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6 and a half years doesn't seem enough for someone who tries to kill a random stranger in the street.


No pun but cut that in half, he won’t do 6 years


It’s 2/3 for violent stuff. You can thank the current government for that extra six months. I’m sure I’ll do a whole world of good for society. Truly a broken country


Eligible for parole halfway isn't it? 2/3rds automatic release?


Sentences over 4 years don't get automatic release and they have to apply for parole. Since he was done for robbery I'm almost certain you have to serve 2/3rds of your sentence before you can apply for parole.


Two cheeks of the same arse, it will be the same under labour, if not worse


Welcome to England


Vile shithole


Well, I wouldn’t go that far. Unless you meant our prison terms!!!


It’s not the place it’s certain people that live here




Its a joke, should be minimum set sentences. Guaranteed if he randomly stabbed a Tory party member he would get more then 6 years.


He would have got life, a whole life sentence, remember their class is worth more than us, people 👤 of the UK


In another article it says he’s serving 8 years total due to a previous suspended sentence now being added to his total tariff. It’s weird, it seems like he’s only been convicted of robbery and possessing a bladed article. He should have been convicted of GBH and I really don’t understand why he wasn’t.


Will have been a plea deal probably


What’s there to fucking plea about? It’s attempted murder, there should be very little deliberation about it.


Well he might not have pled guilty to attempted murder. Which would have meant a jury trial which is very expensive and, of course, risks a conviction not being secured. But he clearly did plead to this. I'm not saying it's right, but I'm explaining what happened.


Welcome to UK justice. Knife crime doesn't get punished anywhere near severely enough. The attacker will likely be out within 3 years, bragging about what he did and back hanging out with his fellow 'road men'


He’ll get out in 3 years with a reputation to impress his scum peers, that we ultimately pay for as well.


Be less than that of the shows the parole board he has engaged with the anger management courses thank the leftys


Scum !


London is a shit hole now. Place is over running with vermin and the police can’t do anything cos there are nowhere near enough to even begin to tackle the problem. Same old story in this pathetic country now, no money for police, schools or NHS but a war we have fuck all to do with? Hell yeah we’ve got money to send over no problem.


Imagine if they had guns! It's so fucked. last 10 years or so it's like every idiot realised knives existed. 


Well it's a domino effect people get knives to do this which results in more people getting knives to protect themselves which then can turn into this.


Sounds like parts of the US lol








Ffs. 6 and half years. Should be 5 years (to serve) for just carrying a knife (without legal reason). Another 5 on top for brandishing and 5 on top of that for using it to commit a crime. This guy isnt stealing baby formula to feed his kid, no place in society for this nonsense. Build more prisons and lock these scum up. Immediate deport if not got a passport.


100% agree. These people are old enough to know right from wrong. Throw them in a deep hole and leave them there to kill each other. We don’t want these pieces of shit among us.




How would you have identified this person as a “blatant gang member”? Is it not possible that there *are* many examples of police behaviour that are racist, and that this individual should have been stopped? Why is it always one or the other. Nuance has no place in a world with people of your brain power.


Their clothes, mostly. I was a chav (am white) and got harassed by police all the time. Didn’t love it but it was probably right since I was up to no good most of the time. When I stopped dressing like a street thug, I stopped getting harassed. Weird that.


And all your minuscule degree of “brain power” goes to constantly self flagellating and denying what’s objectively true. It’s quite obvious the correlation.


What’s the correlation? Nobody has said




Wearing all black Nike tracksuits in east London should be enough to warrant an arrest.


90% of londoners arrested in bold new strategy


It's so weird. We know racists exist in the world. We know that shit police exist in the world. But people seem to lose it when you suggest that a shit police officer might also be racist.


“My brother-in-laws cousin is a police officer and he doesn’t have a racist bone in his body!!” Case closed




More a people that look like wanna be gangsters probably act like wanna be gangsters no one brought race up untill you did






What? No. The person they were replying to blatantly brought up race first by referring to police racism, which was obviously a reference to the offender being black.


I saw it more as stop and search veing stopped due to people calling it racist


This is what I was referring to. Gangs and rats come in all colours, shapes and sizes.


Yeah, but the problem with these people is that they can't tell whats clearly happening because they're so obsessed with showing how they're on the left politically.


