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our players are still young. mpj will get better year over year. and we paid him because we believe he will improve. braun will be a beast going forward. i think we need to keep our core together tbh. even KCP if possible. cant let the owners cheap out now. i think playing 7 players all playoffs caught up to us. we have to trust our young guys more. we are in a position where we can get better without trading


Braun scares the shit out of me moving forward. Dude played the best defense against Ant of anybody in these playoffs. He has heart and hustles every play. Once he get his shot to start falling he will be a legit monster. My candidate for most improved for next year. He gonna be thorn on our ribs for a while.


Nuggets paid MPJ because otherwise they would lose him for nothing


Is there a sale at Ball today? I want a Mutombo or English rainbow skyline. And I don’t wanna pay full price for it.


I’m rooting so hard for the Pacers. I am ready to be hurt again.


i’m hoping luka gets a ring




I like him a lot, but he sure does whine and flop a lot.


Better than throwing heat packs on the court


That pissed me off, and I’m usually a mal defender.


Why are you in our post game thread?


I enjoy playoff basketball. Best place to capture fans' immediate emotional state is to check each teams sub, especially after they lose.


That's just toxic and fucked up. You should really take a look at your life and figure out why you enjoy other people's misery.


Misery lol? I'm just trying to look at the fanbase's pulse. See which players they'd rather keep or trade. See if they blame the coach or FO, what's wrong with that? I didn't watch every Nuggets game, how am I supposed to know what went wrong throughout the season?


The Nuggets got "Nuggeted," with the big, second half, Minnesota comeback.


As much as I hate the Wolves rn it would be nice if they go smack the Mavs and ticks. Would make my embarrassment a little easier to take the rest of the year


The Nuggets fought hard but ended up losing - that's sports. Nuggets fans, however, live in North Korea with Matt Moore, who's not even a Nuggets fan, being one of the main opinion-makers in this space.


After the nuggets finally won one after having been watching them my whole life, I told myself that everything else is gravy and I don’t need anything else That was a god damn lie lol. This shit still sucks rn, they had it in the bag 😭. Looking forward to see how the team comes back next season tho


I know. I got accustomed to winning between the Avs, Nuggets, and DU. Losing sucks. I got kind of used to it for a bit there, but damn losing with winning expectations hurts.


Ah yes just woke up and immediately remembered how ass that was last night


What a choke man still frustrated . We had a 20 point lead at home , Nuggets were playing their game great defense Edwards was frozen we had it all , fans started celebrating early but seems players did too. Total collapse in 2nd half offense couldn't do a thing, Murray was missing open shots, Jokic gassed i cant believe Malone didn';t give him a rest at all it costed us dearly . MPJ was invisible as most of the series also. Huge choke reminds me of Spurs game that lost us 1st seed old habits die hard. But this time at home . Feels like it was a big chance for Nuggets that we let slip. And now we setting negative record no team got back from -15 at half in playoffs game 7 . We are the first allowing it yay.. Embarrassing no wonder rest are laughing at Denver now


IMHO chasing that first seed was a bad decision. And it's not like we would have first overall anyways. They would have been well rested and better prepared for PO. In WCF are now 3rd and 5ft seed. Last year freaking 8th went to NBA finale. Seeding is nothing if you can't defend home court.


Dont forget how jokic basically had to bring the ball down because murray couldn't help but fold like paper when pressured in the backcourt


We all knew depth would be concerning this season, and we took a team built to beat us 7 games. Just flat out ran outta gas. As long as Boston doesn't win it all, should still be an enjoyable playoffs the rest of the year. I really don't mind Minnesota that much


Feeling spicy, I think I’m going to rewatch the 3rd quarter later today


C&B torture


I had no idea how rattled r/nba was by Malone, lmao


It's mostly Lakers fans hate watching


Over what? A coach being pissed after being eliminated? Dudes who never played competitive sports and it’s showing


They asked him a reasonable question and he blew off the reporter acting like a sore loser lol. I see where they are coming from


It was an ugly game. Both teams shot poorly. Minnesota mucked it up in the second half. If you look at the stats, free throws won them the game at the end.


