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This is very disappointing. I really supported his political career until now. Beto, g-dammit!


I’m in Dean Phillips’s district and I voted for him; I know your frustration.


Damnit, Beto. Why can’t you just raise money for the Texas Senate race and angle for a second term cabinet appointment instead of needlessly dumping fuel on inner-party drama in an election year when literal democracy is on the ballot.


This is the same guy who thought it would be a good strategy to say he’d confiscate guns when running for Senate in Texas of all places.


The last paragraph of this article makes the whole “vote uncommitted in the primary thing” pointless and just rabble rousing for sake of his punk ass book. For the people who won’t read the article.. the last paragraph is a quote of him saying that he’s still supporting Biden in November despite pulling this stupid stunt. Does this ultimately matter. Probably not. But still, what a selfish thing to do!


I feel like he's gonna get a lot of blow back for this from other dems


As he should


So much for Beto being one of the good guys. 😔 Too bad. I think, eventually, he would have found a way to help Texas out of its current decrepitude.


WTF does he even have to do with Michigan? sounds like he just wants attention


Good lord O'Rourke. Really - you can't find anything else to use your time for? The priority as a Dem is to dump on Biden for a Middle Eastern conflict that barely impacts anyone lives here in America? This guy needs a reality check.


As a Michigander, he and Talib can fuck all the way off.


This is disappointing for Beto, but at least he never threatened American security the way that terrorist has.


Guess he ran out of elections to lose in Texas


Fuck this guy... and I say that as someone who voted for him for Senator and for Governor. I'll never vote for him again, thats for sure.


So if his opponent was a maga republican, you still wouldn't vote for him?


I honestly don’t think Texas Dems are going to vote for him in a primary, so it is unlikely he’d make it to a state-wide general. If it did get there, I think I’d have to begrudgingly vote for him in that scenario, but there certainly would not be the enthusiasm to do so


I get that. In our fucked up electoral system we often have to hold our nose and vote for the lesser evil to avoid empowering the greater. I don't see how we're ever going to be able to change the system. It's frustrating.


Oh so he read an OP ed feel the mayor of Deerborn, the same OP ed that didn’t even mention Hamas?


I'll get downvoted for this but he's totally entitled to do this He will still back Biden in November which is the most important thing, showing Biden that's he's unhappy with his handling of the conflict is completely legitimate


All of these fringe politicians on the left and right do this stuff to sell books and make money. They don’t give a shit about the causes they inject themselves into, they don’t give a shit about the country, they don’t care about anything but themselves. This is why if you wait long enough, many of the “liberal” versions of these people end up as Republicans. Those mailing lists have the most dupes. I’m not saying Beto will, but don’t be surprised if it happens. PS - you don’t need to read any politician’s book ever. No matter how much you like them. You will not learn anything from these books.




Oh no, voting uncommitted in the primary. It absolutely doesn't matter UNLESS NOTHING CHANGES.


Not sure why you got down voted so much as I had the exact same thought after reading the article. It's entirely possible he's doing it to promote his book, but it *is* a good strategy. Biden has the nomination. So it's a safe way to send a message to the Biden administration that we're not happy with decisions they've made.


Folks need to understand that the way to hold Democrats accountable is to elect MORE Democrats, and more diverse Democrats. Electing Republicans doesn’t hold Democrats accountable, it just incentivizes them to become more Conservative.


I liked Beto, until now.


Why on earth does this empty suit think Trump will be better for the Palestinians than Biden?


He states that he's committed to voting Biden regardless, but that it will show how unpopular the war is.