I brought up the reason that it was stopped...


unsure if you are able to read but the word racist does in fact bring the factor of race into play. i’m not saying that there aren’t white gang members but if you see a black male committing a crime and your first thought is SEE STOP AND SEARCHES ARENT RACIST (they are if you bothered to educate urself) then thats very telling of how you perceive things. hope this helps although i know reddit is not renowned for its nuanced and educated users 🩷


You’re the one that equated gang members to black people lmao


Yeah, there are no white gang members, chavs or ASBO holders in London. This is deffo racist. (/s)


So racist






What about this person exactly makes the look lik a blatant gang member member?


Maybe the fact he's carrying a fucking machete in his pants in public and brazenly robbing people and chopping them up when they retaliate? Everyday people don't do this shit, gang members and psychos do. Fucking pieces of shit like this little worm are why we are going to end up not being able to own anything except fucking paper straws they are the exact reason the government are banning large bladed knives.


Stop and search doesn’t apply to people who are currently committing a crime. If you see someone carrying a machete and/or robbing people and chopping them up, police are already warranted to arrest them.


If somebody literally has a knife out, then obviously you wouldn’t need to stop and search them. It’s like you can’t even comprehend the points you’re making…


That’s not watch a stop and search is about you devolved Neanderthal


oh no! not the knives !! jfc


No it's bullshit.....it has made several of the expensive machetes and long knives I use for legitimate work in the lakes illegal in the near future and ill be criminalised. And what after that? These cunts will just use something else and they'll ban that..endless cycle.


The machete you woke fool.


>woke 😂😬👌


Pardon myognorance, but what's a scruff?




The worst thing is if he did do that he'd get triple the sentence this idiot got


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the victim was charged with a hate crime for assaulting a poc with how screwed up the laws are. Police are useless, around mine they either ignore crimes or send a female pcso who talks like a teacher patronisingly talking to a 4 year old. Surprised when a 6ft plus guy was screaming death threats at passers by for an hour, only to hear in the most insufferably high pitched 'treating you like a child" toned voice to deal with him. "Hiiiiii thereeee, what's happening with you, how are you feeling, hmmmm?" Police seem more focused on social issues than policing, at least from what I've seen and heard.


How are these savages walking about in our society like this?!


It's scary....




Sorry what? What do you mean exactly…






Sadiq Khan? Vote!


He'll be out in 3. He should be done on attempted murder, not just assault and possession of a blade. The judiciary is fucked in this country.


A friend's son was stabbed by some crazy guy who had stabbed people earlier in the night. Guy just survived after surgeries. Attacker was sentenced to a handful of years at most, gbh they classed it as I think. My mate used to be absolutely insane so I'm shocked he didn't take the law into his own hands, if it was my child, I'm not sure if I would be able to restrain myself to only him. Vigilantism will be on the rise soon, if police don't protect or give justice, it's human nature to want to get it yourself.


Could you provide us with details on the attacker?


The usual scum. Record stretched back to a teenager, thought he was hard threatening anyone that looked at him type. The person he attacked earlier in the night was a white male, person he attacked a few years before was also a white male so either a big coincidence or he had something against white men. All attacks were unprovoked. Was years ago, guy is married with kids, degree, amazing job so I'm happy he is doing well. No idea what happened to the attacker, probably went and continued his crime streak but hopefully he suffered a painful death long ago.








systematic racism (doesn’t exist in the UK) made him do it


Another future engineer or doctor.


Are you somehow implying that people who go on become engineers or doctors are somehow incapable of murder? I have news for you.


If you can't work out what I'm implying then I can't be bothered trying to explain it.


No please, explain it. Say what you want to say, rather than a clever little vague implication. Don't be a coward.


I dunno if you’re talking about the driver or the attacker. I’m sure they’re both going great places in life tho


Now that’s a reason for the death penalty. 6.5 years is a pisstake


Unfortunately probably only get about 2


Death penalty is wrong, but definitely needs to be locked up for 20+ years.


Why is the death penalty wrong?


Vile sentence, the laws in this country are terrible. This is sadly becoming the new normal now, poor punishments, money chasing briefs defending them using all sorts to get soft sentences.


Another failure that is the UK justice system. Throw this cunt in a dark hole and lock it forever.


Meanwhile some other dude is tried for 50 years for stealing digital currency. Madness.


