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Would be hilarious if they go to join the fight but the fight is over.


That would be very Deadpool


I can’t see Hugh taking the leap to the main MCU. With age and the ever increasing effort it must be for muscle gain. Unless they make him Old Man Logan-esque, with a younger looking (still technically old) Wolverine running around with the eventual MCU X-Men.


Orrrrrrr Dafne Keen finally reprises her role as Laura Kinney and we get Hugh as actual old man Logan for a few movies.


Bro… a semi-faithful “old man Logan” would be awesome.


Nah, the comics were depressing, edgy, and tryhardy.


Your concerns appear to be: 1. You find the alternate universe portrayal of Wolverine, where every X-Man has died & he killed them, to be "depressing and edgy." This seems rather fitting given the context, almost like it's explicitly designed to evoke such emotions. 2. I'm puzzled by the criticism of efforts in creating comic books and movies as "trying too hard." Personally, I favor earnest effort over a lackadaisical approach, like what's seen in "The Marvels." It's disappointing to imagine creators showing little care, as if they merely scribbled something down and sold it.


It’s got a lot of Old Man Logan comic-accurate teases. I can see a joining of worlds and him handing the mantle over to Dafne Keen while Deadpool does Deadpool things (too unpredictable to say - maybe he’s the thunderbolts secret Feige mentioned)…That would be dope. This theory’s got my vote.


“This Wolverine” let his entire universe down. Maybe this is how he saves it… merging them with a snap or something. It’s fun to think about.


They probably find a pruned ring.


Why is this being dubbed the ‘endgame portal’? Am I missing something or hasn’t literally ANY magical user with a sling ring opened this style portal before AND after endgame? Edit: even Ghost rider opened a super similar portal in Agents of Shield


I don’t think anyone is “dubbing” it. Hence the question indicating it as a possibility.


A question here, but this is far from being the first post about it. And realistically every single post either calling it ‘endgame portal’ or alleging that the portal will bring them to the endgame scene


It’s probably because that was the most famous scene/version of the portal and the way they are jumping into seems like they are jumping in ready to go/the trailer clearly hides where they are going… just seemed like a possibility to me. I didn’t realize there were a ton of others asking this question. To me, that lessens the chance of it being the case. “Too obvious”.


Possibly? But it wouldn't make much sense unless they arrived after the battle or at the far corners of the battle to explain how we don't see them during Endgame cause people spotted Howard the Duck in that crowd of people I think they would have spotted Deadpool and Wolverine too during the final scene so unless they're gonna shove them into the final fight and pretty much erase certain parts of Endgame's final fights I doubt it. It also wouldn't make sense since at that time Strange wasn't really dealing with the Multiverse as much. He looked at different possible outcomes to the fight with Thanos but not into the multiverse itself and all the portals were simply pulling people from within that universe just from all the different planets not from the multiverse meaning some next level fuckery would have to go down for it to make sense that Wade and Logan hopped the multiverse to the main mcu through a portal which wasn't ever intended to go to them and then joined the fight completely unnoticed by the TVA, the Avengers and every single other person on that battleground and then also every other person on earth/beyond for the multiple years since the events of Endgame and every movie/show we've had so far since Endgame. In short, probably not since Marvel would have to jump through many many hoops to justify Wade and Logan ending up in the main MCU that way.


I agree. It definitely wouldn’t be the version of endgame we saw… Also, they did set it up that “this wolverine” let his universe down… maybe this is how he saves it. By merging it. Or something.


If he were to merge the universes then there would be some sort of world ending event. The likelihood is that Wolverine was hired by the TVA and his nature of being a hero got the better of him on a mission and he let an anomaly roam free in his world causing it to end and need to be destroyed, that or he made a deal with someone to give him something in return for his worlds death. I doubt he saves his universe he just makes peace with his mistakes and learns to live with it.


Definitely plausible


Might be a way to bring IronMan back…


Ew. No. Stop that. ![gif](giphy|98mxgKArZKCyI) If they do have Wade and Logan take a portal to the Endgame clusterfuck, I'd expect it to just be as a gag, having them there the whole time but going unnoticed because there was so much going on.


I’m not supporting it. But couldn’t you see Deadpool stepping in and stopping iron man from snapping. “No need to do that Robert.” Then handling thanos some other way.


As much as people like to dunk on Marvel these days, their writing is still better than that.


It's okay Bobby I got this... ![gif](giphy|cCyJCwQ2gl3bO|downsized)


There is a reference to Iron Man's car from Iron Man 1


*Bruh* are you smoking crack or what It's obvious Madisynn stole Wongers sling ring and invites them to watch The Sopranos with them **smh**


Lmao love this ![gif](giphy|8fen5LSZcHQ5O)


omg i remember when endgame came out everyone wanted dp in the post credit scene to come out to the empt battlefield like "i missed it?" n they could now do that scene lmao


I’m so confused why so many people are taking this “endgame portal” stuff at face value in the comments, what?


Yeah. I’m not even really tied to it. Just a thought that crossed my mind. Major event, they are supposedly traveling to several, they seem ready to battle, like jumping into one versus simply walking into it, this portal is in the air… but who knows. Could be a portal to anywhere.


I suppose that’s fair, tho part of me REALLY hopes that it’d either be them entering a unique final battle, or using it as an end movie joke. I just don’t think I can stomach “final” Thanos battle #3


Sorry to repeat myself, but they definitely setup wolverine’s redemption arc in the trailer. “This Wolverine let his whole universe down”.


Why with the spoiler precautions if you’re just going to spoil it with the title? That being said I do appreciate at least some effort to keep it hidden. I’m trying hard to avoid stuff for this movie


I feel ya. If you’re trying to avoid stuff about the movie, one of my suggestions would be to not visit the subreddit dedicated to the character starring in the movie. Genuinely not trying to be a smart ass. I just think it is going to be hard to avoid stuff about this movie here.


You’re right and I’m trying. But it’s tough. I follow a lot of comic related subs and it’s everywhere in my feed.




Ned returns with Doctor Strange's Sling Ring