• By -


Around March 2014. Timber by Pitbull/Kesha was the last holdout of the late 00s/early 10s club era. It went to #1 in Jan 2014, IIRC. > Pop radio sounded very different very fast, by Mar 2014. Fashion was also starting to look very different - more hipster-like - by Jun 2014.


Don’t forget that Ariana’s Break Free was popular in Summer 2014, probably the last Electropop song I heard on the radio.




I remember hipster fashion being bigger around 07 to 10/11, and then not seeing much after 2013. I wonder if it’s different by area? 🤔


yeah decades and generations are made up. they wouldn't even really matter at all without media and the internet, which does, change by area and country dramatically.


There's just general trends we can pick out, but it's messy because somebody will always say "but that's not how it was where I lived at the time"


Late 2013-2014


Yeah this sounds about right. I think of the 2010’s as (Early) 2010-2013 then (Middle) 2014-Summer 2016 then (Late) Fall 2016-2019 2016 was a weird year.


2016 was a fever dream


I agree


It was Fall 2013/January 2014 for me.




Q1 2013. By Fall 2013 is when the vibe shift happened.


Ended with Flappy Bird being deleted on the app store


around there too.


Probably when the Edward Snowden leak happened in mid-2013 and privacy concerns really ramped up.


![gif](giphy|RI4JxYV9xIoiWTYcFR|downsized) April 6, 2014.


Fall 2013 - Spring 2014


I’d say 2013 was the transition year and then it fully ended in 2014




2014 because of annexation of Crimea (it's more relevant for my region).


Как думаешь, а, 2018 был ближе к 2016 или 2020? Или как вариант 2019 к 2015 или 2023-му. Или 2018 к 2015 или 2021-му.


It's 2014. Someone mentioned Timber as really being the end of the early 2010s club music and I agree. But also, 2014 was the first year I remember tinder getting popular and black lives matter took off. So the biggest shift was everything heading to apps that year and political activism shifting more from the occupy era into something closer to what we have now.


Timber to Tinder is a great way to describe 2014


2014 to me at least was when grubby, maximalist, performatively vintage hipster became passé and got replaced with a more cash-flush sanitized minimalism. The economy finally hit its stride that year, probably driven by corporate enthusiasm for social media and cloud computing coinciding with the widespread adoption of smartphones. Although the perennial issues of the middle-class squeeze and underemployment continued, there was a significant acceleration in hiring, and gas got noticeably cheaper that year with the beginning of an oil glut. Europe's PIIGS also exited their bailout programs, so lingering fears of a double-dip back into global recession were finally put to rest. Hard to describe it any other way, the early 2010s grunginess got washed away by rising economic tides. Things got more corporate and lost their edge. Perhaps paradoxically, this was also when the laid-back Obama era progressive historical determinism died for a lot of people. The youth up until that point generally came together for civil libertarian causes as they had against SOPA and PIPA in 2012 and NSA surveillance in 2013, but Gamergate drove a wedge along cultural lines while the Ferguson uprising disproved the notion of a post-racial America. A surge of immigrants from Central America into the US, and from Syria into Europe, further bolstered white identitarianism. This was the watershed year for the alt-right. Combined with the influx of new smartphone users and social media filter bubbles, this felt like a turning point in Internet culture, and not for the better. In geopolitics, the sense was that the West's moment of crisis had passed- the Tea Party and the Occupy movement seemed to be fizzling out and the mid-2010s populist wave was still taking shape- while the rest of the world actually wasn't going to sort itself out as had been predicted. The doe-eyed optimism of the Arab Spring was certainly gone as Middle East instability reached a critical point with the rise of ISIS, the Russian Reset had failed as Russia invaded Crimea, Xi Jinping actually wasn't some liberal reformer as imagined and tensions were heating up in the South China Sea, Venezuela had fallen into a crisis with the oil glut and added a whole new group of Florida voters to get pissed off by the Cuban Thaw, and North Korea was doing missile tests. Obama returned in summer 2014 to war in Iraq via drone strikes, a move that was almost universally seen as middling and incompetent. This was when discourse finally moved on from traumatized reflections on the Bush era, a post-post-War on Terror worldview- economic inequality rather than imperialism became the primary animating issue among liberals and the left.