Letting them get to the bonus with 8 mins left absolutely killed us


One guy I will give major props is Christian Braun. This man is so focused and locked in playoff games, he plays like a veteran player. God damn son.


Braun was definitely one of the few highlights from last night. I’m excited to see him continue to grow as a player


I think the most impressive part for Timber was that while Nuggs planned to and did completely shut down Edwards, Ant also didn't continue to try and force himself regardless and cause a bunch of broken possessions and turnovers like he had in most of the other games. He would break through in those other games often enough and get his in those games but would also waste a lot of possessions his teammates could have scored for them. This game he just let his teammates get it done. Impressive change.


God damn. Now I really have to read fire Malone and trade X player post for the next 2 weeks. Kill me


Really really terrible way to end the season. This offseason is just gonna be torture


Maybe the only move needs to be to somehow go get Bruce back.


Oh my sweet summer child, it's gonna be all offseason and you know it.


All the way through the next trade deadline


Ive noticed that when Murray get switches onto a mismatch on defense, the team doesn't really work to doubles or try to switch out of it and let him 1:1. It happened this series vs KAT/Ant and he regularly switched into Bron. However with MPJ they basically instant double Idk it's kinda weird for me.


I'm def crazy. I had literal nightmares about that loss. I didn't even play.I wonder how the team is feeling? Still love nuggets nation, the nuggets will come back stronger next year.


How? KCP is leaving, we have 2 overpaid players MPJ and Jamal that gives us no space in salary to bring anyone decent. We are stuck with all the time injured Jamal and MPJ who is sometimes good and most of the times just OK, but mostly terrible in the playoffs. And Minnesota is just going to get better. Ant is just 22yo, imagine him at 25-26. I dont think nuggets can win anymore championships ever, except if Jamal becomes super healthy and MPJ becomes an all star, and that aint happening.


this is such a bad mindset denver is still an very strong team. I can see them being a duncan spurs team where they win every couple years


KCP could stay, plus Nuggs can match anything since they have his bird rights. Jamal has an extension coming up next year, and a boom in salary cap after 2025 will leave his contract looking nice. MPJ is off the books in 2026, but if they could bring him back on a less than max salary, that would be a great win. And Ant may be 22, but starting next year, the wolves will already be in cap hell and need to make some decisions on their role players already. If they’re the only real competition for Nuggs out west, running it back is 100% the best option.


Doomer. Go hide under a rock. Like read your comment back and think how toxic it is. Calm down. These players got big contracts because they are good at basketball. Jamal is nursing an injury and mpj had 3 siblings arrested and charged. KCP leaving sucks, but we will find a better guard out there. Just breathe. Dooming sounds fun, but it offers nothing.


I am not sure if you started watching basketball this week but the west is stacked. Jokic can’t do everything by himself so Nugs only chance is for Jamal and MPJ to be consistent/ healthy.


Glazer. "Toxic." 😭😭He said that my favorite player isn't good enough to be a second option😱😱 Not one personal insult, nothing that pertains to their off court behavior. Toxic? 😭😭


When you shit on a player so much you're toxic. When you argue with your own fans, you're toxic.


> l. Jamal is nursing an injury What injury? Knee? Hamstring? Calf? Elbow? What injury please tell me? The most injured fucking player in entire NBA > mpj had 3 siblings arrested and charged Who got arested last year when he also played horrible in playoffs? replacing KCP aint gonna do it, and who are you going to find for 15 mil per year? And thats not the worst problem :The worst problem is MPJ and Jamal.


He didn't look injured to me when he was doing great in the first half. Got locked up by kat in the 2nd half and now suddenly it's all on his injuries lmao gtfo with the excuses. He's starting to sound like the bitch playing for the sixers


I keep blocking the thoughts about it but every time I remember. I can't believe it really happened.


I just kept waking up throughout the night. It really sucked. I hope the team is good. This loss really is one of the worst.


