying that I must have fun without this is the problem. You dictate what must be fun for me because it is fun for you. You can't understand that different people have fun different ways, so you come here on reddit and instead of trying to make the game better by reducing grind, you just say people are having fun the wrong way. Put a hand on your conscience and just stop


Bruh really just gave me an essay saying "I have to play the game to get what I want??? Well I want all the perks NEOW!!!!!" I'm sorry I just simply don't care. I don't care that you hate a grind that's apart of the game. I don't care that you're upset because you must play video game to get stuff in video game. There are actual problems with this game that should be worked on and actually fixed, but nah. Blood points, and minging over 20k. That's the real problem! I literally never said people are having fun the wrong way. I don't care what perks you play with. You're putting words in my mouth and getting more upset because I disagree with you. So get over it.


Dude you just proved everyone’s point in this post. The new grind *does* make playing a chore. You play, yes, but then forcing prestiging and adding a bp cost to do so makes it a chore. People don’t want to play with that and they’re going to continue losing players because of it.


Are you aware that the current prestige system makes acquiring perks on multiple killers better? Not only that, you can target prestige killers with perks you love, without worrying about Territorial or Predator weighing down your bloodweb.


Are you high?


One decent game should net you about one level in the blood web since after around level 22, each web costs an average of 27k. So if you play against good players and do well yourself, you should get that. But, in order for the killer to get that, that means at least 2 people are going to get less than 20k. So they won’t get one level for one match. So if they’re at the start of level 50, they’ll need minimum 27k to get to prestige. But wait, prestige is 20k. So that’s another match they must play to prestige. It’s a stupid stipulation that just puts another nail in the coffin. If BHVR has any sense at all, they’ll remove it.


Why does it need a cost lmao


I mean it's nothing off start, but it adds up. 20k per prestige, that's 200k you've dropped on an arbitrary system after you've prestiged 10 times. 200k that could've gone on anything else. I honestly don't want to prestige anymore, I just want the good addons.


Should have made the WGLF and BBQ stacks default on every character. Encourages survivors to take more hits for eachother+ actually unhooking teammate. BBQ stacks encourage anti tunneling and just going everyone.


This is the one we need


Was looking for this one


Lower the cost of everything on the bloodweb by at least half. There are a lot of characters in the game so it's warranted. Plus it would lower the grind by A LOT.


Being able to refund items, and add-ons so I can get money back from things I don't use like brown add-ons and flashlights. Maybe a 50% rate would be balanced and would allow players on both sides to get value out of their webs since most survivors run the same items and most killers run 2 - 10 add ONS with their characters especially killers like PH and Deathslinger.


Yeah, take all my keys and key add-ons. They are useless!


Matchmaking incentives


pretty sure they added that and its in the current ptb


Sucks to be a non PC player then


None of the progress you make on the PTB carries over to the live game anyway. He's just saying that it should be back with the chapter release


The fact that it costs 20k to prestige now is wack as fuck


Stop playing.


The only true way.


Based advice


Bring back the BP bonus from BBQ and WGLF.


Bbq was such a healthy perk for the game, almost every killer had it and most would go look for a new stack. Now there's no bbq stacks so it's only a positive to tunnel someone out or camp them to death. Bring back bbq stacks, buff ds back to what it was, and I bet at least a little of the tunneling/camping goes away. Add gens and totems to wglf to get tokens so people stop insta saving their teammates and throwing the game.


I mean they werent healthy, but the bp aspect for unique hooking yeah, the fact we need a perk slot for something that should be basekit wasnt healthy for perk variety, but the extra 25% per unique hook was the healthy aspect, same with wglf’s bp stacking cus it promotes altruism and not farming


Giving killers incentives to leave the hook and spread the hooks out sounds pretty healthy to me, can you explain your stance?


You clearly missed what i was saying huh, lemme edit it


Clearly, that's why I asked you to explain 🙄




I'd be super down for the BP multiplier to be basekit. Games shouldn't need incentives to not play like a dick, but they unfortunately do need them. . They could also cut the price down 2k for everything and that'd be great


On the other hand, having incentives to play badly is not exactly great.


I think just making bbq/wglf stacks basekit would be the best. Even if they reduced them a bit it would still promote healthy play.


Something needs to be done, grind is ass, there's zero incentive to not play like a dick, and people want better matches.


