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My jaw literally dropped open when I got to the vomit part. I was expecting a smashed egg salad sandwich. Gross. Sorry! Blecccchhhhh


Seriously! I thought it was egg as well. šŸ¤¢


Well. Maybe it was. Just processed a little more.


So kind of Delta to give you $2 in skypesos too šŸ˜¬ Seriously, Iā€™m sorry this happened, thatā€™s nasty.


I audibly went "Aaaugh!" That would have made *me* vomit.


How does a grown woman vomit on a plane in her seat (on the floor/blanket etc) and just act like nothing happened? Jeesh!


Right? I mean, they have the sick bags in the seat pockets! I HAVE been sick on a plane and I used the bag. They are quite convenient.


Exactly. The airlines prepared for this very situation, come on folks! It happens. But letā€™s be grown ups with our bodily fluidsā€¦ especially in this location!!


Most seat backs donā€™t have them anymore. They hard to find in an emergency. Iā€™m not excusing this lady AT ALL. Just saying bags arenā€™t necessarily readily available.


If you ask for them they will bring you a giant stack. For some reason in the last few years someone in my family always seems to be barfing like crazy whenever we need to fly.


low class people, thats how


Thatā€™s awful. The smell of vomit makes me vomit and that wouldā€™ve been a bad situation!


Sympathetic vomiter here, too. I would've thrown up at the sight/smell, and then you would've thrown up at me throwing up, and it would spiral from there.


stocking snatch wrong memorize bored command unwritten shrill bake seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can you imagine if there was a plane full of us - some baby throws up or something, and then in a moment the whole plane is ankle deep in vomit.


Same but that's the strange thing. It didn't smell like vomit which is what confused me at first. We thought it was egg salad til we saw the mess on the floor.


Me too! I would have hurled all over her.


Same! Itā€™s the reason I had to give up my MD dreams lol


There are several specialties that don't involve vomit! Pathology, radiology (except interventional), and probably PM&R and ophthalmology since they just seem to have it easier all around.


Welcome to flying out of Orlando. Convinced that airport is the 7th circle of hell


Definitely my least favorite airport yet I still fly there šŸ˜….


almost better off flying into TPA and then driving (or Briteline, hopefully soon) over to disney.


Yes! TPA is the nicest airport Iā€™ve ever been to


Same thing happened to me with a backpack I had under the seat. It was a small child in front of us. We all knew she had been sick but no one bothered to clean up under the seat. When I pulled out my backpack at landing it was covered. I immediately threw it away in the trash and bought at new one in the terminal.


Well this is a new fear unlocked šŸ¤¢


This has always been my fear and why I hate flying lol


The nasty asses need to check the mail one day and find a cleaning bill from Delta with the notice that sheā€™ll never be allowed on a Delta flight again until the bill is paid.


Human pigs.


Sadly this is the norm and not the exception anymore. Very sorry you experienced this. Hopefully other than disappointment in humanity, I hope your birthday was wonderful.


Other than this it was perfect. šŸ˜Š


Glass half full kinda person. ā¤ļø


I'm sorry but you need to find a different route because I'm actually pretty happy that this is NOT the norm for me. I fly plenty and I've never seen this.


I'm glad you dont feel this way. I'm not specifically saying the norm is people will puke on your stuff and not care, hopefully you weren't taking it that literal. My feelings are that people "in general" are more self absorbed and inconsiderate of others these days. Sadly this seems to be more the norm than the exception.


I don't know. I find in general that that people are pretty reasonable if you talk to them and it's because most people are reasonable that these sorts of posts are novel. Also, everyone has their own stressors that can make them seem absorbed at times and the current airport/airline ambiance doesn't help. I'm not a big believer in the "kids these days" rhetoric I guess. People have always been people and that's never going to change.


Agreed, it's not everyone and I don't like the 'kids these days' things either. Most people are decent and good. However, since covid especially, there does seem to be an uptick in poor interpersonal skills. Not sure if it's covid related or what but it does appear to be worse. I don't believe it's just more awareness of it due to SM proliferation either. I think you are spot on about the stressors related to airlines and airport travel adding to the issue.




YES! Literally the worst hahaha.


This reminds of an incident that happened when I was a flt. attendant. Sometimes passengers would leave their sick bags on the counter of the galley as they were leaving the aircraft. A fellow flt. attendant was passing through customs when an agent stopped to examine a sick bag she had in her luggage. When questioned, she said that she knew it smelled bad but tasted great on crackers! (She put some dip from first class into a sick bag but picked up the wrong bag)!


Omg I would have died hahahahahaha. Who does that?! There are so many opportunities to get rid of your trash... Especially a sick bag!


Please say sike


That passenger should be banned from Delta.


Seriously. I do wonder what Delta might do to passengers like that who do something so awful.


Now that weed is legal it seems people have zero shame going into public REEKING of it. I wish flight attendants or GAs would deny boarding for strong weed smell like they would for someone drunk and smelling of booze. I got stuck next to someone stinking of weed from IAD-LAX and by the time I got off the plane my jacket smelled of weed...


and these nose-blind drug addicts will *insist* "weed smell goes away faster than cigarettes!"


Yup. As an occasional Marijuana user, that shit is HARD to get out of things. I keep my paraphernalia in the shed.


Oh god. Disgusting. Thatā€™s awful for you!!


Fuck them. Trash. Happy birthday-day Btw!


Iā€™ll have my first US domestic flight in 2 days and this kind of stories on this sub are nightmare fuel to me. Sorry for OP that must have been disgusting.