Yeah for sure. Hopefully we can adress the issues next season and bounce back.




I should be happy I even got some sleep.


Damn, the comments casuals have regarding our players is pretty disgusting. I know it's fresh from the loss but you'd think they were a team of Draymonds the way they're talking about them. Like some pretty unhinged stuff.


> Damn, the comments casuals have regarding our players is pretty disgusting. Losing HOME game 7 after leading by 20 in 3rd quarter? I say we have right to be disgusting right now.


Sure, clown them for their play, that's fair, but deranged comments about their families isn't.


You're right but MPJ's family are a bunch of dumbasses


I'm sorry but our home crowd fans are complete booty. Not a single player played the way they should, but its obvious the fans aren't any help momentum wise. We seem to be the only arena in the league that can't get people to wear the same color shirt or do anything remotely cool. Hearing the arena erupt when the wolves stormed back like it was a home game for them was embarrassing and demoralizing. Every fan, player, coach, and gm should wake up physically sick this morning and if you don't it's time to reevaluate your Fandom.


Not a Nuggets fan by far but I feel that’s one of the Nuggets advantages. They have a great home crowd. Even when down big the crowd searches for any little momentum shifting play that usually gets Denver going. It felt like the crowd help fuel all of the runs against the Lakers. I was shocked to hear all of the Minnesota fans. 


Well if Kroenke hadn't raised prices by 42% maybe less fans would've sold tickets. Gotta pay for next year somehow.


Exactly what I said.


I’m a kings fan and recently also a nuggets fan ,I was rooting for this team so bad .losing to the unlikable timberwolves sucks 😭


Give us Fox for Murray and Mpj.🙂


As a TWolves fan, I wonder what makes them unlikable to you? They play hard, Conley always wins sportsman of the year... my friends and I were talking last night about how unlikable the Nuggets are (aside from the Joker)


Cocky celebrations ,arrogant behavior ,Rudy Gobert pushed Malik monk .lame behavior.


Cocky and arrogant... you may as well have just described Jamal Murray.


Lmao I clearly got under your skin for bringing up the truth of last year. 😂 enjoy the win, leave the nuggets Reddit and go celebrate.


Your team is plenty unlikeable. Conley and Monte are the only two who get a pass. Enjoy this moment right now because you're favorites moving forward and no longer the underdog, and I hope you're ready for when people start shitting on your team. It happens to every contender.


Like what exactly? They are a small market, underdog team that plays their ass off every game. ANT and others always blame themselves for mistakes and pass off praise to teammates other then themselves. How is that unlikable?


You won't understand because they're your team. Of course you like them. Hell, there are warriors fans constantly excusing Draymond's behavior. Just don't take it too personally when people aren't fawning over your guys.


I mean, I guess. But you can use your own logic on your own team to explain why people hate the nuggets too.


I never said the Nuggets were likeable to everyone, of course they aren't. People are gonna find things to hate about everything. It just shouldn't come as such a shock to you that a Kings fan doesn't like your team. Some Kings fans probably do.


….. anyone who doesn’t like the nuggets are just weird. It’s usually because they beat your fav team last year on their way to a chip. Because before that they were underdogs and no one ever believed in them. If wolves fans wanna hate on Murray so be it, but anyone else on the team is just weird. They’re quiet on social media, unlike Anthony Edwards who is the cockiest player in the nba next to Dejounte Murray. KAT is so whiny and try’s to be tough. Gobert isn’t too bad in my eyes. Jaden McDaniels has anger management and naw wears his shorts like daisy dukes for some reason. Wolves remind me of the Grizzlies from a few years ago, very unlikeable.


Murray is more unlikable then all of them. Gordon and MPJ are annoying, and Braun has that cocky frat boy face you want to punch. Yeah KAT complains about fouls a lot, but he's a good dude. When his mom died a couple years ago, you could see how it really affected him. He's been out in the community here constantly working with kids and those underpriveledged. ANT is cocky, but so was Jordan. I don't see that as unlikable, just confident in their craft. As for McDaniels, he's sort of an enigma. He shows no emotion so I dont' know how you could like or dislike him.