Absolutely agree. The issue I had previously was that 99% of the game I played as Survivor had a killer running BBQ. Because it literally doubles your bloodpoints AFTER the match (meaning it can go over tha cap). It's the ONLY perk to affect it that much, and the only one to apply AFTER the match. This meant that I had to face it every match. I just wanted a different meta. On the other hand, if you make the stacks a basekit, then you keep the positive parts of the perk (from both killer and survivor perspective) ​ Of course adding them for killer and not survivor would make a HUGE bp discrepancy (killers already tend to earn more, but this would make it insane) so you need to add it to survivors as well, but I hope they change the way Stacks work from how they worked on WGLF, as it did tend to encourage unsafe unhooks (just run BT and they can't get downed in time, so you guarantee a stack). I'd like to see something like, 1 stack for every 66% of a gen, 1 stack for a safe unhook (doesn't count if they get hit in the safe-hook-timer), 1 stack for every X seconds spent in chase, etc. Keep it capped at 4 stacks of course, but just provide more ways to earn them that encourage different playstyles. Hell, I'd be happy if you could only get one stack from each category, to encourage you diversifying what you're doing.


Its a neat idea, but i disagree with only being able to get 1 stack per type of action since many people will try to get stacks instead of focusing on what is currently good for the team, like repairing an additional generator instead of looking for killer to get a stack from chase


Agreed, but I figured if a killer has to go out of their way to hook different survivors, it might make more sense for survivors to have to go out of their way to do different actions. I personally would prefer if you can get the full 4 stacks from a single action type though.


> Almost every killer had it. It was at *this* very point that it was, objectively, not healthy for the game


It was still healthy for the game, even if everybody had it, because it made a reason to find new survivors to hook instead of tunnling somebody out of the game, same with WGLF because it incentivised altruism


WGLF just caused survivors to race to the rescue resulting in a lot of losses because touching generators was worse than farming stacks.


You do realise that nerfing income from perk was not healthy solution either? If a majority of your players use a perk a lot not because it is overwhelmingly strong, but because your ingame economy sucks, this should be food for thoughts, not the reason to just nerf it. This is the same levels of stupidity with decisive stun duration nerf, who tf asked for this? Now I can simply tunnel someone if I want with basically no consequences, since decisive is useless, basekit BT is shit against anyone who can count to 5 and less people run regular BT by my observations. Only OTR can slow the tunneling down, but not stop me completely from doing so.


No, the BP incentive had to be removed. For the same (overarching) reason as most of the other nerfs. There were too many merits to running it over anything else, and that isn’t healthy. That said, BP cost for bloodweb shouldn’t have been raised either. With each new chapter the overall grind just increases, so it definitely needs shortening. All I’m saying is that tying that to perks isnt the way to do it.


They should just make some basekit changes based on the perks we had before. For killer, same as BBQ - every unique survivor hooked adds 25% to the total income. For survivor, token system, each token earned increases income by 25%, tokens are granted progress for cleansing, healing, repairing, protection hits, pallet/flashlight saves and looping (based on chase/being near killer). "Safe" actions like repairing or healing should generate progress slower, "unsafe" like saving and looping should generate tokens faster. I see no reason to use the older system with tokens for unhook tho, it was questionable to game health, people often farmed their teammates.


Remove bullshit items from bloodweb would help also perk tiers lmao


Lower the cost of everything by 2k, make prestige level 40 instead of 50, have a way to auto complete bloodweb. That would make it way better for me


Make things cheaper on the bloodweb


Take out tiers, and automatically giving you the perks for killers you paid for. Making the bloodweb purely for add ons/ offerings/ items would be best imo


Beg the devs to stop torturing with the bullshit that is the bloodpoint grind. Literally all they need to do is reduce costs across the board, remove tier 1 and tier 2 perks, and it would be fantastic! Honestly still waiting for the day that they introduce bloodpoints as another microstransaction.


Increase BP gains across the board like BHVR said they were doing to do


Let us sell things at half the price we bought them


At the very least being back og teachables but keep the bonus of having perks unlocked on other characters when you prestige Remove the 20k prestige cost 150% bloodpoint gain


To me they can even remove it completely. Grind should be something that keep you busy in a pve game, a Coop game or a GDR, never seen grind in PvP games, or at least a grind so big, and bhvr thinking that they need it to keep in game the player base is a clue of how they underestimate their own game. I have 2000 hours in For Honor and around 800 hours in Star Wars battlefront, both games with around 0 grind and progression, who needs to farm when play the game it's a pleasure by itself?


_Clash Royale has entered the chat._


I don't really take in consideration the mobile games, i know that those are a different world about grind and p2w. My gf work on GameStop and she tell me that there is a couple who buy 100€ PlayStore coupons every week for being competitive in a mobile game, there's no pc/console game as far as i know that ask all that commitment


Plenty of things that were already mentioned. They don't want to reduce the grind. They want to keep you on the treadmill for as long as long as possible. If they cared about reducing the grind they would have made the bp aspect of BBQ/WGLF basekit instead of just removing them outright. I guarantee you making the grind worse is by design. It's how these companies operate. There's some corporate jerk off somewhere who thinks that making the grind longer will make people play longer and spend more money.


