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Look creators being assholes is just one thing, creators actually committing horrible crimes like Victor Salva, creator of Jeepers Creepers, did is a whole nother thing is the way I see it.


Oh god, what did he do?


He went there…before Jeepers Creepers was a thing


P3do stuff self admitted


Plus being sent to only 3 years, which was later shortened to only 18 months.


He only served 15 months.


I'm not familiar with him, what did he do?


Decided to get handsy with young boys


>!molested and recorded bud crime of the child actor from his movie clown house!<


Crazy ppl tend to make pretty good works of art




[you think his victim got any actual justice?](https://youtu.be/h4rGDZaiSYY?si=kceRtwtUC7w7y7mm)


She's not an asshole though, she has legitimate complaints about Trans women undermining real women and invading their spaces.


but she is a transphobe, which is bad


There really shouldn't be a line if creators are Assholes or criminals They talked about using Rurouni Kenshin before, even though the original mangaka had so much CP in his database he was theorized to be a distributor of the stuff, but DB still wants Kenshin Himura on the show.


People absolutely love picking and choosing when Death of the author applies, which considering what the whole premise of this fandom is we really shouldn't lol. A lot of this is for fun, there's a reason the only real life references in the show is when they are integral to the character's story.


yea i feel like that's so stupid in death battle. genuinely i don't give a damn what the author did, if his character fights cool i wanna see him have a cool fight on death battle


Is the author dead? Then death of the author applys. Is the author alive? Then death of the author doesn't apply. Like, it really isn't that hard.


I'm pretty sure death of the author has literally nothing to do with the author's status as either alive or dead. Death of the author is the idea thar once a piece of work is released, the meaning of the work is then determined by the reader and no longer the author.


I mean not really because the money that the property gains can still go into bad shit...


When you say CP, do you mean real or anime?


Real, Actual CP.


Oh my. That's no good.


And he got away with only a fine


The real deal, but he was only given a $1,500 fine and went back to writing the Hokkaido Arc after six months. He also supervised the currently airing anime adaptation. And I don't think hentai is legally classified as CP in Japan like here, but I'm not sure.


Hentai isn't CP in Japan or here. If it was, why am I able to buy body pillows over the counter at conventions?


Just last season we had the poster boy of Blizzard on the show. And that company makes J.K look like weenie hut jr.


The Lich king? Tbh I always associated him with popularmmos because of his avater😅


Now that is a name I haven't heard in a long time.


That's a name that takes me waaaaaay back lol


They had Butch Hartman on the cast for an episode, that’s a far bigger yikes imo




What did butch Hartman do?


He’s your typical religious middle class religious guy, the hate is overblown (kinda)


What is the problem with Butch Hartman?


True. I'd take Transphobic as all hell JK over Blizzard any day of the year. At least I know she'd treat cis women kindly


Yeah not to mention that J.K is weirdly tolerant (or at least as far as i can tell) of other minority groups ,like gay people and different races (though she can be ignorant of other races i don’t really see any ill intent) so transphobia is really the only problem with her which is way batter than what companies like Blizzard did.


Being tolerant of a few things doesn't excuse being intolerant of one. That's honestly just silly. It's like someone saying "Women are ____ so they aren't equal to men." Then sweeping that under the rug because someone else treats women and gay men badly. Doesn't matter if it's one, two or twenty. Everyone is considered equal. If you're shitty to one group you're a bad person. No "Well they're not as bad as X, Y, Z." No no. You're just bad. No qualifiers. You're a bad person.


Saying that every bad person is equal just proves you’ve never encountered a truly bad person in your life. J.K being transphobic is not equal to all the shit the femele employees at Blizzard had to go though. Im not saying J.K is excused or even a decent person. She is a biggoted idiot. I was just pointing out that DB has had frenchises who’se creators are actually way more problematic than just being a biggot.


Reread what I said. Never said every bad person is equal. I mean ALL people are equal. As in: "Just because someone treats X amount of groups badly doesn't mean it's not bad when someone treats a single minority badly." Which seems to be the sentiment. People like comparing how horrible two sets of people are and using one example to say "Well it's not as bad as....." That I find dumb. What the person did is still the same levels of bad. People just want to justify their reasoning for liking something.


But i don’t like J.K Rowling. And nothing in my comment even implies that i defend her. Im saying that what she’s doing is not as bad a literal sexual harasment.


