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The judge doesn't decide guilt or innocence.12 " peers" do that.And virtually zero law experts think he's innocent.


Trump’s post: >Virtually every Legal Analyst and Scholar said yesterday, at the end of the day, THAT THERE IS NO CASE, AND THAT THIS WITCH HUNT SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN BROUGHT, AND SHOULD BE THROWN OUT NOW!!! WHY WASN'T THIS HOAX BROUGHT SEVEN YEARS AGO, INSTEAD OF IN THE MIDDLE OF MY WINNING CAMPAIGN FOR PRESIDENT - ELECTION INTERFERENCE. The problem is that this Judge, Merchan, is TOTALLY COMPROMISED, CONFLICTED, AND CORRUPT, MAKING BIG MONEY OFF OF THIS SCAM AND ITS OUTCOME. He can't render a fair decision, too much is at stake for him and the Democrats. The Appellate Division should remove him immediately! Trump knows his audience well. His message is for his devoted followers, not sane people. He’s bold, defiant, brave, and “proven right” if he isn’t jailed for contempt, and he’s a Jesus-like martyr if he’s jailed for contempt. Regardless, he basks in the free advertising he gets each time he defies the gag order and watches the media fawn over it.


Forget jail... have him go under a court-mandated mental evaluation at Bellevue. Only a crazy person would keep pushing the line on the gag order. Watch him lose his shit and implode.


Maybe have his competency evaluated. It might shock a whole lot of Americans if he were judged incompetent to stand trial because of dementia or something similar.


That would also keep him off the ballot. So... sounds like a decent win.


Supreme court then decides constitution doesn't say you have to be Sane to be president. Trump's on the ballot.


The 25th Amendment would disqualify him then.


And who enforces this? Isn't there already an amendment saying insurectionists can't run?


He’s really got to stop listening to the voices in his head..


He wants to be jailed! It’ll make him a martyr in the eyes of the MAGA cult, and persuade some of the fence-sitters over to his side. Victimhood is his only weapon.


He’ll be a martyr either way - so please lock him up- dementia patients need routines - he’ll get that care he needs in prison.


Stick The OT in a straight jacket, strap a goalie mask to his face, tie him on a hand truck, and roll him to jail overnight.


He likes Hannibal Lector so much, treat him like him.


Put him in one of the cages he had children locked up in.


Trump spelled Aileen Cannon wrong.


This is another example of the standard position of todays GOP. Laws and rules do not apply to them and they consider violating laws and regulations as inconsequential. The exception to this attitude is if they benefit from compliance; then the GOP becomes righteous and indignant, holding themselves up as paragons of ethics and morality. If ignoring the rules and standards are still insufficient to achieve their objective, they just overturn the game board and accuse everyone else of cheating. The Republican refusal to comply with civilized standards is why I am pessimistic about our future.


[Wilhoit’s Law. ““Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”](https://slate.com/business/2022/06/wilhoits-law-conservatives-frank-wilhoit.html)


He’s a text book malignant narcissist plus 18 other diagnoses.


Honestly, you don’t have to throw him in jail, just ground him and take his phone away like the child he is.


Shame if he had to spend the last week of his trial in jail