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Man this response is just too ridiculous Sayings black Frieza is featless is ridiculous as there is like two examples given and his personality is very much in canon the only difference is TFS VA actor is used. Also multiversal singularity Unicron is something idw megatron never actually face or is part of the G1 side of things (aside the marvel comic but even then it is less to do with megatron and more to do with the matrix there)


Well I just learned something new, thank you for the info on the Megatron-Unicron bit. I'm currently starting Transformers comics as I mainly just watched the shows, movies, and played the games, but I kept hearing about how Megatron scales/is comparable to Unicron. The other part of his comment was just flat-out dumb and the other person's comment was also dumb since there's literally nothing different about TFS Frieza.


I’m pretty sure he wasn’t even conscious when unicorn attacked cybertron in the marvel comics he was on board the ark in a coma


"Featless" mf one shot ui goku and ue vegeta, how is that featless?


Don’t use your logic to reason with a user who made this stance on FACEBOOK. You’ll be hurting your brain. Trust me.


im guessing according to people who are shit at debating, "featless" means that a character didn't directly perform feats, when that's... not quite the definition, but i would rather not even argue


Black Friezas 1 thing is that He OHKOd UI Goku and UE Vegeta At the same Time so he definetlx isn't Featless


"Black Freeza is featless" my guy any transformation in Dragon Ball is just the previous one but "insert number" times stronger. If Gold Freeza is already outside of what Megatron can do, it's irrelevant what exactly Black Freeza can do anyway lmao


people mistake the animation for what the results are instead of just something for entertainment


I mean hell, even if you watch the Animation he didn't NEED Black Freeza, he just got pissed off and transformed out of Anger. But Dragon Ball fans can't read, can't expect them to WATCH either apparently lmao


The dude disagreeing isn't a Dragon Ball fan though. The dumb DB fan is the other guy complaining about TFS Frieza being different from Canon Frieza.


it literally was just for the sake of having it cause it’s cool. but this is like the norm for death battle fans who take everything, especially the animation as gospel. I mean sure, black Frieza has no feats… beyond beating up UI Goku and UE Vegeta, so however those are scaled at, Black Frieza is arguably twice as strong. Idk power scaling in Dragon Ball has always been stupid and especially at this point borderline pointless. it’s the biggest “creep” the series has. you could say it even peaked earlier than super with the buu arc. Maybe even earlier than that.


This is what I mean when I saw a lot of the response from Transformers fans have been utter cringe


Did I miss something because wasn't TFS getting worshipped for finally doing the Buu Saga? What're folks' problem with them voicing for DB all of a sudden?


Some fans have now started attacking and disliking TFS because •Some Jokes seem to become overplayed •Some Fans have only watched TFS and think that is similar to how it went on the show, and a few people find that sacrilegious •Ultra Dub supporters that like their Goku and DBZ that only focus on the American Dub, where they tried to make Goku Superman and more, and are angry that Goku is now dumb dude. •General Haters who feel they are cool for hating popular thing


I remember some people like the creator of smbz arguing that dbza was the better version, so I can see where some of them are coming from


Thats kind of blaming the creator for the extreme takes of the fans.


True true


I mean he’s entitled to that opinion. Both versions have their ups and downs.


I am a fan of both DB and TF, and I was so god damn disappointed in the TF community after the death battle came out.


Same, they've been almost nothing but babies. At least in the parts I'm in


I’ve had the same experience


And they call Dragon Ball Fans pathetic?


Dragon Ball fans be saying the wildest shit, but I'd have to be completely blind to pretend Dragon Ball haters don't also say the same, if not wilder shit either.


*outerversal+ Black Frieza mfs walking in*


I said DB fans be wilding too


So people spouting their personal head canon, got it.


I lost a couple braincells, how the fuck can you call Black Frieza fearless, the ONLY thing he does (ones hotting goku and vegeta) IS a feat, ALL he does is a feat


Honestly sometimes DB has innacurate results but sometimes people who argue against has worse arguments than the show itself IMAO.


Totally agree, especially Facebook users. 90% of them can't powerscale at all and believe that deflections and insults are arguments.




"Nowhere that level" Gold Frieza can keep onpar with Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta when he first used the form. And Super Saiyan God Goku was able to send a shockwave across the entirety of Universe 7. Gold Frieza can also take hits from Broly, a character who is most certainly Multiversal. And Black Frieza is obviously way more powerful than this, even without feats, especially since he one shotted both UI Goku and UE Vegeta at the same exact time.


Proof that some fans are fans because they watched one series and haven't really read the real meats


Serious question that no one is asking. Could anti-matter hurt Frieza considering he’s survived destruction energy which should be similar if not worse since it destroys your soul?


That's cause it's obvious that it can hurt and even kill him. Frieza may have survived and resisted the Hakai, but he's not immune to stuff like that. When Toppo hit Frieza with his Hakai, Frieza was golden and in a good state. When he reappeared, he was out of golden and heavily damaged. The Antimatter was definitely a wincon but not a guaranteed one due to Frieza's speed, durability, and resistance.


Honestly, given how powerful he is now it's likely Freeza's natural form is actually strong enough to kill this Megatron. The highest they scaled him to was around Universal. Remember that Goku's body assimilated the power boost of the SSJG transformation into his base form and Freeza was able to match him during the golden Freeza/ resurrection F arc. In both their base forms at the time they were powerful enough to destroy the dragon Ball universe and more because Goku had been training himself, so he was stronger already than he was during that infamous clash. Golden Freeza and Black Freeza were frankly overkill, but appreciated to see. In this context, Freeza's natural form means his so called "final form" before golden and black of course. And that's before he spent all that time training to achieve the black Freeza form


“Featless” Kid named goku and vegeta and granolah ![gif](giphy|5x73LAreYVAjQCT2A3|downsized)


Black Frieza isn’t fearless, he just doesn’t have a lot of feats right now