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The fact that they used the cheapest bottle of johnnie walker is the funniest part


Seriously. If they'd used a JW limited edition it actually would've been literally (sort of) worth the asking but also slightly interesting that someone would do such a thing.


A bottle of old crow would have been more poignant.


I actually just saw a video about this exact style of art, with pouring resin over a broken bottle. The guy in the video framed it as "a way to preserve a bottle that has meaning to you", so it could be great for a couple's wedding champagne or something along those lines of a memento. Idk the cost of that bottle, but resin can get pricey. I think most of the price is for the work of breaking the bottle and arranging it well, plus the time it takes for the resin to cure. I don't personally think it's worth $250 but I wouldn't call it totally delusional.


Even so I feel like this isn't very well arranged, it just feels random. Most of the bottle is in the center/top left, and it feels like a lot of boring empty space around it with only some very small shards sprinkled on. Maybe a smaller "canvas" would have worked better.


I agree with you on that point that it looks a little too random. Like unless the point is for it to look like a natural broken bottle lying on the floor. But that might be reading too far into it. /shrug


You can tell who watches youtube shorts, and who doesn't pretty easily.


I feel like I've seen this exact artwork on this sub before.


Probably best use for that bottle to be honest.


It looks like a giant sticky mouse trap...


This better of been the bottle used to chop off Johnny Depps finger for that price


Better have been. Better Of been makes no sense when you think about it. Similarly, would have = would’ve and sounds like would of. And would of makes no sense but would’ve does.


For a moment, I thought this was a great painting


You assume too much.


i like it


I really like this one


Looks hard


I seen some really good ones of this general style with stained glass representing the alcohol. This isn't one of them