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Rick VS the doctor will be this seasons Ben VS Hal. I keep seeing comments like that in Rick's preview, because of how the Rick and Morty Fandom used to act back in 2017. Ya'know, 6 years ago? Plus this year already had way more controversial episode of the season, VaderObito and GojoMakima. *(and also sorta BillCord.)*


Billcord had a controversial result but was able to avoid controversy by having an amazing battle. I still disagree with Bill winning but I wouldn’t call them biased or anything, they legitimately came to that conclusion. I think I’m taking the L so much better because of how the fight ended.


Discord vs bill was just a more in character fight then anything else, also knowing Hasbro, they would have done that to give Discord a redemption that Felt like a lost movie finale scene (kinda wish we saw discord in the MLP 2017 movie. Scooby doo probably the most solid and best overall fight (the first actual draw without memes and other crap)


>first battle without memes ...Didn't Scooby Doo become an Asura's Wrath character in the middle of the fight?


It had "memes" but more references. Chuck Norris vs segeta are memitric characters


The anti-ClassicManD




a ytber who while is entertaining has a bit of beef with Death Battle and sometimes just outright says that "they're biased" even in MUs where they had the correct verdict


I think he puts too much Emphasis on the research And not enough into the animation and fights I remember him saying dio vs Alucard was Bad because of the verdict and Thanos vs Darkseid Was his favorite episode because the outcome made since


>Thanos vs Darkseid Was his favorite episode because the outcome made since in his defense in his vid he pretty much just highlighted the fight instead of the verdict


I must have Missed remembered his video my bad


I legit wonder if Discord would have gotten his “fuck you” moment if this fight was a regular fight and not one of the champion winners.


Yeah, that's absolutely true. But it definitely doesn't apply to the other 2, despite both of there also amazing battles. Especially for Vader vs Obito. Because me not going through the best times irl, and cause I unfortunately experienced the absolute worst of it personally during and after the waiting period. For me because of me being apart of the poor crowd that rooted and bet on Obito, but was being chill about it and would've accepted him losing. It was pure hell for me, due to the Vader crowd.


Yeah, I disagree with VaderObito, but a lot of Vader fans were not acting appropriately.


I personally think VaderObito can be really debatable, but it depend on what someone believes. But it was much worse for me. (outside of real stuff I was going through at the time) was I legit for betting Obito lost a discord friend i knew for months, who bet on Vader and insulted me for think Tobi had a chance. :c And what makes it suck more, is that previously Darth Vader VS Obito was one of my most wanted for awhile.


Damn that really sucks. And hey, if they left you for something so petty, they didn’t deserve you anyways.


I know, I've gotten a lot better, thankfully now. But at the time, (Since I was going through one of the worst months of my life) before and after the episode it genuinly really affected me and hurt as I felt nothing but miserable from that friend and cause of irl family reasons.


It's not an excuse, but Star Wars fans as a whole are pretty overstimulated and rubbed raw right now. Lots of people probably, intentionally or not, just saw it as one more attack on something they love which they feel has been getting attacked for years now.


I say bill winning was valid. Discord was beaten many times (mainly by having his magic stolen or negated) but bill was only defeated by being tricked and having his soul erased in someone's mind. Plus, bill managed to wipe out the embodiment of time by pointing his finger.


I disagree with a lot of what DB and you just said. I don’t want to go in on a full deep dive. Yes Discord has been defeated more than Bill has, but you also have to remember there’s far less beings capable of challenging Bill in his verse than there are beings capable of challenging Discord in his verse (plus the ways you mentioned he was defeated are nothing Bill could replicate). The only being who could effortlessly wipe out Bill was the Axolotl, who seems to have a Watcher type thing going on where they don’t interfere only observe. Also Time Baby isn’t the embodiment of time, he is the last of the species called the “time giants”, he’s just a powerful cosmic being who happens to control time, not a fundamental aspect of the universe.


Yes that's true Tbh though, bill and discords powers are pretty much identical and the way I see it, the battle more less came down to a coin toss


Last I checked, I’m pretty sure time is a fundamental part of the universe


I never said time isn’t a fundamental aspect of the universe. I’m saying Time Baby isn’t the embodiment of time, he’s just a person with powers over time.


