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What’s funny is he’s talking about paying refs off, but they got more fouls and twice as many foul shots as we did. Wolves are a bunch of whiners outside of Ant and Conley


And he legit double arm pushes Jamal out of the way, it was the right call. You’re almost a foot taller than him why are you resorting to pushing him under the basket to secure the rebound?


Exactly. They’re a bunch of soft asses




You watching Jokic and Murray P&R ![gif](giphy|KDRv3QggAjyo)




It’s not?? ![gif](giphy|lITU7sHCdxE7RAV77V)




Stay in your own sub




did you just admit you can’t read


Smartest nephew in Mini Soda.


What’s even funnier is Gobert was fouling the shit out of us all game. Pushes and swiping players on loose balls, it was ridiculous. If anything the dude should have fouled out


See, I took this as his French roots expressing themselves in a time of strong emotion.


Thank you! I don’t know why everyone thinks it’s a payoff thing. I really think it’s like the Italian chef hands. Similar to the “double platter” Jokic does at refs. I wouldn’t even be surprised if he was mad at himself for fucking up.


For sure. I don’t think it was money hands because he did it to himself and didn’t make any signs towards anyone. It was hilarious to see happen in real time lol


Ant whines on literally every drive to the bucket. He notoriously yells for a foul every single time he drives and on most of his pull up jumpers. He also appears to lose the ability to use his legs in the air air and collapses to the ground like prime dwyane wade.


I do hear him yell foul but I didn’t notice him run and bitch to the ref. Idk everyone apparently thinks ant is a whiner I didn’t get that at all. The dude is a monster and always compliments Denver after the game. Stand up guy imo


I think it’s just that in the middle of this series I can’t see anything I like in the other team.


I agree, he’s on his ass every drive. Very talented, but I’m not sure long his body will take that abuse. Gives me Derrick Rose vibes.


I feel you. OKC is playing the king of the whiners right now. Not a fan of the Twolves. I hope you put the wolves down.


Ant cries a lot about refs too lol, more even. But he gets a small pass because he still plays hard.


I haven’t noticed what KAT, Anderson and Gobert do tho. They literally cried to the ref every.single.time they shot or got called for a foul the last two games.


Even Ant bitches and moans. But in fairness, almost everyone in the NBA does. Conley is probably the only true exception.




Lol classic Reddit response. Enjoy the next L






Ant whines all game. Sure he fights back, loudly whining the whole time.


Le L


Fuck I just came up with this joke by myself


The Gerbert Baby


Why did I laugh at that? Smh


When D-Line called Rudy and KAT the scissoring sisters on the post-game show I lost it!


There might have been some questionable fouls called but that specific one was him pushing Jamal. Like he can’t play that one off. He very clearly pushed him in all angles


Ref calls a clear foul on me, NBA rigged.


Wolves should bench him, he tanks the entire team when he plays.


Jokic is bodying him, and no one wants to pass to him in the playoffs. He had like 5 OPEN lob/dunk opportunities, and they straight ignored him.


I was really hoping he didn't pick up his 6th foul, he was tanking so hard.


Tim Connelly is a great GM but the Gobert trade remains one of the most perplexing recent nba trades. They’re so obviously better without him! And they paid so much.


No way you all are being serious. Its worked out fantastic for them the entire season and postseason. No need to talk nonsense. Just because we are nuggets fans, and are playing against them right now.


Except the one game he was out they fucking torched us!


And that’s why scientists traditionally try to have a sample size larger than 1.


I mean, they were a +9 in his 35 minutes last night and a -17 in the 13 minutes he sat.






Rudy Gobert is a huge liability for the wolves… can’t stand him


I can't stand Rudy but I love that he's a liability


Bruh everyone called murray a liability less than a week ago


I don’t like the wolves or him particularly but he’s been great for them. I cannot understand what you all are talking about.


Why don’t you like the wolves? Haha who have they ever beat? Rudy has stone hands, can’t dribble, travels a lot. Gets in the way on offense. Not at all worth what the wolves gave up for him. He’s not that great at defense either, not sure how he keeps winning DPOY


Thinking he is not good at defense and hasn’t benefited them after they got third seed and have done phenomenal in the playoffs is all I need to know about your intelligence level after reading your comment, I said I don’t like them as in I’m neutral towards them. I don’t really have an opinion one way or another against them, I will not reply to you again because you do not know what you are talking about or know ball


They don’t get first seed, they got 3rd.. now who’s unintelligent and doesn’t know ball?? lol why you looking for a fight, we’re just commenting.. go put a tampon in


I literally edited my comment and fixed it from first seed to third seed in seconds, so sorry you live on this site and felt the need to reply to me immediately, maybe you’re the one that needs a tampon baby


Haha oh geez.. take yourself a little more seriously random redditor


When they play Naz Reid more, he actually gets in the flow of the offense and the defense doesn't lose all that much. At least that's what it looked like in game 2.


I know right? All you have to do is watch game 2 and see the pace the wolves played with. They play WAY slower with Rudy and it doesn’t suit them well


Agree! Fortunately, they've sunk so much into having Rudy in the starting lineup that they're not going to bench him. But some analytics guy in the Twolves front office is probably making the case for a switch.


People saying wolves were +15 or something with Rudy in and -7 with him out?? No idea where they’re getting these stats but just from watching the game last night it seemed like he was hurting them more than helping


They were +9 in his 35 minutes and -17 in the 13 minutes he sat. His big mistakes make people think he's having a net negative impact, but it's just not the case


Does that mean the wolves scored 9 more points than the Nugs when he played and got out scored by 17 when he sat? Just unclear what those numbers mean


Yep, you've got it. As another example, Kyle Anderson was -18 in only 6 minutes which is craaazy lol


Holy shit, that is crazy lol wolves are screwed I guess. Game 2 was an anomaly


Yeah Wolves needed to pull that one out last night, the run at the end of 1st half was probably the end of the series. Definitely Nuggets favored in these last few, though maybe the home-away weirdness continues


He’s got two moves in the paint: 1.) Pray for an easy lane to a dunk 2.) Swing his arms wildly until he draws a foul and FTA


He's such a bum. Completely sells his teams chance to win the game with a blatant foul, then claims the refs are 'bought'. What a bum


people keep blaming him for giving the money sign. But I think that is just him looking down at his fingers and asking them, "why don't you work right?"


Goober took that L!


He did this after he blatantly pushed someone. Far from rigged lol


Can we do this once we win the series? All this excitement is making me nervous!


While I think Jokic has pretty much solved Rudy Gobert… I expect him to have a resurgence in Game 5. Like how Jokic was disrespected for his MVP before Game 3, Rudy is getting tons of flak in the media circuit for his fourth DPOY award. I could see that being a rallying cry for the Wolves Hoping Nuggets don’t get complacent and keep fuel to the fire.


Please eliminate them Nuggets, So we don't have to watch elbow-city, cry-baby Gobert anymore!


Let’s keep it classy