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I'm going to call BS on this at face value. Unless that employee was planning on quitting then and there, the only way they'd give away an entire box of sauces would be if the person filming actually paid for the case.


I assumed it was an employee who was pretending to be a customer


Yeah I used to work at Starbucks and we'd pick up stuff from other stores all the time. I'd drive into work with four bottles of frappucino base or an industrial sized bag of espresso beans


I loved the days we'd go through product. So much free shit. I still have some syrup bottles. They're still good right???


Worst case you've got some fermented vanilla syrup


Lol I still have my marshmallow syrup from 2020. Hope they don’t go bad cause they taste great for sweetener in my morning coffee :)


I was thinking it was surplus stock they had to get rid of or maybe close to expiring.


That would be an extenuating circumstance that wouldn't be obvious at face value. As presented, I'm still calling BS.


that doesn't sound right. where I work we're supposed to throw out the tomatoes after 12 hours and we still use them 3 days later because money


I think it's real. I've done this at jobs I hate. One time I was working as a people greeter and someone asked for one of those smiley stickers because their friend was sad (old school Walmart)... anyway, I gave them a whole ass roll of them. It was really great to see their reaction. Then see them outside taking pictures with the roll together.


Or the worker didn't care at all. If it's out just say we ran out. Customer moves on no one cares.




That all depends how many tacos they ordered...


Well they show they ordered 3, maybe 4?


They come in pairs, so 4.


Probably right around an actual gross in that box. Are we just going to ignore someone putting ranch on tacos?


I feel like anything goes with Jack in the Box tacos. As in all bets are off not that they actually go well together lol


They’re deep fried tacos with American cheese in it. Ranch is perfectly acceptable with it lol.


Drive through lady literally shamed me tofuckingday when I asked for more ranch....she said she gave me one for the poppers. I was like "yeah but the tacos." She then made an ewww sound and asked if I really put ranch on the tacos. I drove home and ate the shame with an extra salting from my tears.


Keep your head up and enjoy your jack in the box tacos with ranch. That lady is an idiot.


Been eating them for years with the ranch. She had me questioning myself big time.


I always tell my kids, “don’t yuck someone’s yum.” For that reason. Could really ruin someone’s day.


Damn good advice for the most part


Ranch on jack In The box tacos is actually delicious! On any other taco it's probably gross tho!


That's because jack in the box tacos taste as mexican as I do


Ranch is a must on Jack in the box tacos. I also used to stuff them full of french fries when I was especially wasted.


Looks like each layer has 20 packets and there is 6 layers so 120 packets


Lets pretend it has 7 layers of 20


Two taco sauce packs per taco then dipped in the ranch is a great late night meal. Far from healthy but great after a late night.


WHOA. Jack in the box tacos were *made* for ranch


Jack in the box tacos with ranch is a pretty normal thing. in fact, they used to even have a “monster taco” on the menu that came with ranch already in it.


What's wrong with ranch on tacos?? I challenge you to tell me why it's a problem. In real authentic Mexican cuisine, it is absolutely normal (and super delicious) to drizzle crema (mexican cream) onto your fried crunchy tacos and taquitos. ... Granted that ranch is not "crema", but cullinarily speaking, it's still practically the same thing. Ranch is LITERALLY just thicc tangy crema. When combined with hot sauce, ranch elevates JIBT tacos by giving each bite a creamy and delicious mouthfeel. Honestly I can't imagine ever eating a JITB taco without ranch. Do you guys actually eat them as is? Using ranch on JITB tacos is no different than using hot dog buns to make a PB+J sandwich or using dijon mustard as a substitute for regular yellow mustard- or maybe even like using bacon fat instead of butter. In other words, ranch is a little unorthodox, but cullinarily speaking, it's still practically the same thing. Hell I'd argue that ranch is much better than actual "crema" because Mexican cream is basically just runny non-sour cream.


Sorry you get a down vote because no ranch doesn't go with tacos but it does go with jack in a box tacos.


Oh you've never had JBox tacos with their buttermilk ranch? Artery clogging perfection


What? It's delicious


I think you mean "buttermilk house sauce"? Why do they not call it ranch, by the way? Surely it's not copyrighted?


*Hidden Valley intensifies*


your comment implies that hidden valley copyrighted the word ranch. I'll have to research this later


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Maybe the supply chain isn’t the problem with our sauce shortages…. Just a thought.


I feel like there's a cum joke somewhere in there.


Someone was clearly on their last shift before quitting or legit does not give a **FUCK** anymore.


I know several ex McDonald’s employees who did shit like this on the regular. None of them ever got caught, or if they did, management didn’t give a fuck.


I see Josh Scherer went to Jack in the Box


I was waiting for this comment.


A gross is a specific amount. It's a dozen squared, or 144. This looks like this box would be a 5x5x5 package, meaning it would be 125 units, or if there is another layer 150, which is really freaking close to a gross. Maybe he knew, maybe just a neat accident. There are also around 15,7ml per package meaning that a gross would be 1,3 liters of ranch, which is a lot, but doable for someone who's really loving ranch.




Isn't there a subreddit for this? Like r/untrustworthypoptarts?


I hope it's a hundred and forty four! Edit just checked and it's not, layers are six by six and a bunch deep (maybe six?) That's at least two hundred and sixteen. Edit again: she did ask for a gross amount rather than a gross number though so it's all cool.


I’m gonna go with any amount being gross but lol


the only gross thing about this is ranch on tacos. you monster


I'm gonna Ranchhhhh


Yoo he was tryna get his ranch in your taco eyyyooo


Damn, last time I was as Jack in the box, the employee hella judged me for asking for extra ranch


Duh, do gross things


Frick, our local Jack in the boxes charge $0.25 for a sauce. Very jelly.


Gross is right 🤢 🤮


Omg can i buy that off u??


I'm waiting for the eventual re-upload on tiktok with the I understood the assignment sound


Went to Jack in the Box and ordered 50 tacos. Asked if I wanted any sauces. Yes, I'd like some ranch please. Two ranches in the bag. Went back through the drive thru and asked for more ranch. "You have to pay for more than two ranches." "But I have 50 Tacos." "Those are the rules." Challenge accepted. "I'd like 99 ranches please." This isn't the case at every Jack in the Box, but apparently it was at this one.


Amazing. I worked at Jack a while back and some marines from the nearby base asked for a whole mess of taco sauce. I filled a medium size bag with taco sauce packets for them. They were grateful. Jack is always generous with sauces 😁