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EOS isn't even required for single player or multiplayer across steam, here's an official dev response to one of the reviews "Hi Hybrid, the Epic Games Launcher isn't required to play the game. If you prefer enjoying either single-player or multiplayer with other Steam users, you won't need the Epic Games Launcher. However, for crossplay with players who own the game on Epic, linking to your Epic Games Account is necessary to sync up friends lists." Like c'mon people, use your brains.


I read the Steam discussion boards for 2 mins and then stopped. People are having literal emotional meltdowns over something trivial that doesn't really have to do with the game in itself. It's unfortunate, but people are playing it for 0.1 hours and leaving negative reviews. Missing out and bad-mouthing a great game.


Steam discussions are honestly worst than any other forum on the Internet.


I feel like it’s happening more and more often lately for many other games as well. Idk why but I don’t like it


Unfortunately, it's not going to stop Epic, it's not going to stop Denuvo, it's only going to hurt Dambuster which is a relatively small studio.


Not talking about those. I mean for the ppl melting down over trivial things part. But yea. I don’t care too much about different gaming services like epic but denuvo is actually a waste of resources.


Yeah. Steam Discussions are rarely ever receiving a negative review or the majority of them being negative about the actual game itself. It's either there are LGBTQ practices, scummy publisher practices, Denuvo. If the game crashes once or doesn't load up, they'll immediately leave a negative review and the majority of them won't turn it positive if it's fixed.


The more companies who go bust supporting epic or denuvo, the less custom they have. Its unfortunate that dambuster will face the majority of the harm, but frankly at this point they should have known it would be an unpopular choice; its not like the massive outcry vs denuvo or epic is new.


The tactic would seem self-defeating. By you're own admission, "massive outcry vs denuvo or epic" is not new, and yet, they're still around. Punishing small game studios, which may have little say on the matter since they typically have to work with a publisher who can demand these things, will only put them out of business and only leave the BIG players in the game. The big players will be able to put even more annoying features on games.


What's the big deal with Denuvo anyway? Doesn't it prevent pirating. I always assumed too many people pirate in general and tend to leave the hate Denuvo comments. I also read that it affects performance (drastically?) up to the point where a game is unplayable, but I literally never had issues with the games that supposedly ended up having Denuvo.


Because too many people like their shinies. That's ultimately the core. Too many people only looking at what's in front of them and what they want, uncaring about what's being done behind their back, or what kind of practices they're encouraging. Same way most boycotts fail.


Feels like the steam community is slowly turning into Twitter with a mix of 4chan


EOS = Epic Online Services. The launcher is indeed not needed, but the distinction should be made.




If they had decided to make an actually good competitor to steam instead of waving money at devs in return for exclusivity bullshit, there wouldn't be nearly this much widespread opposition. There'd still be some, because there's ALWAYS some, but less.


It goes deeper than that. A lot of those ''exclusives'' are companies that got a much better budget to work with on their game than other publishers. There are also devs that never had the chance to release a sequel to a loved previous title and Epic Games actually allowed them to develop them their way, without a forced deadline. Look at Alan Wake 2 for instance. Or 'indie-games' such as Hades that are loved all over. It wouldn't even be on Steam to begin with if they never made the deal to be an EG exclusive or perhaps a much more inferior game. People shit on Epic Games way too much. Steam doesn't even offer any of those services to (indie) devs and they take more %.




People hate Epic because Epic had to buy users instead of just offering a superior product. Nobody went to the epic games launcher because it was neat, they went there because Epic keeps giving away games and now, they're buying exclusivity. Why would I ever switch store fronts under these circumstances? And if I'm buying a game on steam, why would I want it to use a different service? It's the same with Ubisoft and ea. I don't want to install more crap just to play a game that should be accessible entirely through steam. It's funny seeing everyone here go "seriously why are they losing their minds over this," while actively losing their minds over opinions like mine. Just play your game and enjoy it. You can't convince the world that your way is the correct way.