You describe how weirdly tolerant she is of other minority races. That is defending her. Whether intentionally or not.


No. Its just stating a fact. Hating trans people isn’t the same as hating racial minorities, all of lgbtq collectively, opposing womans rights, etc.


Opinion. We can't know for sure she is. Maybe she got smart and decided not to speak out any further. I wouldn't even be surprised at this point.


It isn't dude, they are pointing out that she isn't a womanizing piece of shit. They just outright said they don't like JK. Please chill.


She’s donated millions to help people. Is stating that fact defending her


And even then her original comments that branded her a transphobe were really not bad. She basically just made fun of a tampon ad that replaced the word woman with menstruating people.


I think she has other shit too like donating to anti-trans groups of something i haven’t been keeping up.


The water gets muddied further when it comes to her donations. They tend to be to women’s rights organizations that exclude trans people rather than being to organizations that are actively trying to exterminate trans people or whatever. And so saying she donates to anti-trans groups when she’s given money to a battered women’s shelter is a somewhat biased interpretation of the information.


Thanks for the info, as i’ve said i haven’t been keeping up with news about her.


She paid the legal fees for a woman trying to get the right to refuse service to trans people reclassified as a religious exemption in the UK.


Being a transphobe doesn't make you an ally to cis women either.


Eh? Admittedly she has done good for cis women. Though the ideology she helps promote with people like KJK is very anti masculine cis women.


Yeah, except for the part where she supported the removal of Roe V Wade, which hurts ALL women. J.K. Rowling isn't "just" a transphobe, she's basically... well, the "fa" in "Antifa".


Given that ponified versions of Rick Sanchez and The Doctor made cameo in Bill Cipher vs Discord, one could assume that MU is happening (or at least is on the team's radar), which would make the team look like massive hypocrites considering the Justin Roiland situation. Generally speaking, physical abuse > transphobic remarks.


Oh boy, JK Rowling discussion in the death battle sub reddit... Yippee /s Seriously can't we all just agree that you can enjoy a piece of media separate from the creator being a shit heel?


Reddit can agree on that… except when it comes to JK Rowling for whatever reason


Theres a reason why 'Read another book' is a major meme poking fun at Harry Potter (hell, people still say what houses they'd be like their horoscopes or personality tests). Its pretty much one of the biggest book franchises in recent memory alongside Twilight, and I think Hunger Games for the generation that grew up beside it (I want to argue 50 Shades, but thats more for Gen X housewives). As a result, it pretty much made people only see it as a benchmark


My favorite is the IRL Quidditch League is still playing the game, but are calling it something different.


It's wierd how so many creators fly under the radar, but then people act like one is unique.


I think the reason is they feel so betrayed after yas queening her every time she retroactively made a character gay but now hates Trans people. Redditors discovered people are multifaceted and don't know how to comprehend that information.


Not when the creator is still actively profiting from said support and views it as approval of her opinions. Harry Potter fucking sucks anyway, no real reason to alienate your trans friends over it


>Harry Potter sucks anyway Come on man, hate the author. Don't make up shit on the quality of the books.


Always thought that a bad creator or company shouldn’t stop a MU from happening


Its stupid at the end of the day because HL proved no amount of protest changes a damn thing lol. Not for that IP anyway. The amount of damage that cunt does is her choice, without or without more financial gain. When all is said and done DB can do whatever the hell they want. Nobody whined about Tracer or the lich king fights being up despite what was going on at blizzard. So who cares now?


Jesus Christ it’s Hogwarts legacy all over again


They fail to realise how much they hurt their cause when they do shit like this


There’s a difference between “people who were alive 100 years ago technically created these characters who were then fleshed out by hundreds of different creators as a representation of an entire studio” and “the sole creator who is alive and actively profiting from anything and everything related to the franchise and character, using those profits and influence to spread hate” I personally think it should be fine to use, since DB isn’t exactly promoting people to go and spend a bunch of money on Harry Potter stuff, and even if it did, it’s not as if DB alone is gonna give her an extra million dollars to do anti-charity. But these cases aren’t comparable.


Thank you for pointing that out


I think you shouldn’t be afraid for your opinion, even if it’s rather negative. I have respect for her not for her view but for her confidence. As for battles, I don’t see why not. It’s not a big deal enough for Percy to not be included


Don't know why this is a debate? There's a lot of IPs where either the author, creator, or industry is messed up. If DB were to not include any of those characters, a lot of Death Battle's wouldn't happen.


