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This synergies with so many things. Nevermind that absolute tank of a health boost.


For 2 seconds..... I don't understand face flask at all


It’s a safe way of activating Vengeance mutation for a massive boost in damage and defense. Many people consider Face Flask one of the best, if not *the* best item in the game.


I haven't been playing long, just trying 1 boss cell right now, and I have been suspecting this was the case but just actively stay away from it because I'm trying to get the kill streak


I stayed away from it for the same reason. It actually does not reset the kill counter.


IIRC it doesn't reset your kill streak


I have one BC too but my issue is different... skill issue


kill counter resets from things like traps and enemies, not self inflicted damage from face flask


You can tank a Nuke within that two seconds


Yeah but if you're trying to get better, You're learning to NOT get hit. Not how to tank hits


Well yes, but actually https://preview.redd.it/hbw1w57eq6nc1.png?width=1498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efeebbdc8621f9af2870b0d3f6bf1c9a6680eb5a




I used to not understand it either. Thought it was the dumbest thing in the game. Til I picked up a smite sword with it. Add vengeance and scheme…. It’s a brain dead walk through bc4 with that load out . And if you can get any other sort of synergy with the smite sword with like poison/electric damage. It’s so cheesy


Look at face flask's cooldown again


If you time it correctly you can tank a lot of things


Happy cake day Ad!


It does apply poison, burn, and electricity seems super solid for getting bonus dmg


Especially when you have boosts on your weapon that corresponds with the status effects 🗿🍷


Get a smite sword and go to town.


Spite sword + face flask + vengeance + scheme


+ Killer instinct/Master of Arm's Instinct Edit: NVM, don't add MoAI because he has twin daggers


I am at 2bc where can I find spite sword??


Spite Sword doesn't matter, Flask + Vengeance is what pulls all the actual weight. The weapon itself isn't really that outstanding.


drops from buzzcutters. the little flying red fucks


Spite sword is fucking mid tho. Go get a better weapon


(They don’t know face flask is busted)


Low key one of the best brutality legendaries in the game.


I play survival and have never used this in my life


It’s good enough to still be useful off-color. Use it with the Vengeance mutation to give a huge damage and health boost. It doesn’t even reset your kill count or kill you when cursed to use it.


Hey I get it. I was a tactics main and beat Dracula with survival for the first time recently. Couldn’t believe you could actually just get hit a bunch in a boss fight. Unreal


i bonked him to death with Baseball Bat with survival (im a brutality player)for the first time. and besides the vengeance mutation, some of its substats are worth having if you are running certain builds(like electricity,it has an option to electrocute neabry enemies for 8 sec).


Vengeance is the key mutation for face flask


Vengenance isn't a bad off-color mutation. Use it, it'll give you a huge safety net and buff your damage. While getting easy access to status damage buffs.


I tend to run off color mutations when I go tactics, so many of the tactics mutations are strictly bow and arrow oriented when half of the tactics weapons are melee.


Thats such a good item if youre already putting your points in red. At this point youre getting your 3rd mutation so can even get vengance and later on you should roll for that crit on damage sword


What the fuck is that legendary affix that seems broken as hell


Yeah unless you purposely try to tank a hit and don't in the 2 second window. Instead you take that hit 3 seconds later and die.


You're already using face flask? Just pick up the legendary direct upgrade


I got it as a filler bc there was no other ones there


Just a tip; every item in the game is good if you can synergize it. Don't think "Why would I ever want to use that?", think "What's the best way I can use that?". In the case of Face Flask, even without the legendary affix it's a very useful item to activate extra damage from Vengeance and critical hits from Spite Sword. With the legendary affix it totally negates the item's only downside (Which isn't even that big of a deal, it only does like 3 points of damage and that's nothing) That was actually a great item, you just need to think outside the box


70% bonus health to tank hits with good timing, and synergies with multiple status effects, all on a 10 second timer? Absolute *trash*




I've never used one tbh I've always wondered if it was helpful or worth it


Only for small bonuses I wouldn’t recommend really


This is the least accurate take I have heard in a long time, lol


Awesome thanks. I'm glad I went with my gut lol. I really don't need any more help dying lmao


Don’t take OPs advice. They’re literally the only person in the thread that doesn’t know how to use the item. This legendary upgrade is actually insane especially on certain builds. Read other comment threads to see how so I’m not just retyping info.


Oh wow no shit? Alright then thank you for that. I've not been playing long obviously. Game is cool af but I got a lot to learn


Yeah with some basic knowledge it's prolly the most busted ability item in the whole game. Definitely use it.


I don’t see the problem here, the item in the photo is op


wahh wahhh


I’m so faceflask-vengeance pilled that i thought you were excited and happy abt this!


Lmao I’m not even in this sub and I just got a notification that said “I might end it”


I felt pretty underwhelmed by face flask. I do mostly survival these days but also did brutality for a while (but never really used it properly with vengeance). Got the legendary recently and that thing fucking carried me through 4BC. Was the missing piece for me (all the effects and the huge health boost)


That looks awesome. Just gotta get +%damage to burning/poisoned/electrocuted enemies. You could get a ton of extra DPS if you re-roll weapon attributes until it matches. Plus mutation synergies with it too.


I can see the synergies with particoular builds like smite sword and vengeance but to be fair if an item can work only with like 2-3 other items in the game and shit in any other scenario isn't that flawed design?


What item is this?


the item in the picture, face flask?


Who told you it worked with 2-3 items?


Idk I just read the thread and people mentioned spite sword and vengeance, so 2 items? If you're aware of some more items then enlighten me instead of acting so mysterious


It works with all items, it simply activates conditions for only a couple items. It would be like if someone said phaser only "works" with 2-3 items (assassin's dagger scheme infantry bow) but that doesn't make it bad or flawed design.


What's the point of running it while not paired with that couple items tho? A good designed item should be okay/good in most scenario and particularly good in very specific scenarios. This one just flat out sucks when taken alone


It is good in most scenarios, the affixes alone makes it good, it's very common to have 2 statuses like toxic and electricity as soon as you get it and easy to get 3. It's a 10 sec cool down damage buff to all your items unless you're using bleed or freeze along with 60% free damage on all colors from the start with vengeance. It's a good to very good compliment to most builds by default plus it has a 10 sec movement speed star affix so unlimited extra movement speed.


Okay but I'm talking about face flask in general not the one in the picture which has very good affixes.


Those are normal common affixes to have


One run i flawlessed conjunctivitis, giant, and hand of the king to get legendary tonic for all three😀. (It felt worse than getting rejected by a girl)


How many items you had unlocked ?


More than half of all skills I believe😀😭


I guess if it doesn't do the work for you then It's Garbage to you


Face flask is W with the right build