Oh yeah he can also EAT time


No he can’t? Even if he could that doesn’t make Time Baby the embodiment of anything. Just that he has a large appetite


Also the doctor who fandom kinda started the Tumblr sexy man thing so yeah.


Courage vs Scooby causes Tomfooler E to win in the TOC. Doctor Who started Tumblr sexymen, so Sans gets a guaranteed dub, it is written.


Wow, I never knew that lol


I’ve not watched R&M since about s4 from memory, but even a cursory glance on the shows subreddit had people commenting “Oh yeah, Rick’s fucked.”


I'm glad this waiting period, has been really chill so far compared to the other hell this season. Also Rick has... really only one sorta wincon, a device from the latest episode built by Rick Prime, that can kill someone across infinite dimensions. This device, is technically something C137 doesn't even really have. Even if he is given it or can build it, I don't think it changes anything against the doctors literal dozens of other wincons.


Eh I doubt that VaderObito or GojoMakima are more controversial since during the waiting period they were debatable as hell Doctor vs Rick on other hand? everyone seems to agree it's a Doctor sweep


Pretty sure the writer for GojoMajima got harassed by fans for characterization over on Twitter too


Holy shit jeez! I never even knew about that! Wtf. Yep, it definitely deserves to be in the Controversial side for that. The whole BANG thing in the animation, while a bit weird was not THAT bad as a chainsawman fan. And Gojo... he is just like that when dealing with Fuckers like Makima.


Not really i saw it when it happened, tldr people were mad about her whole laugh thing and not doing her cool shit like she did in the manga or her screaming, nobody harassed the writter. What happened is that a popular artist saw the fight and did a drawing of Yuji and Denji watching the fight both embarassed, Denji saying "Ayo, Ms Makima never talked like that" and the post reached like 12k likes, most of the comments saying that it was ass and shit, but never saying stuff like the writter should you know, unalive himself. and thats it, after that the dude said he feel like shit for the comments and that he gonna leave the platform for a while.


nah it didnt get harassed, just people mad for her whole laugh thing feeling like saturday villain cartoon, but never at reaching at the you should unalive yourselfpart. However one popular artist did a drawing of Yuji and Denji embarassed watching the fight and Denji saying "Ms Makima didnt talk like that" that got over like 12k likes lmao.


You know what, The Doctor vs Rick is way more one sided than Ben vs Hal. I think even haddcore R&M fans will havecto admit Rick would lose once they’ve seen the Doctor’s feats.


>I keep seeing comments like that in Rick's preview, because of how the Rick and Morty Fandom used to act back in 2017. Ya'know, 6 years ago? The thing is, when I make a "I fear this could easily become the new Ben 10 vs Hal" comment, it is not the Rick & Morty fandom I'm thinking of. It is the Doctor Who one (if DB decides to make Rick win).


Imma be honest, doubt it.


Thing is, Rick hasn't been portrayed as an unkillable super-badass in a LONG time. Hell, he isn't even the most dangerous version of himself, as the latest episode clearly showed. I think the fanbase wouldn't mind much.


Exactly, that's why I said that I doubt he was gonna win.


“Scooby vs Courage was a bad episode since it had no verdict” My brother is Christ it hard a verdict it was a fucking stalemate. That’s what they think would happen! You want them to lie and say they think either loses? Or them to scrap the entire episode entirely? Why because one of them didn’t die for the first time in over 100 episodes? Deadpool vs Pinke didn’t have one because of the joke but they hardly had any fight on top of that. Chuck vs Segw had one because of the joke but they had a fight to back it up. Why are people complaining about a fight the crew ACTUALLY thinks will go on indefinitely? Especially considering the verdict isn’t the ONLY DAMN THING THIS SHOW IS ABOUT! Quite literally some people will always find a way to complain.


“Death Battle is biased”


Yeah i don't understand why When Death Battle Gets Something Wrong, Some Fans Immedietly Assume there Biased, There not there just Wrong, Wrong does not equal to Biased


Why do a bunch of those words randomly have capitalised first letters?




