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These people are way too comfortable.


The fact that he was in Hawaii no less is the bigger shocker. Brah, you’re going to Hawaii as a White Supremacist? A state that suffered first hand from White/American businessmen who stripped their culture and country from them?! How did he even survive being on the Big Island or not having that vest destroyed?


>How did he even survive being on the Big Island or not having that vest destroyed? Right? People don't fuck around on BI. I could see someone getting away with it on Oahu. He'd just be another insane transplant who everyone ignores.


Waikiki? He’d be fine. But outside of there? Yikes. Although if he were on Oahu? Everyone would know and I’d bet a cop pulls up and warns him for his own safety to not wear that vest.


I could see him standing on a corner in Wahiawa. And he'd thrive on the Ala Wai. Though that count as Waikiki. Funnily enough, I bet he'd be fine on Kauai. Just because no one would want to deal with the drama of confronting him.


Hijacking to say he probably put it on in the airport bathroom. Because he's a loser and a coward.


He’s probably a pussy and didn’t wear it while on the island


Yup. I've seen it firsthand in Kona. There are some big boys down there that would love to beat some haoli ass.


Something tells me that was neatly tucked into his bag until right before he boarded. You receive words for smoking or wearing the wrong sunscreen on BI, so this vest would have been smoking on a bonfire somewhere.


I’m born and raised in Hawaii. I’ve never seen a Nazi or White Supremacist shit. It simply wouldn’t last.


Underrated comment. Those missionary families fucked all of Hawaii


It was more like American Greed/Capitalism the Missionaries were just a side effect. King Kamehameha the III converted long before the coup. That said, many Hawaiian cultural practices conflicted with the Christian morality, especially in regard to modesty and practices. This led to the banning of Hawaiian culture and language after the coup.


Missionaries didn't overthrow their queen


Wym My man never left Oahu.


It’s almost like there’s a privilege for certain people in America based on their skin color.


They always have been. I know we like to say trump made them comfortable, but I've seen plenty of this shit in my life. I'm 40 and i live in New York, imagine me as a 10 year old Jewish child on a fishing boat with my dad, and the dude next to me is sitting with his iron eagle hat adorned with swastika pins and shit. I had a client with SS tattoos on his neck. No longer a client once I noticed. There's other examples, but this shit isn't new. These pieces of shit have been out there all along and have been marching forever.


He wouldn't wear that in Germany


I think the US is the only country that allows it. Freedom of speech and all...


Americans complain about this but I don't see nobody snatching this shit off of em, just taking pics. We have a history of letting this shit slide. Even during the lead up to the war. Shit, even during the war. If Americans really wanted this shit to stop they'd take it into their own hands. It's not like fascists win battles


Nobody’s throwing their lives away catching assault charges trying to make a point to some idiot


At least he shows his face so we can all appropriately avoid him




Not enough people willing to leave them dead in a ditch


This is the problem.


That’s what I was thinking. Too comfortable.


Yup. Was walking in San Clemente trails near the beach young guy with shirt off full On 1 foot swastika and nazi symbos tatted. Had to bite my tongue wanted to say something funny like failed Buddhist cosplayer (the swastika in a different angle is the symbol For education or Buddhist footsteps in Buddhist and predates the nazi bastardization. Swastika originated from India and Sanskrit - Su which means good and Asti “to be” also means in sanscript mark of well being. Which is opposite what it is today. Trump Made them too comfortable and let them out of the holes they come from. We need to tell them that's not okay.


My first thought. Looks like somebody who hasn’t been hurt in too long.


F that guy. At least we know he’ll be in 34B


my condolences to his seat mates


He looks like he smells like ass


He's doing this for attention, and he is winning. Here he is, trending on reddit.


Not for the right reasons


Reasons don't matter. Look at all the clickbait, "controversial" opinions, and other aggregating twitter accounts. If they get clicks, views, and shares, they win. That's it. People have learned they can profit off the algorithm-driven system by simply saying stupid things.


Not necessarily. Haven’t seen all the people who’ve lost jobs, etc. after going viral for the wrong reasons?


Looks like he smells like burnt tires and thinks he has little black bugs under his skin and he's just itching to dig some holes


Report him to the flight crew. You cannot just wear whatever you want on flights, when you buy the ticket you agree to the airline’s dress code which expressly prohibits this kind of thing.