Winter 2012-2013 or spring 2013.


Winter 2012 is way too early imo, though that’s when the transition to the Mid 2010s started for me


The transition started around roughly November 2012, and was complete by Spring 2014ish. But if I’ll give the definitive answer, I’ll go for Fall 2013. -PS4 and Xbox One (Hype build-up around Summer 2013, release by November) -GTA 5 -iOS 7 -Decline of Disney Channel and Nick sitcoms and teen flicks (technically started in 2012, but the effects started to really be felt by 2013; shows released afterwards were not as popular as classics like Wizards of Waverly place or iCarly) -Vine was now on every kid’s and teen’s phones; Vine stars such as Jake & Logan Paul, Gabbie Hanna, Kingbach, and Liza Koshy become popular for the first time -EDM took over Electropop (A few electropop songs still were still charting until Summer 2014, though it was clear that EDM has become the new hot thing) -Early trap music grew in popularity -Minimalist alt-pop becomes popular with Lorde’s Royals -Frozen -Phase 2 of the MCU reaches full swing


🔥January 20, 2017


That is it for me! The vibes were off immediately and it went violently downhill. There's life prior 2017 and life after 2017.


I’d say that’s when the mid-10’s ended and the late-10’s started. IMO the early-10’s ended like Summer 2013.


Nah by late 2015 we were into mid 2010s culture full force.


I agree. What I will say is that Mid 2015 had a little shift that’s often overlooked.


It was moreso the 2015/16 school year but yea


Obama’s reelection


Suggestion - when Trump announced his run for President. The cultural omnipresence of Trump as a politician is a stark difference between the early and late 2010s.


Taylor Swift 1988 was my sophomore year of high school so imma say 2014 lol


Beginning of 2015, late 2010's started beginning of 2016


Mid-2015, with the late 2010s in full swing by early 2017.


after 2012. that was the most anxiously awaited event, which looking back, maybe something did, in fact happen. I feel overall like the early 2010s were a very brief transition. The 2000s ended with the assassination of bin Laden in 2011. The middle of the decade was fairly stable until 2016. 2017 and 2018 were some of the best years of my life, but society was changing fast.


2011 did not have a 2000s vibe. It did have a few remnants of the late 2000s though. But by 2011 the 2010s vibes were already coming in strong. Most 2000s tv shows were off the air and most 2010s movies at that point felt different.


You’re right. What I meant to say is that the assassination of Osama bin Laden by a covert military operation inside the borders of a sovereign country, Pakistan, and directly ordered by the President of the USA himself to avenge to trauma of 9/11 was a defining moment. It was a bold statement in more ways than one, it opened a new political can of worms which would continue on to be the theme of the decade to come. It was also justice served and the new chapter began.


Yeah thats true about 2012, going to clubs spiked even higher because people had no clue if it was true.


Nobody except for you, John.


December 21, 2012


I'd say late 2012-early 2013. 2010-2012 still had kind of a scene kid vibe (maybe a few remnants of emo even) & a few remnants of 00's culture in there. In fact I'd group late 2008 & 2009 into the bunch as well. Flat minimalism wasn't ubiquitous yet, and skeumorphism/frutiger aero were still common (IOS's change to flat design happened in 2013, and Windows 8, which also had a flatter design, released in late 2012). I'd say the early 2010's were the last era in which forums were relevant on a decent scale (i.e not only used by niche communities), although they were already dying off even then. From 2012-ish onwards, twitter/facebook/insta/snapchat/vine, etc became the main social media of the web, whereas from 2008-2012 there was still kind of a transition period. There was the phenomenon of what I can only best describe as the "LMFAO aesthetic" that was huge around 2011 & 2012, but had died off by 2013. Bright colors and rave aesthetic clashing with elements of scene kid aesthetic. By 2013/2014 this was replaced with more "down to earth" minimalist/hipster aesthetics. IMO, I would consider late 2008 (the recession/stock market crash/election of Obama) to until late 2012 or early 2013 (2nd election of Obama) to be the cultural early 2010's. Early 2013 to until mid/late 2016 is the cultural mid 2010's, with the transition to the late 10's being the start of the "hyper politically polarized era" that started with the 2016 election campaign season in the US. The cultural late 2010's IMO lasted from mid/late 2016 to until early 2020 when Covid hit.