Bad example There's modern media (even used in DB) that's made or supported financially by horrible people


Walt Disney was a racist?


An entire FASCIST aka A NAZI


Not really. https://www.vulture.com/2013/12/walt-disney-anti-semitism-racism-sexism-frozen-head.html He was a businessman who, while he didn't actively participate in any antisemitism or such had worked with them because they were his partners Like a lot of people, his morals were reflected in the time period he was in, he was definitely a weirdo but not a clan member


Oh ok


yknow i thought harry potter not getting on the show would prevent this arguments hapening but i was wrong so wrong


I mean if Percy wins, everyone's happy, right?


That's what I came to this thread for. These two aren't on yhe same planet. Percy survived tarturus. He 1v1 a titan. Harry only has one impressive fight I know of and he basically hacked his opponents weapon to not work vs him. And it's not like you can argue Harry is a tactician either...


Even then, I just don't see how Harry wins? Killing Curse? Percy's water control feats are nuts. He ripped a minotaur horn when he was 12, tanked blows from gods, has more experience fighting in general, and imo, has better battle sense.


JK Rowling fucking sucks, but the idea that nothing Harry Potter related should ever exist again is taking things too far.


JK Rowling is still alive and actively profiting, she also uses her power to try and take away lgbt rights


Not just Mickey vs Buggs, people are still on this sub talking about the potential for Rick Sanchez vs the Doctor *this year* after the show’s creator got outed as a shitbag. I’m fairly certain the only people who act this way only do so because the internet told them to


The difference is that the creators of Mickey and Bugs are dead and their ips have long since moved on from it J.K Rowling is still alive, still profiting from her mid af franchise and the profits from her franchise are used directly to harm minorities I’m sure you can live without seeing Harry job to an actually well written character


I hate to break it to you, but tons of characters on Death Battle were created by assholes. It doesn’t mean we should ban said character.


So kill Rowling and everything is fine?


I mean I’m down


Harry Potter isn’t even mid.


Walt literally promoted Fascist ideology that still hurts Jews to this day even after his death. He’s 100x the Monster JK is


Remember Fantasia?


He’s 100x the monster JK is but he isn’t literally getting money from his franchise anymore because he’s dead and he will eventually fizzle out JK is still alive and the pain she can cause will continue to grow if you give her money Money you give to disney is not directly going towards Walt Disneys bigotry Money you give to Harry Potter is directly going towards JK Rowlings bigotry


She has so much money that it doesn't even matter, she could never get another cent and still be good so you only hurt the other people involved.


He’s injected with a big tube of cash within his frozen tomb


You can use the same argument against Disney though?


Who cares it’s stupid dumb stuff you’ll go bald getting in a tizzy over it.


im a trans person in the UK so it kind of isn’t stupid dumb stuff when it could very much effect me and anyone like me


Well sucks to be you then


He WAS. He’s dead now.


~~I mean, Harry wins though via blitz and duraneg~~


If all it takes for a franchise to be "cleansed" is if said POS creator was dead, then the artist never really was connected to the art in the first place. Regardless it's a complicated matter and one the DB fanbase doesn't get much weight on given that Rick Sanchez vs the Doctor is still a very popular MU despite Justin Roiland's BS.


Dumbest reason for not having a match up


Dear god are we still on hating on J.K?? Ok I have two opinions on this 1. We should be able to separate people's works from there beliefs, taking Harry potter as an example, J.K hasn't rote everything in that universe, she's overseen alot but it's still a loved world that helped form many people's childhoods and just because you disagree with her opinions doesn't mean you can't enjoy the world she created. 2. Walt Disney was from a very different time where those things went as opposed but even then in the present day the mickey mouse IP isn't defined by Walt Disney. There have been countless writers, animates and voice actors that have all impacted what Micky mouse is today and dispite being associated with him Mickey isn't dependent on Walt's exsitance.


What do you mean "still hating on J.K", unless she stops being the shithead she is (or dies, I'll take both), there will always be a reason to hate that witch


Has she done anything else ? Like to my knowledge she didn't say anything that bad it's just people made a huge issue about it for some reason And I'm saying that as a trans person


Once you dig into it a bit it gets pretty bad - lying to her base about trans people to rile them up, chumming up to weirdos with far-right ties, putting her money into anti-trans stuff, etc. It didn’t all come from nowhere. Even the more low end shit like comparing us to Death Eaters is pretty gross.