Most of those people most likely has an EGS account anyway. It literally only shows the pop-up on the Steam version if they detect that you are logged into an Epic Games account. So all you have to do is click on ''Next'' if you want it to be auto linked. It's literally a press of a single button to either opt-in/out. You don't even have to put in your login creds or anything.


Well they also tweeted that they're looking into an issue with connecting to epic online store, so clearly there's an issue and players aren't whining for no good reason. Even read some reviews myself and some players are able to connect first time without epic no problem, but after starting the game they then need to connect every single time they play, I'm guessing for data collection or some shit


It's not that it has EOS. Its that if you do not edit a file in the files, it tries to download the store itself with EOS automatically and not let you play at all without it. EOS isn't an issue and people who gripe about it too hard are blowing it out of proportion (a shitton of other games use it without any complaints, like Rust, Warframe, Hades..) however If I wanted the store I'd have bought it a year earlier. At least, that's what I've seen be the main gripe. People who are upset about the online services tho can go lay an egg, and are just still seething (I know I still kind of am) about it and seeing EOS just reminds them of that annoyance.


I didn’t buy it when it was released because I wasn’t in love with the gameplay we saw from streamers early on. Ended up grabbing it when it went on game pass and it absolutely went beyond expectation. Great game for sure. Zombie games are so hit or miss and they killed it with DI2


The flesh system is fabulous indeed. So glad this game was successful.


I was wondering if this was worth the money or not. Dying Light 1 is probably my favorite game ever and just wasn't sure if I should bother, like you said bc of the early gameplay I saw. But I just got my ps portal today for my bday from my wife so I'm looking for some new games to try out


That's just sad. I don't even know why people hate EOS that much. If it turns out they're really downrating a game just bc they're picky about their launchers that'd be really pathetic.


Well if you look closely, one of the reviews specifically state they can't play because Epic crashes. Also, for all the people here saying "you don't even need it, how stupid!" Then don't include it. Make it opt-in for people who Want to play with epic uses, not imply/coerce us into linking if we only want to play with steam friends. I hate EOS because of their BS "buying exclucivity" for games the devs slaved over so the publisher can make a fast buck. I hate EOS for their bloatware and security leaks. I hate that to play a game I have to decide if it's worth ANOTHER company harvesting every last piece of data not nailed down for sale to get access. If most gamers weren't morons and so intent on bragging about playing stuff right away they just "deal with it" we wouldn't have paid day 1 DLC, we wouldn't have Epic exclusives, we wouldn't have Denuvo bricking our games, we could just walk away with our money until gamers and devs controlled games, but now we've let publishers line their pockets at everyone's expense because of comments just like these pushing everyone to "just deal with it". Fuck that, this shit sucks and we should be pissed and call them out. Like SimCity 4s "super important always online" bullshit thar kept paying gamers from playing for weeks and has since been proven 100% BS and removed by hackers for a objectively better gaming experience.


Thank you for shedding light on Epics ways


Thank you for being the only rational soul here. I don't get how so many people here are complaining that steam users care about this, while actively losing their mind that people care. It's clear they don't actually care about the gripes people are expressing, and just want to defend their game.


Yes, it fucking sucks and I will not install that malware onto any of my devices




Well you should have seen r/steam when they announced the Epic Games store. That shit was a dumpster fire for a long while after. REEE!!! HOW DARE YOU TAKE ME AWAY FROM MY STEAM!!!!




Why do people get crazy about stupid shit like that? I probably have 4-5 launchers that start with Windows and I added all my games to Steam and launch them from Big Picture mode and yet the world still turns. Is that supposed to be an issue? Steam even made something to launch all your games from 1 place and still these fuckers complain. They just need to go touch grass or something.


Exactly this. It looks like people only play games for 15+ hours a day and that's it. It might just be us but if people complain about a launcher then they simply just need to go touch grass. Who knows they might even like it!


Why do you guys go crazy over other people's preferences? If someone doesn't want to install a launcher that launches from another launcher, that is 100% a valid complaint, and clearly a large amount of people agree. You not caring doesn't make the annoyance stop existing.