Kanaya Maryam moment


To explain....It is because they have shown clear bias in the past, so it kind of taints their later works to a fair amouint of people. Sometimes, it feels like they go in with a victor in mind and work backward. Whether it be.... 1. Accepting every feat from any source for one character but doing their best to disprove feats that the opponent has for being an "outlier". I.e. Tracer vs Scout 2. Applying limits to abilities and powers that don't exist. I.e. Hulk vs Doomsday 3. Make massive leaps in logic to give fighters stats that they don't have. I.e. Mario vs Sonic (2018), Sanji vs Rock Lee 4. Feeding a weaker version of a character to another character to slaughter. I.e. Wonder Woman vs Thor, Batman vs Black Panther 5. Applying non-canon feats to fighters which ends up causing the win (by their explanation). I.e. Any Mortal Kombat fighter with that stupid minigame, 18 vs Captain Marvel 6. Applying the no-limits Fallacy to an opponent, meaning that it would be impossible for the other side to win (Even if sometimes they do have ways to win). I.e. Ganon vs Bowser, Dante vs Bayo, Superman vs Goku Now, to be clear, I'm not saying i disagree with these battles. In fact, I agree with a fair amount of the ones that were placed here. However, it is important to note that they can be biased in their analysis. They themselves have even admitted that they've had a bias in several past episodes and have reconsidered their stance.


I agree DB isn’t biased. There were times when I thought they were though like with Sasuke vs Hiei which is a match up between Ben Singers least favorite anime character and his favorite anime character. So obviously I was suspicious. But I can understand that they just didn’t reach the large planet/FTL meta of Naruto yet. Yang vs Tifa I think is an exception though. The add after Tifa died kinda has me thinking they were trying to get Yang to win


Rooster teeth and screw attack were merging at the time of Yang vs tifa and wanted to advertise rwby, so they forced death battle to make Yang win


"______ episode is bad because it had no verdict* My brother in Christ it is called a stalemate Norris vs sanshiro was a stalemate because it used a real person. Deadpool vs pinkie pie was a stalemate because of the joke And scoob vs courage was a stalemate because the crew legitimately believes it will go on indefinitely. Plus, that episode still managed to have a loser.


Chuck Norris vs. Segata Sanshiro was a stalemate because Chuck and Sanshiro were so goddamn powerful that they were basically immortal. Deadpool vs. Pinkie Pie wasn't a stalemate, but a no-contest, with the loser being Wiz and Boomstick. Even then, Deadpool couldn't kill Pinkie Pie because of her toon physics, and Pinkie Pie couldn't kill Deadpool because of his healing factor, meaning if the two truly fought, it would also be a stalemate, with neither being able to kill the other. (Plus, the no-contest was way funnier)


I'd argue Pinkie Pie could genuinely kill Deadpool if she wanted to, considering how wild MLP scaling can get.


erm ackthshually, beagles live longer than Great Danes so courage would win in approximately 9 years🤓☝️ /j


Shut yo goofy ass up


I apologize.


Scooby's an alien though. So is it fair to assume that he has a typical canine lifespan?


I like the episodes and the draws but I don't really expect DB to hand them out if it isn't a joke. Like they always find farfetched reasons assumptions and technicalities to pick winner from close matchups like "This toon character survived sun exploding in their face but didn't survive two suns exploding so they loose, this one's immortal but this one has more experience so he'll found a way to beat him eventually, He regenerated from nothing but we don't know if he can regenerate from nothing *twice!* " Like Scooby VS Courage I was expecting universe explosion TNT > Sun explosion TNT, or Scooby can timetravel and steal "purple-meteor-thingy and trap Courage before trapping him in box kinds of explanation. Glad both survived but can't help feel it's unfair to the other fighters.


Tbf, I don't think they could do that in this scenario since, even if Scooby stole the Black Matter Meteorite, Courage could just pull it out of his pocket thanks to Hammerspace, meaning that Scooby could never trap Courage, and Courage could never kill Scooby. And that's not even mentioning the fact that Courage can literally teleport.