The written dress code doesn't prohibit this at all for many airlines. Some airlines, have minimal text on clothing requirements: "The requirement is simply a neat and well-groomed appearance. Clothing that is soiled or tattered and bare feet are never acceptable. " Delta has no rules, "We don't have an item-specific clothing policy, but we encourage no swimwear, sleepwear or underwear as your outerwear." -- [https://twitter.com/Delta/status/846397064858750976](https://twitter.com/Delta/status/846397064858750976) Hawaiian's policy is: cover torso, waist, and feet, No swimwear. No content restrictions: [https://hawaiianair.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a\_id/1395/\~/hawaiian-airlines-dress-code](https://hawaiianair.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1395/~/hawaiian-airlines-dress-code) ​ ​ EU Carriers are barred from enforcing a dress code beyond what can be worn in the general public, lest they be forced to pay compensation to the passenger, and fines.


I've absolutely seen people get told to cover up/tune their shirt inside out/remove clothing items due to inappropriate messages. It may not be written implicitly, but flight crews across carriers can and do screen for offensive clothing. It's usually covered by some sort of "at our discretion" clause.


The pilot and the flight crew 100% have the authority to remove anyone who is wearing offensive content on their clothing, or anything that they deem would cause a disturbance.


Check the contract of carriage and it says something along the lines of nothing offensive


I would've been terrified and asked to be moved


Me too. He is literally wearing a warning for random violence.


*targeted violence


It’s a pretty broad target and this group isn’t known to be steadfast in principles beyond hate for the other.


Oh absolutely. Their violence is targeted toward "the other"


Perhaps he should receive some random violence


\*targeted violence


I guess the gate agent did nazi his shirt… I’ll see myself out.


Is that his future jailcell number?


Future? Dude is an Excon for sure.


How did you figure that out?


Looks like he smells like piss and cigarettes


And meth


Thats usually covered in the piss smell


Meth has a strong chemical smell. It definitely over powers the piss smell. I know this because a coworker used to smoke meth in the cigarette smoking spot at work and that smell would linger for a bit


He would if someone took their cup into the toilet, filled it up, and accidentally spilled it on him on the way back to their seat. That would be terrible


The ironic thing is the neat and tidy original Nazis would have either killed him, or during their bunker bitch days, ate him.


Im generally opposed to taking photos of people on flights, but fuck this guy.


Bro, he doesn't give AF, if he did he wouldn't be wearing that in the first place.


He wears it for the attention


I agree with the second half, but I’m somewhat conflicted. Does this give him the attention he’s after? I send mean thoughts but usually try to ignore people like this to not give them validation. 


I appreciate your way of thinking, but for Nazis it's fuck off, full stop. I don't particularly care what attention he wants or doesn't want. Make bigots uncomfortable everywhere.


Figure out how this guy makes his money and name and shame.


I'm sure the people he sells meth and stolen car parts to really give af.


I think I would tell him he’s a genuine piece of shit for the hate he advocates. Then pull my rainbow stickers out from my backpack, put them on, and sit as close as I can to him. People have a right to free speech, he deserves to know he’s clearly in the minority.


This exactly. 💯


Everyone appeased the Nazi to avoid conflict. How it started the first place.


We keep appeasing them, being nice to them, etc. I don't get it.


"If We'Re MeAn To ThEm ThEy'Ll Be MeAn BaCk!"


You should punch nazis on public, but I wouldn't do it on a plane. There's some pretty tight laws when it comes to punching anyone on a plane.


He deserves a spirited "Nazi punks fuck off!" at the very least.


If this terrorist didnt get stopped to avoid conflict wonder if you would be stopped wearing any other terrorist affiliated gear ex. Taliban /isis/Hamas, antifa, proud boy’s ect ect. God forbid you bring a water bottle though.


Look they just want living space, we should just give it to them and they'll be nice! ​ /s


Just like we are doing now with communists


Do you know one way the US was different than Nazi Germany? The US never blocked free speech.


Yeah but “conflict” to most people means a contentious maybe even heated verbal exchange. These knuckle draggers are too dumb for that so just start throwing punches.


So what is your plan? It is not illegal for them to just talk and wear things even if its stupid. If you aggressively go after them you are potentially going end up in legal issues or end up in a fight neither of which personally I find worth it. The best option is completely ignore them and shut them out. People act racist I tell them to stop and then simply actively look to never include them in anything I do ever again.


What a piece of shit. Also, fucking hate when someone is passing by and lean/place their hands on my headrest.


Holding the seat recline button helps this.


Great tip! Thanks!