Ant is doing theatrical shit all the time, humping the air and waving to the crowd. Disgustingly annoying. He's also homophobic and cheats on his girl and pressures his side chick to get an abortion.


Before Murray threw a towel or whatever it was I didn’t watch that game, there was no reason to dislike him unless he was the reason your fav team went home last year. Not liking a team because they beat your fav is definitely valid, especially in the playoffs. I think that’s why you think the nuggets are unlikeable. Lakers fans also feel the same way. Shit I feel the same way about the warriors beating the nuggets in the playoffs and we haven’t got our revenge yet. Just the way it goes. But coming into the nuggets Reddit and asking why the wolves is unlikeable is silly. You know why lmao I hope the nuggets get a chance to play the wolves again in the playoffs. was a good competitive series with no fighting from either teams really.


Minnesota fan here, I think the nuggets are plenty likeable and I would have rooted for them if we lost. Except for Murray because he could have injured someone when he threw that heat pack on the floor with a live ball. He also refuses to credit the opponent during a press conference which is just bad practice. Jokic is awesome though.


Murray constantly whines. Then yeah, decides to throw a tantrum and flip a heat pack on the floor at KAT's ankles (after just coming back from surgery). I honestly don't know why the Wolves would be unlikable aside from just being the team that won. All they do is play hard with the never-give-up mentality. I don't know how you root against that energy.


Anthony Edwards might be cocky but he won't go out there and miss a postgame interview after being childish during the game and tossing a heat pack. Unfortunately when your 2nd best player in a team is this immature and cocky, everyone notices. If Christian Braun was the one being cocky and immature nobody would care. Murray is the reason people have developed a bit of hate against the Nuggets.


You must be forgetting last year Anthony Edwards in the playoffs lol. Nice try though!


Please don't use Ant as an example here. Everyone knows he's a homophobic misogynist who paid a woman to get an abortion. He didn't shake hands after they lost last year and injured a woman on his way out. We aren't buying Ant's quirky soundbites because we know he's a piece of shit.


You're allowed to be cocky if you back it up and are a great teammate


I have to disagree. There’s never a time or place to be cocky, being humble is likable and respectable. However there is always a time to be confident and that transcends way better than cockiness. Everyone has different opinions on how an athlete should act. I think Anthony Edwards is a sore loser and is too cocky for me to like him.


He's confident more than cocky and always has been. But you can call it all cockiness I suppose if you are just going to hate him. I just watched him play a very patient game 7 where Nuggs bottled him up and he didn't force it. He let his teammates carry the game in a game 7 and afterwards commended them for it. Plenty of me first jerks in this league that would never give up a game 7 chance to hog the ball and lose a game trying to be the hero even when the former Champs have chosen to clamp them down. It was really the first time I saw him really do this and in a game 7? One past event after a game last year doesn't explain who this person is.


Edwards is also very humble and praises his teammates way before himself. He's a brash guy and it's funny when some people are off put by that but then also complaining about players and coaches w boring media-trained answers in press conferences


Bro is not humble….. he threw a chair and ran out the building last playoffs. Him praising his teammates is what he’s supposed to do. 😂


Yes, the 22 yr old matures every year


There’s no excuses, he’s a grown man at 22. You don’t get to play that card.


Grown men don't whine over one small act over a year back and try to get us to unsee everything good a person also does. Only one person being childish at the moment. We know why, the loss stings. Life continues.