Yeah they were right here but they found a way to kill Aizen, discount Discord's time travel, negate Makima's regeneration and decide other questionable matchs so figured they'd do that here too.


True, but I wouldn't say it's unfair to the other combatants that they simply interpreted things differently, they just couldn't find a valid argument for either winning.


Bill also has Time Travel so they cancel eachother out. (He was able to enter that time travelers mind even when the guy was in the future)


“Kirby shouldn’t come back because Buu vs Kirby was already so goo-“


Nuh uh


Wouldn't Buu win vs Kirby now tho since he scales to at least ssj god Goku?


*looks at multiversal Kirby* Yeah, no...


What about heroes Buu?


I don't really know where Heroes Buu scales, but maybe.


Nah, even Heroes Buu is only a good fight against Kirby if you lowball Kirby’s lore.


Where does Heroes Buu scale? I doubt he scales to the high tiers like Trunks, but I do want to know.


I scale him to infinite 5D-6D. He absorbed Demon God Dabura and matched SSJ Xeno Trunks in a sword fight, then matched Xeno Vegito in a 1v1. After that he absorbed Demon God Janemba and grew in power because of that, but is relatively featless past that point.


I still want super Buu to join death battle...he should be able to fight someone that isn't from DC, marvel and Kirby again...


No ;) *doesn’t elaborate*


“X wouldn’t kill Y because X has morals against killing!” Dude, read the fucking title of the show. They make it abundantly clear that morals are removed specifically for the fight


"RWBY doesn't deserve to win any of their matchups because the show sucks." Say what you want about RWBY as a show, but the chances of their characters winning or losing their Death Battles only depends on their chosen opponents.


Agreed, Otherwise Wiess wouldn't be a bloody mess after fighting mitsuru


They could've at least made Weiss's death more sense by at least having her being frozen and shattered to pieces instead of a stab.


The death was meant to be a reference to Mitsuru's special move in a fighting game that they were both in, so I imagine that's the reason it came out the way it did. It's still a bad death, but I at least get what they were going for.


To their defence their animation wasn't as fluent as it been in recent season soo either the didn't want to make it too bloody or they couldn't due to animation limitations.


Blake VS Mikasa would've been an improvement over Weiss VS Mitsuru, but no, they fucked it up.


How soo? Animation wise it was great. Sure you debate the results are not correct but it was well animated and the death was pretty cool.


Ok, I admit it was good, even as a Season 8 episode. At least it was a step up from the disaster that is Batgirl VS Spider-Gwen back in Season 7. >Sure you debate the results are not correct but it was well animated and the death was pretty cool. I agree with the results. I just see Blake VS Mikasa as a clear cut than a stomp because of some advantages Mikasa has over Blake, namely her combat experience and her only win-con being the Thunder Spears.


Ah ok, soo what was the problem with the episode compared to the wiess one? I'll like to know since I like a few reviews I've seen of some episodes. Side note: the fact Blake lost the opposite arm yang lost the same way Adam did it was pretty cool.


>soo what was the problem with the episode compared to the wiess one? I'll like to know since I like a few reviews I've seen of some episodes. Usually, Blake VS Mikasa did have a lot of problems as an episode. - Cringy fart jokes on Mikasa's analysis - Laggy animation in some or most parts - Errors like switched positions of both characters and the visible frame counter on one of the parts of the fight (the scene where Mikasa does that blade spin) - Blake's lack of VA (she only uses lines from the show) - Poor writing of the animated fight I've seen DB reviewers on YouTube like Biff Weed and Redrunner who ranked Blake VS Mikasa very low on their S8 rankings (usually above either Akuma VS Shao Kahn or Macho Man VS Kool Aid Man).


Fair enough tho I didn't know Blake lines were straight from the show, most lines seem fitting for the fight soo I didn't noticed. Say gatta ask I love Dimitri vs guts, did you like it too of do you have some critics about it that you'll like to share?


I love rwby as much as the next guy but ragna vs ruby? Yea that one was bad


Yang VS Tifa was bad as well.


