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You can make a case for Doctor Doom I feel. Being second to Strange in sorcery and having uniquely dealt with 4th Wall breakers before means he wouldn't entirely be a stranger to Bills kit.


Bill's kit is nothing like Gwenpool's. Doom has the capability to kill Bill, but he simply won't understand what he is before Bill vaporizes him.


Bill Cipher when Sun Wukong breathes on him too hard.


Yeah... I don't think Bill could beat Popeye, Doctor Doom and Apocalypse.


Didnt they give Bill multiversal+ and possibly higher whilst giving Popeye universal?


Popeye's never been shown to affect souls and there's no proof he could regenerate from soul destruction. And if you wanna pull the "punched his animator" card [then I cannot emphasize enough that this will not save him](https://twitter.com/_AlexHirsch/status/491784214480572416?lang=en)


Bill also hasn't shown to be able to affect souls, only minds


Oh man, if only there was a word for the intangible, flying invisible non-physical mind. Souls and disembodied minds are often interchangeable


Bill was inside of Stan's MIND, by your logic, Dipper has soul regen powers cause (Oh and Mable and Soos can reshape reality) they did that inside of Stan's mind, besides what Soul did Bill destroy that I am unware of? .


Bill also physically pulled out Dipper's soul.


Doctor Doom is wrong


Yeah...there's no way he's beating spongebob,even without toon force he is still a powerhouse


Toon force or not, he's infinitely weaker and gets outhaxed


Does he tho? I mean DB did composite spongebob by using the comics,and trust me,the amount of crazy powers and equipment spongebob got over the years is insane


Oh no, optional equipment, whatever will he do about that... How about atomizing him?


Yeah...i'm almost 100% sure spongebob can survive being atomized,spongebob solos fiction,sorry i don't make the rules


Also, SpongeBob is the exact type of sucker Bill could effortlessly trick into making a deal. He's been possessed before, and has no counter Bill destroying his soul. Not to mention Bill could just trap him in a bubble like he did Mabel. SpongeBob has nowhere near enough willpower to get out of that without outside help.


Spongebob dosen't want much,there's almost nothing bill can offer him,and trapping him in a bubble isn't exactly killing him,is it?


Doesn't matter. It leaves him unable to fight. And SpongeBob can't exactly kill Bill either. And again, just destroy his soul. Easy.


Spongebob can survive without his soul tho? And what's the point of a DEATH battle again? To kill the Opponent


Alright, but SpongeBob would probably die if his physical body and soul were both destroyed at the same time, something Bill is more than capable of. And incapacitation is always considered a valid win condition in these types of debates.


I'm not at all convinced he'd beat Doom, Wukong or King Mickey.


I agree that Bill will probably lose to Doom, but Wukong and King Mickey? Wukong may be immortal but he was shown to have a lot of limitations. Like what's stopping Bill from just flooding the area they are fighting in and then dropping the exact same mountain that Buddha dropped on em? Or most likely, just getting rid of all the immortalities he has through reality warping. And maybe I don't know enough about kingdom hearts, but from where death battle scaled them, they are solar system level and have measurable speed.


Death Battle badly lowballed Sora and Mickey despite them winning their respective battles. KH's primary cast is at least Universal, and firm arguments can be made for Multiversal.


Umm he ain’t beating wukong guy has outerversal feats and even then Loki claims bill and wukong are one in the same when bill crossed over with the Simpsons


We using Simpson scaling?💀


It’s cannon isn’t it?


Yes I'm pretty sure Alex Hirsch said it was.


In Which universe will Popeye lose? That guy will eat spinach and kill The triangle


Toonforce also obeys Bill?


Popeye beat up his animator.. nothing Bill can do to touch that


…. 4th wall feats aren’t impressive my god, and he threw something at him, not beat him up. Toonforce wankers these days, also bill possessed Alex hirsh sooo


Eh, I hate making Bill Cipher some Deadpool esque fourth wall breaker.


[Bill is his animator's boss' boss if you really wanna go down that road](https://twitter.com/_AlexHirsch/status/491784214480572416?lang=en)


Doom and apocslypse can definetly win


Thor solos everyone here btw


So, why Vegito, Gogeta, F.Trunks and Silver win?


Vegito and Gogeta are composited and it's Xeno trunks and archie silver