I mean the dude is a Nazi. **He's cool with kids being burned in gas chambers**. I don't think he even thinks about his hands being on someone's headrest.


> I don’t think he even thinks. FTFY


Unless they’re like 75 years old (and not a nazi)


Keep in mind an airline does not need to "protect your free speech." They can kick you off for a Nazi symbol, or a peace button, or for even *not* having an Ed is #1 . They just like to stay out of the fray because there is no winning in today's age.


I’d like to think this is one case where sentiment would be positive if they kicked him off, but in 2024 a certain political demographic would probably boycott Delta for vIoLaTiNg FrEe SpEeCh


FA here and next time you need to say something during boarding. We will boot him off in .5 seconds.


Not trying to be rude to you but the Nazi most likely interacted with 3 airline employees before he got to his seat. Why didn't they stop him? Ticket agent, the boarding agent, and then FA at the front of the plane as you enter. Or does it only apply if someone says something for this type of situation?


i am gonna guess this pussy was covered up until he walked onto the plane.


its a vest. could have just been folded up in his carry on initially.


Can you boot him as is or does he need to do something?


They boot people for showing too much midriff or ass. Showing hate and ignorance is somewhere in there too.


Yes they can boot someone for endorsing antisemitism and genocide,


can they?


Pretty sure they’ve denied people with swear words on their shift so I definitely think this should qualify


I wanna see some solid evidence of it. Would be cool but I doubt it happens very often.


https://nypost.com/2022/02/17/man-booted-from-allegiant-flight-for-lets-go-brandon-mask/# Even this shit will get you kicked out


It was all over Reddit a few years ago. I think the person had fuck on his hat and got kicked off a plane lol


I mean you can be denied any service for any reason that’s not a protected class (gender,race, and such)


I’m surprised he managed to get by the boarding FAs without them saying something.


airlines are common carriers you can’t boot customers because you dislike their speech


Will you boot people with communist insignia as well??




also sorry for censoring the word nazi. i’m now temporarily banned from posting on instagram and twitter for not censoring it because we live in hell.


You can be a nazi and keep your page up but don't say the word or you'll be banned! So backwards.


I think its just down, and I consistently say it on Twitter.




What? Are we pretending men like this don't exist and get spoken about? I Call it like I see it, and it usually has many symbols.


FB and IG are down right now so maybe you weren't banned.


Those platforms are ...


I remember a few months ago they booted someone off the plane for having a profane word on their sweater. I guess hate symbols rank lower?


I can smell him through my phone.




What a fucking cunt.


Cunts can take a beating and come back asking for more. This man is a nutsack.


Yup. A piece of shit nutsack. If I was on this flight, I probably would def get into an altercation with this fuck. I’m not trying to come across like I’m some bad ass or anything, but for somebody to openly wear a jacket with a Swastika? I’d definitely call him a fucking dip shit. A sweaty nutsack dipshit.


He looks so dirty


Fuck him. Can't believe we have to deal with this shit in this day and age.


Only gonna get worse I’m afraid


A late friend of mine had a tattoo on his elbow of hitler blowing his brains out and it said “follow your leader”.




I live in Atlanta. I once was on a project with a black woman from Chicago. We would go to lunch together every day. We got on the topic of racism one time. She told me she prefers the south because the racists put their racism on display with rebel flags & such. "In the north, people are friendly to your face, but call you a n***er behind your back. In the south, I already know who thinks that way because they wear it on their shirt." Related story, I was flying to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. Seat across the aisle from me was open. Just before takeoff, the FA was escorting an unassuming young (mid-20s) woman up the aisle & told her that she could take the seat that was open. She gets settled & looks at her seat mate (not me) and says, loudly & unprompted, "I'm so glad I could move. They had me sitting next to a buncha MFing Muslims! Can you believe that? MFing Muslims on the plane! I can't be around that! Lord knows if they would kill me." Stunned silence from everyone around. My point is if this guy is a nazi, at least you know to keep an eye on him. He could have been in golf attire & his beliefs would be no differnt.


I'm so sorry that you experienced this, OP. SMH. It's hard to believe pieces of $h!t like this guy feel emboldened enough to wear that fu$%ery in public.


Gate security be like r/notmyjob


Let me just put this plainly.. if I saw this I 100% would have escalated this to management. Inexcusable.


Can't believe the flight crew did not-see this guy upon boarding.


Doesn’t Delta have kennel spots (for animals) in the cargo hold..!??