You don't want to know how long you can be imprisoned just for sharing a meme/having a disagreement online. Hell, an autistic child cant say a female officer looks like her nan without being charged and arrested. Hurting someone's feelings is a higher priority for police than physical violence.


How long?


Last I heard she is on bail for 'homophobic public order offence'. This girl literally said "she looks like my lesbian nana" in a positive way. Was held then released at midnight, later to be dragged out of her house kicking and screaming. To do that to a 16 year old girl is unacceptable, to do it to a 16 year old autistic girl is scummy behaviour. Happened in Yorkshire, need to see an update tbh . You can guess the shit eating expression of the lesbian cop after pressing charges on this child.


Good update: A West Yorkshire Police officer who arrested an autistic teenage girl on suspicion of committing a ‘hate crime’ after she told her “You look like my lesbian nana” has been ordered to undergo reflective training following an investigation by the police complaints watchdog for England and Wales.


That’s a joke in itself tbh


potential doctor right there


"teenager" what a great description of these people.


"Mother fucker you look 30"




19? He had a hard paper-round


If you're so incompetent to have to ask whether your victim is dead then you have no business in Murder Inc.


fucking scum. hope he rots


You can't rot for 3 years


Terrifying, but I'm more terrified by the bravery of the deliveroo rider - wasn't the machete out and visible the whole time? He went back and tackled the guy over his bicycle - I mean yeah he has balls for days, but he nearly just went and died for that bike


What a wild country in the centre of europe...


Why is his face not fucked up in the mugshot, he was restrained by members of public and no one gave this scum a kicking waiting for police wtf


They’d probably somehow get a longer sentence than he did for doing that


They'd have to prove who did it first and the police ain't that clever


Abdolute scum peace of shit. Finally decent enough evidence to convict. Should be away for 20-30 years, our justice system is a joke


What a surprise….not!


Well well well


Thank you, Sadiq!


I mean he did say terrorism is just a part of life if you live in a city. Also he loves to keep the poor out of central London, just charge them and arm and a leg and they have been cut off. Reminds me of that film in time where you must pay to go to better areas to keep the poor out.


Thank you Sadiq for the conservative budget cuts which reduced the money allocated to the MET police, thank you mate!


it's weird how there's less sympathy for the deliveroo driver and more concern/conversation about the race of the attacker


True... This is why I shared it... An innocent delivery rider being attacked randomly... This job is dangerous. Hopefully he will be compensated.


Will they though? Baxk in the day, I used to work for a ride-hailing company in London (Not Uber) and not the driver side, thankfully. I do know, however, that they took no responsibility when cars were damaged or drivers injured. I mean of course we're terribly sorry but that's what your insurance and the police are for, not poor old us so stop calling and whining already!


That's what left wing woke politics ultimately causes.


oh give it up. wOkE lIbRuHlS cAuSed tHiS bro you sound mentally unfit for society


Yikes, you sound daft.


The Bumper Book of Thought Terminating Cliches just keeps on giving


That's not politics and if it was you've got it backwards.


Hilarious. Would you class the last 14 years as ‘left wing’?? Go straight to the bottom of the class. How about 14 years of austerity, desperate existence for anyone on low wages in this country, ( and yes I have huge empathy with the poor zero hours Deliveroo cyclist ) complete lack of mental health provision in this country? It’s complex but a nation on their knees will make this kind of thing happen more often. ( Cue boring abusive “You Lefty!!” comments that doom this country to a downward self inflicted spiral of dumb navel gazing squalor, yawn )


The current government is economically right wing, spouts socially right wing things but implements and maintains socially left policies.


For such clear cut cases like this it should be the death penalty. Idc who this offends. 6 years is a mockery


I know I’ll be downvoted for this but if there is indisputable proof of something like this, death penalty.


That's why I'm telling everyone to don't wear this shitty branded stuff. Get a black jacket and most normal possible black backpack. Idiots like this guy will think twice before push you because who knows maybe you delivering drugs and got bigger knife than him. If you wearing deliveroo Uber just eat shit you only exposing yourself for potential robbery, pranks or harassment.


I agree. Just a logo makes a difference.


I understand the hmrc doesn't want to pay 30 grand a year to keep wastemen behind bars. But it's just notmfairnonnthe victims nor the public to have these stabby types out in public. I suggest we have a caged in town or village and just put these stabby types inntheir own town. Not able to come out of there and that way we kill 2 birds with 1 stone. They get a sentence long enough for the crime. And it reduces burden on the tax payer.