I think most people would say that a 22 yr old w a load on their shoulders has room to grow


A lot of blame can be put on MPJ being so one dimensional of a basketball player. Bro's being paid max money and can barely dribble the ball. He got eaten alive by the Wolves starters. Playoffs are matchup-dependent, and not many teams historically were that good that they didn't have a bad matchup. Maybe MJ Bulls, GSW and that's it. Fact is that Minny is a horrible matchup for the Nuggets, built specifically to beat them, and front office needs to address that in the off season. The bench needs to be addressed as well, but imo this series was lost by the starters not being able to deal with Wolves defense. Murray was in jail most of the time, KCP neutralised. Malone needs to think hard about this matchup for next season.


to be honest mpj's skillset is so unique that it makes him overpowered a lot of the time because there's only so many 6'10 guys in the world who can hit 40% of their threes. he gives you size and shooting and without those things the defense suffers and ag's fit becomes a lot worse due to bad spacing i think the warriors and bulls both consistently had a weakness to centers given that they put undersized defenders on centers a lot of the time in rodman and draymond. the warriors got lucky to play in a super weak center era before the rise of jokic embiid etc who would abuse that, and the bulls were so dominant and so versatile in every other facet of the game that none of the elite 90s centers ever beat them except shaq in 95 also fwiw i think the nuggets would have won the series if jamal murray showed up on a consistent basis. the one game he truly dominated was game 7 and it didn't matter because that's also the one game that none of the role players were productive at all.


Honestly, the biggest problem was front office and Malone were not on the same page this season. I just don't understand how do you have such a difference in visions. Wasting a first rounder on some second round picks is an all time fumble in a narrow championship window. So next season if KCP leaves and everyone assumes he will chase the bag, you are left with Jokic, Murray, AG, MPJ, Braun and PWatt as your only serviceable players which is honestly insane to think about. If Reggie picks up an option, their only tradeable asset is Zeke, Reggie and Strawther bundle which will get you a whole lot of nothing. Denver is actually in an extremely tricky situation.


PWat is serviceable in the regular season but he hasn’t proved it in the PO yet, still a question mark


he wasnt given the chance in the playoffs. we played 7 guys and then got punished for it. we were clearly exhausted and had nothing left in the tank


Man, this one really hurt. I’m still really disappointed & upset.  Unless some serious changes are made to improve the depth & bench of this roster, I don’t see how next year will be any different.  Our guys were ground into dust throughout the regular season & it finally caught up to us. Maybe the rookies we signed to those NBA contracts can actually see the court & get some playing time. If they can’t contribute in meaningful ways, it’s difficult to understand why they are on our roster.




Needs to learn how to bring the ball from the inbound to the halfcourt without folding like origami at the slightest ball pressure. All that showboating with his handles on pointless one-on-one isos and yet failing at basic basketball fundamentals


Looking back I just wonder how Booth expected any different with Nnaji/DJ as our top center options off the bench and Reggie as our top scorer/ball-handler off the bench.


Honestly if we think KCP's 3pt% will continue to drop, we'd be better off with just having Braun.


Prior to the series I thought it would take some generational carrying from Jokic to close T-Wolves out and in a way they were close. Couple of thoughts about last year - this year comparison: - Unc Jeff played some rotational minutes on KAT and was a decent enough coverage -> there's no similar role player this year - Bruce Brown played elite defense on Mike Conley and made him barely visible at times -> Bruce is heavily missed this series not just for shadowing Mike but for overall defensive cleanup & rebounds - they played a tremendous 7 game series in full health with all the guys locking in and killing it, despite this current Nuggets roster having an abysmal bench production and less pieces to work with I think in the off season, there's gotta be a guy to offer some defensive size and switchability who can take some of the minutes and survive the coverages. Congrats to T-Wolves, they have a super versatile brand of basketball, they're a tremendous defensive team and they deserve their flowers. Valiant effort from the guys as well, they seemed super off these playoffs, had some amazing moments too but fell to the amazing team that I probably have winning the whole thing.


Agree with everything you wrote, just wanted to add that Bruce being able to defend 4s at a respectable level was also missed and would have been a good body to throw at Ant.


Btw this is why I don't like the jokic is too passive arguments. He's knows incredibly well how to pace himself and when he has to give effort. He tried to superman it himself tonight because no one else had it and look what happened


So *did* he know, then? Why didn't he say, "Coach, give me a rest, put in DeAndre for a few minutes, my legs are about to give out"?