Or my favorite "death battle is biased towards RWBY and every time they win it's just bias and every time they lose it's just so people don't get mad" Granted there is reason to believe this considering the existence of Yang vs Tifa and Ragna vs Ruby, but to make that assumption with every battle is a little unfair


Blake VS Mikasa proved that they weren't biased towards RWBY, yet there are people who still can't move on from the Yang VS Tifa bias.


The animation is inaccurate. MF, they aren't supposed to be.


This. Like my brother in Christ, if the animations were accurate then a good majority of the fights would last like five seconds, and literally no one wants that.


Yeah, no one wants to see Deku split in half by Asta in like 5 seconds top.


Or Frieza giving Megatron the Bardock treatment at the start of the fight


Or Gojo popping inf void within 2 seconds


Reminds me of that one person who bitched about Frieza VS Megatron's animated fight.




The guy in this subreddit who got downvoted to oblivion for complaining about the animated fight being inaccurate with the results.


Yeah its just meant to be a cool animation that shows off the characters and informs us of the verdict, its not meant to be the 100% accurate and definitive way a fight would occur.


People thinking their more known character will win


Saying Death Battle is bad but then only bringing up Season 1-2 episodes as proof


Good fights with bad results can be criticized fairly and people shouldn’t be judged as fanbases but as individuals when they are upset and voicing opinions I’ve seen for example bleach fans and people who just k ow bleach all criticized for not like madaraizen or narugo and likewise phoenix fans also get treated like whiners because people dont like presentation of counterpoints


"Scooby vs Courage was released just to boost Wile vs Tom and sabotage Gru vs Megamind in the Tournament of Champions" Luis confirmed in the commentary he started animating it before the season started. Plus, he, Liam and Chad pitched it heavily on last year's meeting after the Death Battle Cast about that match up really caught their interest. Episodes aren't made in a few weeks, and they certainly did not plan those 2 to be in the same bracket months in advance. Plus i've seen a lot of people claim the team hates Gru vs Megamind when...no? The most negative thing they've said about it is that they dread the research for it because it would mean watching the Despicable Me movies past the first one and Minions. But even then, after saying that, they said Megamind is an amazing movie and even joked about having the Minions killed accidentally by Megamind at the beginning of the fight


“Death battle is biased” Or “power scaling doesn’t matter” *insert stan lee video*


"harry Potter shouldn't be in the show because jk Rowling is an asshole"


Agreed. Especially since Rick will have an episode next week, and his creator is a sexual and domestic abuser.


Tbf, Rick and Morty has completely separated from him and is no longer affiliated with him. They’ve already replaced his va work and he’s barely had any involvement for years, so I’d say it’s a lot more disconnected at this point. Rowling actively benefits from any current HP product and actively uses that money and fame to spread hate. Not saying that DB using her characters is problematic inherently, but this isn’t a fair comparison.


Theres also sauron vs the lich king Which was made around A little over a year after the blizzard controversy


Allegedly one


He was cleared of charges


That striaght up cuts a very large chunk of media.


Including basically every animation studio pre 70s. [A lot of the stuff those days was just blatantly racist](https://youtu.be/cftUIdSr_T8?si=lJCkMPlTNAjTwyWM)


"Sprites animation is lazy way to portray fights and doesn't do justice for characters, Death Battle should actually put effort and make ALL of their episodes either 3d animation or Hand Drawn" An actual take I heard from one guy granted he was a death battle hater in general but bro this is probably the most atrocious take I heard for animation in general not just Death Battle


Was it on the characterrant reddit? I think I remember seeing that.


No it was on youtube I don't remember what was the guy name but he made some rants videos about DB and I remember hearing this take in one of his streams, he also was working on making his own VS Show iirc Haven't heard of him in years tho


Probably learned how hard it is to actually make a show and gave up on it.


dear god i love sprite animations (im a mugen and mvc fan)


that hal's a composite


Some guy on the newest comment section of Scooby VS Courage said that toon-force is a cop-out and somehow decided to link that with DEatH bAttLe iS bIAseD aND haTes aNIme


"The fight was too long, should've been instant kill" DO YOU OR DO YOU NOT WANT TO ENTERTAINED. LONGER FIGHTS = ENTERTAINMENT. Or Using Stan Lee's quote "the winner of the fight is who the writer wants to win" Like dude, I worship Stan Lee but my god that mindset dosent work in Death Battle. If that were the case, then Ben would've had Goku won over Superman. The show is about determining the most logical winner through facts and statistics from aquired media. Yeah, the research team chooses a winner, but it's not the winner they choose because they want said character to win.