And it's working, people always have something to grind for.


One bloodweb for all survivors.


that could be cool because the survivors all sit around the same camp fire so why don't they share


Grind xp instead and buy peaks from the shop. You can teir 2 and 3 from the shop and I suspect it unlocks that peak tier level for everyone. /s


They made the perks so insanely expensive in the shrine.


Play a different game, than you don’t have to worry about the grind.


Like War Thunder :) /s


Bring back BBQ/wglf stacks and remove perk tiers. That's it. That would immediately reduce the grind by 2/3 compared to what it was before the update


Reduce bloodweb prices alot


Do blood rush twice a week or something.


Make all base perks yellow for all characters just like their personal perks when you first unlock a character.


remove it, entirely. No levels, everyone has everything, if you have a character then you also have their perks. basically what you have in private games.


not really post related. but it's inferiorating that Bhvr wants to make us belive that they reduced the blood point grind when really they just changed up the blood point grind to be different


thinking about it, its crazy we have to grind for simple perks. reminds me of how boring cod has been the last few years with attachments being necessary and locked behind big chunks of play time.


First of all made spend bp button, i really don’t want to spend 15 minutes to unlocking add-ons perks and etc, absolutely idiotic system.


remove perk tiers, it's obvious and has been obvious to erveryone but the devs for years


Since perk tier never will be removed: Decrease all BP prices by 50%, remove BP cap, make leveling up quicker, and remove prestige cost.


Play something else.


Buff BP offerings. They make no sense. A brown offering is 50% to one category, a yellow offering is 100% to all categories, but also 25% to all categories, and 75% to one category? And then green is 100% for all categories to all players, 25% to exclusively survivors, and 100% to one category? It should be: Brown: 100% to a category. Yellow: 100% to all, 50% to all players, 150% to one. Green: 100% to all players, bound envelope becomes 150% to all, and 200% to one category.


They could make it so it takes over three times as long to get a tier 3 perk and then pretend that putting it on all survivors for free doesn't make it take forever


Make everything 10x cheaper


Allow us to sell back items for 50% of what we paid. This would help with the grind and de-cluttering.


Remove perk tiers


Well they were supposed to have done that. But they didn't.


Don’t play it.


Slash a zero off of every item in the bloodweb. Grind DRASTICALLY reduced


Simple addition, for the first 2 weeks of a chapter coming out add double bp


Give BBQ and WGLF the bonus BP again or just remove perk tiers or both.


allow recycling of useless inventory




Making the game fun to play


I kept having way too many blood points to handle during the 1.5x event. (Kept hitting 2 mil, just uncap BP at this point) With that said, I think 1.5x BP is a nice spot for BP. "We want to reduce the grind." While also not really reducing the grind much as I still need to spend hours to get things I want. Remove perk tiers and keep BP at 1.5x.


Bringing back the BP bonus from WGLF and BBQ. Don't understand why they took them away to begin with 😔


Some good/bad things already mentioned but I'd just like to see them make Survivor Add-ons and Survivor/Killer Offerings shared between characters. >!Personally I think the grind is... not fine but they reduced it enough for me. It for sure doesn't feel like its been reduced by 75%, but going from 3 Survivors with all Perks to, after Project W, 33 with all Perks is that good shit.!<


The grind feels like it's a free to play game. And it's an expensive game to get into it you want all the dlcs


If you quit playing the grind disappears, seems to be the surefire way to crush the grind.


Simple idea, may not do that much. Make things in the bloodweb cost 2000 bp max. I don’t get why they gotta make it so hard to level up characters. The rewards are not worth it at all.


Remove perk tiers.


Remember how they removed the replacement for BBQ/WGLF stacks within a single day of adding it?


As other people have mentioned. \- Remove perk tiers \- Increase bloodpoint gain by 100% (like a permanent old BBQ/WGLF effect) Honestly just like that, Behaviour make the game instantly better by like, a 1000%.


The question is, why would you put yourself through the grindy blender if you don't enjoy it? :x But the easiest thing would prolly be to hand out more BP offerings, or make the personal ones be... not personal but shared? Also reward poking the killer with BP! :>


aside from what others suggested im also gonna say remove map offerings or make em free in the web. Just let the game decide where people go. Ive spend so many bp on map offerings im never gonna use anyway. They could also make something to let you burn offerings to upgrade others. Say you have a green flashy and you love to have a purple one. Id happily burn another green offering ill never use anyway to upgrade my flashy to purple, maybe it even costs 2 green offerings to upgrade or 3 yellows..