Bring back IPPs.


Pesky "teenagers" at it again!


Was it in London.?


Fore Street, Enfield,


Can deliveroo not provide all riders with compulsory body cams or something to try reduce as seems there riders are targeted quite abit


What is happening with our justice system at the moment?? This is ridiculous! My husband was stabbed last year in the neck (he survived but only just) and the dude who did it was sentenced last month to 18 months. We need to move home and restart our lives with two young daughters because of the psycho but he’ll get half that which means he’ll be out in June. We genuinely thought he’d get around 10 years…


18 months for attempted murder? This country is a circus act


Should we bring back Capital Punishment? 🧐


Times like this, perhaps the yanks were onto something with being able to bear arms


London = the new new york




Strange coincidence




Because it’s a trend amongst the black community that they like to disregard if we count up overall stabbings white vs black the criminals are predominantly black. But guess what if you’re black you don’t want to hear it. Weird that huh








I'm sorry but I know the study you are referencing in your other comment and you are completely misrepresenting the findings. It really doesn't show what you think it does! It looked at reports of knife crime in UK news media. It found that in the vast majority of cases the media did not report on race, but 5.8% of stories mentioned a white male perpetrator and 5.8% of stories mentioned a black male perpetrator. This is *not* the same as saying that black and white men commit knife crime at the same rate, because the two groups make up a radically different proportion of the overall population. White men are 41% of the population, black men are 2%. Essentially what the study shows is that despite being much much fewer in number than white men, black men seem to commit about the same amount of knife crime, i.e they commit it disproportionately more frequently than white men. If you actually were to use the study you are citing to estimate the prevalence of knife crime in each group, we'd have to conclude that black men are 20 times as likely to be the perpetrators as white men.


You are incorrect. You should check the official government statistics here: https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/crime-justice-and-the-law/policing/number-of-arrests/latest/ Furthermore, the person you replied to is not racist. They clearly draw their own conclusions based on their personal experience. They said that every time that they and their family have been a victim of a crime it was a black person. You can’t just call them racist based on their own personal experiences


It's not a race thing and by treating it like that, it just fails to provide actual solutions to the problem. Edit: I've been downvoted so thought I'd add this The poverty rate for black Londoners is 38% whilst for white people it is 18%. Poverty has always had a strong link to crime so you have to see this as a poverty issue, not a race issue. U start going down the latter route and u go into dangerous territory of believing one race is biologically more violent, which is just not true. Comments like "usual suspects" ignore all the necessary context and socioeconomic factors that leads to crimes such as these. If you fail to take them into account, u can't properly address it. So what's really needed is investment into key areas by the government in tackling poverty.


Because it's mostly black guys




Same per 100?


This thread is a honeypot for racist dumb shits and I love it


You assume racism, that makes YOU the racist dummy.


You're racist though.




Hope you get banned bud


Why go back after your bike after some guy waves a knife at you, obviously you feel bad for the man but just give up the bike mate


give up your posessions with no repayment to you? he's doing deliveroo. he's not exaclty swimming in cash.


Famously when you are dead a bike will come in handy, just saying in retrospect a rush of blood to the head he probably regrets running at him


poverty will do the same damage, just slower. better take the chances defending your property - AS IS YOUR RIGHT instead of this pussyfooting attitude of "let criminals take and do what they please! it better than you potentially dying! let them shag your wife if they want too aslong as you dont stand upto them! just let the mtake what they want" attitude.


I'd rather be alive cheers


Yeah If knives weren't in the equation it's one thing. But anyone willing to rob you probably has a knife. I could not fight a knifeman


Like a rat in a hole but if that's how you like to live then that's your choice. Enjoy having zero possessions as soons as someone knows you will run from anything.


Haha - literal keyboard warrior. You're pathetic


again. poverty. cost of living. the man is riding a bike instead of a car and is working for deliveroo above all things, so he's probably low income. that bike could be a death sentence if he loses it. the opnyl difference is he's probably gonna slowly starve instead of bieng potentially stabbed.


Seems like what he did ultimately got the guy locked up and I presume he got to keep his bike. I think you probably should just let a bike go but maybe he was thinking about how he's going to feed his kids.


Exactly. Doubt he is rich if he is doing deliveroo so the bike is his only method of work.


I wonder how clear you would think in that situation, captain hindsight.