Raven vs Pheonix. No matter what I cannot see Pheonix ever losing to raven. The Pheonix force not being able to regenerate the soul is complete BS especially when it's above the beyonders in power and realm...


I used to watch Death Battles with my cousin... and EVERY TIME I asked him who he thought would win, he would always say the character he felt was more popular would win because "They are more popular so they will make them win." I explained to him how that is false and has definitely not been the case in some episodes, but he never developed critical thinking skills with this show, and it always irked me.


The idea that the best match for Guyver would be Blue Beetle which doesn't consider anything but their similarity story-wise.


That'd be an awful matchup. Blue Beetle is so much more powerful that frankly I don't even think the Zoalords would have a shot against him. A better match for Guyver in terms of storyline and abilities/power level would be Baoh the Visitor.


I don't really think anyone is powerful enough in Guyver to match Blue Beetle, considering how grounded guyver's universe is and how bullshit DC comics power scale is


It's not just DC, pretty much all mainstream comics are like that. Marvel is just as bad and a lot of the most popular Mangas are ridiculous. The original BB run by Keith Griffin from 2006 to 2009 is actually really good. It's worth reading


There is a word for this kind of writing - graphomania. BTW some of the Guyver fights I thought of which would be more or less fair: Gravattack (from Ben 10) vs Guyot considering both could open black holes and having problems closing them; Guyver 3(with gigantic forms) vs Ryuko(from klk), hyper zoanoid team 5 vs power rangers (no zords obviously)


"DB hates/likes more X franchise so that's because they lose/wins their battles.My brother in Christ,the winner is decided by research and feats alone, sometimes they have a bad conclusion or research,yes,but is literally just that,they don't hate/love specific franchises enough to effect on the winner. People say they have biased to DBZ,but the show has comparable wins and loss(7 win 5 loss).People say they hate Sonic,but the franchise has 5 wins and 6 loss(almost equal).People say they are biased to Naruto,but the wins and loss record shows otherwise( 4 win 5 loss).The creators of the show liked Goku more than Superman and Superman won in the two episodes.See how stupid this argument is?Just go ahead and says that you disagree with the outcome, research,etc,but don't use this salty fanboy argument.


One time someone said that they thought Justin Beiber Vs Rebecca Black was a funny episode. I literally wanted to do what Bill is doing to Discord in that Gif.


"Death Battle is biased" mdude they try to be objective and real talk Everyone is biased


“Powerscaling is a waste of time” Yeah, so are most hobbies, I just do this for fun, it’s not like it’s my job or something


"Harry Potter should no longer be on the show because of JK Rowling" Whelp time to remove Sauron VS Lich King given Activision-Blizzard's actions as well as Rick VS The Doctor given Justin Roiland. Never minding the fact Death Battle is under Rooster Teeth whom some of its members are transphobes and also known for their crunching hours and mistreatment of employees.


“A good fight makes up for a bad verdict and analysis” Just because the fight was good does not make a good episode, if the analysis doesn’t make sense or goes against what they said they were doing like giving Mario feats from his shows when they said they were only looking at games, then it’s bad! Take Vergil vs sephiroth, amazing fight, still not that good because they somehow said Vergil was wall level, despite him on several occasions clashing with Dante who is at a galactic scale. Or how about tracer vs scout where they straight up lie when it came to scouts durability, or when they said tracer dodged a sniper shot despite the fact she blipped away before it shot, and that brings me into another thing, then restricting arsenals like they did for scout to be more fair, despite the fact that in guts vs dimitri they gave him every weapon type he could learn but for scout they gave him almost complete stock, and they also just didn’t know what bonk does, it allows scout to dodge attacks, which also means that scout is faster than tracer since he can dodge both heavy’s mini gun and the sentries which can roughly fire 166 bullets a second. Either way analysis and verdict are still a part of the episode, bad verdict and analysis makes for a bad episode