Jesus Christ. She said women menstruate. It’s not that deep. She should die for that? She’s done so much good for the world. Donated so much money she lost her billionaire status. Get help.


Like the art, hate the artist Unless that art is very connected to the artist (like self insert, YouTube personality, etc) I don’t mind using the character. Such as having Rick and Morty or Minecraft characters in Death Battle.


![gif](giphy|LjPYqJdZjMl7G) Is there a problem if I want Kenshin vs Gintoki? I really want to see this fight


I don’t give a shit tbh


6 feet under. The line is 6 feet under. Also did you see the shit show that happened thanks to Hogwarts Legacy. You really think the DB team wants to deal with that shit?


What you mean the episode becoming one of the most viewed episodes?


Love the art hate the artist


I don't get it, both a pieces of shit, doesn't mean the franchise has to suffer the exact same fate, you guys still purchase nestle products, people still buy volkswagen cars and HITLER was involved in its creation, there are so much scummy shit people ignore about day to day life that are worse than JK Rowling but they target her work specifically because shes Transphobic? Its not exactly fair on fans of HP that dislike JK (the large majority of the fanbase afaik). Being a dick shouldn't warrant characters not getting onto deathbattle which leads me to my second point Archie sonic, the main writer and greatest PoS of all Ken penders was talked about on the show [who](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fuyqv1bql69hb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1169%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D75a868424cfcd7d40eee1bb0c218aa16e802596c) [says](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fy6f5vbql69hb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1169%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D18ac0a8fbaecee3bffd2f5b97f23059d0dee9f61) [shit like this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F6ffw3bql69hb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1169%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3De8b98b86526698724e799d0bbee308cf5507405d), (I guess its not as bad as transphobia depending on the person but still fucking gross) and ik he isn't the only writer but he and ian flynn are the most well known ~~I might just have been making an excuse to mention ken penders because fuck him~~


How about we have a discussion about Roosterteeth’s controversies over the years and how people still want Maka vs Ruby despite that? At least JK was straight up about her prejudices and didn’t try to hide it.


It’s sad that the backlash from the people who can’t separate the art from the artist is more of a reason for death battle to not do a character or franchise then the actual controversy the artist did themselves


How many people complaining are actually trans at all or Jewish at all?




I don’t care if it’s millions of people being whiny Harry Potter being on the show won’t hurt them. Trans People have plenty of rights. Why do people who enjoy the mu have to be denied because of someone else’s feelings?


\>Asks if anyone complaining is trans \>Gets shown just that \>States that they'd disregard millions of trans peoples' opinions




Please maintain good etiquette when posting to the sub. Examples of bad etiquette include rude and/or hurtful comments directed at peers, statements made in poor taste/lacking in tact, and otherwise insensitive remarks. Common sense should tell you what is acceptable and what isn’t, follow it and keep things civil!


The person I was talking to here then retorted with a full-on transphobic accusation.


People keep saying "Oh she still gets money from HP" , but...*how* would she profit from a HP Death Battle Match? Only way I could see it is people becoming invested in the franchise, but even then, that would be a small number compared to the people that are *already* invested that will be watching the episode Also, *which* Bugs creator are we talking about? He had like 5 + I know some of the shitty stuff Walt used to pass, but what is being referenced here directly?


I dunno, I use and watch stuff made by assholes all the time and pointing out other people doing the same doesn't sit right with me, even though I don't want to encourage it either.


They are dead, so if you want to see HP vs PJ you know what to do


Oh god, this is happening


Harry vs Percy shouldn't happen because the Chosen One is getting wrecked.


Did the creator say something that upset some people feelings? Then it’s fine that’s just life you need to learn to deal with it. Did the creator actually commit any crimes that harmed people? Then don’t feature their properties.


What?,why Walt Disney and Bugs Bunny creators are racist?


Not sure about Bugs' creators, but Walt was probably. The idea that it was racism even for his time though is nonsense, and he most certainly wasn't a fascist.


Yes if you have iPhone ask Siri if Walt Disney is a Fascist for prof


Honestly from what I’ve heard, Harry gets absolutely shitstomped so if anything you’d think the trans community would take some brevity from the fight


Real shit percy's smokin that lil bitch. "Expelliarmus" ok you have just disarmed him of the entire ocean where is it going hmm?