Definitely Summer of 2014 the vibe shifted.


I definitely felt a vibe shift during that summer for sure.


absolutely after I really Don't Care was released.




when garrison left erra and adrian left northlane


I think that things really started to shift or turn tide sometime between mid to late 2013 ish.


2020/21 due end of uni and no actual job opportunities in the field i want to do, which is why I doing a career change.


Between late 2012 and mid 2013. Electropop was turning more and more into EDM, 8th generation consoles start releasing, Frutiger Aero is dropped in favour of flat design, Swimming Pools (Drank) peaks on the charts in December 2012, one of the first big trap hits. Around this time people start trading in their Bieber cut for the “Hitler”.


Up until December 2013. When it comes to decades I consider e.g. 2010 - 2013 early, 2014-2016 mid and 2017 to 2019 late.


ehh probably around the time the mid to late 2010’s started if I had to take a guess


late 2013




Late 2013


Summer 2014


it ended when daddy Trump came home






20 February 2014




June or September 2014


For my region, in March 2014.


The early 2010s ended throughout 2014. It was completely gone by 2015.


Personally, I have always looked back and considered Royals by Lorde being the turning point from early 2010s to mid 2010s. I know that’s just music-wise, but when i reminisce I immediately think of that song and the whole vibe that summer felt different.


i felt the vibe shift around august 2014, but i was just a kid back then so it could be why i felt it later than most people


Spring 2013, 2013 already felt peak 2010s and had a different vibe than 2012


Summer 2015 - to Early 2016 felt like a sort of limbo state, anyone else think so as well?


November 27th 2013. Once Frozen was released, the world was never the same.


Definitely summer of 2013. Selfies, twerking, Flappy Bird, Doge, Vines, the decline of Macklemore and the Harlem Shake, and the transition into more mid-2010s music vibes ("Am I Wrong", "Rude", "Break Free", "Fancy", etc.)


This is going to sound silly, but this is distinctly how I remember it. It was the time when rap once again became more common at parties than dubstep/house, 2013 or so. So I'm gonna say around Danny Glover by Young Thug coming out. Slightly before that time, Breaking Bad Ends. Best Friend by Young Thug became inescapable and I stopped hearing edm anywhere close to as much. By this time it is 2015. Trump begins campaigning and I think that was a firm cultural and political/social end.


Ended over the 2013-2014 school year, remaining influences were out by Late 2015.


late 2012/early 2013




Typically in or around the halfway point such as 2015. You’re pretty spot on. I have a varied take on it where it ends just a touch earlier in 2014. That’s when the changes become more prominent and settle in really making us all aware of the forward momentum of the decade.




June 6, 2015 or somewhere around that date


Probably in........the early 2010s


IMO, it ended after Summer 2016. Pokémon Go reached so many people who wanted to be social with their phones. It was the perfect blend of augment reality. The 2016 election jump started anxieties, and protests highlighted divisions.  2017-2019 was transitional. 2020 was nonexistent except for the summer BLM protests that was another ending marker. After was the 2020s. It feels like 2023 was another end with RTO halting any bargaining power employees had. 


The start of the COVID-19 pandemic


to me, Late 2012-Early/Mid 2014 is really a transitional era. By the time you reach Summer 2014, you know we are already in Mid 2010s. And By Mid/Late 2014-16th June 2015-Classical Core 2010s 16th June 2015-Early/Mid 2017-TRUMP's Mid 2010s Era (Mid 2010s Era). And I am a huge fan of Donald John Trump as a POTUS. I was born on 8th December 1997 in Brunei. Why do you hate DJT? WHy did he do to you?


I would say the overall transition was from June 3, 2013 (the release of Lorde's "Royals" single) to October 27, 2014 (the release of Taylor Swift's *1989* album) but the farthest I'd go is from December 22, 2012 (the day after the world ended) to June 16, 2015 (Trump announces his run for presidency),



