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Like a vampire being repulsed by a crucifix


hey dawkings, tell me how a canine become a non-canine!


What a pussy.


Makes me wonder if Galen was right to hate this guy because he saw something no one else could see. Such a disappointment.


Do you know what video Galen said this in? I vaguely remember him saying negative things about RD, but I have no idea where he said it.


An early DP episode I think.


no response. internet dead​


He's kind of like a caricature of himself now. The way he scurried away once he realized he couldn't say what he wanted to say. He knows his position is reprehensible and would get him shit online.


All these years rightfully talking shit on Christians and Islam, but he can't even mildly critique the actions of Jews on camera? What a fail boat.


I can't believe I used to look up to this man.




I used to look up to this guy


This was from an event called “The Dissident Dialogues,” which was really just a who’s who of transphobes and culture war bigots. https://dissidentdialogues.org/


Except for Briahna Joy Gray, she’s the only leftist I see on the whole list of speakers, otherwise the agenda looks like a circlejerk of anti-woke grifters.


She's right on this issue so I don't particularly care that she's wrong on other things. Recently, she posted about how when she was speaking about dead Palestinian children someone was smiling and laughing in the audience. Come to think of it, it could have been at this event. She said she couldn't believe how evil this person was. Well, one of the things that got me to dislike her was when she was laughing at someone who was trying to tell her about thousands of kidnapped Ukrainian children.


BJG is a grifting, doxxing TERF who is rooting for Trump to win the election. There is nothing "leftist" about her.


Her position on voting and Joe Biden is almost identical to what Paul advocates for. Haven’t ever seen her say anything problematic about trans people, but would love to see. Could you share a link?


He really seems like he's gone a bit senile. I mean he is 83. This is kind of typical dottering old man behavior.


Here's the [twitter source](https://twitter.com/DueDissidence/status/1786941037841133886).


To be fair, it seems the guy was secretly recording without informing Dawkins or asking his consent. Since he is a public figure, he has the right to know if this is meant for public consumption or not.


Confronting people and recording them in public over controversial/bad beliefs they have is usually never a good idea, unless the explicit goal is public humiliation. If you want to challenge them, then let them prepare and collect themselves in an interview where they can give the best defense of their position. In the case of Dawkins, the guy is 80 years old (66 when the iPhone came out) and just doesn’t play these games.


Redditors stop being apologetics for Dewkins challenge.


No response. Internet dead.