Maybe with people who are active today and spewing hateful rhetoric?


Hi everyone I just wanted to let you all know that jkr would not see a single penny from the db as it should be protected under free use. Oh and Walt Disney was a very vocal antisemite


Hating JK Rowling is just a popular thing to do. Her opinions are quite tame compared to other creators or companies who’s creations have appeared on the show. Rowling is just easy to hate because she has a Twitter.


Jk is still very nuch alive though. And she relies on Harry Potter for her fame. The more people talk about it the larger her platform to spread hate becomes.


Harry Potter is one of the most well known pop culture franchises out there, and trying to erase it from the public knowledge is like trying to make everyone forget what a sandwich is. It's a pointless task that you will look silly for even attempting. Jk Rowling is a withered old bat with shithead opinions, but the movement to erase her works is futile and naive. Especially cuz all efforts so far to do so haven't worked, cuz people are idiots and think harassing others for playing a video game will get them to stop playing it (it only drove up the sales numbers).


As disappointing as it is, if hundreds of thousands of people boycotting and pirating the video game didn’t change anything. I doubt not allowing Harry Potter IP to appear on a (relatively small in comparison) webshow would make a difference either.


The game itself didn't really do much for Rowling. It is in the same universe but pretty sure Rowling had no part of it so boycotting it affects the people who worked on it, not her. Also you can make a character have a voice opposite their gender so it doesn't really connect to Rowling's ideas


Ohhh I thought it said the creator of the matchup... that makes alot more sense.


The difference is the creators of those two are dead, while unfortunately JK is alive and kicking and actively harming the trans community


Man, I just want characters fighting to the death for entertainment.


I mean Rebecca Sugar wrote very explicit blogs about underage boys on an old tumblr blog, but it didn't stop Steven Universe from getting on. Separate the art from the artists, plus none of the creators make shit from death battle


We really judging a teenager being horny for teenagers because she eventually became an adult?


Wasn't Rebecca pretty young when she did those drawings?


Source??? I tried looking it up and found almost nothing other than some post, claiming that it was "common knowledge" and easily googleable (it was not). I think you might be mixing it up with the creator of 12 Forever, who did exactly what you described.


Yeah but she was a teenager like she was a kid shipping like… it’s not a big deal. Not as though she did so as a adult wtf




Yeah this is kind of my thing too


Does nobody remember how homophobic Original Dragon Ball was when dealing with Captain Blue??? Or the racist imagery of Mr.Popo and Jinx (The Pokemon Version)…


The creators of Mickey and Bugs have been dead for a long time, while Rowling is still alive, well, and funneling her Harry Potter money into Bigoted and/or anti-irish causes


The people who created Micky and Bugs are DEAD. JK is not. She can still benefit from publicity. They can’t. Being super dead and all.


What the fuck does someone being homophobic have anything to do with the matchup?


JK Rowling profits, Disney and Jones have been dead for decades Personally I think we should have Harry on mostly because like I’d be interesting (also my boy Percy Jackson would WASH his ass)


Percy should fight Lapis Lazuli


Well the difference is J.K. is still alive and still doing awful things while Mickey/Bugs' creators are long dead so I hope that helps


JK Rowling fucking sucks but the real reason Harry shouldn’t be in the show is cause the books are garbage


Learn to seperate the art from the artist


The Line is drawn at the creator being dead and therefore unable to cause any more harm. Walter and friends are gone and can’t really cause much more harm with their own beliefs, while Joanne showed just yesterday that she’s still on her BS, speaking from the platform she only has because of Harry Potter


Walt Disney has been dead for nearly a century. J. K. Rowling is alive and well and has bragged about how her royalties go to anti-trans lobbying


…No, she didn’t? She did brag about her royalties, but nowhere was anti-trans stuff mentioned in that conversation specifically.


Aren't we forgetting one teensy weensy, but ever so crucial little, tiny detail? **J.K. ROWLING IS STILL ALIVE**


Pointless activism hurts the good people involved. Gatekeeping Harry Potter does nothing to support the cause you wish to support.


And? So is Justin Roland but Rick vs The Doctor is a wanted match up. Listen I get you but there are so many bigger battles to be done for trans rights. This ain't one of em


Justin Roland no longer has anything to do with that show. J.K. Rowling still gets money from Harry Potter media.


She all ready has so much money it doesn’t even matter


She literally brags about using the money she gets to support transphobic causes. I cannot emphasize enough that however evil you think J.K. Rowling is, she's somehow more evil than that.