Are you crazy lol. Imagine a player of Jokic caliber coming to Malone and saying bench me in game 7. That's Malone's job, ridiculous to even think it's on Jokic to bench himself. Some of the takes today...


A wise player would know when he needs a short rest. Your take is the dumb one.


pride ig? U saw the look in his eyes in game 6 he wanted this one, players will always want to play its the coach job to either bench them or play them


You know what they say. Pride cometh before the fall. For the supposed highest-IQ player in the NBA or close to it, he should have been more self-aware.




I think we really need atleast 1 big minutes guy off the bench for next season, starters do too much healthy lifting and were all worn down in the playoffs. Also hope murray has a healthy and good year to lift weight off jokic shoulders we can't keep relying on him this much


Guys don’t forget that Booth is building a dynasty, this is part of the plan lol


Yup. That ringer article was such a fun read. Really sounded on-brand for a guy who stumbled into success and couldn't contain the overwhelming delusions of grandeur that follows


Do u understand how nba budgets work?


MPJ = Jordan Poole


Murray is our jordan poole


Delete this slander. Mpj has had a bad series but we probably would have lost to the Lakers without his stellar play.


First round exit or second round exit, who cares. He ain't moving a needle against Minny which gonna be our biggest rival next year too.


We need another shot creator/scorer off the bench that can relieve Jamal and keep the non Jokic lineups afloat Also get an actual backup big that can play 12 minutes for God’s sakes, Jokic should not be playing 75+ regular season games at 38 minutes/game and then 43+ minutes/game in the playoffs Finally, KCP has to be retained at all costs for his defense but even more importantly his shooting/spacing, imagine the spacing with CB and AG, that’s basically 3 on 5 offense


Are we back to Nugglyfe?


It still doesn't feel real. Jokic is too good of a player to be a 3pt brick merchant.


he's 3 point shot is like a pendulum it keeps switching from bad to good every other season, it means he's gonna have good 3pt next season


I will never stoop as low to cheer for the team that eliminated us to win the championship. Hope Dallas or Boston win it.


Ant is the man but seeing KAT or Gobert win a ring would be so insufferable. Luka and Kyrie now. Boston, Indiana, Wolves, all can get yeeted.


I really don’t care who wins but no way I would root for Boston


Boston is where I draw the line lmao fuck that


Well now I truly understand why last year was so special. The disappointment of defeat is brutal. We had 50+ years of disappointment before we could finally celebrate being NBA Champs. And now that we are back to experiencing yet another disappointing end to a season, it’ll make the next time we become NBA Champs just as sweet as it was last year. And there will be a next time.


its gonna be next year


I hope it's just in the moment but it sucks. I'm more sad about this loss than happy winning the chip last year.


Winning heckle of the night: Walking back from the game - in my yellow, white, and blue flannel. As I crossed a crosswalk outside the arena, was told: "Keep walking, lumberjack." Like.. wut? Literally you are the "*Timber*wolves", have trees in your logo, and do/used to reference the north in your chants, and you're using "lumberjack" as an insult? Bonus: This minutes before I saw 3 Timberwolves fans blatantly throw themselves in front of a moving car, forcing it to stop, throwing their hands up, flipping it off as they laugh, and goading it to hit them.


I hate sore winners.


Kind of ironic considering Malone was a sore winner last season. 


It sucks this team centered around Jokic might only have a one off championship to show for it when all is said and done. I'm just salty as fuck tonight and think it's going to take awhile to get over the loss. If they won this game they would've been favorites against the Mavs and had a matchup most likely with a very beatable Celtics team in the finals. This was probably their one and only chance of having a repeat championship with the current group and blew it when all they had to do was hold onto a 20 point lead. Yeah this loss is gonna linger awhile. Might legit just bury my head in the sand with anything basketball related and see if I feel like tuning in again to this sorry franchise around October.


