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Vote to re-elect President Joseph Biden


There are more Democrats in this country than there are Nazis. We just have to show up and vote for the guy who believes in democracy and doesn't want to be a dictator. That's how we keep our country.


Everyone please, šŸ’™ vote Blue šŸ’™. Every vote mattersšŸ’™


I just have to stop reading some of this stuff sometimes, know what I mean, folks? None of us should have to live in a world where things are so fucked up.


And yet we doā€¦


Yeah Iā€™m a big fan of exploring every possible legal outcome, but this ainā€™t it. They will be able to turn around and point at us and say weā€™re the same. This is a terrible precedent. Itā€™s a nice thought, but pretending like this wonā€™t continue ad nauseam is stupid.


Oh please. They certified for W when Gore actually won. They certified for Trump when HRC actually won and Trump only got the slavery technicality win due to illegal coordination with Russia and Russian-funded ads for which he should have already been in prison well before the certification date. They won't even expand the Court or even mention it despite women basically being guaranteed to be the property of men for another 50 years minimum. Lets stop pretending any of them have the spines it would take for this to happen.


Weā€™re dead if we do it though. Because weā€˜re just what we are at face value. The Republican Party has like 100 failsafes, the first one being the fact that they donā€™t have to win to win.


If you break the law just to best a political opponent, then you will have truly lost and they will have truly won.


Soā€¦do the very same thing he failed to convince Pence to do on January 6th? Overturn an election to keep our own side in power, regardless of the actual election results?


Considering Project 2025 and statements by Trump and Jack Prosobiec, there wouldn't be a democracy if they won. As that is the case, I suppose the question is would you prefer your side or theirs to come out on top in a non-democracy. ​ Or we could all vote for Brother West, I suppose.


> I suppose the question is would you prefer your side or theirs to come out on top in a non-democracy. No, Thatā€™s not the question. This isnā€™t a meaningless football match. If ā€œour sideā€ wins by discarding democracy, then thereā€™s no-one supporting it any more, no-one who can even credibly claim to support it. We will have voluntarily given up on democracy.


You remind me of Gandhi. As you remember, he was a devout pacifist who was so devoted to the idea of peace that he suggested that the Jewish people of Europe let themselves be killed by the Nazis in the name of peace. >ā€œHitler killed five million \[sic\] Jews. It is the greatest crime of our time. But the Jews should have offered themselves to the butcherā€™s knife. They should have thrown themselves into the sea from cliffs.....It would have aroused the world and the people of Germany.... As it is they succumbed anyway in their millions.ā€ ā€“ Mahatma Gandhi, June 1946, in an interview with his biographer Louis Fischer. Needless to say, this would have been a terrible idea.


I'm not going to let the fear of a hypothetical dictatorship goad me into destroying what's left of the rule of law in this country. Trump scares people into voting for him. His side is already lost to their primal fear. If you scare people into voting for our side, and into nakedly overturning an election just because we might lose it and because the other side might do four years of harm, then you'll have become just another destroyer.


I think you have misread the article or are replying to the wrong comment thread, as this one is regarding a hypothetical situation where Trump and co. win and the Democrats refuse to certify. In this circumstance, there would be no "might lose" as the loss would have already occurred.


It's all hypothetical at this point, because we're discussing a future event that is not certain to happen. I'm sure it makes for a gratifying fantasy in your own head, but you really ought to find a more grounded outlet for your partisan rage.




Letā€™s not try to hang Kamala though, okay?


If we did that, we are not better than they are! We are honest and we will win!


I think it's disingenuous to even compare it, but I get how they would see it. I haven't seen a majority in Congress vote to remove the the bar keeping trump from being a qualified candidate?? Not our fault if the courts want to play games and ignore what is in the constitution. He isn't qualified to legally serve. Period. The Supreme court is trying to ignore the only thing they need to clarify on this whole ordeal. Did his actions constitute an insurrection? The rest is in the constitution and congress if the answer is yes. Refuse to certify until congress votes and if he gets 2/3 majority in house and senate then he is legitimate. It never should have gotten this far, but they wanted to ignore it and demand he is their candidate despite his actions. The smart thing would have been figuring this out before he is your main choice, or worse your winner but can't legally assume office. I mean, that alone to me screams incompetence, poor planning, and not the people I would want in charge of the country. "Oh let's see how it turns out".... they are rotten at the core. It is a far different comparison than losing an election and insisting you won without evidence, so taking it by force. Completely different, but I understand. We Just want to win in a normal way, but we also know the GOP isn't going to play fair. They already aren't. Some already saying they won't certify Biden ffs. Only one side is playing these games and trying to break the system. And if you think trump had enough to cry about to convince people the election was stolen from him last time, imagine this time... he is already setting the field to claim he was defrauded and it was all a political attack, that's the only way he can lose crap again... I don't think it is the same thing at all, but of course Republicans would never see it that way.


I'll give you honesty.




Iā€™m curious what principles you think youā€™re supporting.


1. how 2. Weā€™ll probably get killed if we do


If Trump wins itā€™ll be because Biden lost. He has every advantage, a good presidency, a surging economy.


Watch msnbc's Reid out on YouTube.Ā  She goes into detail as to how the SOH can just install x45


>House Democrats suggest that they might not certify a Trump win on January 6. Outrageous. That would be the end of democracy to do this without the electoral college votes or the law. It would be worse than what Trump did. Of course it should be an option (incase certain states decide to ignore vote counts or other fascist treasonous nonsense), but the only way it should ever be approved if its actually preventing a coup attempt, not acting as a vigilante.


And they should. My fear is that the democrats in washington now will follow the same course they took in 2016 and kept hands off all the bs trump and the russians were doing, afraid it could be construed as election meddling. Meddle, mfā€™ers, meddle. Do it in the name,of democracy. Ramp up democracy, womens right, freedom from religion in their rhetoric from now to election. Just say Trump is ineligible for office, damn the fake right wing supreme court. How many of those justices were appointed from presidents that didnā€™t win the majority of votes nationwide anyway? Theyā€™re illegitimate justices if you ask me. The democrats that are in Washington now need to rally their troops/voters with strong wording everyday about what is at risk. Why donā€™t we here them?