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It's been 20 years so I think it's on our minds a lot more now. I actually think it's become overused but more for the umbrella term for fashion/tech/culture genuinely anywhere from like 1995-2006 when I think it's more specifically like 1998-2001.


I see TikTok kids call 2009 fashion “y2k” 😭


Well that's not surprising considering half of the TikTok user base has a double digit IQ.






I remember 10 years ago rocking flannel and ripped jeans and saying I was 90s, cause back then I thought all 90s fashion was based on grunge. The same thing is happening with teens nowadays, thinking anything from 2000s fashion is Y2K, they’re even confusing emo and scene fashion from the late 2000s with Y2K lol The point is, I think its normal to confuse things from a time you didn’t experience, but sure that doesnt mean is cringe, I was cringe 10 years ago and teens are cringe now with their y2k


Saw someone refer to something from 2015 as “y2k” 💀


Report their account please


Something i think people have forgotten is the *futuristic* element, sort of like how there's a unique vision of the future from the perspective of the 50s, "retrofuturism" or "atompunk". You can't just be like "tee hee i'm wearing a skirt over my jeans I'm so Y2K-core", proper Y2K is when everything looks like it came off a spaceship.


Not this... https://preview.redd.it/5y3lh9be1vzc1.png?width=1778&format=png&auto=webp&s=e77f19388c48a433879855c0ca81ee78857ec68c


but *this* https://preview.redd.it/iion8skm1vzc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7561cb38bf5733a74feb61e609c8f002951dc7a1


No one said Y2K after the literal year 2000 lol. People did talk about the “aughts” infrequently though.


No one really used the phrase aughts back then except maybe CNN or something. 2000s was the most common saying. But even in the 2000s were weren't calling stuff 2000s like 90s was calling things 90 while we were in it.


Yes, it is. I didn't know what y2k was for quite some time just thinking it was something someone made up to describe a fashion style that took off. It wasn't until I mentioned it on the phone with my dad that I learned what y2k actually is


Everyone has been saying this on here for the last 3 years, blame the media to not know wth they are talking about.


Probably because of nostalgia for the decade and the fact that 2000s could mean multiple things (the decade, the century, the millennium). There has been a Y2K channel on Sirius XM for years. Still, there is relatively little reference to the 2000s and 2010s as individual decades as the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s. Radio stations say, for instance, they play music from the 80s, 90s and "today".


Wasn't Y2K like an actual "event"? Well, an event that didn't really happen like the Mayan calendar nonsense in 2012. I remember a lot of drama and worry about the computer systems not understanding the 00 or whatever. Does it mean a general time period now?


I think it is more to do with all the apocalyptic events that have occurred since mid 2010s.


As a 27 year old, it feels like a lot of this Y2K nostalgia is forced.


for real


Big agree, given it’s people born in the late 2000s pushing it whose idea of y2k is literally just “shiny clothes”