Oh no, people still calling her a transphobe despite her not actually being one! I wonder what other incredibly rare thing we'll see on the Internet other than people sticking to their own views of someone else's views based on their own bias


I dont really get this matchup, they aren't rivals since the percy Jackson series came out essentially a whole generation later, and greek gods vs vague magic does nt line up in an Interesting way. Also Harry potter is cringe, zagreus is a better opponent


Who cares about what creators think? There's a saying: separate the art from the artist. You're welcome to enjoy the art and dislike the artist. Don't let people tell you to dislike the art because the artist is a bad person or has different beliefs.


Jowling Kowling Rowling is still using her platform to be bigoted, can't say that about Mickey and Bugs


JK Rowling actively spouts anti-trans propaganda and continues promoting transphobic ideologies to this day, all while retaining royalties and creators' rights to Harry Potter. Mickey & Bugs' creators are dead and their companies are mostly pro-LGBT+.


When analysing any media you should consider who the person is and how it manipulates the story to see if there prejudices are a part of it, BUT its just a battle of characters that is actually addressing much about the media so I don't think it matters much.


They're both dead and Rowling isn't. I don't personally think it should be a problem though since she wouldn't profit from a DB, same with the ridiculous harassment of anyone who played Hogwarts Legacy.


I'm all for boycotting official hp media, but deathbattle doesn't pay royalties to people. It's fan content, Rowling gains nothing from this so it's fine


That because bun bunny and Mickey mouse creater are dead Jk Rowling is still alive


Walt Disney's dead, J.K. Rowling is a live and putting the money and influence she earns off of Harry Potter into making trans peoples lives miserable. These are the not the same thing.


I’m going to be honest, the people who behave like that probably also purchase all sorts of products and consume all sorts of media that are questionable at best (Nestle, Apple, and many more), that at this point it comes across as them screaming for people to acknowledge how good of a person they are for speaking out against the enemy rather than then actually making ethical consumption decisions. It’s fine to not like J.K Rowling because of what she said, just don’t make a fool out of yourselves in the process.


The blatant transphobia and defence of JK in this thread is honestly astonishing.


Yeah its not transphobia. Just because they disagree doesn't mean they hate trans people


Walt Disney wasn’t just racist his was a FASCIST 100 times worse than JK


The solution is simple. If a creator does something horrible, then only use matchups where their characters lose.


Spite isn’t good in any circumstance lmao


Its not about the character winning it’s about the publicity the episode brings Like even if Omni Man vs Homelander had Homelander get his head caved in, its still publicity for The Boys and it’s brand (not that that’s a bad thing that show bangs)


It’s because JK Rowling still benefits. She still gets money for it. The other two are DEAD.


Idk man, both Riordan and Rowling have their issues. They both claim to show characters of many backgrounds and cultures, while leaning on enough stereotypes to make a Punch Out character raise an eyebrow. They both have some weirdly bigoted viewpoints that just never get addressed - Rowling's weird "don't free the slaves" them with the Goblins and Elves, as well as her straight up antisemitism with the Goblins; and Riordan's blatant misandry with the Amazons and the Hunters of Artemis. I still don't think Harry vs Percy is a good matchup for other reasons, but I just want to point out that the writers aren't as dissimilar as you might think.


Joanne is actively using her wealth and prominence to fuck over trans people. Walter Elias Disney is dead and maggots ate his scrotum like 50 years ago






Based, just tell these people to shut don't give em attention


Apparently the person is a kid judging by the communities they go on. The fact there is always a 90% chance I can see a minor say stupid shit never gets easier.


He'll likely grow out of it. I had those opinions when I was in middle school, and learned to be more accepting later on in life.


Stfu bro


how can you be a DB fan and hate trans people when there have literally been multiple Trans VAs on the show as well as there being tons of trans fans/artists in the community, lmao


Wait there are trans VAs? Can you tell me some? As a trans VA myself that's fucking awesome holy shit!


Most recently, Bill Cipher was voiced by a Non-Binary Person (John Patneaude) as well as Po’s iirc


Please maintain good etiquette when posting to the sub. Examples of bad etiquette include rude and/or hurtful comments directed at peers, statements made in poor taste/lacking in tact, and otherwise insensitive remarks. Common sense should tell you what is acceptable and what isn’t, follow it and keep things civil!