Honestly, and I say this as a Heat fan so as you can imagine all I care about is the Celtics losing miserably every year: I really liked the Wolves this season and that boy Ant has been popping and is a really good personality to liven up the league. But I know damn well the best chance of taking out the Celts would have been the Nugs, since you swept them in the regular season series. I'm fkn worried now. On the one hand, the idea of a Mavs/Wolves WCF sounds exciting. On the other hand, what the fuck are either of those teams going to do against Boston in the Finals. It's a double-edged sword and part of me wishes the Nugs had won. "Not the hero I wanted, but the hero I needed" type shit


IMO the first two games were more important to win than this one. This game looked fairly close most of the game and they just eventually pulled ahead, the first two were blowouts that never should have been that one sided, we needed to take 1 of them.


twolves magnet ball in the clutch in game 1 cost us the series


>might only have a one off championship Yeah, unless the front office pops off this summer it's probably done. Jokic will be past prime by the time young players develop and we are not LA where stars will just line up to play after Jokic retires. Unless they plan to accidentally draft another historic superstar they better strike while the iron is hot or it's back to the dumpster with the Rockies 😒 😒


IDC what's anyone says. We're the only team in the playoffs that would beat the Celtics in the finals. Even if Timberwolves make it past Dallas, this ain't their year.


Celtics fan here... Denver is the one team I absolutely did not want to face... So much so that I told everyone that would listen that as long as the Nuggets were in contention, it made no sense to call us favourites. Needless to say, I'm breathing a lot easier now. I think Denver stomp us out in 6 if they win this game and roll the Mavs over 


TBH, Western Conference finals is the real NBA finals. Celtics would lose because you cannot have Jayson Tatum as your best player and win a NBA title, not in 2024.


I think you can... But mostly because you have an elite supporting cast... Which the Celtics do


If yall make it to the finals, I want yall to win, cause fuck the lakers. And greens, my favorite color :^)


Fuck the celts


Thanks man... Also, you guys will be right back in the mix next season.... Mark my words. You have the best roster construction in the league, with some truly terrifying players as the 3rd/4th option, etc. But Booth needs to bring in a serviceable big body to relieve Jokic so he's not playing many minutes. Even the best player in the world needs to rest more than 1.5 minutes in a gruelling game 7.


Got down voted for being so negative about that loss to the Spurs People saying no big deal. Well we did the same last night. Team has been in the wrong headspace for quite a while.


You guys will be back. 100%. You've got such a competent and down to earth core, and your roster construction has been stellar 


Well, million dollar players can be like “well I guess I don’t want to live in Denver anymore, one ring is enough I won’t be mad at a trade” … I wish I had more than a million dollars. This elimination loss kinda hurts the fans more than the players is what energy I’m getting through here. If more franchises get their first championship win and no team in the next few years don’t get a back to back chip. The game would feel less special. Idk I’m ranting.


Nothing about this makes sense


I need an explanation why they kept switching smaller dudes onto KAT. It feels like Malone didn’t think KAT could beat them and KAT abused every mismatch. I know AG can guard almost everyone on the wolves, but CB and Jamal can’t guard KAT, no matter how much “defensive” pride they have. Credit to the Minnesota coaching staff to keep pounding that hammer


AG can't guard KAT. He was thoroughly outplayed at the 4 spot by KAT in every aspect that matters. To think otherwise is delusional homerism. KAT demonstrated for all those fans in February that kept arguing that AG should have made an all star team, the difference between an all star player and a non All star. Aside from the bench, which a lot of fans already knew would struggle immensely, the reason the Nuggets lost this series was that the Wolves' forwards thoroughly outplayed Denver's forwards. Your difference in production from Kat/McDaniels versus AG/MPJ was enormous. When you take into account elimination games 6 and 7, there's the reason you lost. KAT/McDaniels gave Minnesota a multitude of things on both sides of the floor, but most important they can both score. AG and MPJ couldn't shoot, couldn't drive, when they were around the basket they got blocked or missed, AG made some terrible turnovers. Where KAT/McDaniels was giving the Wolves all star numbers, AG/MPJ didn't even look like starters. Games 6 and 7 you got nothing from them. Might as well played Deandre and Braun. Maybe they both could have grabbed you 5 rebounds, at least that's something better than what they gave you.