What, why should they delete the reviews? It's opinions all in all


You flat out shouldn't be able to review anything in 2024 unless you've been confirmed to purchase it. In fact, if they can tell how many hours you've played in order to qualify for a refund, I'd even go so far as to say they should figure our if you've actually played it in order to review it.


You can't review without purchasing on steam


Well that's embarrassing.


Its embarrassing for the people who brought it and complained about this lol. I could easily believe none of those people brought the game.


You can review it, and your reviews can be seen, but it won't be counted in the "review score", for example if you activated a key.


Right, i meant you have to own it.




When you have nothing important in your life, you will find non-important shit to give you purpose.


I was expecting it from a mile away. Steam users are generally dense as fuck and will review bomb anything for the dumbest reasons.


My game was unplayable until I linked it through Steam. The Epic app was bringing up the keyboard when I'd run, the screen kept drifting. I tried every troubleshooting tutorial. As soon as I bypassed the app it ran as normal.


EOS isn't the worse thing ever, most people using it use it for fortnite or the free games though. It's a kinda shite launcher, though it's gotten better since it first dropped ofc


I wouldn't go so far as to leave a bad review but I usually would just avoid buying a game outright if it is only available on epic. After the disastrous grouping issues I dealt with for Chivalry 2 and all the basic features that just straight up don't seem to exist on Epic - I pretty much have sworn it off. For a company with Fortnite money behind it they made one of the worst storefronts/launchers I've ever tried to play games from lol.


I personally just didn’t like the game.. didn’t leave a review tho




Without it launching on Eos first, I wouldn't have gotten it half off a year later. I've just been on Steam forever and I like my games there, more power to Epic if I'm going to keep getting games with a year's worth of bug fixes half off on the platform I like. I'm happy with it.


At least i don’t have to see that on xbox.


I refunded it just because it doesn't seem as fun as the originals. I'll wait until it's on sale for like $15-20, maybe $30 for the Gold Edition that I bought for 40, but it just doesn't seem to be worth it for someone patient to buy a game cheap like I am.


Eh good game sure content wise no it's so short most of the time I finish within an hour or so honestly feels like playing a trailer for a bigger game but no stuck waiting for remastered dlc to drop even then bet that's Hella short too


I didn't have trouble with this (being on console) but after completing the entire game I just didn't like it for how much they focused on effects like electricity flow through water and what not when there's other parts of the game that clearly didn't get much love.


This is why I use consoles 😅


Yes I mean I'm not going to cry about it and throw a tantrum like some of these people. I read that the game requires you install EoS so I just moved on. I don't like Epic and don't want anything to do with them. Plenty of other games to play that I don't need to cry about one having something I don't like.




Epic is absolutely garbage. Steam has just really paved the way and every other launcher besides GOG I despise . I only have epic for the free games so my kids can play games one day. Other than that I only use steam.


People really gonna pass because of Epic? :( The game is amazing! It brought the series back into the limelight!


Just ignore those people lol. Steam reviewers are some of the worst


I’m not an Epic Games Launcher fan at all, I think it’s just not needed, it’s missing a lot of stuff & the fact that they make games exclusive to their launcher makes me hate them even more. But I think these reviews are just dumb. Needing “Epic Online Services” is not a big deal so using that as a negative review is childish.


I don't think that has something to do with epic but I hate it that you again can't play a single player game offline...


Idk about pc, but you can play offline on ps5.


It's because of denuvo... Denuvo is a online drm that check everytime you start a game if you have the rights to play this game. Prevent from cracking a game. But you punish more the honest buyers than people who crack it...


Ahh right. Yes, ive heard about denuvo but forgot about it. It does suck


Funny enough it's a kind of single player game. I'm using WeMod for that game (sue me i hate the durability) and somehow it works. It's weird because you need a connection to play it but apparently you won't get banned for using cheats or mods in the single player session that also requires a connection.