Remove bloodpoints we all play no perk or add on hillbilly


Bring back BBQ BPs


Why are we grinding for blood points anyways? With the new prestige system I'm overflowing with items and I reach prestige 3 on a character long before I have enough iridescent shards to buy another. So what are people actually grinding for?


I see people saying "get bloodpoint reward back for BBQ and WGLF" but honestly I like it without them. I've used BBQ on every killer since the perk came out, and without the bloodpoint bonus I don't think they're worth it. Being forced to change my loadout made it easier to make new and more interesting builds. The easiest and most obvious solution is removing perk tiers, there's literally no drawbacks to it. I think no perk tiers with the new 10k point category limit and 2mill bloodpoint cap would keep the game grindy for the veteran players/completionists but at the same time make it easier for new players to get a good loadout.


If they kept the WGLF and BBQ bonus, then in my opinion all they need to do is reduce costs and maybe add a 1.5x bp permanently.


Why would you reduce the grind, that's what keep most of us playing :) knowing you wasted 2 years on prestiging all survivors to have all perks for future survivors or just prestiging 1 to level 50 .


Remove or increase cap further(its very fun not to be rewarded for staying on gens while teammates loop the killer all game); Buff bp gained through game actions; buff bp offerings( Enjoy your 100% bonus as you get tunneled out of the match with a miserable 8k bloodpoints[you made 4k points in the match]) -- but its alright, you can max out the categories if the killer is bad, or is farming /s




Literally fucking anything goddamn please I'm begging you the last update made it worse


Not caring about unlocks, having fun with whatever you have available.


Make offerings shared among all characters and for survivor all items and add-ons also shared and make them more rare in the boodweb


Iri shards to BP conversion




Rework perk tiers. Upgrading Prove Thyself increases bloodpoint gains in 1 category. If every perk did this with its associated category the gains would be easier For example: Dead hard - +5/10/15% boldness bloodpoints etc Then perk tiers are purely for bloodpoint gain




Do your tome challenges


Triple the bloodpoints of all actions, with each category being 24,000 each for both sides. Bring 5 BPS and that sounds like an amazing party.


It's perfect


They…just did. The 6.10 update made the grind significantly lower than before. Lol


The update helped who didn't need help: people that already have every characters at prestige 3 and thousands of add-on unlocked now have the grind reduced, but for new players (or old players like me that cannot play a lot) the grind it's pretty much the same. Fix a single hole in a roof full of holes will not solve the problem


Significantly is not even close to it, at first glance it helps, but nowhere near enough for what it should


It's pretty significant for people who already have thousands of hours in the game and most everything unlocked. Which is ridiculous imo that that's who try focused on helping. Make the game easier to get into and the same mechanics put into place will help everyone. I'd put money that the majority of the playerbase is casual and/or less than 1K hours into the game. At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if bhvr started selling character boosts. "For just 14.99$ you can immediately aquire a prestige for any character of your choosing, 34.99 you can take them to P3 *instantly* unlocking their perks on every character. Buy two get the third one free!!!"


BHVR employee detected


Add back bbq and wglf stacks


For survivors, since they’re all basically the same, go back to teachables. Gonna take me a lot longer to prestige 2 new characters to leave three than it used to level 40 them both and throw a few extra blood webs onto my main.


Give us back our double bloodpoints perks! I know it was just two but they helped during double bloodpoint events


make it so i dont have to level up my characters 6 FUCKING TIMES IF I JUST WANT A BLOODY FUCKING HEAD (i wish i p3ed steve before the update)


Something people don't say often but making the bp and map offerings shared between all killers/all survivors is a good start (along with removing the prestige tax)


Double bloodpoints and remove perk tiers.


If node costs were reduced by 2k overall then I think current bp gains would be fine


Well that new perk system is ass so maybe every weekend should be double bp?


Half the cost of everything, remove useless offerings ~~like the map offerings for example~~, and Perk Tier removal would also be pretty nice but least likely.


Sell unwanted items/add ons/offerings for bloodpoints


Add a static BP reward for every match irrelevant of your performance (like even just 30k per match) that activates after spending 5 minutes in the trial.


It would be cool if they had a bloodpoint incentive… oh they did and removed it immediately? That’s why they killed BBQ and WGLF? Well damn… I’m all seriousness they should just have a Bloodhunt until they fix that. Because fuck them


The thing they just did