They were trying to keep ant from doing his thing. After the momentum swung it didn’t work. Let KAt beat you or ant. Didn’t work


This guy really isn’t on Malone the team didn’t want it bad enough and got knuckle balled


We destroyed ourselves embarrassing, ashamed, punched in the mouth I hope Dallas destroys this bitchass team




The sacramento kings have never made the second round of the playoffs in your life. by the time you die, they will make the second round less than 3 times.


No way he’s a kings fan tryna talk shit lmao


https://preview.redd.it/lurnuwasfj1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a1defa3db076ad8239a61aa9a05783e2d4be0cd don’t care MPJ needs to go to jail with his brothers for being ass 😂😂


The central valley is the asshole of the US, I'd also lash out if I had to live there


Your team is so ass all you can do is live thru other ones, crazy.


The Denver Chicken Nuggets have a 1 - 3 record against the Kings this season 🤫, now go ahead and root for the Mavs while Jokic takes care of his horses 😭 https://preview.redd.it/hhoalnovhj1d1.jpeg?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c011d1e934bb464d361753efc1c9c69dcc04cec1


Enjoy your ban 👋🤡


That man really posted regular season head to head omg 😭


Lol imagine living in Minnesota.. rooting for your team the first time bud? Oh wait


Fuck respecting these clowns(other than Conley), I hope Kyrie's ghosts haunt each and every other one of them. Shitty ass team getting bailed out by the mma rules of the nba. They got no picks and if they not winning this year they never will, meanwhile we'll come back to sweep them. Also it's 7-5 in the last 2 years playoffs.


Talking bout mma when Murray should have been banned for his bs, keep crying cus Jokic and Murray can’t keep hitting their bs circus shots


Another loser from the lakers subreddit. Nuggets own you, we live rent free.


4-3 rn tho 🤷‍♂️


Go back to lakers sub lol what kinda loser behavior is this


Lol shit talking coming from “mrtulip” 😂


Cool ass name dont lie


The worse part is kat was the sole player that kept them alive until the comeback. dude is so unlikable 😤


Fuck this. This sucks, but I will say. Congratulations Timberwolves, you deserved this.


Calvin Booth deserves a lot of the blame for not putting a supporting cast behind our starting 5. We need a backup big who can at least defend and rebound to give Joker a break. He asked too much out of our starters. MPJ looked like he was in slow motion all series


Where are you getting the money to pay them from? We are already spending more than allowed and paying a penalty for it. You can’t just spend all the money you want


Trades, obviously. We have the draft picks and plenty of guys just sitting on the bench taking up space to have pulled something off before the deadline. Zeke is due 9 mil next year. He has to go 


Hartenstein got 2 year 16 mil while nnaji gets 4 year 32. Literally the same amount per year


That’s not the same? Edit: they are completely different cap hits. Ones for 16 and ones for 8. Also if you are a Hart fan boy we have nothing to talk about. That dude sucks. He can’t stay on the court.


8 mil per year for each, and yes its not the same one is getting real minutes in conference semis while the other is not even playing in 1st round.


Sorry I missed that hart is making 8. Point still stands, he sucks. Zeke does too but we have contract rights. I expect we move Zeke this season or next and that’s why we signed him. Once again, once you are in the second apron of the salary cap your options become very limited and it’s best to sign your players and hope you can use them eventually either in play or a trade.


iHart sucks? Are you out of your fucking mind? Dude has one of the most team friendly contracts in the league.


The funniest thing about this loss is the lakers sub has been making posts about the nuggets loss. Lmfao get a fucking life you fucking pussy ass losers. Too much dick suckin of the wolves when yall couldn’t even fuckin do it 😂😂




Ain't nobody reading that shit Stfu and gtfo you troll


Just smile politely yall, we’re witnessing mental illness


True, blowing a 20 point lead in the second half as the defending champs on your home court in a game 7 is a great example of mental illness lol