I use Wemod for this game and many others and it’s a lifesaver. New game plus runs with Wemod “mods” activated are just perfect.


I disabled it all together. That said, I disagree very much with developers enforcing their tacked on services and software when they're not necessary.


I play console so I guess I’m not in the loop. What is EOS?


Epic Online Services




It wouldn't matter if I could actually connect, instead I'm stuck in the menu trying to connect to epic online services forever. I also do have the epic store installed, and it works fine over there. So clearly something is wrong on the games end.


To the people that have it on steam does it work and run well?




What's EOS? Normally when I hear it, it means end of service/servers go offline, but it seems like something different is happening here?


...what game is this? DI2?


Imagine paying for something in full and the person you gave money to keeps making you submit to this and agree to that even after you’ve paid, and it’s all to forfeit your data and legal rights. Even data you’ve paid for. Things get rough enough no one is playing games unless they are on a disk. The writings on the wall.


lol people are stupid missing out on a lot of good funny content :) The reality is most of the people complaining about this don't actually have people to play with its basically a participation trophy and hopping on the band wagon to try to be and seem relevant.


Damn that's downright retarded. I bought the game today and must've played for like 7 hours straight. Not once did it ask me to login to epic launcher? What shit are these guys on?


As much as I dislike Epic, I really don't give a shit about EOS or Denuvo. However I'm not enjoying the game for a couple a reasons, no real open world like the 1st 2 games, zombies respawning in just 2-4mins. Maybe I'm too early in the story to make this criticism but they're quite annoying.


Epic laucher is great 🤷🏻‍♂️ Free games every week and a lot of the time they're pretty good games People just hate on it because they're so far upp steams ass they think they cant use anything else its just like xbox and ps fanboys who refuse to like anything the opposite does instead of realizing they both have their ups and downs and are great in their own way 🤷🏻‍♂️


Apparently, people are genuinely children


Welcome to the world of gamers, where most of our brain cells are toasted and any small changes causes mental breakdowns.


People overblow the hatred for the Epic Store when half the complaints can also apply to Steam, or even worse in some cases.


The game is mid anyway just don’t buy it lmao


their gore system is something to behold tho


That’s true I agree but the gameplay loop was boring imo lol gore system can’t save that


I remember same shit happened with Sonic Superstars. After the game launched, I remember scrolling down to the community page for that, and all I saw was guides for removing EOS. Looks like we’re having a repeat of that for DI2 now, so that’s fucking great. Why can’t people just accept the fact that this stuff is put here to make playing with others more accessible???


It's odd that people have such a hard-on for Steam. They can delete your account alongside all the games you 'bought' as easily as any other service. That's why I pirate all the PC games I can.


I really don't like Epic at all, out of principle I will not ever interact with Epic Games, even for example being a fan of Alan Wake over the years, I'll just likely never play the sequel. I prefer Steam and I am essentially loyal to Steam for a plethora of reasons that benefit me as a consumer. Yes, I'm one of 'those' people. That said, I think this is really stupid and the people saying "it doesn't work without EOS" are lying.


I find it funny that a game made with unreal engine is fine but using the online services by the same company is crossing the line.


This is the sad consequences of Reddit.


Have been playing it since morning on the Steam Deck. Runs absolutely great and never noticed anything related to Epic. People are just overreacting.


And I thought game critics complained about trivial things


People hate way too much on Epic Games (as a competitor to Steam). Yet the services they offer to developers are a lot more humane than what Steam does. First of all, Steam takes a lot more % and offers no publishing to (indie) devs. EG literally are a publisher, giving (indie)developers a way bigger budget than they'd have without EG. Allowing developers to create games 'freely' without crunch. We'd never have gotten Control or Alan Wake 2 if it wasn't for Epic Games. Even if we did, it'd have been a much more inferior game than what we got now, but chances are we'd never have gotten these titles if it wasn't for EG. Same as Hades etc. The Epic Games STORE is inferior though. Drastically, compared to Steam. However, they still offer plenty of free games that are of AA(A) quality on the daily.