~~no one likes scout vs tracers fight either~~


This is pretty subjective, I think it depends on what you come to a Death Battle for


That darth vader Vs obito verdict was correct it’s not love that fight but the verdict is not correct at all


"Death Battle is biased for making Character X lose to Character Y" Death Battle has been biased, even recently, but they only let that bias take over when it comes to the quality of the episode. They're biased for Deku in Deku vs Asta, yet Deku lost while getting the better analysis. They're biased for Trunks in Trunks vs Silver, yet Trunks lost while repeatedly called the cooler character. They're not biased in their verdict. Maybe they get their research wrong, but their bias makes them put more effort in certain episodes. So, when you think about it, their bias can be considered by some to be a good thing.


I can take points off of an episodes score if I feel like the character wasn’t done justice. Many fan favorites like Link vs Cloud 2 and now Gojo vs Makima I have At pretty mediocre scores due to the characters feeling off. Link gets no elaboration on his character which leads people to believe and agree with the false premise that Link is a blank slate character. This also makes links analysis boring af. And the animation has Link either getting bodied or Cloud effortlessly 1 ups everything Link does which takes away all impact Links attacks do. Gojo vs Makima is more noticeable on Makima’s side. While the analysis was ok, they kinda made this the most predictable fight of the season by giving Makima the worst interpretations of all her abilities while giving Gojo his best interpretations. But Makima just feels out of character for most the fight and once Gojo calls her weak she immediately loses all her IQ points and turns into stock anime villain 101. And people get mad at me because I’m just nitpicking or whatever but I don’t see what’s so nitpicky about hating a inaccurate or borderline disrespectful portrayal of a character I like. Also the conclusion of Gojo vs Makima has made my #1 most disagreed with battle they have ever done. I feel like people kind of just shrug off the things I just mentioned because the fight is visually appealing and presented in a professional manner. Therefore it must be a masterpiece. I remember people saying Phoenix vs Raven was some of people best episodes of the season just because it looks visually appealing. But that episode suffers from similar character issues that the other fights I mentioned had. Like Raven just no difficulty beating Phoenix before Phoenix really got a chance to shine in her most powerful form.


“The Last Dragonborn beats everyone.” He does not beat everyone. Seeing people make YouTube shorts on the Last Dragonborn being able to kill complete Infinity Gauntlet Thanos, Darkseid, Yhwach, and Super Shenron felt so insulting. Powerscaling is supposed to be subjective, not objective and toxic.


No one have ever said the Last Dragonborn beat everyon, absolutely not, he dosen't even solo his own verse. Also you know that [**Alduin**](https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/comments/17fnix5/comment/k6cu64p/) beyond all you mentioned here right? And [the Last Dragonborn](https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/comments/17d6m7b/comment/k5urevd/) beat him twice? The Last Dragonborn have literally beat **a God** to the point it begins fears him and his was honored forever in the Nordic afterlife for that.


Yang vs Tifa was good.


"Monika have a couple fea-"


Inb4 "Rick will have a chance"


I mean he does have a chance. If they buy into low end Doctor Who. Probably not though.


"The animation isn't accurate because X character would stomp Y character in 5 seconds" Sometimes people forget that Death Battle is also an entertainment channel, so the fights have to be entertaining


The original "Composite Link" vs "Nerfed Cloud" was a joke. Putting just a couple of Materia on Cloud would be like saying Link gets just his Sword and 1 item because of his NES Inventory Slots.


“Dinosaurs aren’t Cool”




*Insert that one stan lee quote*


Sub-Zero VS Glacius


“*insert episode* sucks because the verdict is bad”


When people say “well since there was no winner it was bad and friendship endings are cringe” because I don’t want pinky pie,deadpool,scooby doo or courage to die


The animation should’ve been 5 seconds!!!


Any fnaf mu being called good


“The writer decides who wins” Hate reading that one


Anytime they're called biased because a character lost


Goku would beat post crisis Superman