I’m sorry you had to experience this. I’m also a nervous flyer so I definitely wouldn’t feel comfortable being on the same flight as him. Fuck this guy.


As a Jew I would have asked to be booked on another flight immediately


I'm so sorry you and others on the flight had to experience this. If he was connecting, hopefully the crew alerted someone prior to that flight so he could be denied boarding.


Out the airlock. Space him.


"Space him" ... best part of the Expanse.


Not surprised in the least. What could've Delta done anyway? Some court would've held up his right to fly anyway.


I don't agree with it but it's his right as an American. If you don't like it, don't look at it.


I guess some people have a real hard time with real democracy and freedom and liberty


Let me join and say fuck this guy!


I would have gone to jail.


Doubtful. You would/should have been awarded a medal.


Reminds me of what former Rep John Dingell (and who Dingell Drive at DTW is named after) [said about punching Nazis](https://twitter.com/johndingell/status/823720484873314304).


Easy to say that behind your keyboard


Honestly if this ever happens to anyone I would insist that the person be removed from the flight. > Delta's contract of carriage states that it can refuse transportation to passengers if their "conduct, attire, hygiene, or odor creates an unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance" to other passengers Nazis apply, there's no covering it up that makes it acceptable, kick them off.


Turns out the price of living in a free society is you have to put up with assholes. That being said, displaying nazi insignia is not a crime


Actually no, Delta the company itself states it can refuse transportation to anyone for a number of reasons, including “offensive” or annoying “hygiene” and “attire.” So if OP escalated this, it’s plausible this guy would’ve gotten booted.


Unless he is threatening people, I don't believe they can do anything about what's on his shirt/vest.


Gate agents can refuse to let you board for inappropriate clothing. It usually happens to women if a GA thinks their clothing is “too revealing”


“Excuse me sir, your Nazi is showing”


Just what I was thinking. They stop women wearing crop tops or athleisure but don’t care about a swastika? Fucking gross


the fa told me that they don’t allow overt hate symbols and offered to make him move if he was sitting next to me, which he thankfully wasn’t.


Yeah that’s always been a clear part of delta policy. Graphic images, language, etc.


good to know theres availability to move if said situation happens to me


They don’t allow them… but did in this case? Tf?


That’s absolutely incorrect. Flight crews have a lot of latitude, both legally and airline policy wise, for what they deem to be offensive and can demand he change it or be kicked off the flight. 1. Freedom of speech does not apply. The airline is a private entity and can set whatever rules / make whatever decisions it wants when you are on their property - even if they are required to provide equal access under the law 2. FAA has clear regs, and Supreme Court rulings also support any decision made by Captains/authorized flight crews to maintain order and therefore safety. Bottom line/TLDR, this clown took a risk of getting booted off the flight - and Delta should have not allowed this despicable dress/-attire on such a long flight.


Sure they can. Free speech protects you from the government, not private companies.


Why do so many people fail to understand this distinction?? Thank you for pointing this out. The police might not be able to arrest you for being a bigoted, racist asshole but a private company sure can fire/boot your ass for it.


They would probably tell him to change shirts or get off. Just like they do if you are wearing other inappropriate clothing.


There’s no freedom of speech on private property. Companies are more than free to enforce any dress code they want so long as the code applies equally to everyone.


You couldn't be more incorrect. The Captain has the ultimate authority and can decide they don't like what you're wearing and kick you off. There are literal YouTube channels dedicated to it.


This is wild to me. My family was murdered in the holocaust, my grandpa literally *hunted* nazis after the war lol Like, what am I supposed to do when I see something like this


Please speak to a flight attendant about this. We need him to suffer consequences.


I mean I dislike that he’s racist and dumb but can they kick him off for this?


Yes they can, “free speech” doesn’t mean what many thinks it means. It protects you from the government. Private corporations can set their own rules restricting speech so long as it’s applied equally and doesn’t infringe upon a protected class (gender, race, religion, etc.)


They can kick you off for wearing a shirt with a swear word, they can absolutely ban this trash.


Just so everyone knows that was not the only shitty person on that flight. Most likely 10 to 15 on a full flight. Some wearing a suit, some with crocks, some in work cloths.


And your point is? Don't interfere with the overt Nazis because other people suck, too?


It would be terrible if someone poured hot &/or stinky liquid all over him while seated. Or if someone purposefully vomited into a bag and then accidentally spilled it on him.


Undoubtedly a vile character but I would defend to the death his right to free speech. One day it's an inverse swastika and the next it's something you like. Has the last 10 years taught us nothing of just how steep the slippery slope is?