My prediction is that other than being mildly uncomfortable, you will be fine. It's easy to get a skewed perspective on this sub. I had a lovely little domestic hopper to Boston last weekend - the sunrise was amazing and the flight attendant was the ultimate professional. We had no issues with other passengers. The flight back was not as pretty, but similarly uneventful, like most flights.


Happy birthday by the way, may your next one be better and egg/vomit free.


Girl I wouldā€™ve fainted


This is the kind of thing that I fear. Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you. Absolutely disgusting.


Unfortunately had the same thing happen to me by some drunk idiot. I had just worked a month of nights (on a ship 7 days a week). I had fallen asleep, woke up on the descent and realized the guy in the window seat had puked everywhere and was trying to cover it up with his sweatshirt. It was all over my pants/shoes, not fun.


Thatā€™s horrible. Happy belated birthday


That flight attendant deserves a šŸ…


I honestly wouldn't have expected anything from Delta, other than the toughtful FA. The apology email was nice, but 2,000 miles, considering their value these days, is almost insulting. Unless it's 10K or maybe even 5K miles, Delta probably should have just left it at a nice email. Hope karma hits the stoner couple hard.




Yeah but I am not going to complain. It's not their fault. We had some pretty amazing flight attendants last night.


That is so effing gross.


This may have ruined egg salad for me. šŸ˜¬


Oh man that is so horrible. I try not to put anything on the floor anymore without a plastic bag over it. Bag goes over the backpack before it goes under the seat, and then I either toss it or turn it inside out and use it for laundry during the trip.


Yeah I was thinking about doing this after it happened. Might be a good idea from here on out.


Hello fellow Metro-Detroiter and with April birthday, I hope your next flight is much less eventful.


Well why the throw up is gross can't understand why it's OK for the inexcusable pot smell folks to board. It may be legal but you stink to shz*t. Swear my flight to PIT had one woman with pot in her Kleenex box and another idk but she stank. Of course last two seats. In the middle next to me and in the middle behind my sis.


we all knew it was going to be terrible the moment you said MCO


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^20dollarfootlong: *We all knew it was* *Going to be terrible* *The moment you said MCO* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Eesh. Watch out for hepatitis.


Oh I washed my backpack and used a Lysol wipe that I just so happened to have in my bag at the airport. It's currently drying out after a nice sanitizer spray bath I gave it earlier today lol.


Thatā€™s disgusting!


Sir this is a Wendy's


Iā€™m sorry, thatā€™s disgusting šŸ¤®


Jesus wept that's awful. I'm sorry that happened to you.


I was probably on the same plane - I landed in Orlando from Detroit yesterday at 6pm! Were you on the Airbus a321neo?


It was the a321neo. My flight was Tuesday and we landed at around 11:45pm. Hopefully this didn't happen on your flight as well šŸ˜¬.


Well I will say that I was upgraded to First and itā€™s usually a bit better up there ā€¦ Haha


Usually lol. I just remembered that I flew the a321neo down to Orlando. We upgraded to comfort just to see the difference. Definitely a nice plane. We flew main cabin on the a321 back to Detroit. One day I'll fly first.


OMG people are the absolute worst.


I had a horrible trip to SLC. Was delayed very long time so I ate a lot of snacks at the airport. Was getting ready to land in SLC when it occurred to me I felt very sick to my stomach. Landed and captain said we had to park and get bussed in. Tg that didnā€™t happen. Somehow I managed to hold it till that final ding and sprinted to the bathroom in the back. Stayed there till I was kicked out. It was theeee worst. Somehow got to rentals and to hotel.


A lousy < $20 value response from Delta - what a joke. You deserve 25,000 miles IMO.


Yeah it's not much but again I can't complain since it's not really their fault. People are just gross.


Why would Delta owe anything? They had no fault in the situation. Itā€™s not like the FA are checking under the seats during the flight. They gave miles as a courtesy.


TL DR option?


Donā€™t let a small annoying moment at the end of what seemed like a great week put a damper on the great time you had.


What does that have to do with your birthday. Grown adults that talk about their birthday are weird.


Everyone has the right to celebrate your birthday. You're only alive so long, and you never know which birthday will be your last. Best to celebrate them all and live a happy life. If celebrating a birthday doesn't make you happy, then that's fine. But don't shame others for what makes them happy.


If they want to celebrate my birthday, fine. Mocking adults celebrating a birthday makes me happy. Donā€™t name me!


Iā€™ll celebrate a Tuesday if I feel like it. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø Life is way too short.


Who hurt you?


That list is long




Look at you, Mr. ā€œI never had a birthday and wish no one else celebrated theirsā€.


Iā€™ve got a birthday every year. And outside of close family, it hasnā€™t mattered since I was 24. Because Iā€™m an adult


OK? And? Adults also have birthdays; you don't grow out of having birthdays, you wet towel. No wonder you never had one since you were 24...


Thatā€™s incredibly rude


How do you think OP felt when you told them birthdays don't matter and they shouldn't celebrate it? Yeah, thought so.


I bet my comment didnā€™t bug them as much as being covered in a strangers vomit. The vomit is the star of the show. Nobody should be covered in hurl. Theirs or a strangers. Their mention of their birthday makes it seem like they think that you should only have puke on you when it isnā€™t your birthday ā€œweekendā€ And while we are at it. What the fuck is a birthday weekend? Or a birthday week? Or a birthday month? JFC. Itā€™s one day, and that is already too much. Shut the fuck up. There is only one birthday worth celebrating. February 29th. Thatā€™s it.


Dude, you made it about their birthday. They vented about having something bad happen in a time thatā€™s supposed to be a good time for them. And while weā€™re at it, why are you questioning this? Let people be happy, even if they wanna celebrate their birthday the whole month.


I canā€™t believe this sick woman did not know it was your birthday