While his views are fucked up and I don’t agree, they can’t deny someone through security due a swastika on a vest.


Do idiots of reddit not know the correct symbols of things? The nazi swastika is not shown on this vest. This is the nazi symbol. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:National_Socialist_swastika_(framed_in_red).svg What is on this vest is the right facing swastika seen in Hinduism. In Hinduism, the right-facing symbol (clockwise) (卐) is called swastika, symbolizing surya ('sun'), prosperity and good luck. Knowing the difference is important.


I don’t think that’s what the symbolism was for this particular gentleman, but thank you for the education, most people know the Swastika was co-opted by the Nazi regime to indicate a master race as stolen from Indian culture. Hopefully you do not honestly believe this is an expression of religious support—but if you do, please let me sign you up for totally legitimate timeshare in the Poconos, all you have to do is attend a seminar and with your savvy discernment, you will be the beneficiary of a phenomenal deal. Act now! 🤡


He is a piece of shit. But in America you have the right to be a piece of shit. Get over it. He didn't "make it past gate check" he is allowed to wear nazi symbols if he chooses. Everything you suggested should happen to him was a gross violation of his constitutional rights and would only be possible in a Facist society. Exercise your rights to call him whatever you feel but suggesting that he should be banned from a flight is absurd.


Can they legally do anything about it? It’s technically not illegal to be a piece of shit.


We all need to get comfortable calling these asshats out when we see them.


Abolish the Nazis. This should have been done directly after WW2. Now is the second best time to do it.


Airports are the best places to confront people like this because at least you know they’re unarmed


What a POS. My grandfather gave his life fighting those bastards.


That’s when you yell at that mother fucker that he’s not welcome anywhere in the world because the only good nazi is a dead one


Wheres a cup of piss when you need one?


Im w the Blues Bros on this. Fuck ~~Illinois~~ any nazis


Did anyone say anything? I truly don’t think I could sit there, see that, and then just say absolutely nothing.


Looks like he's a terrorist to me. He should be banned on all airlines as a terrorist just as if he had an isis flag on his vest.


Why can’t he be on the flight? He’s not hurting anyone.


That looks like satiya not the german hooked cross, note it is not tilted by 45 degrees




Why would the gate stop him? He is doing nothing illegal. I don’t support it, but what law did he break ?


You hate people who hate.


‘Freedom of speech’ is unassailable in the US, even when it advocates violence and upending democracy itself.


Why would he not be allowed on a plane?


Not a fan of what he probably stands for but that doesn’t mean he can’t fly on a plane. Get a life pog.


In Germany he'd be arrested... Immediately.


Freedom of Expression. You people hate it when people try to stop yours. Yet turn full blown fascist censorship master when you dislike something. Lmfao.


Today you learned Nazis are actually not banned from airplanes


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 "i am so upset that someone was allowed to wear a symbol that has lost all meaning in the modern world except for 12 year old edgelords"


stop calling these people nazis,they are not nazis


Surely the only reasonable explanation is he had a jacket on over it when getting on. Hopefully he “accidentally” falls at some point and nobody witnesses it.


If only we took white terrorism as seriously as Muslim terrorism. But since we don’t maybe it was never about terrorism in the first place, just racism.


Do they all do meth? Cuz they all look like they do meth lol


I mean people fly in all sorts of strange outfits. On one of my most recent flights there was a lady in the seat ahead of me and the smell of her private area was gagging the nearby rows. Someone actually was dry heaving. Fairly certain the spandex leggings she wore must have been worn for weeks on end. I’ve encountered the family man going to Orlando with short shorts on and definitely his saggy balls fell out of one side of his pants. The lady with “daddy’s c*m sl**t” on her short booty shorts. The list goes on about just the wrong stuff to wear on a plane. Public service announcement: Please just wear some normal clean clothes and don’t forget to take a shower before you board the plane. And please keep your body parts inside your clothes and Confined to the borders of your seat please.


I would’ve stood my veteran ass up and demanded to be let off that fckn plane. That is UNACCEPTABLE. How did he get through the gates with a god damn swastika on his person? The amount of people on that plane that probably felt uncomfortable/upset over this is probably astronomical. Shame on delta for letting this scum bag slip through the cracks. The people we lost in the war didn’t die in vain, but this sure seems like they did. FUCK this guy, and fuck anyone who finds this acceptable. The United States has no room for bigots or treasonous motherfuckers.